The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT3| Metz Some Ploughing Good Ladies In the Forest

Karl Hawk

Finally got to Novigrad yesterday.. I keep ending up doing side quests and stumbling across PoI's that distract me. Also keep playing Gwent. I spent ages facing a guy repeatedly till I beat him, he was super hard.. And I got a crappy card as a reward :'(

I think my main complaint in the game so far is the lack of feeling like I'm progressing. I guess the whole armour/weapon side of things is supposed to be fairly slow and straightforward but I'm used to constant upgrades and cool goodies in chests. Most of the time it's a rake.

I also never quite feel immersed in the game. And I'm not sure why. I've turned a lot of HUD stuff off which has helped a bit but I am still always semi aware I'm playing a game if you get what I mean. I think it's a mix of the third person camera and the more vibrant than real life colour to everything.

If you ask me, you should focus on hoarding crafting ingredients (They are weightless, so don't worry) and collecting Witcher sets diagrams (Wolf, Cat, Bear, Griffin).


I just started playing this a few hours ago and I have a question - do I get in trouble for grabbing loot inside of people's houses? Is there a theft system in the game?
I normally wouldn't ask, but tons of RPGs vary on this sort of thing.

I also had to lower the camera sensitivity to 0.70. It was crazy before that. Did other people complain about that or am I just being weird?
In general I'm just having trouble moving Geralt around. Any other settings I should mess around with that will improve the camera or character movement?


Dont steal from people's houses. Geralt would not do that and it is a waste of time anyway, they dont have anything valuable to Witcher there.
Check if you have alternative movement enabled in the options, it is more responsive and many people prefer it to default.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
I got Witcher 3 with the Black Friday on PSstore. I checked the related items and found is full of little free DLCs. Are all of them worth downloading and when is best playing the related little free side quests?


I got Witcher 3 with the Black Friday on PSstore. I checked the related items and found is full of little free DLCs. Are all of them worth downloading and when is best playing the related little free side quests?
Dont bother with the atrocious costumes. They are automatically worn by some of the female characters and are really inferior to their defaults.

Mr Rivuz

When is patch 1.12 coming to ps4?
I'm stuck in the castle ruins where you get the ursine armor projects, and the lever that should open the gate to the exit doesn't work... Hope they are going to fix this.


I don't want to rush through the games main questline but atm i think I'm being way too slow with it. I've not even spoken to Triss yet since I got to Novigrad. What's the recommended way to take the main quest to side quest ratio?


i accdently screwed up my hud while fidling around with the user.settings file .

now i don't remember what the default value is supposed to be .

could someone give me the default values of these 2 lines , please ?


it is in the user ,settings file in documents /the witcher 3 . the lines are under the hidden section .

thanks in advance .

anyone ?


I don't want to rush through the games main questline but atm i think I'm being way too slow with it. I've not even spoken to Triss yet since I got to Novigrad. What's the recommended way to take the main quest to side quest ratio?

I don't think there is any "ratio". Just play however you want. If you feel like talking to Triss, go talk to Triss.


Picked this game up on the PSN flash sale. Just stepping out into the world now. Compared to Fallout 4 the dialogue is sure a hell of a lot more natural and well written. One thing Fallout 4 does have on this game though is IQ. On the PS4 version the fairly prevalent pixel crawl really sticks out to me. Of course in exchange you're getting a far more lush and lively environment. Also detail doesn't seem to drop off as severely at distances. Give and take.

Was a big fan of Witcher 2. Looking forward to falling deep into this. Probably pick up the DLC when I'm through.
Should I play this with 360 controller or M/K? Also, is starting the game on Death March difficulty a good idea? Finished both predecessors on highest difficulty.


Should I play this with 360 controller or M/K? Also, is starting the game on Death March difficulty a good idea? Finished both predecessors on highest difficulty.

Both are good so try both and see which you prefer. I played it for 230 hours on a controller since I have my PC connected to TV and it was fine. Make sure to try out alternative movement in the options menu, makes Geralt more responsive. If you finished both previous on hardest, you should be fine here as well. It is hard at the start with not much skills unlocked, but it is doable.
Help with Triss/Yen relationship!

So, I didn't finish the game yet, I just finished the Battle of Kaer Mohern. That said, I noticed that some romance dialogue options from patch 1.10 didn't appear to me (I saw a video and I knew it should happen as soon as Triss appears at Kaer Mohern). I thought it was weird since I had previously said "I love you" to both Triss and Yennefer. Searching for it, I came to know that if you do that, both of them will dump you in a "threesome" event. Well, I don't want that to happen as I already decided for Triss, but it seems I'm screwed. But the info I got about that was before the huge update. I want to know if they added an option to prevent that or if I want to have a happy ending, I should reload a old save.


Help with Triss/Yen relationship!

So, I didn't finish the game yet, I just finished the Battle of Kaer Mohern. That said, I noticed that some romance dialogue options from patch 1.10 didn't appear to me (I saw a video and I knew it should happen as soon as Triss appears at Kaer Mohern). I thought it was weird since I had previously said "I love you" to both Triss and Yennefer. Searching for it, I came to know that if you do that, both of them will dump you in a "threesome" event. Well, I don't want that to happen as I already decided for Triss, but it seems I'm screwed. But the info I got about that was before the huge update. I want to know if they added an option to prevent that or if I want to have a happy ending, I should reload a old save.

Yup, you're screwed.
Sorry for another bump:

But if I say I love you to Triss, I can still do the unicorn scene with Yennefer, right after arriving at Skellige, without getting screwed?


Member posted an 'Epic' trailer in their news section. First scene appears to spoil one of the alternate Bloody Baron quest choice paths, at which point I closed the tab since I'd rather only know my own choices until another playthrough.

Edit: watched the whole thing, isn't really spoilery apart from some edited moments.

Karl Hawk

Yennefer was somebody I liked less and less with each playthrough. Dont know if anyone else felt that way.

Funny, I felt the complete opposite with each playthrough. I find her a more interesting character (I understand she can be unpleasant to some players, though).

If anything, the game gave me more reason to start reading the books (I'm at The Last Wish as we speak) .
Thanks. I'll load a save i made before entering the ruins for now, and be back after the patch to see if they fixed it...
You can glitch through a wall in the lower area to get out of there, you'll fall for a while until the forced fast-travel menu pops up, then you're free.

I just googled "witcher 3 bear armor glitch" or something like that and found a video showing the spot.


When is patch 1.12 coming to ps4?
I'm stuck in the castle ruins where you get the ursine armor projects, and the lever that should open the gate to the exit doesn't work... Hope they are going to fix this.

I had that as well. I reloaded an earlier save and it worked again.


Got this gaem "again" and I forgot everything, any info on best armor to chop fools in half or a pure melee build that makes Geralt a overpowered monster?

I got the Viper School sword set any other I should look for?

I find more enjoyment if I know what build is my goal than wonder around aimlessly.
Got this gaem "again" and I forgot everything, any info on best armor to chop fools in half or a pure melee build that makes Geralt a overpowered monster?

I got the Viper School sword set any other I should look for?

I find more enjoyment if I know what build is my goal than wonder around aimlessly.

Get the Cat (Feline) gear when you can, but it'll take you a while yet. Early on you kind of just pick what you can find.
Man I hope the game picks up in pace. I was pretty sceptical when I heard that W3 is open world as I loved the good pacing of the predecessors (although arguably, people hate chapter 1 in W1; I liked it a lot). Exploration is just boring to me. :/ Open World is IMO just inherently inferior to big individual areas like in W1. It's just more boring with no upsides that matter to me.
Feline (Cat) nice, thanks, yeah I figured at the start I will just use the best I find and puting points on the attack tree.


Keep in mind that you can respec later. Focusing on the attack tree is a good idea though; the fast attack skills are very good. You might also want to get the blue Axii skill to be able to persuade people in conversations, and there's a yellow skill called Sun & Stars which is very useful, especially early on, and later you'll want to get the yellow skill for your armor class. But yeah, focus on the red skills for now.


Item worth/merchants are really starting to irritate and confuse me. What is the point of the value assigned to everything in your inventory when not a single merchant offers even half of that? It just becomes an arbitrary number that is unattainable. What gives?


Item worth/merchants are really starting to irritate and confuse me. What is the point of the value assigned to everything in your inventory when not a single merchant offers even half of that? It just becomes an arbitrary number that is unattainable. What gives?

So you know what to drop when you're overburden?


Im having a very tough time with this game, maybe its bc im an rpg scrub, i tend to avoid them

Im at the part where you are trying to find ciri and you fight a golem and than a massive knight

These Enemies are so strong. I cant even hurt the knight. I have pretty much stayed on the main quest line as all the side stuff i happened to see was too high. Havent crafted or made alchemy bc i havent really found anything to do in that regard.

Am i just really bad at RpGs? Im very frustrated as ive put a lot of effort into trying to wrap my head around this game but just slammed into this wall hard.


So you know what to drop when you're overburden?

What? That doesn't answer my question at all. If I have a sword in my inventory, and in its info panel, it is listed as worth $400.. Why does no Merchant offer more than say $220? Surely if its physically impossible to sell it for the high amount, the $220 is what it should be listed as in your inventory.
Im having a very tough time with this game, maybe its bc im an rpg scrub, i tend to avoid them

Im at the part where you are trying to find ciri and you fight a golem and than a massive knight

These Enemies are so strong. I cant even hurt the knight. I have pretty much stayed on the main quest line as all the side stuff i happened to see was too high. Havent crafted or made alchemy bc i havent really found anything to do in that regard.

Am i just really bad at RpGs? Im very frustrated as ive put a lot of effort into trying to wrap my head around this game but just slammed into this wall hard.

I played this part for the time earlier. Set the difficulty down to easiest and meditate before you go Into the golem room. I beat him and the stupid knight like that.
Is money supposed to be extremely limited? I just got to Novigrad and exchanged currency, so I'm set for a bit, but everything in the game is super expensive and you get almost nothing for selling your stuff.
Not to mention that pretty much everything you do in this game costs money since you're going to have to repair your gear. It's unavoidable.
I can't even craft gear because they charge you to dismantle items so you can craft gear. Everything in this game seems like a gouge.
I'm surprised making potions and learning new skills are free.
Is money supposed to be extremely limited? I just got to Novigrad and exchanged currency, so I'm set for a bit, but everything in the game is super expensive and you get almost nothing for selling your stuff.
Not to mention that pretty much everything you do in this game costs money since you're going to have to repair your gear. It's unavoidable.
I can't even craft gear because they charge you to dismantle items so you can craft gear. Everything in this game seems like a gouge.
I'm surprised making potions and learning new skills are free.

Loot more. Fixing your gear by the tools you loot is much cheaper. Going to a shop is very expensive.
Item worth/merchants are really starting to irritate and confuse me. What is the point of the value assigned to everything in your inventory when not a single merchant offers even half of that? It just becomes an arbitrary number that is unattainable. What gives?

That's how much you'd have to spend on buying the item.

Is money supposed to be extremely limited? I just got to Novigrad and exchanged currency, so I'm set for a bit, but everything in the game is super expensive and you get almost nothing for selling your stuff.
Not to mention that pretty much everything you do in this game costs money since you're going to have to repair your gear. It's unavoidable.
I can't even craft gear because they charge you to dismantle items so you can craft gear. Everything in this game seems like a gouge.
I'm surprised making potions and learning new skills are free.

Only in the beginning. When you reach Novigrad (or the level ~16) you will start to see a shift. While you were at first scraping for money, you'll soon develop massive riches. I soon had more money than I knew what to do with. In end game I was somewhere between 30k and 40k, and that was after having spent a lot of money too. Quests will start giving you more money, and horse races pay well too, but loot is where the real money is at. Going through one single cave or doing one single quest can net you a thousand, easily.


Got to the part where I'm
going to find Ciri on the island of mists

am I close to being done with the game?

failed 3 quests so far
the defending the scavengers, the associated quest where you'll get a pass for helping, and recruiting keira to fight the hunt because, you know, I didn't know not fighting her was an option way back then


Got to the part where I'm
going to find Ciri on the island of mists

am I close to being done with the game?

failed 3 quests so far
the defending the scavengers, the associated quest where you'll get a pass for helping, and recruiting keira to fight the hunt because, you know, I didn't know not fighting her was an option way back then

You've actually got about a third to go. Maybe a bit less, but quite a bit left. Post finding Ciri is probably my favorite part of the game.


Keep in mind that you can respec later. Focusing on the attack tree is a good idea though; the fast attack skills are very good. You might also want to get the blue Axii skill to be able to persuade people in conversations, and there's a yellow skill called Sun & Stars which is very useful, especially early on, and later you'll want to get the yellow skill for your armor class. But yeah, focus on the red skills for now.

Noted, thank you.

I need that Axii tho because Im at an sidequest and I cant mind trick the person to give me some info on a witch Im looking for so I just had to switch sidequest and went after a god damn werewolf lol, gotta love the folklore this game has.


I stopped playing the game after a few hours because I waited to upgrade the PC.
I will continue my save soon, is there a way to make the game harder on the first play through?
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