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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT2| Wanted to find Ciri, but everything Gwent wrong

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Can't even grab ledges anymore, Geralt just kicks off the wall. Seems several people have this issue judging from the CDPR boards and other places. Basically can't finish some quests because you get stuck without being able to grab up on a ledge. Tried all the suggested solutions (PS4), nothing works.

Thankfully I already finished the main story but this game has a lot of progression-stopping and game-breaking bugs. A bit too much to my liking. I'll try again in a couple of months to finish it up, but this stuff is absolutely souring me on the game.


Water is not wet!
Just bought the game. Surprised it runs as well as it does on my system. Core2Duo 3.0Ghz and a 750 Ti.

i can see from the tutorial that i need to finish Witcher 2 before starting this. The changes to mobility, combat, and UI are most welcome. A few hours with TW3 and it would probably be very hard for me to go back to finish up the previous game. im late chapter 2 so i think im in the last 30% or so.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!

u mirin


Anyone having an issue (playing on PS4) where it will say "press X" to do something and you have to hit it like 2-3-4-5-6 times or more to get it to actually do whatever the action is? Looting stuff is a pain in the ass. I have to keep rotating the camera to different angles to get the "x" press to "register" or whatever even though it's on the screen.


Will drop pants for Sony.
After beating the game i finally FINALLY get a grasp of how to play gwent. makes me sad i cannot go back replay some of those missed gwent battles. I think my issue was that i was putting the maximum number of cards in my deck and the computer would randomly give me the worst cards from it. Had to drop a lot of cards from my deck so when the game starts the computer doesnt give me crappy cards.

on a side note, the developers should consider a gwent mini-game for PC and iOS that ties into the main game. The cards you win can be used in witcher 3.

Daffy Duck

Haven't played for a while and had a few hours today, it's great to just mooch around and see what's going.

The redanian guard wouldn't let me into oxenfurrt without a special pass so I left him and just swam across.

Over encumbered though and too afraid to dump armour/weapons and can't find anywhere to sell the junk I have, and not sure if I should break down junk or sell it.

Arrggghhh too many decisions. Lol.


Anyone having an issue (playing on PS4) where it will say "press X" to do something and you have to hit it like 2-3-4-5-6 times or more to get it to actually do whatever the action is? Looting stuff is a pain in the ass. I have to keep rotating the camera to different angles to get the "x" press to "register" or whatever even though it's on the screen.

I'm on PC and I found that the "A to loot" prompt does have a tendency to show up, but not work. Namely, if the container is between Geralt and the camera then the prompt appears if you turn Geralt to look at the container, but it won't work. Same if you stand too close to an enemy's remnants or a plant, the prompt is there at Geralt's feet but it won't work.
Not sure if it's the same issue, but yeah those prompts are faulty.
Hey All, my apologies if this has been covered before: I'm probably picking up the game today or tomorrow, is there a noticeable difference between the XBox and ps4 versions of the game. I did some searching around and didn't find anything.

I'm leaning towards XBox, just since I haven't been using that system all that much recently.


Don't know much about the differences, but what I do know is that so far the patches have released on PS4 much, much quicker than Xbone. The XP glitch was fixed like a week later on Xbone compared to PS4 and PC, iirc.


So, I liked the fools gold misión from the las dlc, but what the hell, I only got like 20 exp as a reward, nothing else.


I've just started
"The Play's The Thing"
. I think I might have played them in the wrong order.

No, I've not started them yet.

I agree.

Picks back up big time. Promise.

I hates all the artsy fartsy stuff with Dandelion and whatnot. Was so ready for serious business to resume (it does).
The main quest
Through space and time with the elf sage
has some of the most gorgeous vistas in the game. Some of the things CD Red does with the story telling in this game is almost unrivaled in the genre.



I've done a few side missions, and just below level 3 and all I have to do is fight the Griffin.
My attacks are barely scratching him, and his glancing blows are killing me after just a few touches.


Dijikstra just told me (Act 2)
he wouldn't help at Kaer Morhen because I didn't find his gold
did I fuck up? What happens
without his help?



I've done a few side missions, and just below level 3 and all I have to do is fight the Griffin.
My attacks are barely scratching him, and his glancing blows are killing me after just a few touches.
This is the moment where you either git gud or drop difficulty.
Hey any of you guys have an issue where your crowns are disappearing? I had around 65-70k then I loaded up my game and I'm down to around 4-5k. So I load up a save from about an hour earlier and it's back to normal, manual save went to bed, load up this morning and it's back to 5k again... Wtf is going on?

I think that is the money cap bug that will be fixed next patch. Happens around the 70k mark I believe. The best advice I can give is to spend a bunch of money. Buy greater runestone diagrams or something. This isn't like other RPGs where you save up greater and greater sums of money to buy ever increasing quality of gear, since the Witcher sets are so powerful and easy to make.


This is the moment where you either git gud or drop difficulty.

Feel like it. Why am I level 2 if the quest suggests being level 3?
Did I not slay enough nasties, or is it because it's on Death March?

I wanted to craft some grapeshot, but missing one ingredient and can't find someone that sells it.


is it me or the game has some problems with getting your choices right if you reload the game?
in a mission from radovid

i got philippa's crystal and gave it to him because triss was not avaiable at that part of the story..then i found you can give it to yen too,so i reloaded and gave it to her instead,going to radovid empty handed.
probalem is,when i went again to radovid later in the game,he acted like i gave the crystal to him


I guess I'm done with the game, the first area was some good gaming, then when i got to the next 2 areas, wandering the swamps and hills and fighting monsters I couldn't possibly beat without Quen. But once I hit skellig ilses, the "?"marks were way to few and far between compared to the previous areas, despite how massive it is.. and going anywhere by boat just seemed way to slow to just eventually see a bunch of harpies and treasure gear I'm too high leveled to use.

I pushed through and got to the
Witcher base
, raced that stupid race where you WILL lose no matter how far you're ahead you are because Roach is an idiot when it comes to bridges. Tried that about 8 times before I finally beat the other guy, and was pretty much done with the game. They really nailed the quests and creature design, but I feel like i've seen everything way too early, and my heart isn't in the main story enough to care, and I don't think I can take playing as ciri again, her sections are unfun, despite me liking the character herself. I don't know what it is, there has yet to be an open world game that keeps me enthralled all the way through.




I was going for the Mastercrafted Griffin Armor diagrams/Place of Power that's guarded by a Cyclops. Put up an active Quen to withstand that lil' combo attack the big guys do, and he ended up instantly shattering the thing and knocking me over the cliff. Couldn't help but laugh.


Why do NPCs always walk straight into Geralt after ending a conversation?

Kind of an immersion breaker for me. Literally everyone I speak to wants to chest bump with Geralt after talking to them, then they walk in a little circle before stopping back where they started.

Hilarious. But immersion destroying.

I mean seriously, the thousands of hours of testing and development and nobody thought this was a bad idea? lol


Walked into a random hut a long the road and found a cannibal eating some people.

"Not your lucky day" Geralt said while drawing his sword.

No cutscenes or anything, just a small cool encounter.


is it me or the game has some problems with getting your choices right if you reload the game?
in a mission from radovid

i got philippa's crystal and gave it to him because triss was not avaiable at that part of the story..then i found you can give it to yen too,so i reloaded and gave it to her instead,going to radovid empty handed.
probalem is,when i went again to radovid later in the game,he acted like i gave the crystal to him
It seems like it. I went back to White Orchard and found out that my Geralt is convinced that
the arsonist was hanged.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Dijikstra just told me (Act 2)
he wouldn't help at Kaer Morhen because I didn't find his gold
did I fuck up? What happens
without his help?

Worst that happens is
you will possibly fail Brothers In Arms quest. I was unable to recruit him and Keira and failed.

It didn't have any effect on the outcome.


I think the quest for the Mastercrafted Griffin Steel Sword is bugged.

I've visited this area before, when I did the Witcher contract involving the Fiend, and I'm pretty sure I looted the chest that I think the sword diagram was supposed to be in, but nothing's showing up. :/

[EDIT] - Grah. Just checked my crafting menu. Too stupid to notice that I already got the diagram. I guess the quest is still technically bugged since it's still showing the location on the objectives.

Worst that happens is
you will possibly fail Brothers In Arms quest. I was unable to recruit him and Keira and failed.

It didn't have any effect on the outcome.
I didn't get his help(though I got Keira's) and I managed to finish that quest. I think you either need a certain number of people to come to your aide, or he's simply not essential.

I read that he provides financial support if you find his treasure, but I don't know how that effects your options during the Battle of Kaer Morhen.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Walked into a random hut a long the road and found a cannibal eating some people.

"Not your lucky day" Geralt said while drawing his sword.

No cutscenes or anything, just a small cool encounter.

that happens which is cool. I walked into some soldiers trying to rape a man's daughter, those soldiers met with the pointy end of my steel sword.


Oh almost forgot. State of Reason spoilers:
Why'd you have to go 'n make me do that, Dijkstra? You were such a lovable bastard. :(

I was going for the Mastercrafted Griffin Armor diagrams/Place of Power that's guarded by a Cyclops. Put up an active Quen to withstand that lil' combo attack the big guys do, and he ended up instantly shattering the thing and knocking me over the cliff. Couldn't help but laugh.

Mind control him and kill him without getting hit.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
I didn't get his help(though I got Keira's) and I managed to finish that quest. I think you either need a certain number of people to come to your aide, or he's simply not essential.

I read that he provides financial support if you find his treasure, but I don't know how that effects your options during the Battle of Kaer Morhen.

There ya go, you can miss one and still complete it then.
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