The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT3| Metz Some Ploughing Good Ladies In the Forest

Oh wow, I like the results of completely ignoring Crach an Craite's children's quests in Skellige. Quite surprising

Birna makes Svanrige a puppet king, but it backfires when he grows a pair and decides to axe a Nilfgaardian negotiator right in the chest, going against his mother's wishes entirely, then afterwards becomes the king who united Skellige's clans together. I really wanted some major quests where Geralt's meddling actually makes things worse in the long run, and it seems here I got it

Brilliant, CDProjektRED.

I didn't even think to ignore that quest line, lol. Amazing.

Though, what did you choose to say it worse? I supposed you backed


I didn't even think to ignore that quest line, lol. Amazing.

Though, what did you choose to say it worse? I supposed you backed
That I did, though accidentally, because I merely went along with him to keep him out of trouble but apparently I was making a major decision there.

And even in Cerys' ending, even if Skellige becomes more peaceful and propers, it dulls its fangs of yore, which I do consider a negative


Ok. So I bought this at Black Friday from Best Buy for $20 and free shipping. Never left the house!

Just started. Played the intro Gwent game. Seems like it could be fun. Only did a couple of fights with Wolves. They were easy. The swamp guys seem harder though. I just run from them.

My problem is I am torn with whether I should leave the main line and do side quests or if there is a good time to leave the story. I am just after the fort where the guy says go look for the Beast.

My pockets are a little light so I think I am going to do some side missions.

Also, do the monster animations seem like they run at some ridiculously low frame rate? They seem almost stop motion while the game itself is running fine.


Any guides or suggestions for a newcommer to the series?
Picked this up on the PS4 due to the sale and the GAF love. I'm struggling a bit.
Haven't touched the items, weapons, etc... Just appears to be a bit daunting.

Done a good mix of the side and main storyline, but probably only put a total of 3 hours into the game (maybe).

Just hoping for some info that helps me take an otherwise complicated game (from the menu anyways) and make it something simpler.

If that is possible anyways.


Ok. So I bought this at Black Friday from Best Buy for $20 and free shipping. Never left the house!

Just started. Played the intro Gwent game. Seems like it could be fun. Only did a couple of fights with Wolves. They were easy. The swamp guys seem harder though. I just run from them.

My problem is I am torn with whether I should leave the main line and do side quests or if there is a good time to leave the story. I am just after the fort where the guy says go look for the Beast.

My pockets are a little light so I think I am going to do some side missions.

Also, do the monster animations seem like they run at some ridiculously low frame rate? They seem almost stop motion while the game itself is running fine.
Seems like you're still in the tutorial area. Keep doing sidequests there before going for the griffin proper (can do all the investigation tho) to prep yourself for the fight.

Once you've beaten the griffin, you'll soon unlock the first proper map, which is 16 times bigger than White Orchard


Started this game on the weekend. Followed the main story for a while, but now it says recommended level 3 to continue it. I'm still level 1! I've done all the quests I've found in and around the first village, including the notice board. At this point I'm kind of aimlessly wandering from ? to ?, but each thing I clear gives me a miserably small amount of experience.

Am I doing something wrong? Should I treat this more like Skyrim than TW1, and just run off in a direction rather than focus on the main quest?


Started this game on the weekend. Followed the main story for a while, but now it says recommended level 3 to continue it. I'm still level 1! I've done all the quests I've found in and around the first village, including the notice board. At this point I'm kind of aimlessly wandering from ? to ?, but each thing I clear gives me a miserably small amount of experience.

Am I doing something wrong? Should I treat this more like Skyrim than TW1, and just run off in a direction rather than focus on the main quest?
Quests give way more experience than simple monster fighting or doing stuff at Points of Interest.

Don't be afraid of taking on higher level quests unless the level difference is larger than 5 (when enemy is more than 5 levels higher and gets a skull icon, it has a stupidly big defense and attack buff and should largely be avoided). In most cases, you'll do just fine if it's just 2, even 3 levels higher.


Seems like you're still in the tutorial area. Keep doing sidequests there before going for the griffin proper (can do all the investigation tho) to prep yourself for the fight.

Once you've beaten the griffin, you'll soon unlock the first proper map, which is 16 times bigger than White Orchard

Can you go back to the tutorial area? Geez the area is pretty big


Is reading the novels a proper substitute to playing 1 and 2 before jumping into 3? (re: getting introduced to the setting/characters)


Is reading the novels a proper substitute to playing 1 and 2 before jumping into 3? (re: getting introduced to the setting/characters)

The games are sequels to the novels, so if you want the full story, you'd have to read them anyway. That being said, the first two games don't really deal with Geralt's personal story, so I'd go with the novels if I had to choose.

Karl Hawk

Not played since I finished the main game, how is the DLC? Might pickup the season pass.

Its amazing. Neat storyline, awesome moments, and a well-developed antagonist.

I'd say its better than the main game in some ways. Hearts of Stone feels (as EatChildren describes it) similar to the short stories collections from the novels if you ask me.


Just finished, i actually liked the ending, this is definitely my GOTY. WAY better than FO4 for me, just loved the world and its characters. Im about to start Hearts of Stone :)


Yeah, but you might want to finish it right away. It's really, really small compared to the rest of the game.

Are you not supposed to kill the griffin straight away? I just went and did it, and then went straight to meet Tywin Lannister the Emperor:

No wonder Vesemir asks if you're sure you want to do it, at the time I was like "Well of course, why wouldn't I?!" Didn't quite realise that doing so meant
Lena, who I said I would give a Witcher potion to save her life, ends up dying if you don't do it straight away

Oh well, I assume you do get a chance to go back there right?
Are you not supposed to kill the griffin straight away? I just went and did it, and then went straight to meet Tywin Lannister[/spoiler] the Empreror:

No wonder Vesemir asks if you're sure you want to do it, at the time I was like "Well of course, why wouldn't I?!" Didn't quite realise that doing so meant
Lena, who I said I would give a Witcher potion to save her life, ends up dying if you don't do it straight away

Oh well, I assume you do get a chance to go back there right?

Well yeah, the griffin is the main quest in White Orchard (the "final boss" of it, if you will), but there are a lot of side-quests and secondary objectives that you can do at any time, and of course you can travel back to White Orchard whenever you want later in the game though, although there's not really much to do there.


Well I'll be damned, Hearts of Stone is actually pretty tough. Got my ass whooped pretty royally by 2 of the early boss encounters (and another fight that was more cheap than genuinely hard tbf, god damn drowners)

I am playing on Deathmarch so difficulty was to be expected, but still, way more challenging than the level 30+ encounters that existed in vanilla game.


Its amazing. Neat storyline, awesome moments, and a well-developed antagonist.

I'd say its better than the main game in some ways. Hearts of Stone feels (as EatChildren describes it) similar to the short stories collections from the novels if you ask me.

Seconded - it's pretty much a must-play for anyone with a liking for the main game, IMO.
Started a NG+ to take a break from Fallout 4 and get some other achievements out of the way while I'm at it. I'd been playing a few hours but wasn't really feeling it...

And then I turned off the minimap again. I've been playing with it turned off for the most part, decided to turn it back on and see how it played. The game just becomes so much better when that thing isn't covering up the top right of your screen and you're not constantly glancing over to it.

I just wish CDPR had added a toggle button on consoles, for those times when we really do need it.
So firstly I want to say I'm new here and still feeling a little nervous to post after years of lurking. Buy I absolutely loved this game I must have put almost 200 hours into it, took me about 2 months to complete.

I played witcher 2 a couple years ago on 360 and just couldn't get into it so I was a little worried going into this one but I just feel they nailed everything about this game, the look, the feel. Riding through the dark marshy woodland at night "winds howling" (am I the only one who says that I'm gruff Gerald voice every time the wind picks up?) dead men hanging from trees it really was such a cool dark almost haunted medieval type setting.

I've only played it once waiting for the blood and wine expansion before I dive back in. But I can't wait for that to come out. 2015 has been a great year for gaming really great but for me I think this is the game of the year for me.
So firstly I want to say I'm new here and still feeling a little nervous to post after years of lurking. Buy I absolutely loved this game I must have put almost 200 hours into it, took me about 2 months to complete.

I played witcher 2 a couple years ago on 360 and just couldn't get into it so I was a little worried going into this one but I just feel they nailed everything about this game, the look, the feel. Riding through the dark marshy woodland at night "winds howling" (am I the only one who says that I'm gruff Gerald voice every time the wind picks up?) dead men hanging from trees it really was such a cool dark almost haunted medieval type setting.

I've only played it once waiting for the blood and wine expansion before I dive back in. But I can't wait for that to come out. 2015 has been a great year for gaming really great but for me I think this is the game of the year for me.

Welcome! Yeah, it's definitely one of the hightlights of the year for me. Only game I liked better this year was Fallout 4, and even that was a close call. Sure, this game has some issues (a terrible inventory being first and foremost on the list), but damn if CDPR didn't nail the rest.
Welcome! Yeah, it's definitely one of the hightlights of the year for me. Only game I liked better this year was Fallout 4, and even that was a close call. Sure, this game has some issues (a terrible inventory being first and foremost on the list), but damn if CDPR didn't nail the rest.

Yeah Fallout 4 is right up there for me too, I just love the Witchers world, the monsters and stuff I always wanted a medieval fantasy setting in a sort of dark decaying world with ghouls and goblins etc. Not really knowing anything about witcher lore discovering this game was practically set in the fantasy world I had longed for was great!


Welcome! Yeah, it's definitely one of the hightlights of the year for me. Only game I liked better this year was Fallout 4, and even that was a close call. Sure, this game has some issues (a terrible inventory being first and foremost on the list), but damn if CDPR didn't nail the rest.

no its impossible, you can't like that game and this one.

the audacity


And then I turned off the minimap again. I've been playing with it turned off for the most part, decided to turn it back on and see how it played. The game just becomes so much better when that thing isn't covering up the top right of your screen and you're not constantly glancing over to it.
They should just add some kind of unobtrusive indicator directly into the game world. That would be awesome.


So regarding Hearts of Stone: are there multiple ways to proceed through its main quest?

I'm planning on a full replay of the game once Blood and Wine comes out, but I'll pick up Hearts of Stone now provided I can have a significantly different experience with it again in the future.
So regarding Hearts of Stone: are there multiple ways to proceed through its main quest?
Main quest has 3 tasks to complete that all have different decisions in them. End of the quest also has different endings. The actual tasks are always the same though.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
I just got to Skellige, out of curiosity how far I'm into the Main Story Quests?


Man, I got back into is hilarious how it reminds me of Witcher, set in present day :)

Dean even has similarly hilarious terrible sense of humor like Geralt

"but uh..if you got a wild hare.." :D
Got back into this after an extended break, and Im wayyy more into it than I was before. Fantastic game. Although my game clock reset so idk how long I've played, probably around 35-40 hours. I've done a few quests in Novigrad and opened up Skelliga (sp?) but didn't really mess around there since I'm only level 13. Apparently I'm not even 1/3 of the way through the game? That's insane considering the amount of care given to even the "basic" quests, and how many there are. This probably would have been on the lower end of my game of the year list earlier. But now it'll be somewhere in the top 3 for sure.


Okay so now I just finished the
Child of the Elder Blood quest. Knew Avallac'h was hiding stuff but that women was awfully mysterious. Expect to learn more about her later. Now I have to go help Phillipa look for the Sunstone in the Elven Ruin. Definitely feels like the ending is coming up. It's all preparation but it feels fully fleshed out.

I also killed Madman Lugos. It seemed like he turned on me because I failed the Lugos quest previously. But the diaologue with that old wizard makes it sound like this was always going to happen. Would be interested to know if it could've gone differently.
Before I continue on with my in progress NG+ game, I have a question before heading to K
aer Morhen

Has anyone figured out a way to visit the Emperor before picking up Uma and being "forced" to go? I said I would this game, but I don't see a way to trigger it.


Question about how to handle the end of the base game and when to start Hearts of Stone (I think I'm fairly late in the main story, so spoilers ahead...):

I am at the point where
we have regrouped at Dandelion's place after killing Imlerith and 2/3 Crones. I'm level 31 and have yet to start any of the Hearts of Stone quests.

My question is... would it be better to finish the main story and then complete Hearts of Stone? Is it even possible to play the game once you finish the main story? Or should I take a little break and play through HoS before returning to the main storyline?
Got a question about DLC and Primary-Secondary accounts on PS4.

I have 2 PS4, one is used by my brother, lets call his Console 1 and I use the other one, Console 2.

On Console 1" my brothers" I am set to Primary and have all the paid DLC for Witcher 3.
On Console 2" my PS4" I am set to secondary and have downloaded all the DLC from PSN but could not play witcher as my account was not set to Primary.

So my brother switched his Console 1 to make it his Primary so I could play Witcher on Console 2.

But now my brother cant play Witcher on his as he has not paid for the DLC even though it is on his PS4 harddrive.

He just paid for the DLC now, so he could play it and it seems he have to Download it to his PS4. the DLC is already on that PS4 I have it there on my Primary account. Why would he need to download it again? This is so stupid and will take up double space on the HDD.
My question is... would it be better to finish the main story and then complete Hearts of Stone? Is it even possible to play the game once you finish the main story? Or should I take a little break and play through HoS before returning to the main storyline?
Either way works. You can do them now since you're high enough level, or you can wait until after finishing the main game.


My question is... would it be better to finish the main story and then complete Hearts of Stone? Is it even possible to play the game once you finish the main story? Or should I take a little break and play through HoS before returning to the main storyline?

If you value challenge, complete the main quest first otherwise you'll end up being over leveled if you do the HoS quests first.
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