Aside from obviously different style/setting of RPG, TW3 has amazing world building, amazing main + side quests + amazing exploration/adventure. Also well designed characters.
If you love RPGs you'll love TW3. It has set a new benchmark for fantasy RPGs and RPG side quest design in general + exploration/adventure.
It depends on what your facing and how big the level gap is though.
I took down a Person in Distress mission when I was level 8, near the river, against about five or six level 7 guys and five or six level 14 guys.
I had to take it carefully cos the level 14 archers could take most of my health with one shot.
After careful use of dodge, roll, grenades, Axii, Quen and well timed counter attacks I was able to kill them all.
I'm not sure which is better yet, but The Witcher 3 doesn't seem to have dungeons so far
which is a little bit disappointing.
I'm only level 8 and about 20 hours in though, maybe they'll come later.
Aside from obviously different style/setting of RPG, TW3 has amazing world building, amazing main + side quests + amazing exploration/adventure. Also well designed characters.
If you love RPGs you'll love TW3. It has set a new benchmark for fantasy RPGs and RPG side quest design in general + exploration/adventure.
Last night i turned off most of the UI. Just left health bar (which hides when not in combat) and some bars of info for bosses and what not. Not having the mini map is awesome. So much more immersive, and you spend more time looking around than just the top right corner. I recommend it. Having a much better time.
Already gave that a try. They seem to dismantle into Glowing Ore, which is only a component in crafting Dimeritium ingots. Which still leaves me stuck finding the ores some other way. Like I said, the best luck I've had is some of the more rare swords can be dismantled into dimeritium ingots x2.
Well shit, that's good to know. I went with the Griffin gear and I don't remember needing dimeritium, but maybe I dismantled swords at some point like you and don't remember.
Really funny. I've been just wondering every where these past few days and managed to get all these by chance without the need to do the quests. Currently using Ursine but I'll probably go with all the Griffins now.
Enhanced Griffin
Mastercrafted Griffin
Enhanced Feline
Mastercrafted Ursine
Superior Griffin
Also anyone got the Alder Folk gear? I have the boots and they look dope.
Considering how long Bethesda takes to make a game, I don't feel like Morrowind or the other old ones are a valid comparison and I can't think of anything noteworthy that Skyrim does better than W3.
Thought it was going to end with the attack on Kaer Morhen but nope.
And doing that quest with Ciri was fucking amazing. What I wouldn't give for a Witcher 4 that had Geralt and Ciri together the whole time.
Wow I realized yesterday that I'm nowhere near getting to the next area I'm still in Velen just finished the quest finding
Whoreson (what a sick bastard)
I ended getting more quest from
Radovid and Triss
Game being huge is an understatement especially if you take your time like I do .
I must have spent like 5 hours just in Novigrad doing side quest and main quest .
Archers are too OP in this game. I mean, we're talking about homing arrows that take off a quarter of your health at a time. Will the deflection parry cure my ailment?
Kind of. You can imagine the world of The Witcher (the Continent) separated into maybe thirds. Bottom two thirds are the Empire of Nilfgaard. Top third is the Northern Kingdoms, that then divided into four main kingdoms. King Radovid rules a kingdom known as Redania. Nilfgaard has tried to invade twice in the past, and the end of the last game / premise of Wild Hunt is that they've started a third invasion and successfully, eating into half of Northern Kingdoms. By the end of the last game at least two of the four kings ruling the Northern Kingdoms were dead (plotted by Nilfgaard to make their invasion easier), with the third either dead by your decisions, or dead at the start of Wild Hunt after starting a war with Radovid. Ultimately the backdrop of Wild Hunt is that Radovid is the last remaining king in the Northern realms and more or less has a stranglehold on everything, while is also at war with the Nilfgaard Empire, who've successfully pushed up through half the Northern Kingdoms in their conquest to take all.
vizima was conquered by nilfgaard, the southern empire. and they are planning to conquer the North, too.
Radovic united the northern kingdoms by conquest, to have better chances against nilfgaard
Not really. The Nilfgardian Empire is a giant and expansionist power from the south that has already conducted 2 wars against the northern kingdoms. They don't care much about people's cries. Northern Kingdoms were smaller, weaker and in chaos after events of Witcher 2. The two (three really but they're pretty much ignoring Lyria) southern ones, Temeria and Aedirn, were smashed to bits in the war. The two more in the North - Redania and Kaedwen remained but the former suddenly betrayed and attacked the latter. Thus becoming much more powerful opponent for the Nilfgaard.
The questions were simulating your Witcher 2 save and the choices one could make there.
lol believe you mean vizima, vizimir is the old guy you were with. But from what I understand is it's more like picking between to evils. Rado is kind of taking advantage of the chaos in the north. (witcher 2 plot spoilers incoming:
with kings being assassinated in the north, and things going bad, countries are asking for his assistance, where he then basically comes in and takes over the place. Nilfgard is sorta like the roman empire, they enjoy taking over land, and basically trying to take over as much land as they can, stomping through counties in their path, and put them under their rule.
So you basically have these two forces pushing towards each other, which will eventually come to novigrad, which has been long known as a free city, and doesn't take sides.
Thanks for these explanation. So there's not really a good guy and a bad guy. More like factions fighting for territory? And Geralt is not really working for the Nilfgardian Empire, but is only there to find Cirilla right?
I only just arrived at Velen, so I'm not further into the story than this.
Beautiful OT. Witcher virgin here, my partner bought this for PS4 at the weekend and we've been playing together for maybe eight hours in total. Just reached the part where (early-ish spoilers)
you control Cirri for the first time
The combat takes some getting used to and was quite frustrating in the last main quest, especially when you had to
fight enemies inside a shield bubble without leaving it
. He kept rolling and leaping out of the zone and taking a lot of damage. I suspect this may be due to my partner's impatience and lack of experience with this sort of combat, but he had to drop the difficulty to Easy to avoid getting frustrated. Is it better or worse to use Lock-on? Any general tips?
Otherwise we're really enjoying this game: the world is fantastic, voice acting is great and it's very immersive, with interesting characters. We enjoy spending up to an hour at the end of each play session organising the inventory and whatnot - I love a game that makes mundane stuff like that seem fun.
dont know if it has glitched, but I think the fake papers quest is bugged. Think I failed it but it still remains in the secondary quests. There doesnt seem to be a waypoint on the map anywhere. Think it glitched when
I went to the field in an unrelated quest, talked to some guy to watch over the workers whilst beasts come, didnt really do it, went back to the field and beasts were attacking people
I think there are at least three ways to get a pass.
You've failed one of them. Actually I failed that one after I already succeeded one way. Then I did another mission that gave one too.
Here's the ways if you want to know
You can bribe someone near the bridge across to Novigrad to give you a pass. You can get one from the same man for fighting off the ghouls and not letting the scavengers die (you failed this). You can get a contract on the noticeboard from a solider, near the bridge to Novigrad, to deal with a monster. The monster is actually a bunch of Elf bandits. When you go back to the soldier he will give you a travel pass.
I actually just finished all the books last night. Quite an ending, and quite a saga overall. I really recommend reading the books to anyone that hasn't. If you get far enough, have confidence that the fan translations are good,too. Also, when you get to it don't worry that Blood of Elves is a bit slow. The saga picks up later.
It's pretty rad how my timing was with the books. I went into Witcher 1 without reading any, which made sense since Geralt had amnesia. Then I started reading and started to know a lot of what Geralt also knew in Witcher 2 while I was playing it. Now he has all his memory and so do I! It's like I gained it along with him.
I haven't got to the choice in Witcher 3, but man I don't know how book readers could
go with Triss over Yen after that bathtub scene in castle Stygga in Lady of the Lake...
I just realized I totally got a completely mixed up series of events in relation to Return to Crookback Bog
Well before I even did the Family Matters quest I ran into the Whispering Hillock tree and it added the mission to my quests. I did the quest by giving life back to the spirit via the horse. The people of Downwarren eventually got slaughtered because of that decision per usual, BUT Bloody Baron did not hang himself. He took Anna to the mountain healer to try and help her recover. From what I understood releasing the spirit ensures the Baron will commit suicide, but that absolutely did not occur in my game. I did however get the dialogue option to inform the ealdorman that I had released the spirit and he flipped out and later his village was destroyed. I wonder if there is some way you can get the events the way I did or if it resulted from some scripting error due to me doing the Whispering Hillock mission so far in advance.
A cutscene in Skellige had a crab flying around the screen. Immediately after I get a CTD. I'm getting tired of this game's bugs. I've had nearly a dozen crashes now in addition to broken quests.
Playing on PS4, played for almost 40 hours, and the game hasn't crashed once for me. I've barely seen any bugs either, and when I do, it's really minor stuff like a sack floating in a corner which I have to go out of my way to see.
huh, I think novigrad is the best questhub I have ever seen in any game. not just its beauty, life and detail, but the quest quality is really impressive.
I think there are at least three ways to get a pass.
You've failed one of them. Actually I failed that one after I already succeeded one way. Then I did another mission that gave one too.
Here's the ways if you want to know
You can bribe someone near the bridge across to Novigrad to give you a pass. You can get one from the same man for fighting off the ghouls and not letting the scavengers die (you failed this). You can get a contract on the noticeboard from a solider, near the bridge to Novigrad, to deal with a monster. The monster is actually a bunch of Elf bandits. When you go back to the soldier he will give you a travel pass.
I just realized I totally got a completely mixed up series of events in relation to Return to Crookback Bog
Well before I even did the Family Matters quest I ran into the Whispering Hillock tree and it added the mission to my quests. I did the quest by giving life back to the spirit via the horse. The people of Downwarren eventually got slaughtered because of that decision per usual, BUT Bloody Baron did not hang himself. He took Anna to the mountain healer to try and help her recover. From what I understood releasing the spirit ensures the Baron will commit suicide, but that absolutely did not occur in my game. I did however get the dialogue option to inform the ealdorman that I had released the spirit and he flipped out and later his village was destroyed. I wonder if there is some way you can get the events the way I did or if it resulted from some scripting error due to me doing the Whispering Hillock mission so far in advance.
Hoooooly crap. For a game that handles choices and dilemmas so well - even in tiny side quests, the way they resolve relationship drama is so binary and simplistic, it gives BioWare a run for their money.
Twice now the game forced me to choose between "I luv u" and "kthxbai" and neither of those felt appropriate for the situation.
Turning down Yennefer basically requires you to go into full fanfic mode and turn Geralt's feelings into a curse with that awkward dialogue choice.
I don't know if it's like that if you make other choices, but in my game they've set up some really good reasons for Geralt to start caring more for Triss (oh man, she's such a hero in this game), good enough to let Geralt keep his feelings for Yennefer while turning her down, but nope! The long-running love triangle is going to be solved with the breaking of a spell, even though Geralt spends most of this game's interactions with Yennefer being dismissive, sounding insulted and generally cold towards her whenever he wasn't drooling over her artificial good looks and her smell (ugh).
I mean, I know Geralt is supposed to be a bit... simple, but this was some high school romance anime writing, not a fitting end to one of the longest-running narrative threads in the series.
That was such a bummer, I think I'm going to take a break from dialogue-heavy quests and enjoy some peace and quiet, maybe stab a monster in the face and set it on fire. Take a breather, the witcher way.
I just realized I totally got a completely mixed up series of events in relation to Return to Crookback Bog
Well before I even did the Family Matters quest I ran into the Whispering Hillock tree and it added the mission to my quests. I did the quest by giving life back to the spirit via the horse. The people of Downwarren eventually got slaughtered because of that decision per usual, BUT Bloody Baron did not hang himself. He took Anna to the mountain healer to try and help her recover. From what I understood releasing the spirit ensures the Baron will commit suicide, but that absolutely did not occur in my game. I did however get the dialogue option to inform the ealdorman that I had released the spirit and he flipped out and later his village was destroyed. I wonder if there is some way you can get the events the way I did or if it resulted from some scripting error due to me doing the Whispering Hillock mission so far in advance.
if you release the spirit after getting the quest from the three sisters, you ask the spirit to free the children. The sisters curse Anna for it and that ends in her death so Baron hangs himself. If don't free the orphans Anna lives. I'm not sure what happens to the kids though
From the book, the spirit is the mother of the sisters?!! something like that
it' a very good quest, actually several quests tied together. High point of the game so far.
Archers are too OP in this game. I mean, we're talking about homing arrows that take off a quarter of your health at a time. Will the deflection parry cure my ailment?
It will indeed, you can often just deflect them back and almost one-hit them. Alternatively you can use Quen's alternate function to easily regain health.
I just realized I totally got a completely mixed up series of events in relation to Return to Crookback Bog
Well before I even did the Family Matters quest I ran into the Whispering Hillock tree and it added the mission to my quests. I did the quest by giving life back to the spirit via the horse. The people of Downwarren eventually got slaughtered because of that decision per usual, BUT Bloody Baron did not hang himself. He took Anna to the mountain healer to try and help her recover. From what I understood releasing the spirit ensures the Baron will commit suicide, but that absolutely did not occur in my game. I did however get the dialogue option to inform the ealdorman that I had released the spirit and he flipped out and later his village was destroyed. I wonder if there is some way you can get the events the way I did or if it resulted from some scripting error due to me doing the Whispering Hillock mission so far in advance.
Archers are too OP in this game. I mean, we're talking about homing arrows that take off a quarter of your health at a time. Will the deflection parry cure my ailment?
I got the arrow deflection skill but then realised it's almost always useless. I never want to stand still in a fight featuring archers with my sword up, because the other enemies will gang up on me and render being stationary more dangerous than being hit by arrows. Also even against one sword weilder and one archer, standing still blocking is a bad idea because deflected attacks will wear your sword down quickly.
My rule of thumb is: if archers are about, never stop dodging. Just dodge, dodge, dodge. As long as you know where they are, they'll never hit you. And the "dodge, dodge, dodge" reflex is becoming useful for me in fights more generally. If you get used to your resting tactic being just a constant dodge motion, you start getting hit a lot less. Just like in a Souls game - always be ready to dodge.
Did anybody have issues with the devil in the well quest? I got there and used witches sense to see the burnt grass. I jumped in the well and found the bracelet, and then got the body that was hanging and examined it... Yet I can see/ summon the wraith to fight... Any ideas?
Did anybody have issues with the devil in the well quest? I got there and used witches sense to see the burnt grass. I jumped in the well and found the bracelet, and then got the body that was hanging and examined it... Yet I can see/ summon the wraith to fight... Any ideas?
Did anybody have issues with the devil in the well quest? I got there and used witches sense to see the burnt grass. I jumped in the well and found the bracelet, and then got the body that was hanging and examined it... Yet I can see/ summon the wraith to fight... Any ideas?
Yeah .., I read the yellow stained diary. I even meditated to the time they appear. I am beginning to wonder if I did something out of order, and I still get the use wit her sense to investigate.. I heard about s body near bushes... But never saw anything other than the one in the we and the skinless burnt dog looking thing.
huh, I think novigrad is the best questhub I have ever seen in any game. not just its beauty, life and detail, but the quest quality is really impressive.
I'm in the Doll choosing part, what happens if i choose the feather one or the red bead one.? i just wanna know if i'm going to miss somehing good if i pick the wrong one.
huh, I think novigrad is the best questhub I have ever seen in any game. not just its beauty, life and detail, but the quest quality is really impressive.
there's a few gems in between, but most of it is just a lot of running.
The places you visit aren't even memorable, really. I couldn't tell the sewer beneath the b
Beautiful OT. Witcher virgin here, my partner bought this for PS4 at the weekend and we've been playing together for maybe eight hours in total. Just reached the part where (early-ish spoilers)
you control Cirri for the first time
The combat takes some getting used to and was quite frustrating in the last main quest, especially when you had to
fight enemies inside a shield bubble without leaving it
. He kept rolling and leaping out of the zone and taking a lot of damage. I suspect this may be due to my partner's impatience and lack of experience with this sort of combat, but he had to drop the difficulty to Easy to avoid getting frustrated. Is it better or worse to use Lock-on? Any general tips?
Otherwise we're really enjoying this game: the world is fantastic, voice acting is great and it's very immersive, with interesting characters. We enjoy spending up to an hour at the end of each play session organising the inventory and whatnot - I love a game that makes mundane stuff like that seem fun.
Only use lock on sometimes - it can actually make thing more difficult when you're surrounded by fast, leaping enemies like Nekkers or Drowners.
Use dodge in close combat most of the time. It usually positions you flanking or behind the person you are focused on and, unlike roll, it doesn't use stamina up.
If you are facing a group with archers try to get the archers first unless you can use cover to block their sight lines.
Use Quen against fast leaping enemies if you are having trouble dodging them.
Once you enter combat you can't apply oil to your weapons but you can use the inventory screen to change which grenades you are using, to drink potions (whether in quick slots or not), change which potions or food items are in the quick slots. Note that although you can drink potions whether they are in the quick slots or not, to eat food you have to put it in a quick slot and use it the normal way.
That bit you did where you had to fight creatures in the bubble - I used Quen and then Igni on the critters. If you position yourself towards the middle off the bubble you can quick attack two or three times before you have to leap back with dodge To avoid leaving the bubble.
I'm in the Doll choosing part, what happens if i choose the feather one or the red bead one.? i just wanna know if i'm going to miss somehing good if i pick the wrong one.
Yeah .., I read the yellow stained diary. I even meditated to the time they appear. I am beginning to wonder if I did something out of order, and I still get the use wit her sense to investigate.. I heard about s body near bushes... But never saw anything other than the one in the we and the skinless burnt dog looking thing.
Is the game actually telling you to start the ritual? IIRC you have to go to one side of the well and examine a couple of items that are immediately to one side of it. I think it's the opposite of the well the main gate into the settlement. You have to walk all the way around the well. Took me a minute of running around with senses on to find this. It's like the bracelet and clothes or something. Remains maybe.
Otherwise, I recall having to go talk to someone about it. Hope you game's not glitched. What platform you on?
There's also more stuff in one of the houses
you have to use Aard to blow through a load of debris to get to the other half of the house. There's important stuff there.
Super late to the party, but OT title is so true it hurts^^ 14 hours in and 6 have been gwent related. I really need to start helping the baron before this becomes "Gwent simulator 2015."^^
The quests in this game are so incredible.
The thought and care behind each of them is probably the most evolutionary part of this game compared to something like Skyrim or DA:I
I just want to stay in this world and never leave.
so about Lena you meet early on with the herbalist at Orchid.
so does any other quest like this continues after ending?
At the huge Nilf camp, in south of Velen a solider comes to me saying that he was the lover and that Lena has now pretty much lost his mind because of my potion and that he doesn't know if this is better than death...nothing ever ends well.
about witcher potions there was another note during Griffin's treasure hunt,
some guy stolen Griffin's belonging after him being wounded by dragon and wants to run a business with his potions, trying them himself. Hilarious stuff....