So I noticed that I have started to get 9xp on all the quests I do.
I see you like the fish.
So I noticed that I have started to get 9xp on all the quests I do.
What do you mean? o.o
Is it confirmed that one of the dlcs is a new game plus option?
This game is incredible. Will Western devs be able to retake the torch? The only group I can see putting this kind of care and heart into a game anymore is Rockstar.
I like Bioware/Bethesda but man, CDPR has changed the field.
Not confirmed, but some of the dlc armor has data for new game plus stats. Some seem to think it will be dlc 9 I believe.
Superior Griffin Armor is sexy, I love the gold.
Do you eventually find the treasure maps to these at vendors?
Sine I reached Skellige, I haven't seen treasure maps to Witcher gear other than Ursine.
They're sold around Velen. Can't remember which vendor specifically. I know the cat stuff is sold in Midcopse.
oh that would be so awesome. I would love to start all over
Triss, but if I could do it again, I'd choose a solitary life for Geralt.Did you guys pick Triss or Yennefer?
I think the decision comes too soon. I know absolutely nothing about Yennefer to commit to a decision.
I'll ignore the "Now or Never" sidequest for now to see if I get more of Yennefer. How long until she appears again? I'm about to go to Skellige.
Also, if you(romancing Triss spoiler)let Triss go, will she appear again? Is there other chance to romance her after that?
Do you eventually find the treasure maps to these at vendors?
Sine I reached Skellige, I haven't seen treasure maps to Witcher gear other than Ursine.
So I noticed that I have started to get 9xp on all the quests I do.
lol its what i eat during a battle to get health backI see you like the fish.
I want to do the same but I really want to play this game, I think about this game during work I want to play this game so bad.Me too once i did main quests in Novigrad, i stopped playing until patch.
Oh, so they're maps that tell you the locations. Didn't even realize it.
There are larger saddlebags.Can you equip more than one saddlebags? I see people with huge inventory capacity and I only got the +30 saddlebag.
Or are there skills that do it?
There are larger saddlebags.
Only up to +100 right?
Where do the low level quests start in Skellige? I know a lot of yall said that they're easy to miss because the game doesnt really push you to go there until you're a lot higher level.
I think I'm out of smuggler's caches
Welp, just finished "The Last Wish" (the quest, not the book) and that was the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen in a video game.
Some time ago I read someone talking about a level 40-something witcher contract. What was that about? I'm level 33 and I've exhausted all contracts, I haven't finished the game yet though. Is there post-game content or something?
I guess you're using some sort of cheat.
? Nah, overburdened doesn't do shit in this game. You can ride the horse, fast travel, heavy punch and spam dodge, etc. I just wanted to clear out the bullshit in Skellige.
Superior Griffin Armor is sexy, I love the gold.
anyone who said no is a piece of trash
I did, I felt bad. Then again I just could not letTriss get on that boat.
It doesn't let you run though.
I have so much money right now I open those shitty crates and either leave everything inside or pick it up and drop it.![]()
anyone who said no is a piece of trash
I did, I felt bad. Then again I just could not letTriss get on that boat.
how do you live with yourself
how do you live with yourself
He's fat.
Excuse me sir, my Geralt is bulky thank you very much!
Wtf is it a glitch when an enemy just continually regenerates?
Geriatrics acting like high school darlings? I've seen cuter, definitely less dumb.Welp, just finished "The Last Wish" (the quest, not the book) and that was the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen in a video game.
Yeah it's a f'ing werewolf. Hard to kill something when I'm doing something like 100 damage and it instantly regenerates 101.Some enemies do that when they lose enough hp.
Ghouls and vampires for sure.
Werewolves too. Maybe elementals as well.
I think I'm out of smuggler's caches
I have no clue how I am supposed to win these high stakes games of gwent. My first opponent dropped 5 spy cards on me and had about 20 cards in his deck before I finished the first round.
This will be fun.
Yeah it's a f'ing werewolf. Hard to kill something when I'm doing something like 100 damage and it instantly regenerates 101.
Edit: Fucking bulll shit!
Edit 2: Fuck these load times!
I wonder if I was scripted to lose that first match. Not only did he get freakishly good cards, I was given the absolute worst possible cards that gave me no chance. I just laughed it off.I've no idea how you'd beat a Nilfgaard deck except with another Nilfgaard deck. The sheer amount of cards they can throw at you is crazy. Though, with spybombs winning the first round should be a priority.
Gwent's so good.
And just a general reminder for everyone: there's a Gwent |OT| for discussion and such right here.
well i just finished that tower quest for kiera and (spoilers for her questline)i did not see that comingi can't believe i had to kill her. i made the sex with her to be sure but then i demanded the research back at the tower after and she starts going all in on me.. this game continues to blow me away