Macbeth trailer just dropped starring Fassbender:
Has a very Witcher 3 vibe about it (Despite being Scottish), I think that's cause Skellige is like a mix of Scottish and Scandinavia.
How come you see scottish stuff in Skellige?Has a very Witcher 3 vibe about it (Despite being Scottish), I think that's cause Skellige is like a mix of Scottish and Scandinavia.
I have a question regarding all the junk I'm picking up - you know, bits of meat, alchemy and crafting things, books etc. Even with no main items in my inventory, I'm still using 25/90 encumbrance, so I presume this is all those little items adding up.
What do I do about it? Should I sell loads of stuff, and how do I know what to get rid of?
alchemy is still powerful but having so few slots makes it a hassle imo. Having to open inventory all the time for alchemy items just makes me stick to melee/sign builds.
Considering how you can get saddlebags in novigrad to boost your equipmenet weight to 160, don't worry about throwing things out. Alchemy and crafting things is especially useful if you're crafting end game armor and do not want to head out to fight monsters to collect enough parts to build. Food is pointless, always keep alcohol for meditation and read books and throw em away.
How come you see scottish stuff in Skellige?
I only see Germanic/North-Germanic(Viking) references there....
Aren't just the Dwarves speaking scottish accent?Also, don't half the NPCs speak in a Scottish accent?
Ya know, I remember pre-release when the devs were going on about having 100 hours of content in a single play through, and all I could think was "that number is gonna be generous as fuuuuuck". Well I just hit 80 hours in the game and I'm nowhere NEAR done.
Well done CDPR.
Is there a way to see how long you have been playing on PS4? I'm almost scared to know but I'd like to see in context to what I have accomplished so far.
Can someone tell me how bad this XP bug is? I'm just about to start the Griffin quest but I'm very hesitant to start the quest. I really want to play but don't want to have to restart or go back. Thanks for any info.
Ahhh, well my timer is going to be bonkers then hahaR2 in the inventory screen, although there is a bug where the timer doesn't stop when you put the PS4 in suspend mode.
Macbeth trailer just dropped starring Fassbender:
Has a very Witcher 3 vibe about it (Despite being Scottish), I think that's cause Skellige is like a mix of Scottish and Scandinavia.
I think everyday I go to a point of interest, see a monster i've never seen before, go "WTF is that!" and beeline straight to it while swinging my sword like a idiot.
I was running through the Novigrad fish market going about my business and I happened upon Triss standing on a corner for some reason. Then I remembered I started the A Matter of Life and Death quest forever ago.
I think she's been there for 3 in game weeks.
Ahhh, well my timer is going to be bonkers then haha
Mine actually reset back to 0 this morning.
Looks like a missig mesh. Did you do something in the game files?Whoa, made it to [Act 2]and my Ursine armor is spazzing out.Kaer Morhen
Had to re-equip my Griffin armor set, which doesn't have the same issues. Any time I get that Ursine set out it starts a new Conjunction of the Spheres.
Looks like a missig mesh. Did you do something in the game files?
Best delete the game installation and let the console reinstall.Console version, so no.![]()
Best delete the game installation and let the console reinstall.
Edit: Okay maybe it was a glitch...
Yeah, alchemy skyrockets once you get to last tier of skills and Superior grade bombs/potions.Is an alchemy build less exciting this time around? Hulking out on go go juice was probably my favorite build in W2, but at least by descriptions and early impressions, it doesn't seem as interesting. I'm early in a second playthrough on death march, and the build felt like a slog. I actually drank a respec potion to see how effective signs are (I went straight swordsmanship first time), and things are dying so much faster.
Is it the case that alchemy becomes more powerful later on, when various skills synergize, such as having potion duration stacking, and more available bombs?
Hell, this is one of those rare times someone doesn't post prerelease "done, finished it in X hours" and everyone starts worrying, pulling dev quotes and arguing while waiting for the game to release.Yep, this is one of those rare times where a dev making a comment like that was telling the truth.
I've completed velen and I've only played 40 hours? I thought the game was longer? Even with the next zone, I don't think 200 hours is probable.
I NEED HELP with the Werewolf Quest
I went back. Now he has Full HP and insane Life Reg i can't get him down, i read somewhere that i need bombs. Any tips?
you obviously rushed through the main quest, which takes 25-40 hours. I do every side quest and treasure hunt I can find, plus get all the map points, etc. I'm probably not halfway through the game and I've spent at least 85 hours.
I've completed velen and I've only played 40 hours? I thought the game was longer? Even with the next zone, I don't think 200 hours is probable.
Well, I'm not sure how far along I am in the main quest, but the Velen map is fully explored and I'm meeting Cleaver/Junior in the "main quest".
Just to cut through the hyperbole, the vast majority of time the game runs comparatively fine on the PS4.
The arguments are over the 5-10 percent where there is an issue, but at this point both machines have similar issues with maybe the Xbox being slightly better.
The res is always higher on the PS4 though.
Well, I'm not sure how far along I am in the main quest, but the Velen map is fully explored and I'm meeting Cleaver/Junior in the "main quest".
I don't think I'm going to finish until the Fall.Allow me to visualize.
Beginning ------------- You ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Me------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ending