If I ask the barber to give Geralt a clean shave, will his beard still grow back?
Yes, it does eventually.
If I ask the barber to give Geralt a clean shave, will his beard still grow back?
Thanks. It almost seems like they should have two options, clean shave that stays and a clean shave that can grow. I imagine there are some people who want Geralt to always look shaved.
you can get one of the special beards. Those never grow.
Sure, I'm just saying that maybe they should also offer the clean shave as a "special" look that doesn't change as well.
In the South, there is ONLY one kingdom here... It's Nilfgaard.
Romance spoilers.
I decided I was going to go withTriss, now after that scene with Yennefer I feel really bad
Romance spoilers.
I decided I was going to go withTriss, now after that scene with Yennefer I feel really bad
Is there a clip of that scene on youtube? I'm curious.
For your first question, the location will unlock later in the game. I wish the game had made that clearer too.
For the second question, there's a pathway that will lead you to the cliffs in the temple island area. Don't look for the sewers or shit like that, it's on the far left of the area. Stay on the edge of the cliff, keep going down, you'll end up in a cave. Don't forget to pick up the Witcher Hunter armor on the way, it has pretty neat stats.
Velen / Bloody Baron / Family Matters quest spoiler question:
What is the alternate outcome of this?I let the evil spirit out in the woods and both Anna is dead and the Baron hanged himself
Thank you.
To clarify the second, If I am outside and walk to where the marker is from the outside (which ends up being behind a house next to a cliff) is that where I am supposed to jump down from the cliff face or is there a path or something that leads to it? I tried sliding down the cliff a dozen times and died each time or made it to the water and got stuck there.
http://kotaku.com/every-sex-scene-in-the-witcher-3-1706995209Is there a clip of that scene on youtube? I'm curious.
Romance spoilers.
I decided I was going to go withTriss, now after that scene with Yennefer I feel really bad
I thought I'd read it somewhere lol.Er, what gave you that idea?
The exact wording of his wish is never stated, but it'ssomething that binds their fates together. The wish saved her life and impressed her enough that she became infatuated with Geralt, but she's a free spirit and a huge asshole, so she'd rather free herself from being attached to one person, magically or otherwise.
Don't be,Triss is the superior LI
Make sure to send the kid's spirit to the beyond with the Baron's help on your next playthrough. It changes a lot, even for Anna. Then it collides with Ciri's quest.
Don't want to spoil it too much for you, unless you don't plan to beat the game a second time.
Don't be,Triss is the superior LI
Anyone have any tips/suggestion on what I should make sure I DON'T sell or drop?
Should I hang on to any of my starting swords or anything? Any specific ingredients or items I shouldn't break down?
How about those things that seem to sell a lot, like necklaces and rings, should I sell them? Break them down?
Oh...Not talking about those scenes.![]()
Anyone have an issue where the smith in Oxenfurt vanishes? I cant get him back and I have no way to craft my weapons now....
Make sure to send the kid's spirit to the beyond with the Baron's help on your next playthrough. It changes a lot, even for Anna. Then it collides with Ciri's quest.
Don't want to spoil it too much for you, unless you don't plan to beat the game a second time.
Am I the only person that double crossed the people in the Woodland Beast side quest? I kind of want to do it over again but 200 crowns is hard to pass up. Of course I could just buy the fake pass from the guy a few feet away for 100 crowns and use the money glitch to break the game anyway. Hmmm.... decisions, decisions.
Worth noting that, as much as I'm a sucker for Geralt and Triss, the short-lived romance betweenis a fantastic example of how CDPR can do this sort of thing subtly as well.Skjall and Ciri
I strongly suggest that people go down that path when it's presented to them. The late game payoff is very heartwarming.
Mind spoiling a bit for me, Ibut I don't remember it affectingkilled the tree spiritCiri quest
Thanks. I won't prod too much, butwhat kid are you talking about, johnny? Does this option open up if i would have killed the evil spirit?
Goddamn @song. Goddamn.Priscilla's
I had gangs of novigrad fail on me. Was i supposed to?kill junior
Goodness gracious, Triss is so hot and I like her personality. But I also like Yennefer as well and I might go with the canon story. These decisions are killing me. Good job CD Red.
Novigrad has been a buzzkill for me so far.
"Cultural Capitol of the world? The fuck it is!"
Can't wait to be done in Novigrad and back out into the countryside.
I'm going a bit nuts. Trying to upgrade my Griffin Gear, and I can't find anything that drops or disassembles into Monster Tissue.
Anyone know what I need to kill / get for that?
Up to the mission(late game)in the story. Is the game going to be over within the next hour or two?Final Preparations
Is it better than Oxenfurt at least? I was really sad by how little there was to do there...
I'm going a bit nuts. Trying to upgrade my Griffin Gear, and I can't find anything that drops or disassembles into Monster Tissue.
Anyone know what I need to kill / get for that?
God damn it. I bought W3 from GMG and tried to activate it on GOG, as per instructions, no die. Comes up invalid. Anyone else have this issue?