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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT2| Wanted to find Ciri, but everything Gwent wrong

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Älg;169391320 said:
It makes me really sad that I'll probably finish the game way before all the DLC is out, and I'm not the type of guy to stay with a game once I've finished it.

Was able to finally finish the game yesterday and feel the same way. With Batman and a bunch of other games coming out i'll probably have a hard time going back to play it. That was one of the reasons why I never went back and played that Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC.


Lore related spoiler from almost the end of what I believe is Act 2

When Ciri tells Geralt about the world where Avallach took her to to hide from Eredin. Is that.....*gasp* Cyberpunk 2077?
Also, new DLC announced


YES! More trollses are always welcome.
Lore related spoiler from almost the end of what I believe is Act 2

When Ciri tells Geralt about the world where Avallach took her to to hide from Eredin. Is that.....*gasp* Cyberpunk 2077?
That's what I immediately thought, too. Wouldn't it be fucking amazing if Ciri was the protagonist in Cyberpunk 2077?


I'm fully kitted out in Mastercrafted Feline Armour, plus the two swords and the crossbow. Am on Final Preparations. After the main story, just have around 100 ?s in Skellige and a ton of Witcher contracts to do. Hope I don't burn out before then, and hope not too many of those ?s are water-based with flying sods guarding them.
Came back from two weeks not playing, So I'm on a quest in Novigraad called Get Junior.

It says read the documents you found.

I have no documents in my entire inventory that trigger this.
*happily married with son*
*tells two sorceresses that he loves them, what could possibly go wrong*


I was at least expecting an ultimatum point where you have to make a choice like in Bioware games lol. I suppose CDPR don't play like that.


Im finding the game really hard, can somebody give me tips?
How patient should i be in fights? Balance defense and attack? Or more bias on attack?

What about these potions, i have some recipes, but not sure how to find missing items to make them, where do you get these parts from? When i did an early side quest (ghost in a well), he says make some wraith oil, how do you do that? I dont have that recipe, nor know how to get it.

Im about 10hours in just doing the stuff with the Baron.

I have equipped 3 upgrades, Igni, the push away magic thing, and a combat one, all equipped, and a green mutagen also.

What are good ways to make Geralt stronger before i try more story missions, just side quests?


Oh my god why are they so obsessed with Rock trolls being in every quest?

That Skellige armor looks sick though, especially on the horse. Very Mongolian.


Just wanted to pop into this thread to proclaim that Deathmarch is where the challenge is. Blood and broken bones is easy mode by comparison. Damn, every fight is a pain, and I have to be much more resourceful. I'm actually using all the food I collect instead of throwing it out or selling it like I did in B&BB.

Three trophies to go- gonna be an interesting ride.

As daunting as this game is, i would gladly return to play on a higher difficulty if there was a new game +. I just feel like such a badass with my griffin armor and casting spells with very little cooldown that i don't want to relive the experience without it.

I pretty much hated yrden when i first started the game but now with all my upgrades and runestones, my yrden is pretty OP and i love it.


I apologize for the dumb question. But how do I add the free dlcs to my game? I have the Store bought version hooked into GoG Galaxy. I downloaded the free dlc from the galaxy site but haven't seen signs of it in the game.


Anyone see a bruxa yet? They made a whole launch trailer dedicated to one but I haven't seen this monster in game.

Also where is the vampire that's sleeping in a coffin and tells you to "fuck off" from the trailers?


They should add level scaling for the DLC armor. I'm guessing that the new Skellige set will be for 15-20 level so it will end up being useless for people who have already finished the game
They already do. Temerian scales to at least level 27 and Nilfgaardian scales to 37 or so.

YES! More trollses are always welcome.
I hope we get to cocksuck shoeses make.

Also where is the vampire that's sleeping in a coffin and tells you to "fuck off" from the trailers?
In the Novigrad sewers.
It feels like there are few level 35+ quests. I think I've only got 2 Witcher Contracts no sidequests left at around level 30. Should I keep checking notice boards or what am I missing? I have bunches of question marks left too.


Gold Member
85 hours in. This might be the most time I've spent playing a single game. I know it's nothing amazing cause I've seen people with hundreds or thousands of hours in a game but for me it's special. If there is a game I've played more than this it'll be a GTA, THPS, Pokemon, Elder Scrolls game. But considering I'm not even finished TW3 yet and the expansions will add another 30-40 hours...this will easily become my most played game of all time.


It feels like there are few level 35+ quests. I think I've only got 2 Witcher Contracts no sidequests left at around level 30. Should I keep checking notice boards or what am I missing? I have bunches of question marks left too.
The game has to end sometime. You are at that point.
I apologize for the dumb question. But how do I add the free dlcs to my game? I have the Store bought version hooked into GoG Galaxy. I downloaded the free dlc from the galaxy site but haven't seen signs of it in the game.

Well the armor sets are sold by merchants, The temerian one is sold by the merchant in White Orchard that you save and the Nilfgardian set is sold by the quartermaster in Crow's perch. The alt costumes can be turned on/off in the main menu under the Downloadable content tab, but you have to do it before starting the game.
Me too! I bought the guide book as well, help me along, I'm a veteran RPG player but having trouble getting immersed in this. I'm around 12 hours in.

My main issue is how complex the inventory is. Dozens of ingredients, potions, etc. How am I supposed to remember which potion to apply to the sword before a certain battle? Without the guide I would be utterly lost. (This is the first guide book I've ever used since dragon warrior on NES lol).

Second issue is story. What exactly is the goal here? It started with me looking for Yennifer, I get that.
Then when found she treats Geralt badly, we ride away together, get attacked, and a few hours later I'm assigned to look for Ciri...
but for what purpose? Having a hard time following the story...and the point of all this.

Now I'm at the part where I'm looking for the
Baron's family, people keep attacking me, and no mention of Yennifer anymore?nor Ciri? Again, it's like I've been sidetracked from a main purpose for which I'm still uncertain of the goal.

Anyone have some insight? Help is appreciated - I want to love this game!

You apply oils to the sword, not potions. Which one to use? Well, it's frigging easy: necrophag oil against necrophags, hybril oil against hybrids, construct oil against constructs, etc etc. Each type of monster is in the bestiary. After a while you should learn what type is each. Same with potions. Just mouse over and you will see the effects, after a while you memorize them, at least the important ones.

The goal, as the emperor Emhyr explained to you, is to find Ciri. Who is the little girl that appeared in the prologue in your dreams, you were remembering her infancy when she lived with you.
Ciri is Geralt's adopted daughter and a child of the prophecy. She is a lord of time and space and can move between worlds and times freely.

The reason why Geralt is after her is because he knows that she has appeared and knows the Wild Hunt follows her.

The Wild Hunt follows her
is because they think she can create a portal between their world and the world of Witcher 3

Everything you do in the main quests is about following Ciri's trail and making sure that the Wild Hunt doesn't get to her.

I suggest watching this series of videos if you want to familiarize yourself with the lore of the world more:


This was really helpful, I owe you one, thank you!
Im finding the game really hard, can somebody give me tips?
How patient should i be in fights? Balance defense and attack? Or more bias on attack?

What about these potions, i have some recipes, but not sure how to find missing items to make them, where do you get these parts from? When i did an early side quest (ghost in a well), he says make some wraith oil, how do you do that? I dont have that recipe, nor know how to get it.

Im about 10hours in just doing the stuff with the Baron.

I have equipped 3 upgrades, Igni, the push away magic thing, and a combat one, all equipped, and a green mutagen also.

What are good ways to make Geralt stronger before i try more story missions, just side quests?

Are you using Quen a lot? It makes a lot of fights a good bit easier. I don't know if it's something that you want to do but yes side quests and contracts will usually reward you with some nice gear and a number of recipes etc.

In general though you just really want to allow the monsters to attempt to attack you, dodge them, hit them a few times and repeat.

If you are against humanoid enemies and having trouble you might want to invest in the skill that allows you to parry arrows. Axii is also very strong again humanoids I have found as you can proc the instant kill quite often when attacking them when stunned.

If you are against a single enemy, i.e. a grave hag, you can use Axii, wait until your energy has recharged, attack a few times, use it again, repeat. Effectively stun locking them.

Investing into the first two skills for whichever attack you prefer it also very helpful.

Abuse Igni if you are fighting a difficult enemy, if it has a green name plate, i.e. not 6 levels higher than you, and is also not a golem or other rock monster, the likelyhood is that you can set fire to them, which seems to burn them for a significant portion of their health.
If you can dodge well enough you can kill most anything with around 3-4 burns which is say 6-7 igni's depending on luck, might be better with skill Igni.

As for specific skills

  • Delusion
  • Exploding Shield
  • Active Shield
  • Firestream
  • Magic Trap
  • Muscle Memory (Or Heavy Attack version)
  • Precise Blows (Or Heavy Attack version)
  • Cat/Bear/Griffin School Techniques (Depending on preferred armour)
to name just a few useful ones.

Lastly, if a specific enemy is giving you problems remember to read to bestiary for it.
Potions, bombs and decoctions are replenished with alcohol when meditating so use them willingly. Oils have infinite uses as far as I can tell.
Fire Stream (Igni Alt) is amazing. I feel foolish for doubting its usefulness up until now.

And, at last, I found (Novigrad Act 1 spoilers)
a reference to Shani, during the Carnal Sins quest. Every callback to Witcher 1 has been superbly handled - subtle, yet entirely welcomed. The Jaques De Aldersberg one is particularly impressive.


Im finding the game really hard, can somebody give me tips?
How patient should i be in fights? Balance defense and attack? Or more bias on attack?

What about these potions, i have some recipes, but not sure how to find missing items to make them, where do you get these parts from? When i did an early side quest (ghost in a well), he says make some wraith oil, how do you do that? I dont have that recipe, nor know how to get it.

Im about 10hours in just doing the stuff with the Baron.

I have equipped 3 upgrades, Igni, the push away magic thing, and a combat one, all equipped, and a green mutagen also.

What are good ways to make Geralt stronger before i try more story missions, just side quests?

Patience is the best way to handle fights until you start to have strong dedicated build. Attack, attack, dodge (not dive, diving uses stamina) is the best course of action for most enemies. It's not like hack n slash games where you can just constantly be aggressive with attacking and have it pay off. Try to refrain from fighting things that are more than 2 or 3 levels higher than you. If the enemy has a red skull over their head with a red number for their level, it means you're gonna be in for a tough time if you commit to fighting them. If you stumble across an enemy that has two red question marks instead of numbers, just run away

Don't bother locking on to enemies if you're facing a group. Only lock on when your 1 on 1

The key thing to know about potions which i don't think the game ever actually tells you is that you only need to make a potion once in order to have access to it forever. So if you're in the alchemy menu and you see you have the ingredients to make the potion/decoction/bomb/etc, there's really no reason not to. Your items refill when you meditate (assuming you have alcohol which if you're doing a lot of looting you probably have a good amount of). All the potions refill with one meditation so to get the most out of it, you shouldn't meditate unless you've used a lot of potions that need refilling.

If a quest giver tells you to use a certain item/potion/etc, they will usually give you the ingredients/recipe to craft it. If you open your alchemy menu it will be all the way at the bottom under quest items rather than being mixed in with the list of normal potions

As far as upgrades and determining your build, when you go to the character screen, on the right side you'll see 4 quadrants. Each quadrant has 3 squared slots and a diamond slot. The 3 squared slots are where you put the upgrades that you want to equip (from the left side of the screen) the diamond slot is where you can equip a mutagen. The way mutagens work is that they give a boost to any upgrade of the same color that's in that quadrant. So from what you described it sounds like you have two blue upgrades and a red one equipped. Your 2 blue upgrades would get a boost if you swapped the green mutagen for a blue one. So ideally, to get the most out of your upgrades, each quadrant should be full of the same colored upgrades and mutagens but they don't have to be. Also, the only way for Geralt to reap the benefits of upgrades that you've put points into is for them to be equipped and slotted. So you definitely want to min-max and not put points into things that you don't plan on having equipped for long.

Witcher contracts are the best way (outside of main missions) to get good amounts of XP. A lot of side missions, unless they turn out to be really in depth and go on for a long time, don't give you a ton of XP. It seems like the devs tried really hard to make it so that you can't overlevel too much in terms of where the main story wants you to be.

Also, invest atleast one level into Axii. This allows you to manipulate people in some conversations and dialogue. Not only will using this option in conversation usually save you from getting into a sticky situation but you always get XP from using it as well
Fire Stream (Igni Alt) is amazing. I feel foolish for doubting its usefulness up until now.

And, at last, I found (Novigrad Act 1 spoilers)
a reference to Shani, during the Carnal Sins quest. Every callback to Witcher 1 has been superbly handled - subtle, yet entirely welcomed. The Jaques De Aldersberg one is particularly impressive.

Why do I hate that sign? I upgraded to the stream after hearing everyone say how amazing it was and I rarely if ever use it anymore because unlike the original Igni sign enemies seem to just run right through it at me. Yes, they will take some slight burns but it doesn't stun them at all like the original version does. Because of the slowness of the animation and how close I seem to have to get to burn them I almost always take a hit when trying to use the stream version of Igni


Fire Stream (Igni Alt) is amazing. I feel foolish for doubting its usefulness up until now.

And, at last, I found (Novigrad Act 1 spoilers)
a reference to Shani, during the Carnal Sins quest. Every callback to Witcher 1 has been superbly handled - subtle, yet entirely welcomed. The Jaques De Aldersberg one is particularly impressive.

I absolutely hated Fire stream at first. I actually respecced because of it but now that i got my yrden incredibly strong (73% slowdown and counting!) Fire stream just destroys these guys as they slowly attack me. I like the fact that you can actually move while doing it as well.

Why do I hate that sign? I upgraded to the stream after hearing everyone say how amazing it was and I rarely if ever use it anymore because unlike the original Igni sign enemies seem to just run right through it at me. Yes, they will take some slight burns but it doesn't stun them at all like the original version does. Because of the slowness of the animation and how close I seem to have to get to burn them I almost always take a hit when trying to use the stream version of Igni
I hated it for the same reasons but if you have a strong yrden the combination of the two is damn near god tier.

Also IIRC, i think the burning is what actually stuns them. My igni has 100% burning so when i use it most enemies just squirm there and take it. Only a few enemies like rock trolls and cyclops' don't seem to really get stunned but even then, with yrden and the ability for me to still move around while using firestream, it's not a big deal anyway.
Poor Kalkstein :(
Oh, man. That was so rough.

In my mind, I was all hyped at the chance to find Kalkstein... and then I heard what happened. At least it was a fitting death for such a cool guy - out with a bang.

Witch Hunters and the Eternal Fire (in general) suck.
Why do I hate that sign? I upgraded to the stream after hearing everyone say how amazing it was and I rarely if ever use it anymore because unlike the original Igni sign enemies seem to just run right through it at me. Yes, they will take some slight burns but it doesn't stun them at all like the original version does. Because of the slowness of the animation and how close I seem to have to get to burn them I almost always take a hit when trying to use the stream version of Igni

It's useful against stronger, slower enemies, that are generally resistant to Aard. Burning them is a good alternative to whittling them down with swords. I'm not sure if the burn effect is any stronger than normal, but it sure seems effective to me.


Why do I hate that sign? I upgraded to the stream after hearing everyone say how amazing it was and I rarely if ever use it anymore because unlike the original Igni sign enemies seem to just run right through it at me. Yes, they will take some slight burns but it doesn't stun them at all like the original version does. Because of the slowness of the animation and how close I seem to have to get to burn them I almost always take a hit when trying to use the stream version of Igni

You're suppose to use it after dodging an attack. After a few seconds, It'll stun the enemy.
I want to make 100% sure before I continue,
I was watching some scenes on Youtube last night about the Yen/Triss romance arc, for example with Triss you can live happily ever after, etc. If you get that "It Takes Three to Tango" questline, are you automatically kicked out of any possibility for a happy ending with Triss or Yen?


Also this. Takes some getting used to. I keep trying to replicate the Witcher 1 Intro Cinematic moment where Igni stops the Striga from attacking Geralt.

Man, I never noticed, but having just reread the first novel, that intro is really incredibly faithful to the books description.
A shame they never really got the gameplay to that standard.

I want to make 100% sure before I continue,
I was watching some scenes on Youtube last night about the Yen/Triss romance arc, for example with Triss you can live happily ever after, etc. If you get that "It Takes Three to Tango" questline, are you automatically kicked out of any possibility for a happy ending with Triss or Yen?

Apparently yes.
I want to make 100% sure before I continue,
I was watching some scenes on Youtube last night about the Yen/Triss romance arc, for example with Triss you can live happily ever after, etc. If you get that "It Takes Three to Tango" questline, are you automatically kicked out of any possibility for a happy ending with Triss or Yen?

From what I know,
that's exactly what happens, you will get another slide, instead of "playing husband with Triss or Yen" slide. But to be honest, it's more a vanity thing to get that slide, because that's it, it will be a slide. The final hours of the game is focused on Ciri, not on Geralt and his romantic relationships.
Hey all, checking in again :)

I'm at the part now where I am to
recruit followers to help me defend kaer morhen against the wild hunt"
how close to end game am I?


Thanks for the tips, i was so confused on how to get that starter thunderbolt potion back, i cant make any more of it, i didnt know you had to meditate to replenish them.

Just rage quit after entering this level 5 side quest, finding a missing woman in the forest only to find a big werewolf which i cant seem to beat just yet! My guy is level 4, didnt think it would be too hard lol.

Im mainly using Igni at the moment, will try Quen.
From what I know,
that's exactly what happens, you will get another slide, instead of "playing husband with Triss or Yen" slide. But to be honest, it's more a vanity thing to get that slide, because that's it, it will be a slide. The final hours of the game is focused on Ciri, not on Geralt and his romantic relationships.

You know, I was bummed with this plot outcome at first when I got to it, but then I realized that is essentially the "witcher path" outcome when you think about it. I actually prefer the ambiguity it leaves you with.
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