The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT3| Metz Some Ploughing Good Ladies In the Forest

Just finished the game, really loved it but very annoyoed with
getting the bad ending for very vague decision I made, who thought that was a good idea
But in the process of "being good", you
undermined Ciri's confidence and trust numerous times
I could see how it could be assumed that
you're just keeping her focused.
Which would seem like a good thing. Also I thought at the time that
going into the meeting with the lodge would have been a good thing.
Luckily I still did the other stuff necessary.


Doing the quest Stranger in a Strange Land and after getting arrested and getting through the trial I am released to help

However my main weapons and cat gear are not returned to me. I've tried googling it and don't understand where the hell my gear has gone to.


So it was probably a mistake playing on the hardest difficulty without playing the previous games. The Griffin kicked my ass but I got the hang of it, now the Werewolf in some underground lair destroys me every time, I looked up how to do it and level 3 is too low and I got gimp weapons apparently.

At least I can be proud I was able to kill level 6 bears.


So it was probably a mistake playing on the hardest difficulty without playing the previous games. The Griffin kicked my ass but I got the hang of it, now the Werewolf in some underground lair destroys me every time, I looked up how to do it and level 3 is too low and I got gimp weapons apparently.

At least I can be proud I was able to kill level 6 bears.
If you're already fighting the werewolf at level 3, the problem isn't that you haven't played the previous games, it's that you're rushing too hard. You should've been level 4 before you left White Orchard, the small opening area. I think I was closer to level 10 when I found the werewolf.


Think I messed up somehow. Finished Hearts of Stone and got level 39, decided to play new game+ to get some more levels. The first quests and all the mobs in ng+ are level 61 though. Everything 1 shots me... where'd all the levels in between go?


If you're already fighting the werewolf at level 3, the problem isn't that you haven't played the previous games, it's that you're rushing too hard. You should've been level 4 before you left White Orchard, the small opening area. I think I was closer to level 10 when I found the werewolf.
Hmmm I thought I did quite a bit around the White Orchard area, I guess I missed some stuff to level up on.

I did randomly do the werewolf quest after finding the town where I activated it while exploring. I did manage to get his health down to almost nothing but can't kill him even when he doesnt attack due to the health regen, I'll have to get a stronger sword and obviously level up some.


The constant rain is pissing me off
This and Fallout, shit crap

On the other hand...



So I beat the game and Hearts of Stone and was around level 39. Yet there is gear in this game with a minimum requirement of like 40 and 42.

I'm pretty sure I completed most (if not all) of the high level quests, so at this point leveling up seems almost impossible. How the hell are you supposed to get up to those levels?
I'm pretty sure I completed most (if not all) of the high level quests, so at this point leveling up seems almost impossible. How the hell are you supposed to get up to those levels?
Either new game plus(you keep your gear), or wait until next year's expansion.



Oh come on, where did you think you are :p A very fine OST, looking forward to seeing what else the game wins.

Amazing video

Does anyone know if this music is in the game? I wish I could find the full version of this.

The part Mikołaj Rybacki is repeating sounds like a bit The Vagabond mixed with some Velen area track. Since not everything made it to the soundtrack release it's hard to tell if another track shares a greater similarity.


I've just completed this videogame. Honestly, this is by far the longest I've ever spent with a single videogame outside of sports titles like Football Manager and I really powered through.

I finished the main quest after 34 levels and around 60 hours. A small chunk of that would've been spent idle on title screens as I managed my real life in between playing (I have a three year old) but I ploughed 20 hours into this game over the past couple of weeks and it feels good to have done it.

I have some things to say so I'll spoiler the story elements but not my feelings on them.

I initially got a little bored around 30 hours in. I'd just reached Skellige and I felt like the game was really taking it's time. But I had just completed the masses of quests around Novigrad that are required to complete that initial part of the story. However, once I'd taken some time off (3-4 months) and upgraded my PC (now running SLI 980's and getting solid 60FPS at 1440p on Ultra settings) I found myself reinvigorated.

Was it just me or did the story only occasionally make sense. I understood the main crux of the matter - my adopted daughter was missing and I was using my friends to find her. However the minute
elves and other world and lineage
starting getting involved I was really at a loss. Was this lore explained in The Witcher 3 or do I need to go back to the previous games to find out what the fuck is going on?

I also found the last 5-10 hours a real slog. It seemed as though the game knows you're at the end, you know you're at the end, yet CDP couldn't just let you quickly whisk through the final parts. Here's another fetch quest. Make sure you ride/sail to this unearthed tomb/ruin. Make sure you kill/talk to that guy...

Also, it seemed quite obvious to me that the last few hours were rushed from a technical perspective. Frame rates were running all over the place, incredible amounts of clipping, bad control and level design (having to fucking jump and platform over the elven ruins and other worlds was infuriating).

I actually actively disliked the final boss battles. I say this coming fresh from them a couple of hours ago but that is not how I wanted to end that game,
simply hacking and rolling away from two, big armoured foes. The game starts with that wonderful Witcher contract and I think it should have ended on a similar note.

However, the final
end (back in White Orchard)
was masterfully done and really gave me some closure. So yeah, I have the expansion pack to play and obviously a lot of contracts/secondary quests to go on but I really enjoyed my time with the game but feel that CDP really over extended themselves and the main quest could've been 1/4 shorter and more condensed and be all the better for it.


Was it just me or did the story only occasionally make sense. I understood the main crux of the matter - my adopted daughter was missing and I was using my friends to find her. However the minute
elves and other world and lineage
starting getting involved I was really at a loss. Was this lore explained in The Witcher 3 or do I need to go back to the previous games to find out what the fuck is going on?

I was with the story up until about 1/3 point when
the Yennefer and emperor get involved, I mean this guy is gonna lose the heir to his throne (and the mother of the ruler of the world) and he can only send a withcher to find her, whom he doesn't even trust that much?
As for the elf/wild hunt storyline, from what I read on the internet, it's not been clearly explained even in the books. I just see them as the "big bad". I really enjoyed other aspects of the game, including the sword fighting. Sidequests are also interesting and engaging. It's definitely one of the best games of the year.


I was with the story up until about 1/3 point when
the Yennefer and emperor get involved, I mean this guy is gonna lose the heir to his throne (and the mother of the ruler of the world) and he can only send a withcher to find her, whom he doesn't even trust that much?
As for the elf/wild hunt storyline, from what I read on the internet, it's not been clearly explained even in the books. I just see them as the "big bad". I really enjoyed other aspects of the game, including the sword fighting. Sidequests are also interesting and engaging. It's definitely one of the best games of the year.

The point of him sending Geralt and Yennefer to find Ciri was because she truts them like no-one else, and she may avoid his own forces.
He even says this when he asks Geralt to find her.


It's definitely one of the best games of the year.

I totally agree. I would go so far as to say it's one of the best games ever made, despite the technical wobbles and crazy storyline.

I really enjoyed it despite the lack of understanding and the bad finish and I look forward to the future if this is what we're seeing right now.


my hard graphic balls
Hey guys, got the game from the PSN sale. I'm not huge on RPG, is there a guide for things to do, things to acquire...etc for noobs?
I found these guides for armor and weapons, but it says here you need level 20 for Ursine armor for example. What is that in playtime for that level? 4-5 hours?
Do you need to "unlock" the Skellige island?
Do you need specific items or relationships in the world for them?
What's the best way to level up, main quest or side quests?
Anything else?


Hey guys, got the game from the PSN sale. I'm not huge on RPG, is there a guide for things to do, things to acquire...etc for noobs?
I found these guides for armor and weapons, but it says here you need level 20 for Ursine armor for example. What is that in playtime for that level? 4-5 hours?
Do you need to "unlock" the Skellige island?
Do you need specific items or relationships in the world for them?
What's the best way to level up, main quest or side quests?
Anything else?

4-5 hours?! Honestly, to get to level 20, it could take 50-60 hours (and that's just a rough estimate based on nothing).
Progress in the story to get to Skellige.
Don't understand this question.
XP levels you up, and the best way to get this is by doing sidequests and witcher contracts. Always do your lowest level "green" quests first, and work your way up from there. You'll see what that means once you start playing.
Make sure you use all of the tools at your disposal. These include swords, signs, crossbow, bombs, potions, oils and decoctions. Most of all, have fun!


I hate hate hate the combat in this game. Doing the famous Bloody Baron quest and the only thing I like so far is gwent. It's addicting and much more satisfying than the combat. I wish Geralt could just challenge every enemy to a card game.
Im going to bump the difficulty down to hard.


i accdently screwed up my hud while fidling around with the user.settings file .

now i don't remember what the default value is supposed to be .

could someone give me the default values of these 2 lines , please ?


it is in the user ,settings file in documents /the witcher 3 . the lines are under the hidden section .

thanks in advance .
Hey guys, got the game from the PSN sale. I'm not huge on RPG, is there a guide for things to do, things to acquire...etc for noobs?
I found these guides for armor and weapons, but it says here you need level 20 for Ursine armor for example. What is that in playtime for that level? 4-5 hours?
Do you need to "unlock" the Skellige island?
Do you need specific items or relationships in the world for them?
What's the best way to level up, main quest or side quests?
Anything else?

Stop worrying. Like user a few posts above me said, it's going to take you far longer than that to reach level 20. You'll find other armor on the way, and then in time you'll make a choice between Ursine, Feline, Wolf and Griffin. Skellige is "unlocked" from as soon as you beat the tutorial, but I would recommend you to finish Velen and Novigrad first. Don't worry about leveling up, if you do all the side-quests and main quests then you'll be overleveled anyway. This game will start out difficult and get easier the more you play it. Just remember not to button mash.


i accdently screwed up my hud while fidling around with the user.settings file .

now i don't remember what the default value is supposed to be .

could someone give me the default values of these 2 lines , please ?


it is in the user ,settings file in documents /the witcher 3 . the lines are under the hidden section .

thanks in advance .

I think deleting the file will create a new one automatically when you start the game. Just back up your current on just in case.


I think deleting the file will create a new one automatically when you start the game. Just back up your current on just in case.

i thought about that , but i have already done a crapload of changes to the file and id rather not go through all that again just to have those 2 changed again .

+ i thought if you delete the file , it would just redownload the file with the same values from the cloud .


my hard graphic balls
4-5 hours?! Honestly, to get to level 20, it could take 50-60 hours (and that's just a rough estimate based on nothing).
Progress in the story to get to Skellige.
Don't understand this question.
XP levels you up, and the best way to get this is by doing sidequests and witcher contracts. Always do your lowest level "green" quests first, and work your way up from there. You'll see what that means once you start playing.
Make sure you use all of the tools at your disposal. These include swords, signs, crossbow, bombs, potions, oils and decoctions. Most of all, have fun!

Stop worrying. Like user a few posts above me said, it's going to take you far longer than that to reach level 20. You'll find other armor on the way, and then in time you'll make a choice between Ursine, Feline, Wolf and Griffin. Skellige is "unlocked" from as soon as you beat the tutorial, but I would recommend you to finish Velen and Novigrad first. Don't worry about leveling up, if you do all the side-quests and main quests then you'll be overleveled anyway. This game will start out difficult and get easier the more you play it. Just remember not to button mash.
Thanks, guys.
Also, I'm trying to craft the viper swords and killed 3 wraiths but got no emerald dust from them. Is there a place to farm the dust? The wraiths don't respawn, right?
Never mind, found Dragon's Lair.
I just started playing this a few hours ago and I have a question - do I get in trouble for grabbing loot inside of people's houses? Is there a theft system in the game?
I normally wouldn't ask, but tons of RPGs vary on this sort of thing.

I also had to lower the camera sensitivity to 0.70. It was crazy before that. Did other people complain about that or am I just being weird?
In general I'm just having trouble moving Geralt around. Any other settings I should mess around with that will improve the camera or character movement?



I just started playing this a few hours ago and I have a question - do I get in trouble for grabbing loot inside of people's houses? Is there a theft system in the game?
I normally wouldn't ask, but tons of RPGs vary on this sort of thing.

I also had to lower the camera sensitivity to 0.70. It was crazy before that. Did other people complain about that or am I just being weird?
In general I'm just having trouble moving Geralt around. Any other settings I should mess around with that will improve the camera or character movement?


I believe you can't steal stuff in front of guards, otherwise you're ok. I think the cursor on the chest will turn red if you're stealing
Even though I tend to favor KBM for a lot of stuff as a control scheme, I tried the 360 pad I bought for Rocket League and I couldn't go back. Took me a bit of time to get used to it, but now it feels great. I am still in Novigrad assing around at the 60+ hour mark, I should be moving on to Skellige as long as I get my PC back from repairs. I hadn't tried Gwent until I got back to the game a couple weeks ago, and now I am hooked, started doing that Novigrad playing quest and want to keep building on my deck (Northern Realms).
Extremely noob question, but how am I getting stunned so often? I've played and beaten The Witcher 2
on an extremely shitty laptop getting 15 fps
and never remember getting this frustrated with combat.


Finally got to Novigrad yesterday.. I keep ending up doing side quests and stumbling across PoI's that distract me. Also keep playing Gwent. I spent ages facing a guy repeatedly till I beat him, he was super hard.. And I got a crappy card as a reward :'(

I think my main complaint in the game so far is the lack of feeling like I'm progressing. I guess the whole armour/weapon side of things is supposed to be fairly slow and straightforward but I'm used to constant upgrades and cool goodies in chests. Most of the time it's a rake.

I also never quite feel immersed in the game. And I'm not sure why. I've turned a lot of HUD stuff off which has helped a bit but I am still always semi aware I'm playing a game if you get what I mean. I think it's a mix of the third person camera and the more vibrant than real life colour to everything.
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