Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Crossbow is a good solution for pesky harpies, just jump in the water and one shot them when they dive. That's about all I use it for.
I only use it underwater as it is a one shot kill.
Nothing I've seen of Yen yet shows why Geralt gives a fuck about her. TW3 doesn't do a good job of catching you up on that from 1&2 if you haven't played them. It seems really weird and out of character for him to be all lovey dovey in almost every response early in Skellige and it's very annoying.
Really? i use it to bring down anything that flies to get free hits, also you can get poison bolts. OR the exploding bolts, those are fun crowd control type.
Really? i use it to bring down anything that flies to get free hits, also you can get poison bolts. OR the exploding bolts, those are fun crowd control type.
Damn the Crossbow and Armour dlc are only level 10.
As per what I know so far, he traded his life for her (Wild Hunt), and she didn't look for him or tried to get reunited with him even though she obviously knew he was alive, and only got back in touch when she needed him and treated him like dirt becasue while he was injured and suffering of Amnesia he had a liaison with Triss.
Manipulative and rather cold, she reminds me of Philippa Eilhart in more than one ways.
Compare that to Triss who (even though can also be manipulative) risked her life for Geralt on more than one occasion (after nursing him back to health in W1), and when reunited (even though he broke off with her when he got his memory back) she goes as far as risking torture and her very life to try to find Ciri. She obviously has a heart of gold (though again she can be a tough cookie).
Imo Triss is the healthy choice, the one that makes the most sense.
Yen is the choice for the obsessive/ unhealthy relationship type. I have little doubt that if the choice came she would let Geralt die to save her own hide. We know that Triss would actually lay her life on the line for Geralt or Ciri.
Also, Triss is a fiery red head.
F* Yen.(I know many did)
You do know Yennefer died trying to heal Geralt when he was stabbed to death by a peasant with a pitchfork during the riots in Rivia?
Damn the Crossbow and Armour dlc are only level 10.
It's been posted ages ago, but the DLC armor scales at least once, but it's pretty high level. You probably have to go see the vendor again when you reach that level.
Quick question regarding the points of no return in the game: I'm currently in Skellige (I've finished the main quests in Velen and Novigrad) doing the "Nameless" quest (the one with). Now, I've read that I'm almost done with Act 1, so I'd like to know whether there is anything that I absolutely have to do before finishing that quest or whether I'll still be able to do everything at the begining of Act 2.Yen at the garden with the werewolf
Quick question: does beddingruin your relationship with Triss? I read some post relating to the quest that suggested the affirmative. If it helps, I sent her toKiera Metz.Kaer Morhen
If you're on PC there's a mod that swaps Griffin Armor's look to the Ursine armor's.
I wonder why they decided to kill Yennefer during that recap. She's described as merely unconscious.You do know Yennefer died trying to heal Geralt when he was stabbed to death by a peasant with a pitchfork during the riots in Rivia?
GOTY and possibly decade for me. Here is a "final" thought about the game:
Spoiler about end:
On the last quest when you go hunting with Ciri, when you start walking back to the town. I was thinking, I wish I never reach White Orchard and I wanted the walk to last longer. That really hit me because it became more than just a game. I felt like I had a real emotional connection to the story and the characters.
damn, sea shells trick no longer works.
Is 18k coins enough for Skellige ?
There any point to keeping the fancy clothes you get when meeting with the Emperor?
can you have more than 160 storage?and if yes,how?
Hah, I liked that the mushroom you investigate in King's Gambit was called mardroem or psilocybe. Someone at CDPR has a bad shrooms experience!
Speaking of that quest, I've seen a lot of praise for it but I found kinda short and lame... I did about 10 minutes of detective work with Cerys and it was over. Is Hjalmar's path that much more interesting?
Yen likes black and white.
There any point to keeping the fancy clothes you get when meeting with the Emperor?
Hah, I liked that the mushroom you investigate in King's Gambit was called mardroem or psilocybe. Someone at CDPR has a bad shrooms experience!
Speaking of that quest, I've seen a lot of praise for it but I found kinda short and lame... I did about 10 minutes of detective work with Cerys and it was over. Is Hjalmar's path that much more interesting?
Yes, sort of.
You'll need them two more times
In Novigrad
Going to the masquerade party with Triss
In Skellige
Going to the wake with Yen, to get the "good" response
But by that time buying the same clothes again won't be that big of a deal, and you'll be hauling those clothes around for a long, long time.
damn, sea shells trick no longer works.
Is 18k coins enough for Skellige ?
Unbelievable writing and performances there. So good. I lost it when they raided Yen's wardrobe.
Don't bother keeping that clothes. You will need some fancy clothes for a few quests, but characters will give you new ones during them.Could I just hold on to the one set and sell the others?
Thanks!Some new info maybe today:
Xbox on patch 1.04 out....
Send me to a monster den if old
Oh God the drinking scene atincredible. Laughed my ass off.kaer mohern
Just finished the game. Absolutely fantastic. Arguably my favorite game of all time.
Completed the game after 87 hours.
Acts 1 and 2 are phenomenal, act 3 is poor.
Overall, the best game of 2015 so far. I doubt it will be the best by end of the year though.
I think pacing is the issue here. Act 1 is like 90% of the game, Act 2 goes so fast that you'll think you're still on Act 1 (because it's so long) by the time you're starting Act 3.
I don't get this hate for Yen. Ther's some really beautiful moments between the two. Yen is perfect for Geralt because he doesn't take orders from anyone, not even the emperor... except for Yen. It makes him so much more a "normal" down to earth guy that he has this weakness for her. The dynamic between them is much more interesting. And it's fun when between the bickering she sneaks in a genuine compliment or sign of affection like when she moans about something Geralt has done only to compliment him on his beard a moment later. And in the end they are really happy to have each other.