The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT3| Metz Some Ploughing Good Ladies In the Forest

Noted, thank you.

I need that Axii tho because Im at an sidequest and I cant mind trick the person to give me some info on a witch Im looking for so I just had to switch sidequest and went after a god damn werewolf lol, gotta love the folklore this game has.

There's no instance where you NEED Axii (well, maybe one later main quest) -- you can always solve a situation through other means, be it bribing, talking, playing Gwent or fighting. You can finish every side-quest without ever using Axii. It just makes life easier.


The perk that lets you drink more potions for every new potion you once have brewed before hitting the toxicity limit is a must-have, I'd argue. The one that makes every single potion somewhat heal you is amazing, too.

But yeah, rest goes into red perks (the light and heavy bonus attacks are awesome) and maybe Aard (allows you to one-hit many enemy types with enough intensity and looks cool), Igni and Axii. That Axii puppet skill is very fun in battles and Axii is also more or less a must-have for getting the most out of quests. IIRC, you can even make trolls follow you around through the whole world like dogs with Axii. Quen and Yrden are good enough the way they already are. Toying around with the adrenaline mechanic and respective skills/potions is advisable too.


This game is truly amazing.

This fact sneaks up on you. It took me until the song halfway through the Novigrad Quest before I realized this.


Bought it again today on PSN as my disc version got a tiny scratch and would no longer work. Witcher for $22.50 is too hard to pass up. I was somewhere around 70 hours in and almost through the main story, haven't played since July so it'll be interesting jumping back in.


Good to know. Apparently I finished all available Witcher contracts already since the trophy popped up.

Not all the sidequests go away after that point, just a few key ones. Game's pretty good about telling you what you need to do, though.

Fuck: I made the wrong decision during the 'Whispering Hillock' quest.


There's no good choices. Good and bad things happen either way. What did you pick? Spoiler it, please.


There's no instance where you NEED Axii (well, maybe one later main quest) -- you can always solve a situation through other means, be it bribing, talking, playing Gwent or fighting. You can finish every side-quest without ever using Axii. It just makes life easier.

Yeah the other way is to throw him a few orens wich I dont have lols.

Will do it after the one Im doing now, but I want to hypnotize him with axii :p dont want to bribe him, money is scarce as it is now.


Not all the sidequests go away after that point, just a few key ones. Game's pretty good about telling you what you need to do, though.

There's no good choices. Good and bad things happen either way. What did you pick? Spoiler it, please.

Finding out what happens later on convinces me that had I allowed the children to get sacrificed, Velen would have been better off in the long term. That said, while myopic, the decision DOES feel very true to the person Geralt is.


Wow. Just finished the
through time and space quest with Geralt and the elf
Those environments were just spellbinding, wished there was more of that rather than the forest, mountain, ocean set along more realistic settings.

Not all the sidequests go away after that point, just a few key ones. Game's pretty good about telling you what you need to do, though.

There's no good choices. Good and bad things happen either way. What did you pick? Spoiler it, please.
I think the only sidequest I have left is to finish gwent collection and some statue for triss to look at. I screwed up a couple of othe side quests and couldn't start them.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Did I mess up bad by telling the Baron about
Anna before checking in on Tamara in Oxenfurt? He's all saddled up for the Crones, so I doubt that quest line is open to me anymore.
What did I miss out on?
Did I mess up bad by telling the Baron about
Anna before checking in on Tamara in Oxenfurt? He's all saddled up for the Crones, so I doubt that quest line is open to me anymore.
What did I miss out on?
Some dialogues with Tamara and the Baron
, not much but quite interesting.
Why won't it let me make more bombs when I have 0/2 left? Have the drop the bombs I don't have before it lets me make more.



Why won't it let me make more bombs when I have 0/2 left? Have the drop the bombs I don't have before it lets me make more.

Ammo system. Just meditate, if you have alcohol you'll automatically craft all your consumables again (bombs and potions).

Finding out what happens later on convinces me that had I allowed the children to get sacrificed, Velen would have been better off in the long term. That said, while myopic, the decision DOES feel very true to the person Geralt is.

I don't think it is nearly that clear cut. It depends on what you value the most. Both options have good and bad outcomes, that's part of what makes The Whispering Hillock and other Witcher 3 quests great.
Wow money is such a tough thing to get early on. I'm level 4, just left White Orchard and struggling to earn more cash just doing sidequests and looting (with regular bumps into level 10+ enemies).

A few questions as I have just started the game and enjoying it very much so far:

1. How do I get a new silver sword that is above level 1? Is that just in the Novigrad city (haven't been there yet).

2. Should I not bother with main quests at the beginning to accumulate money and XP? The main quests are suggesting level 7 so I think I'll get my ass kicked.

3. Crafting: How essential is it to focus on alchemy and making potions? I never have the right ingredients to craft nearly anything.

4. Weapon/armour degradation: Found a couple repair kits but I'm all out. Where's the best place to go and get things like this fixed?

5. Early abilty unlocks. Which abilities should I unlock with my experience points first to make the most efficient Geralt build.

Sorry for all the questions, I'm such a newbie and the game can be quite overwhelming. However, I'm having a fantastic time with it.
Game is beautiful and love the crazy quests and character interaction!


1. How do I get a new silver sword that is above level 1? Is that just in the Novigrad city (haven't been there yet).
I think you missed one in White Orchard? But, no, there are armor and weapon blueprints throughout the game and you don't have to go some specific place.

2. Should I not bother with main quests at the beginning to accumulate money and XP? The main quests are suggesting level 7 so I think I'll get my ass kicked.
You should always try to do a bit of both, but you will lose yourself in sidequesting like everyone else. Just go with it and don't attempt quests/areas that are obviously higher level than you.

3. Crafting: How essential is it to focus on alchemy and making potions? I never have the right ingredients to craft nearly anything.
Very essential, but you only craft a potion once to master its recipe. So you only need the ingredients for the one brewing, then it just costs an Alcohest to make repeat potions.

4. Weapon/armour degradation: Found a couple repair kits but I'm all out. Where's the best place to go and get things like this fixed?
Any smith. Don't bother with this early on and just replace whatever breaks with whatever other loot you have in your inventory. Don't get stuck on thinking like you can only equip items that are an upgrade over your previous one. If you're carrying a +150 damage sword and your next best is +120, screw it, just use the +120 instead of wasting all your money on the +150. There'll be a +175 soon enough anyway.

5. Early abilty unlocks. Which abilities should I unlock with my experience points first to make the most efficient Geralt build.
I think you missed one in White Orchard? But, no, there are armor and weapon blueprints throughout the game and you don't have to go some specific place.

You should always try to do a bit of both, but you will lose yourself in sidequesting like everyone else. Just go with it and don't attempt quests/areas that are obviously higher level than you.

Very essential, but you only craft a potion once to master its recipe. So you only need the ingredients for the one brewing, then it just costs an Alcohest to make repeat potions.

Any smith. Don't bother with this early on and just replace whatever breaks with whatever other loot you have in your inventory. Don't get stuck on thinking like you can only equip items that are an upgrade over your previous one. If you're carrying a +150 damage sword and your next best is +120, screw it, just use the +120 instead of wasting all your money on the +150. There'll be a +175 soon enough anyway.


Extremely helpful stuff. Thanks boss!
Just started this game last night and I'm a few hours in. I'm honestly overwhelmed with all the menus, side quests, stuff to keep track of. Its my first Witcher game and overall I'm enjoying it.

Things I love so far:

+ The music is great. The game came with the OST so I'm excited to go through it all. I dont know if the night time music is the same everywhere but in the first few regions its been beautiful.

+ Day/weather system. The graphics havent blown me away but the mix of the 100 things happening at once is pretty impressive. Sunset / sunrise / full moon at night is absolutely breathtaking.

+ Fast travel and horse auto pilot from the get go. Thank you so much.

Things I'm kinda meh about:

- Movement feels sluggish. Geralt feels like a tank and I have to approach loot and stuff multiple times before I can get in position to interact with them successfully.

- Similarly the combat feels kind of slow. I guess you get used to it?

- Geralt sounds overly gruff. Not really into his voice.

- Not a negative but I'm overwhelmed with the amount of stuff to keep track of. Stuff to collect, stuff to make with alchemy, various stats and abilities, etc.
- Movement feels sluggish. Geralt feels like a tank and I have to approach loot and stuff multiple times before I can get in position to interact with them successfully.
Go in the gameplay options and switch the movement mode to Alternate. It gets rid of a lot of the animation blending that make it hard to maneuver in small areas.
Wow you can fail missions. I did not know that. I feel like once you get to Novigrad the game gets better. Or maybe you end up there around the time you start grasping how the game works. Either way I'm enjoying the game more now.
I will say that this "find the bard" mission is dull. I just don't care.


I feel like the closer to the end of the game I get, the more prone to bugs and crashing I get.
when I sided with Roche to fight dijkstra it wouldn't let me complete the quest even though every enemy was dead
Tried to restart so many times, I then had to find a past save to go to that wasn't messed up apparently.


- Geralt sounds overly gruff. Not really into his voice.
I've liked his voice, but he's got a bit of David Hayter-ism going on here, in that the VA got way gruffer versus better earlier iterations of that character/type of voice. And he doesn't have an Old Snake excuse of getting that much older/more weathered, he's still basically as badly weathered as he was from the start and he ages slower than normal humans anyway.
So how much do I need to know story wise to enjoy Witcher 3? Was Ciri in the previous games? Still unsure what happened in the beginning.
Her being the emperors daughter was a surprise to me but it felt like something that players should have known already. Did she get kidnapped by the Wild Hunt or did she leave of her own accord?

I'm at the Bloody Baron quest where I have to find a way to get into his fortress so I'm still pretty early.

Also, this game is really depressing lol. Death, rape, despair everywhere. It felt so satisfying to kill those bandits that were bragging about raping that kid in that one inn. Holy shit.

Go in the gameplay options and switch the movement mode to Alternate. It gets rid of a lot of the animation blending that make it hard to maneuver in small areas.

Oh man that helped a lot. Still not as swift as I'd like him to be but I guess theyre going for that realism. Not used to the slow combat either but I'm getting there. Having lots of fun now.

I've liked his voice, but he's got a bit of David Hayter-ism going on here, in that the VA got way gruffer versus better earlier iterations of that character/type of voice. And he doesn't have an Old Snake excuse of getting that much older/more weathered, he's still basically as badly weathered as he was from the start and he ages slower than normal humans anyway.

He just grunts a lot too. Still early in the game, and he's just Hrrm'd Hhhh'd a lot of times for no reason.

The Polish version is gravy, although the added subtitles mightn't be everyone's cup of tea.

I'm already playing with subs on so this might be a fun experiment!


I've gotten back to this more seriously after taking a break when a patch made the game crash a bunch and Dualshock 4 was still a hassle to connect on a Windows 10 PC. So gooood. I just got the "What was that?" achievement for attacking, countering, casting a sign, and throwing a bomb within 4 seconds when I came upon a pair of wraiths. I threw a Moondust bomb to prevent them from going incorporeal, leap attacked in, put down Yrden, and then immediately countered an attack that was too far in to dodge. It was awesome! 130 hours in and I'm still loving the combat and trying to figure out new ways to defeat foes. I've started using Dancing Star bombs against the higher level wolves in Skellige and leading them into the fire field which sets them alight allowing me to freely butcher all of them. Any stragglers get hit by constant Igni due to Tawny Owl potion. And I'm almost exclusively light attack spec'ed.

Another fight was against sirens guarding a hidden treasure in a sunken ship. I was on a boat with only water all around which would have been awkward except that I timed my crossbow bolts such that the sirens would be swooping in, get hit by the bolt, and land in or next to my boat which allowed me to finish them off with 1-2 swings.

And then I happened across a side-quest (didn't see the name for it and I wasn't getting popups saying that my progress was updating a specific quest) in Skellige while cleaning up some POI on the way to an actual side-quest. I haven't finished it yet but going to describe it in a spoiler because it's been awesome so far!:
While riding away from a small village, I spotted a body next to an overturned cart and decided to investigate it. A cut-scene played where something tried to drop a boulder on me from a nearby cliff. I followed what looked like nekker tracks to a cave where, once inside, the entrance gets blocked by another boulder. This cave contained a huge number of insectoids of various types in a multi-wave arena battle that had me drinking a bunch of potions and tossing bombs everywhere. After this battle, the trail led to a boot made from a nekker's foot that had fallen off what looked like a child given the new foot prints. Continuing the hunt, I was led into a house connected to the cave where there appeared to be plans for this trap and a designated meeting place where I will presumably confront my ambushers. Can't wait to finish this tomorrow!

So, basically, the side-quests in this game are incredible!

EDIT: After some Google searching, it seems like I might have stumbled upon the side-quest "Skellige's Most Wanted".
Have put around 5-6 hours into the game so far. My biggest issue is how random the level of mobs feel. I killed some level 4 Drowners by a dock, and right next to that dock is a level 10 Drowner I need to kill for a quest that 3 shots me. The next closest area to that dock is a level 13 mob that two shots me. I'm level 4 right now but I'm only sporadically finding mobs within 4 levels of me.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Sorry I'm just at the start of the game, but is there any way to find out where each ingridient grows or can be found? I know I need specific items to craft or alchemy yet where O di find the items?


I'm already playing with subs on so this might be a fun experiment!

Looking forward to your impressions :) Also Polish Ciri and Triss >>>>>> English version.

Sorry I'm just at the start of the game, but is there any way to find out where each ingridient grows or can be found? I know I need specific items to craft or alchemy yet where O di find the items?

Not in game, at least not through markers or waypoints. It depends on the type of area, for example Bloodmoss growing near coastal areas and finding Buckthrorn underwater.

Googling for the ingredient can help, and there's this table of the general area ingredients can be found in. Otherwise it's just by discovery and identifying them by eye. The easiest alternative is just to buy the ingredients directly from herbalists (which is mostly what I did).


So how much do I need to know story wise to enjoy Witcher 3? Was Ciri in the previous games? Still unsure what happened in the beginning.
Her being the emperors daughter was a surprise to me but it felt like something that players should have known already. Did she get kidnapped by the Wild Hunt or did she leave of her own accord?

Ciri was only mentioned in TW1 but she had a huge part in the book saga, basically second main character next to Geralt, much like in TW3. The reveal that Emhyr is
her father is actually pretty mindblowing in the books, but yeah by TW3 it is known to readers. She escaped Wild Hunt in the books and the plotline was left unresolved there, so TW3 finishes it.


jesus the combat in this game is awful, like one of the worst i've ever played and the worst on a rpg. it's the first game that i ever put on easy just so i dont have to deal with that shit, and even then it's not that easy.
but on the plus side you dont even fight that much, especially compared to others rpgs, so it just bothers me a little.
jesus the combat in this game is awful, like one of the worst i've ever played and the worst on a rpg. it's the first game that i ever put on easy just so i dont have to deal with that shit, and even then it's not that easy.
but on the plus side you dont even fight that much, especially compared to others rpgs, so it just bothers me a little.

Did you start playing games a week ago or something?


jesus the combat in this game is awful, like one of the worst i've ever played and the worst on a rpg. it's the first game that i ever put on easy just so i dont have to deal with that shit, and even then it's not that easy.
but on the plus side you dont even fight that much, especially compared to others rpgs, so it just bothers me a little.

I... wat..? You are struggling on easy? How? Did you not play the tutorial?


I... wat..? You are struggling on easy? How? Did you not play the tutorial?

it turns out that i changed the difficulty of gwent, the main game is still on normal, i knew something was odd, since i didnt noticed any change in the combat.


And I have finished the game.
The ending was pretty good. Though I feel like any enemy that can teleport is cheating
and there were 2 in the end game lol
And holy crap when fireballs started raining down, I got a problem with that:
It was cool but the frame rate pretty much tanked.
The ending managed to pull a good twist on me.
I legit thought Ciri was dead and Geralt got a new sword to honor her, yay witcher Ciri, so when does she get her own game?
Getting back into this game and I'm amazed at how much better it runs on my 670! I can turn up a few effects and I'm getting better framerate than near launch. Used to have 30fps cap but it seems to be going closer to 60 now.
Starting to enjoy the game more now that I've stopped playing it like Skyrim and focusing on story quests instead of mindlessly running around exploring.
So I just got to Skellige Islands. Anyone mind giving me an estimation of how far I am into the main story? Like a percentage or something. I'm just curious.


Ammo system. Just meditate, if you have alcohol you'll automatically craft all your consumables again (bombs and potions).

I don't think it is nearly that clear cut. It depends on what you value the most. Both options have good and bad outcomes, that's part of what makes The Whispering Hillock and other Witcher 3 quests great.

Yeah, you are right.

Just finished the last of the Velen quests, and thinking about it, while the result was pretty depressing in regards to the
Strenger Family and the region
, most of it had little to do with the choice itself.

The choice I made was the lesser evil, even if the consequences are more severe. Absent of the ability to figure our what happens in the future, it was probably the more 'moral' choice.

The "She Who Knows" book almost took me for a loop though. There was just such as mismatch between the characters described within it and those I met that I concluded that it must be
So I just got to Skellige Islands. Anyone mind giving me an estimation of how far I am into the main story? Like a percentage or something. I'm just curious.

You can go to Skellige like right away so how would we know what point you're at? It depends on how much of the main quest and how many of the side-quests you've done in Velen and Novigrad. You've got more than 50% left, but probably even more.
So I'm done with White Orchard and didn't play Gwent because I didn't care. Can I just go back to it or is beating all people in Gwint a missable thing?

edit: okay, according to the internet, I missed the Inn Keeper in the fucking prologue. Looks like I gotta restart the game...?

edit2: Latest information seems to be that there are no missable cards anymore in the newest patch. Is that correct? I don't want to deal with Gwent at the moment.
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