there are no acts, people are just calling them acts. The game never mentions acts
I have no idea what act I'm in. I assume 2,
Just transformed that ugly baby
there are no acts, people are just calling them acts. The game never mentions acts
there are no acts, people are just calling them acts. The game never mentions acts
there are no acts, people are just calling them acts. The game never mentions acts
I think pacing is the issue here. Act 1 is like 90% of the game, Act 2 goes so fast that you'll think you're still on Act 1 (because it's so long) by the time you're starting Act 3.
there are no acts, people are just calling them acts. The game never mentions acts
I have no idea what act I'm in. I assume 2,Just transformed that ugly baby
I have no idea what act I'm in. I assume 2,Just transformed that ugly baby
Maybe I missed out on the beautiful moments because I resented the way she treated me for pretty much the whole game. The game didn't convey to me WHY Geralt felt anything resembling love for her. If she even for a moment seemed happy to see me or be around me, maybe that would change my mind. But all of my interactions with her rubbed me the wrong way. Which is the opposite of Triss.
But that's just my experience. It's a role playing game and I chose to play Geralt as someone who was tired of Yennefer's shit. But I'm glad they put in so many different options and outcomes for everyone to go their own route with romancing these characters.
Nope lol. You'll know when "Act 1" is over when you embark on a quest Isle of Mists, the game will notify you you are about to pass the point of no return, and some of your side quests may fail, which I guess happens 2 more times marking the end of an "Act".
Nope lol. You'll know when "Act 1" is over when you embark on a quest Isle of Mists, the game will notify you you are about to pass the point of no return, and some of your side quests may fail, which I guess happens 2 more times marking the end of an "Act".
well in that case I failed a few quests super early in the game by moving forward with the story, so was that Act 0?
Thanks!!Act 1.
But as some said, don't think about acts too much, some are very short, of course Act 2 and 3 can't be as long as Act 1.
(Light act 2 spoilers). So I just arrived atand I'm looking forKaer Morhen, but they're nowhere to be seen. Am I just looking in the wrong places or do they not show up until later?Keira and this other witcher dude I sent there
They show up later.(Light act 2 spoilers). So I just arrived atand I'm looking forKaer Morhen, but they're nowhere to be seen. Am I just looking in the wrong places or do they not show up until later?Keira and this other witcher dude I sent there
How do I know in which Act I am?
I am talking to Priscila about a play, to attract Dandelion
No, the game displays a warning in this case and the end of the quest marks a significant point in the game. It was the only time it happened for me, I assume that was the and of what everyone refers to as Act 1.
GOG Galaxy keeps track of it if you launch the game through Galaxy. Unfortunately for me I often launched it without it, so my counter was incorrect.Is there a way to tell how many hours you've played using GOG? I have the game through GOG Galaxy and not Steam.
The story is clearly broken into three Acts.
Act 1 = Looking for Ciri
Act 2 =Act 3 =Reuniting with CiriTaking the fight to the King of the Wild Hunt
Maybe I missed out on the beautiful moments because I resented the way she treated me for pretty much the whole game. The game didn't convey to me WHY Geralt felt anything resembling love for her. If she even for a moment seemed happy to see me or be around me, maybe that would change my mind. But all of my interactions with her rubbed me the wrong way. Which is the opposite of Triss.
But that's just my experience. It's a role playing game and I chose to play Geralt as someone who was tired of Yennefer's shit. But I'm glad they put in so many different options and outcomes for everyone to go their own route with romancing these characters.
Come on. Really ?
Triss had no idea where Yen was. If Geralt came back, she must have suspected Yen could be back too. Yen and Triss are good, if not best, friends, with their point of conflict being Geralt. Triss knows Geralt has always loved Yen. But hey, now he does not remember her, so what ? He is mine !
Who cares that they have 20 year history, partially raised a daughter together and after enduring hardcore hardships finally got together? She is gone, he has no memory of her, I will make him mine !
As I said, I cant be too angry at Triss because she loves Geralt and unrequited love sucks.
But its still shitty from her.
And I completely understand Yen throwing out that bed![]()
GOG Galaxy keeps track of it if you launch the game through Galaxy. Unfortunately for me I often launched it without it, so my counter was incorrect.
Patch 1.04 is finally out for XB1. Nice!
By that logic, I'm still in Act 1.
My current story mission isAnd I'm way overleveled (24) for itgathering up friends in Velen, Novigrad, Skellige, etc etc to join in the fight.
I have no idea how much of the game is left. Around what level do you typically end the campaign at?
Nameless quest spoiler
I wanted to clear Skjald of his namelessness. At the end of the quest line, he tells you to go to Donar, but it doesn't really initiate a quest of any kind. So I went to Donar of my own volition, and behold, he had a conversation option pertaining to restoring Skjald's honor. However, the guy flat out tells me that my and Skjald's words don't matter and only blood counts. There isn't any follow-up to that however, is there a way to still ensure his name is cleared? A yes or no would suffice, no later down the line spoiler please.
Awesome! Patch notes out, and does it fix XP bug?![]()
You can't really take the character motivations in Witcher 1 seriously- CDPR was still getting their feet wet and the Triss in W1 was not book/W2/W3 Triss. It was closer to a Triss/Yen combination.
I brought this up before- NOBODY in Witcher 1 does Geralt a solid and fills him in on his backstory. The other Witchers, Zoltan, Dandelion, Shani, etc are just like "can't remember your past? No biggie! Let's move on!" It's unfair to single out Triss.
Witcher 2 is far, far better about it. And, early in Witcher 2, the moment Triss hears from Geralt that Yen is alive she basically says "Our relationship be damned I will drop everything right now and help you find Yen!" She even tries to convince Geralt to stop pursuing Letho so they can work full time on restoring his memory.
Yes, I know, I posted the same thing. Witcher 1 was least consistent with books, they fucked up by replacing Yen with Triss and Ciri with Alvin, and I am sure if they could go back in time and write it differently, they would like to do so. But alas, it is what it is. Thankfully Witcher 2/3 are fantastic, consistent with lore, and they handled pretty much everything as gracefully as possible.
I own Witcher 1 on PC, and Witcher 2 enhanced edition on Xbox 360. Is Witcher 2 worth playing now that I'm balls deep in 3? Or will it seem antiquated?
I don't think I could ever go back to playing The Witcher 2 now that I have 3.
Unrelated shot because I love dat grass
Geralt should have a room so he could hang all those trophies he collected from the monsters he killed
Not directly related but I'm trying to remember one of the short stories. I don't have the time to go back and read it but I think it was Phillipa's first appearance in the book series. I think it was Eternal Fire but I can't find an English synopsis. For many characters the Witcher Wikia only details events of the games.
Well that's why I think it's poor form to place blame and/or motivation for Triss's action in W2 and 3 on anything from W1. And, on that basis, I really don't think she did anything bad even if she feels understandable guilt.
And I don't mind that that they weren't actively looking for Yen at the beginning of W2- one of the first conversations in the game makes it abundantly clear that Foltest will permit neither to leave so even if Triss did suspect Yen was alive at that point there wasn't a lot she or Geralt could do.
Is the Sword of Destiny trailer song in the OST?
I might be wrong, haven't read the books in long while but I think her first appearance is in the Blood of Elves. Eternal Fire may be Dudu's short story.
I think so? Parts of it definitely do appear I.e. "LELELELELELELELELELE"
good to know. How are you getting those far away shots? can you control the camera on PC?