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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT3| Metz Some Ploughing Good Ladies In the Forest



last fight really sucks.

considering turning down difficulty from Blood because, fuck, just not fun.


Are there any additional details regarding 1.22 messing up ps4 saves? I put in a couple of hours post-patch but haven't encountered anything yet. Is there something specific causing the bugs?


Currently doing a second playthrough and a first time playthrough of the 2 expansions.

Wondering why CDPR changed the Triss Now or Never quest
so you can't delay choosing whether or not to make her your final romance choice by saying 'Stay with me.'

Having her turn up at Kaer Morhen all pissed off me is annoying. I chose Yen over her because of the whole taking advantage of Geralt thing, however, I enjoyed her character in TW2 and she's not a bad person.

Toussaint is fucking beautiful.


Quick web search tells me that the halfling herbalist Northeast of Oxenfurt sells the diagram for the Moon Dust bomb, but I'm almost certain I tackled the Jenny O' the Woods Contract with that bomb before I went in that direction on my second run through the game...

Never felt that I needed the Moon Dust bomb for her though. What level are you? Are you making good use of Yrden?

You can find crafting and alchemy diagrams randomly from chests as well. You got lucky and found it before the quest.


Witcher gaf, should I finish the main quest before doing blood and wine? I've beaten it before on ps4 way back.

It's mostly matter of lvl you have. If you finish B&W before main game you will be massively overleveled for the remining part of the main storyline.
Expasions are designed to be played after the main game. Also, make sure you play Hearts of Stone as well, and before B&W.



I began playing The Witcher 3, after finally completing my Witcher 2 playthrough (I'll be honest: I didn't really enjoy TW2... I liked TW1, but TW2's gameplay was really bad, not to mention the horrendous save files management). However, I face a small problem: I use a PS4 Controller, but the Share (Start) button doesn't work at all (it works perfectly on other games). I tried to use DS4 to XInput Mapper, but nothing changes. I tried the "Hide DS4 Controller" button, but it completly messes up the controls, making the game unplayble (ironically enough, the Share button is now recognized, albeit still mapped incorrectly). Can someone help me please?

EDIT: Nevermind: the menus are mapped to the big button in the middle. I feel kinda foolish, though this is the first time something like this happen with games I play on PC with my DS4 Controller.

Also, man, things sure went downhill between The Witcher 2 and The Witcher 3. Nilfgaard invaded, Temeria no longer exists (both Redania and Kaedwen split the country in half and annexed it to their kingdoms), monsters are everywhere, and villages can't even pay witchers to do their jobs. Sounds likes the darkest hours of the northern kingdoms.

Also, my choices in Witcher 2:
  • Saved Aryan La Valette
  • Saved the people in Flotsam, but Loredo escaped... It seems Flotsam is done for.
  • Sided with Iorveth.
  • Romanced Triss.
  • Saved Stennis (this guy is a DICK, but I wanted a fair trial)
  • Helped Cynthia and let her go (she better remember me in TW3 if I meet her)
  • Decided to save Triss, leaving Saskia under Philippa's control (hard decision honestly)
  • I let Sile go (kinda regretting that...)
  • Let the Dragon survive.
  • Saved Iorveth at the end.
  • Let Letho live (mostly because I gathered that it would be more interesting to meet him again eventually in Witcher 3, if he does show up that is)



I began playing The Witcher 3, after finally completing my Witcher 2 playthrough. However, I face a small problem: I use a PS4 Controller, but the Share (Start) button doesn't work at all (it works perfectly on other games). I tried to use DS4 to XInput Mapper, but nothing changes. I tried the "Hide DS4 Controller" button, but it completly messes up the controls, making the game unplayble (ironically enough, the Share button is now recognized, albeit still mapped incorrectly). Can someone help me please?

Is the controller plugged in or wireless?

Witcher III seems to override ANY third party program and revert to default PS4 controls if you plug it in via USB. It's really annoying.

DS4Windows works perfectly for me with the "hide" option checked so long as I'm using Bluetooth, but the moment I plug it into my PC to charge, Witcher does it's own thing. Changes the light color / intensity, disables my custom binds, and displays the DS4 icons.

Try Bluetooth and then charge the controller via wall power when you need to.


Thanks CHC. I managed to fix that issue.

Now, my screen goes into sleep mode if I play with the Controller after a while... *sigh* I guess I will need to deactivate it for this game. Still annoying.

I will also need to upgrade my PC, since I'm unable to have good FPS even at the lowest setting, but that is another issue entirely.


I know CDPR tried to weave Hearts of Stone and Blood & Wine into the narrative of The Witcher 3 as much as they could, different options for
Vesemir's old flame
depending on
his status
and the visitor you get at
your home in Toussaint
being examples for each, but I really fucking wish
could've been put straight into the
Kaer Morhen storyline. On two playthroughs I chose Triss and Yen each but spending time with either never left me as satisfied and down right giddy as I was with Shani. Don't get me wrong, Triss and Yen are both amazing but the Wedding sequence in HoS was fucking genius.

I don't care if it had even been a little ham-fisted but having Shani patch people up after the Battle of Kaer Morhen and retiring with her (as she expressed an interest in having happen) would have been a great attachment to main game.


I know CDPR tried to weave Hearts of Stone and Blood & Wine into the narrative of The Witcher 3 as much as they could, different options for
Vesemir's old flame
depending on
his status
and the visitor you get at
your home in Toussaint
being examples for each, but I really fucking wish
could've been put straight into the
Kaer Morhen storyline. On two playthroughs I chose Triss and Yen each but spending time with either never left me as satisfied and down right giddy as I was with Shani. Don't get me wrong, Triss and Yen are both amazing but the Wedding sequence in HoS was fucking genius.

I don't care if it had even been a little ham-fisted but having Shani patch people up after the Battle of Kaer Morhen and retiring with her (as she expressed an interest in having happen) would have been a great attachment to main game.

Geralt staying with Shani would be pretty cruel though. It makes much more sense for a witcher to be with a sorceress. Both can't have children and both could grow old together, Shani getting with Geralt would mean never having children and then dying of old age while Geralt looks not a day older. That's also why she ultimately leaves Geralt in The Witcher 1 if you pick her, it would never work.


Geralt staying with Shani would be pretty cruel though. It makes much more sense for a witcher to be with a sorceress. Both can't have children and both could grow old together, Shani getting with Geralt would mean never having children and then dying of old age while Geralt looks not a day older. That's also why she ultimately leaves Geralt in The Witcher 1 if you pick her, it would never work.

Yeah, even the romance option in Hearts of Stone is pretty cruel.
At the table she's like "I don't want to love you Geralt because you'll always just leave." and then Geralt's like "Here's a twig, let's do it."


I'm getting some weird level upscaling bugs I think. In the Towerful of Mice quest the rats take several hits to take down and they do so much damage that 3 of them can kill me in under 2 seconds. I'm almost certain it's because I'm level 24 and it's a level 6 quest. Anyone else seeing any weirdness?


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I'm getting some weird level upscaling bugs I think. In the Towerful of Mice quest the rats take several hits to take down and they do so much damage that 3 of them can kill me in under 2 seconds. I'm almost certain it's because I'm level 24 and it's a level 6 quest. Anyone else seeing any weirdness?

Upscaling is known to be frustratingly glitchy. Make sure you have Igni handy.

The God

So I restarted my game and now I'm at the Bitter Harvest quest

This shit seems way harder than the first time I did it. I can't keep the dumbass NPCs alive and the quest giver dies with one hit from the ghouls.

Tips? this is on Death March and I'm level 4


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
So I restarted my game and now I'm at the Bitter Harvest quest

This shit seems way harder than the first time I did it. I can't keep the dumbass NPCs alive and the quest giver dies with one hit from the ghouls.

Tips? this is on Death March and I'm level 4

For the earlier levels Quen and arrowblock are essential and work towards getting the mind control Axii ability too. Those help immensely in the early levels.

The God

For the earlier levels Quen and arrowblock are essential and work towards getting the mind control Axii ability too. Those help immensely in the early levels.

It's not me that's dying, it's the NPCs who keep dying from the ghouls. I can kill the first wave pretty easily, but after that it's a wrap and I fail the quest smh.
Lol, I'd just leave that till later. I'm Lv20 and still have it on my map. AI is just dumb. I would at least wait for the AoE Aard upgrade and get better silver swords.

I wouldn't bother at that level especially on DM. Hardest quest by miles.

The God

Lol, I'd just leave that till later. I'm Lv20 and still have it on my map. AI is just dumb. I would at least wait for the AoE Aard upgrade and get better silver swords.

I wouldn't bother at that level especially on DM. Hardest quest by miles.

I've got level scaling on though lmao

guess I'll turn it off and turn it back on later.

The God

Level scaling only scales enemies up, not down. Is that quest higher than level 4?

I can't remember, but the ghouls are level 7-9 I think. What I meant when I mentioned level scaling was that I should turn it off when I level up for the quest so that the ghouls don't scale with me.



Could someone tell me what are the main differences in the cutscenes and dialogue stuff if you do Ladies of the Wood before Bloody Baron? Are there a lot of differences?

Better yet, if anyone knows of lets play (preferably without commentary) that does the quests in that order, I'd be super grateful.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.

Could someone tell me what are the main differences in the cutscenes and dialogue stuff if you do Ladies of the Wood before Bloody Baron? Are there a lot of differences?

Better yet, if anyone knows of lets play (preferably without commentary) that does the quests in that order, I'd be super grateful.

This is a pretty tough question as I doubt many will be able to recall any important differences off the top of their head, but the changes are minimal if I can recall correctly.

If you do the Whispering Hillock quest before Ladies of the Woods you will get the least bad of all outcomes.


So, I just finished the base game of The Witcher 3. Fantastic game. Now the question is on which expansion to play first. I'm guessing Hearts of Stone?

Edit: Also, alchemy kicks ass! I'm hoping that combining the Hunter Instinct and Killing Spree talents will prove effective.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Finished the Blood and Wine DLC and I was disappointed that there was one loose end that wasn't tied up.

If Ciri became a witcher and/or empress at the end of the main game that means one Crone still leaves. I wanted to finish her off.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
So, I just finished the base game of The Witcher 3. Fantastic game. Now the question is on which expansion to play first. I'm guessing Hearts of Stone?

Yes, you will be more appropriately levelled for that one. Do them backwards and you will be way overlevelled for Heart of Stone.


Please tell me
is in the game more than just
Ladies in the Woods
He pops up again for a bit in a main quest towards the end of the game.

Might have some company with him depending on a certain choice you make in Novigrad.
So, I feel like I've experienced most of the content in this game and am currently roaming around and visiting the last remaining question marks.

Before I hang up the silver sword for a good, long while, I want to make sure I didn't miss out on any cool hidden gems. The world is positively brimming with this kind of stuff, so I know there has to be neat little items or quests that I've missed.

Does anyone have a link that lays out some of the easy-to-miss stuff?


Thanks CHC. I managed to fix that issue.

Now, my screen goes into sleep mode if I play with the Controller after a while... *sigh* I guess I will need to deactivate it for this game. Still annoying.

I've been having that same issue, so frustrating. I haven't had that happen with any other game.


Sweet! Thanks guys. So I assume if I go there and meditate to noon I get a Noonwraith and if I meditate until midnight I get a Nightwraith?

Also are they at a set level?
Forget what level they're at. Doubt they're any more than 20. Some Noonwraiths pop up in other fields around the Novigrad area, but I think only a select few respawn... But yeah, get the Noonwraith during the day, then meditate until after dusk to get the Nightwraith. Fast travel to another region to get them to respawn faster.

Are you hunting them down for crafting/alchemy ingredients?


Well my gaming table has cleared up as I have just finished the two games I was playing. I think im going to give NG+ a shot. I haven't touched this game since a couple months after release and am looking forward to reliving the grand adventure!

Hopefully this time I won't destroy all of Geralt's close relationships and get a "sigh" ending. And hopefully I won't waste so much time on Gwent ;)
Forget what level they're at. Doubt they're any more than 20. Some Noonwraiths pop up in other fields around the Novigrad area, but I think only a select few respawn... But yeah, get the Noonwraith during the day, then meditate until after dusk to get the Nightwraith. Fast travel to another region to get them to respawn faster.

Are you hunting them down for crafting/alchemy ingredients?

Yeah, Dark Essence.


Is there anyway to not piss of D
? Feels like there is a way to get him to co-operate when you're setting up for the Battle of
Kaer Morhen


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Is there anyway to not piss of D
? Feels like there is a way to get him to co-operate when you're setting up for the Battle of
Kaer Morhen

you have to
bring him the key to his $$$
Not true. He doesn't show up at that fight regardless. It's honestly one of the more Inconsequential decisions in the game. The only difference is whether he gives you crowns.

I was disappointed because I felt it could have had a profound effect on a part later in the game involving Roche


Guys Im getting my ass kick on wild at heart, that werewolf is whooping my ass and I have cursed oil! Any tips? Im on blood and broken bones

Did you find the viper school sword in White Orchard?
Keep hitting him until he gets poisoned and spam Quen,it was piss easy on death March and i was under-leveled for that quest.


Not true. He doesn't show up at that fight regardless. It's honestly one of the more Inconsequential decisions in the game. The only difference is whether he gives you crowns.

I was disappointed because I felt it could have had a profound effect on a part later in the game involving Roche
I thought him giving you money equals him not being pissed off;)


They didn't ask about showing up, they asked about not pissing him off and getting him to co-operate.

Well, Dijkstra got very good reasons to not want to help Geralt and being pissed off regardless, considering their history.
If someone broke my leg so fiercely that after years I still couldn't walk properly, I wouldn't be too eager to help that person
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