GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
You have to craft them in alchemy.Guys, where can i get albedo and rebis for my last two Ursine ingredients?
You have to craft them in alchemy.Guys, where can i get albedo and rebis for my last two Ursine ingredients?
Statuettes quest:"Coral is not here ? In that case, come to me succubus !"
I'm not the only one who have started calling everyone i don't like whoresons right?
I feel like I've pretty much run out of stuff to do except the last main story mission and a bunch of Gwent quests. I'm only level 24. Is that normal? Or have I missed a lot? I'm hearing about people being level 70 but I just don't see how that's possible?
So, uh (Possessed quest spoilers)how did that baby get out of the oven?
So, uh (Possessed quest spoilers)how did that baby get out of the oven?
No, I have added this word to my everyday vocabulary along with ploughin' and soddin'
So I am looking of videos of the other endings of the game and man the console versions look terrible. The PS4 version has low res textures and a frame-rate in the low 20s.
You don't think it's strange for this traveling man who wanders all over the place to have a permanent home? Nothing out of character?
If they're going to have a storage system, they should just make it like in The Witcher 2.
Geraltdidn't use Quen, in fact he was "fooled" by Cerys too, otherwise the trick wouldn't work.
Yeah the FPS is a real pain on the PS4. During the final sequence it's even below 20, really takes away some of the awesomeness of it.
I can now see why so many PS4 owners didn't think The Witcher 3 had the best graphics out there in the thread I made.
Just did Reason of State, spoilersDammit.dammit Dijkstra, why do you have to be such patriotic fool. I do not want to kill him but obviously I cannot let him kill Roche and Ves. God dammit. This is one instance in the story where I am not happy with either choice here. What I would like to be possible, is defeat the Dijkstra's entourage, cast Axii on Dijkstra himself and punch him unconscious, knock some sense into him without killing him.
Not all quest parts give xp. Which one was it?
So, uh (Possessed quest spoilers)how did that baby get out of the oven?
Yeah, i agree. Dijkstra is one of my favorite characters in the game. I thought he was more of a bro to Geralt than that. But like you, there was no way i was going to let him murder my other bro Roche.
Meh, i think it looks incredible on the PS4. However, the graphical fidelity of games isn't something i really pay much attention to.
Speaking of "Reason of State" could anyone else not complete it? I did what the above poster did and was told towait until things calmed down. But after that I never saw the market for the secondary quest ever again. By the time I went to do the final mission it says I failed the quest.
I can now see why so many PS4 owners didn't think The Witcher 3 had the best graphics out there in the thread I made.
Stull quite a bit to go
so question on the outcome of this...
im on my second play through and I let djikstra do whatever he wanted. the reason was I read that if you side with Roche ciri is more prone to become an empress. I wanted her to become a witcher. which she did. I am now hearing you CAN side with Roche and have ciri as a witcher still. and that the only difference in options you make is whether you choose to have ciri meet the emperor or not. can anyone confirm this?
Wondering how much I have left.
I just got to the quest where I'm gathering friends to go to the misty hidden Isle looking for Ciri.
Hehehe no, in factCharacter spoilers for, uh, the dramatic sequence that takes place in a castle (the name of the quest itself is a spoiler!):
I presume Cerys joins up if you make Hjalmar king?
so question on the outcome of this...
im on my second play through and I let djikstra do whatever he wanted. the reason was I read that if you side with Roche ciri is more prone to become an empress. I wanted her to become a witcher. which she did. I am now hearing you CAN side with Roche and have ciri as a witcher still. and that the only difference in options you make is whether you choose to have ciri meet the emperor or not. can anyone confirm this?
Done after 117 hours. What a ride. Now the wait for Toussaint.
Trying to grind out the 50 headshots achievement.
What a fucking nightmare. I have no way of knowing what counts as a headshot and what doesn't.
Feels like I killed 50 of them long ago. Probably something CDPR threw into the game without actually play testing to see if it was practical.
Damn this game is way too big for me. I can't find any quests or contracts that are suited for my low level. I think I'm just going to power through on easy.
Character spoilers for, uh, the dramatic sequence that takes place in a castle (the name of the quest itself is a spoiler!):
Does Lambert die if Keira is not there to save him? What does Letho do if you recruit him to the fight? Can you get Dijkstra to come at all and what does he do if so? And I presume Cerys joins up if you make Hjalmar king?
Character spoilers for, uh, the dramatic sequence that takes place in a castle (the name of the quest itself is a spoiler!):
Does Lambert die if Keira is not there to save him? What does Letho do if you recruit him to the fight? Can you get Dijkstra to come at all and what does he do if so? And I presume Cerys joins up if you make Hjalmar king?
Not a new/unknown bug. Had that happen on my first playthrough. Just restarted the quest and it fixed it.So I found a MAJOR bug inReasons of state
When you need to kill Radovid, you can get stucked just in front of Radovid, with no cutscene triggering after you defeated all soldiers. To avoid this, I found only one way: when the fight starts, just run directly in front of Radovid. Here, kill all opponents. Yeah, it's BLOODY hard because there are a LOT of shielded dudes, but you can manage to defeat them by playing safe and control their minds, plus Igni. When all soldiers will be gone, the cutscene should trigger.
First this guy
Lambert dies yeah
Letho joins you and Lambert on the hunting party
Dijkstra sends financial aid
No idea about Hjalmar/Cerys
Read the description for the first, smaller expansionHim? The guy from the tavern in the prologue?
The Quen is justThere's a quen spell effect cast inside the oven, look again.He may be fooled but doesn't mean he can't make some sort of back plan for the baby
The Quen is justso the door can't be opened by the possessed dude. There's a dramatic close up of it thwarting his attempts to open the door a split second after Geralt casts it. If Geralt didn't feel guilt/anxiety over the death of the child then the plan wouldn't work.