Because your experience doesn't transfer directly to another persons experience, and vice versa. Like, when people sit and think "Oh man, this combat is terrible, how can people like this?" for people like me it's the exact opposite thought process. How can people be seemingly so bad at the combat that they call it "dreck, absolute pits" and "inexcusable". Using these descriptors for Wild Hunt's combat systems is so alien and bizarre to me, because on my end it's almost the exact opposite: functional, responsive, strategically diverse, with a clear process of learned skills implemented to improved performance and reward. And again, that's not to argue against room for improvement, but when I think of bad, poorly envisioned and implemented, broken, frustrating, or low quality combat systems, I do not think of Wild Hunt. The combat experience on my end was very, very satisfying, the major criticism being that it became too easy towards the end.