The Triss point of no return isn't part of the main quest line, so you can put it off until you go to Skellige.So, what the verdict? Triss or Yen?
I'm in novigrad and get the impression my next Triss mission may be the point of no return
... I'm leaning towards Yen, but honestly haven't seen much of her so far. (I've yet to go to Skellige)
So, what the verdict? Triss or Yen?
I'm in novigrad and get the impression my next Triss mission may be the point of no return
... I'm leaning towards Yen, but honestly haven't seen much of her so far. (I've yet to go to Skellige)
Speaking of wolf gear do I have to reach a certain plot point to be able to return to Kaer Morhen?
Cool, yeah, the mission I'm referring to as "the point of no return" is a side quest.The Triss point of no return isn't part of the main quest line, so you can put it off until you go to Skellige.
Is it worth developing Axii for dialogue?
I did it in my second playtrough but didn't notice any huge differences. Sometimes it makes it a little easier as you can avoid conflicts and fights.
Is playing on death march glitchy? I was watching a lets play earlier and man, there were so many. Mostly AI related.They were playing on PC. Never encountered any on my normal play through.
So that CGI trailer they released in around May where Geralt hunts the higher Vampire -- is that a Contract or mission in the actual game? Or was that just for a trailer?
That's a super short "!" type quest in the sewers somewhere in Novigrad. Don't remember exactly where the entrance is, but it's different from the sewers you go into during several other quests.The one where he asks what year it is and then says 'then fuck off'? I've been wondering as well since I haven't come across that quest.
It's near an entrance to the sewers on the southeastern side of Novigrad. It's the same area you end up in if you allow the chase sequence during Zoltan's Gwent card quest to continue until the end.That's a super short "!" type quest in the sewers somewhere in Novigrad. Don't remember exactly where the entrance is, but it's different from the sewers you go into during several other quests.
It's near an entrance to the sewers on the southeastern side of Novigrad. It's the same area you end up in if you allow the chase sequence during Zoltan's Gwent card quest to continue until the end.
So, what the verdict? Triss or Yen?
I'm in novigrad and get the impression my next Triss mission may be the point of no return
... I'm leaning towards Yen, but honestly haven't seen much of her so far. (I've yet to go to Skellige)
I thought it was also usefull when (spoiler concerning triss)where you confront Menge and Triss could get tortured. I don't know for sure though since I didn't have the Axii sign upgraded then.
Just gotta do the super annoying headshot thing and I will have a platinum. Then it is on to finish the DLC.
Devil's Pit for that trophy, NPC's will stop at the gate so you can line up your shots.
You would be wrong. It doesn't really change anything for that conflict, aside from getting you some XP for successfully pulling it off.
I swear to god, I cannot beat this shitty little halfling in the High Stakes Gwent tournament. Fucker just keeps pulling extra cards out of his ass and getting insanely lucky with them. I had him as good as dead, and the game gives him a Geralt and Ciri card from the same hand.
Oh okay. Well, I just, and that went well also.slaughtered them all![]()
Have you acquired every other card from the game yet? The tournament is tough, but its very doable once you have all the necessary hero cards.
Question: when you first met SigiDid I screw myself out of the Geralt gwent card?
I have completed the Old Pals quest by beatingZoltan, Roche, and Lambert, however a lot of guides I'm reading say there is a 4th Thaler (whom I haven't seen yet) to get the Gerald card. After I beat Lambert it completed my Old Pals quest.
Just started playing through this and I've got a few questions. I'm on PC.
- I've been playing with controller so far, any opinions on K+M vs gamepad?
- Any essential mods I should get? I've been looking at Friendly UI, not sure if I should grab it.
- I started the game on the second hardest difficulty, and I almost died on the first ghoul fight (I think I could've taken one more hit before dying). Should I bump the difficulty down, or just leave it be?
Question: when you first met SigiDijkstra, did you break his leg again?
Nope!This is my first Witcher game so I guess I was nice to him. How does that affect me?
You'll meet Thaler during a side-quest given by Dijkstra. Don't worry, you're not locked out of his card.
I just started playing this game but I find myself going into the World Map a lot to create my pin point to direct to me to a place of interest, the icons with a question mark. Is this how everyone else plays this game? Is there a better way of doing this? It seems like it would get repetitive after awhile.
Or an iPad for consoles.Witcher is a game desperately in need of second screen support on the phone.
The map is too big, and the loading times take too long.
I think the experience would be 5 times better if they allowed all the menus to be handled on a second screen.
Does game difficulty affect Gwent AI? I've fallen in-love with Gwent and destroy every opponent with ease![]()
Man, I love everything about this game, but I get my ass kicked by some monsters. The combat feels so cluncky and unresponsive sometimes.
Should I lower the difficulty? How does that changes the combat?
Does game difficulty affect Gwent AI? I've fallen in-love with Gwent and destroy every opponent with ease![]()
The only problem is I'm still stuck with original deck even tho I buy every card I see and earned a lot and still have more to earn.
I'm close to having enough cards to play with Scoiatael and Nilfgaard and wonder how it will affect my play, because I'm really used to playing my current cards and learned the AI pattern. Wish you could play it online!