Novigrad was definitely the worst part for me so far. Absolutely loved Velen, just wanted to explore forever, but with Novigrad I just wasn't really feeling the whole big city / political underworld shit. In hindsight the story portion in Novigrad was well done, but I just didn't really like the feeling of being in a big city all the time, I wanted to be out in the wild exploring shit.
Fist fights are incredibly easy because it always boils down to parry, strike 2-3 times, and repeat. Never dodge in a fist fight because you're likely to still get hit.
What a pity! Unless you have File History enabled on Windows 8, or an earlier drive backup I'm not sure anything can be done, though others may have a suggestion. I usually make zipped backups of the game save directory every so often, but there are auto backup tools available.
After a bit of googling found a Witcher 3 profile manager for PC. It's a launcher that appears to allow for multiple save profiles.
Reading the posts and documentation of the above program I'd make a backup copy of the saves folder first before testing it. I'm also using the GOG version and the default location in my case is DocumentsThe Witcher 3gamesaves.
Yay, finally got my platinum trophy. There were a few parts I struggled with but Death March wasn't too bad overall.
Should I use my Level 36 Geralt in Hearts of Stone or go ahead with my Level 59 NG+ Geralt? Or doesn't it really matter?
Finally got the Card collector trophy. That was stressful. So many of the cards are buggy and/or the information about how to obtain them online is wrong. You really have to watch that trophy like a hawk your entire playthrough or you could fuck yourself out of it just by making one wrong decision in something seemingly completely unrelated.
And to make matters worse, they don't carry on a NG+, so you're really hosed if you make the slightest mistake.
I had to reload saves 5 or 6 times even though I followed the guide to the tee, because there are so many ways to fuck yourself out of the cards that aren't even discussed by the guide at all.
i think the thing to take away from this is just play and beat every npc that plays gwent while they are available to play...
this really isn't a trophy to clean up after all the quests are done it seems
Before finishing my DM playthrough it seems Roach gained some new abilities.
It's not just that. There's a merchant who you have to rescue that sells some cards, there's no other way to get them. He very often is bugged and you can never acquire the key to release him.
Then, all the leader cards are completely messed up. You're supposed to win them from completing the regional gwent quests, but some of them i never received. The Relentless comes to mind. So I'm freaking out because i had 50+ hours of playtime since completing that quest. Some googling suggests you get it from beating Sasha in High Stakes, so i went and did that quest, but didn't get it there either. Someone said to complete the quest so i did all the extra stuff to get the 4500, still didn't have it. Then repeated the whole quest with different dialogue options and somehow i got it.
In another instance, i sent Zoltan to Kaer Morhen before playing him. Oops, impossible to trigger Gwent: Old Pals now, reload a save from 5 hours ago.
It's ridiculous how perfect your every action has to be to get some of the cards, and there is no room for error since they don't carry over to ng+
Yup, apart from the couple of missable cards from the gwent side quests, all others are obtainable.
None of the Gwent: Old Pals cards are missable, you can trigger the gwent game from their speech menu even after you have sent them(Zoltan, Lambert) away somewhere.
Where are they after you send them away? I haven't done Isle of Mists yet, I'm guessing they will show up later?
Anyway the card with the guy in the cage is missable if your game bugs. And I'm pretty sure a few of the leader cards are missable too if you don't get them from gwent quests (eg Gwent: Velen etc) or High Stakes as happened to me the first time.
First time I declined Sasha's invitation to have dinner after killing the guys in the warehouse. Quest was over, no Relentless card. Second time i had dinner and more with her and then i got the card.
I think rewards have also been changed throughout the patches or something. At one point i had cards that everything online and in the official guide claimed are available only through High Stakes, even though I hadn't done the quest yet.
Originally it was. Then it was quickly changed to first half 2016.Is there an ETA on the next expansion? I thought it was originally billed as early 2016?
Guys I went team Yen and I hate Yen now...feels bad man. Triss I'm so sorry...
i posted this in the screenshot thread but figured i post it here as well:
That part definitely drags but it picks up again after imoI'm doing a quest to find some dude called dandelion... It has to be the longest quest I've ever taken on in my life and TBH it's getting to the point where I'm losing interest :-/
Please guys tell me not all quests are like this...
Also if anyone has some essential side quests to do for a player lvl 13ish that will make me like this game again I'm all ears!
I'm doing a quest to find some dude called dandelion... It has to be the longest quest I've ever taken on in my life and TBH it's getting to the point where I'm losing interest :-/
Please guys tell me not all quests are like this...
Also if anyone has some essential side quests to do for a player lvl 13ish that will make me like this game again I'm all ears!
That part definitely drags but it picks up again after imo
Worst part of the game imo. The whole Novigrad story was a real drag imo, but it gets better
If I continue with the brothers in arms quest will it lock me out of sidequests or can I keep going?
I don't know where you got that advice, but it's the opposite. You do the main quest to get the levels to do the side quests.I'm about 7 hours in and so far "do side quests to up your level for the main quest" seems like inapplicable advice. After arriving in Velen, almost every single side quest I get is too high for me, whereas the only quests that seem somewhat doable are the main quests.
I don't know where you got that advice, but it's the opposite.
Alright, thanks that's what I thought.i think you can keep going, it's when you go to the isle of mists that some secondary quests will get locked out, they even warn you before you enter
Explore a little bit, visit the PoIs on the map ("?"), check out all of the notice boards. Just be prepared to leg it if you come across enemies who are a much higher level (and you will). I'm assuming you did everything in White Orchard already? If not then I'd recommend doing that first.I'm about 7 hours in and so far "do side quests to up your level for the main quest" seems like inapplicable advice. After arriving in Velen, almost every single side quest I get is too high for me, whereas the only quests that seem somewhat doable are the main quests. Is there an area that's best suited for someone who's just arrived in Velen, or should I just do the main quest first?
Just started this game and super overwhelmed by the crafting system......I read through the Op and hopefully didn't overlook some good begginer/crafting tutorials. Any solid suggestions out there?
Also, I've taken all the quests from the quest board and completed most of them as I found out the hard way I wasn't strong enough to defeat the Griffin, but I'm still not the recommended Level 3 and my quests aren't showing up anywhere anymore, I know I have at least two from the board I haven't done yet they seem to have dissappeared...
Just starting the game. Whats best way to play through the game. I have a thing of in many games wanting to clear all of map
Just starting the game. Whats best way to play through the game. I have a thing of in many games wanting to clear all of map
Is there a side-quest in Bowden or just a world detail? Stumbled uponbut it seemingly ended there.a scent using the Witcher sense and it led me to a Fisstech lab. Followed the trail and found a body