Quick question. Any issues if I out level the main quests? Have only been doing Contracts and Secondary quests but I am already at level 18 and still in the middle of the Novigrad for the critical path.
The quest is now gray and I am getting 5 exp per each step I believe.
I love this game but seriously fuck Roach, that stupid horse
...stop spawning between trees
I can feel a shitty ending in my future based on how therecruiting allies is going. Some small decision early on are biting me in the ass apparently. Dijkstra and Emhyr var Emreis won't help. Crache just gave me the most amazing sword man has ever set eyes on, which was significantly less powerful than the sword I was already using. At least Roche, Keira Metz, Zoltan, Ermion agreed to come, and Cerys sent her brother. I'm guessing there are others I just don't have access to like the Bloody Baron or something. I didn't want to do a min/max playthrough my first time so I accepted a lot of decisions along the way and have stayed spoiler free this long but I didn't anticipate this type of recruitment mission. I hope I don't end up with a terrible ending after all this time.
I can feel a shitty ending in my future based on how therecruiting allies is going. Some small decision early on are biting me in the ass apparently. Dijkstra and Emhyr var Emreis won't help. Crache just gave me the most amazing sword man has ever set eyes on, which was significantly less powerful than the sword I was already using. At least Roche, Keira Metz, Zoltan, Ermion agreed to come, and Cerys sent her brother. I'm guessing there are others I just don't have access to like the Bloody Baron or something. I didn't want to do a min/max playthrough my first time so I accepted a lot of decisions along the way and have stayed spoiler free this long but I didn't anticipate this type of recruitment mission. I hope I don't end up with a terrible ending after all this time.
I just did The Great Escape.Sile survived in my Witcher 2, so she popped up here again. She was a very selfish character who was instrumental in destabilizing the northern kingdoms, but she looked absolutely horrible. I remember Letho called you "heartless" in Witcher 2 for letting her go due to what would happen if she was captured. HE WAS RIGHT. I gave her a mercy kill though.
Annoyances I have so far:
- Textures/music/NPCs taking forever to load if you sprint to a new area, this is especially egregious in Novigrad
- Roach stopping randomly mid sprint
- Being locked into fighting animations
- Too much useless loot
- Waypoint marker being absolutely useless, half the time it shows you the wrong thing
- NPCs spitting on the ground constantly is disgusting and annoying
- Witcher sense thing is not a fun mechanic and the detective aspect would be better without it
These are just my observations. Overall I think the game is good and I'm absolutely addicted but it's not even close to being the best rpg of all time like some publications would try and have you believe.
.Who you recruit doesn't have any effect on what ending you get. It all depends on how you treat Ciri in Acts 2 and 3
Does anyone know where I can get the Moon Dust bomb diagram so I can craft it? Thanks.
I love this game but seriously fuck Roach, that stupid horse
...stop spawning between trees
Got this last Wednesday night. Taking my time with things but I love this combat.
Quick question of a small issue.
Is the music in the main menu supposed to sound like crap on Ps4? It sounds like you are listening to it with some headphones that have a damaged cord.
Roach wasnt made for Skellige.
God Damn playing 'bad guy' Geralt is so awkward sometimes.Taking Cirri to Emhyr and having his guy slowly counting out your coin in front of you for bringing her in while she look's on disgusted was unreal.
Wait a minute, how far am I from the end of the game?I haven't even found Ciri yet.
Cool gif.
Made similar after I got Whirl ability
I love combat in this game![]()
Annoyances I have so far:
- Textures/music/NPCs taking forever to load if you sprint to a new area, this is especially egregious in Novigrad
- Roach stopping randomly mid sprint
- Being locked into fighting animations
- Too much useless loot
- Waypoint marker being absolutely useless, half the time it shows you the wrong thing
- NPCs spitting on the ground constantly is disgusting and annoying
- Witcher sense thing is not a fun mechanic and the detective aspect would be better without it
These are just my observations. Overall I think the game is good and I'm absolutely addicted but it's not even close to being the best rpg of all time like some publications would try and have you believe.
Haha, yeah
And Lambert impersonating Vesemir with the hat and all. Once they contacted that one mage, I just had to laugh. It was actually quite funny. I haven't laughed at a videogame like that in a while
I'm at level 7 and item durability is getting really annoying. It cost like half my gold last time I had to repair my sword, but I did it anyway. I was back to full or whatever high percentage they repair it to. Then I did a night-wraith contract... and I'm back under 50% and in need of repairs. ONE FIGHT. The buggers regenerate and its really hard to seal the deal quickly. Really fucking angry right now. It feels like I have almost no money constantly yet I buy almost nothing but occasional alchemical supplies. Maybe I'll eventually be able to cash in these foreign coins at the bank or w/e but currently this is "financial stress and irritating group combat simulator 2015".
So, I switched from an Axii-/light armor-build to heavy because I liked the look of the Ursine set, and also spent 15 points in Aard. Aard so far is very underwhelming though, it doesn't actually feel like it DOES anything. Am I wrong?
Aard has a chance of knocking down necrophages for an instant kill. Even works on high level Hags on occasionAard so far is very underwhelming though, it doesn't actually feel like it DOES anything. Am I wrong?
Roach wasnt made for Skellige.
Aard has a chance of knocking down necrophages for an instant kill. Even works on high level Hags on occasion
I just finished the main stroryline. What a game.
Annoyances I have so far:
- Textures/music/NPCs taking forever to load if you sprint to a new area, this is especially egregious in Novigrad
- Roach stopping randomly mid sprint
- Being locked into fighting animations
- Too much useless loot
- Waypoint marker being absolutely useless, half the time it shows you the wrong thing
- NPCs spitting on the ground constantly is disgusting and annoying
- Witcher sense thing is not a fun mechanic and the detective aspect would be better without it
These are just my observations. Overall I think the game is good and I'm absolutely addicted but it's not even close to being the best rpg of all time like some publications would try and have you believe.
You and me bothPart in the game where you're helping Keira with the towerGreat game though. Really enjoying it.and i ended up killing Keira. I am actually pretty gutted about this. She was a good character and I didn't see it coming. Shoulda gone back and redone the scene!
Annoyances I have so far:
- Textures/music/NPCs taking forever to load if you sprint to a new area, this is especially egregious in Novigrad
- Roach stopping randomly mid sprint
- Being locked into fighting animations
- Too much useless loot
- Waypoint marker being absolutely useless, half the time it shows you the wrong thing
- NPCs spitting on the ground constantly is disgusting and annoying
- Witcher sense thing is not a fun mechanic and the detective aspect would be better without it
These are just my observations. Overall I think the game is good and I'm absolutely addicted but it's not even close to being the best rpg of all time like some publications would try and have you believe.
Well, I got the worst possible ending.
I guess I didn't treat Ciri right during the final act. The worst thing is, I wanted to say the things that would have resulted in her living, but I wanted to see the actual conversations more which is why I went with her to speak to the Lodge. Oh well.
Thankfully I've got plenty of saves so I'll just go back and replay the last few hours so I can get a good ending. Then after that, at some point, I'll have to replay the entire game so I can choose Yen as my love interest. Hopefully it won't take me 68+ hours to do that.
My only complaint with this amazing game:
Triss doesn't get anywhere near enough screen time. Why have her as a romance option, or even bring her along at the end, if her only dialogue is during her Novigrad quest? Yen is great and all, but Triss needed more time.
Actually, it looks like if I want to get the better endings I'm going to have to replay everything from thequest.Isle of Mists
That's really fucking infuriating. Might as well just replay the game at that rate :l
I can see where you're coming from on most points but I have no idea what you mean here. I'm seriously confused by this complaint.- Waypoint marker being absolutely useless, half the time it shows you the wrong thing
You're annoyed because your plan didn't work and that's cool, but come on, if you take a step back I think you'd agree that a game where your choices throughout the game can actually matter is better and more interesting design than having a "good ending: on/off" switch dialogue choice at the very end.Actually, it looks like if I want to get the better endings I'm going to have to replay everything from thequest.Isle of Mists
That's really fucking infuriating. Might as well just replay the game at that rate :l
On the mini map, what are the white dots, is that the "GPS" to the current active quest?
If so, how come when I put a custom waypoint it doesn't lead there, it still leads to the acti e quest? Design or bug?
You're starting Act 2. If you just focus on the main quests, you still have 10 - 15 hours left.
Agreed on Triss.when you're on the boat near the end, everyone has dialogue options but Triss.. Weird.
Hmm I don't know, for me, the real ending is the one you get the first time. The other / better ending always feel unreal in games. If that means few minutes to redo, why not but I wouldn't bother to re-play all these hours...
I can see where you're coming from on most points but I have no idea what you mean here. I'm seriously confused by this complaint.
You're annoyed because your plan didn't work and that's cool, but come on, if you take a step back I think you'd agree that a game where your choices throughout the game can actually matter is better and more interesting design than having a "good ending: on/off" switch dialogue choice at the very end.