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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT3| Metz Some Ploughing Good Ladies In the Forest


Also, I unlocked the alternate Quen shield and it's ridiculously OP. You pretty much will never die if you have decent stamina regen, which I do because most of my ability points are in the blue tree + I have that ability where every piece of medium armor gives me +5% stamina regen.

For most of the game yeah it's incredibly useful. With the higher enemies/expansions though it frequently gets one-hit and broken through, so as a method to regain vitality it was later rendered ineffective (for me at least) so I rebuilt my tree to regain HP other ways (like imbibing any potions).
Edit: By the way, is there any rhyme or reason to the Witcher armor set locations? I'm looking for pieces of the Enhanced Griffin School armor. Does the game lead you to them at all? If not I'm just gonna cop out and Google the locations.

Oh man I just finished Dandelion's questline. So good! I couldn't stop playing until I finished it; I was absolutely rearing to kill the antagonist of that one. Poor
. :( Also that
sadist coroner
was nasty, I killed him too because fuck all that.

For most of the game yeah it's incredibly useful. With the higher enemies/expansions though it frequently gets one-hit and broken through, so as a method to regain vitality it was later rendered ineffective (for me at least) so I rebuilt my tree to regain HP other ways (like imbibing any potions).

Well I'm glad they (kinda) countered it. It's too powerful.


Edit: By the way, is there any rhyme or reason to the Witcher armor set locations? I'm looking for pieces of the Enhanced Griffin School armor. Does the game lead you to them at all? If not I'm just gonna cop out and Google the locations.

You'd firstly find/obtain the maps then read them in your inventory which unlocks the sidequests. The sidequests lead you to the locations of the armor/weapon diagrams.

Without the maps/sidequests you'll pretty much be stumbling upon them by chance or by using an online guide.
You'd firstly find/obtain the maps then read them in your inventory which unlocks the sidequests. The sidequests lead you to the locations of the armor/weapon diagrams.

Without the maps/sidequests you'll pretty much be stumbling upon them by chance or by using an online guide.

Ok thanks. I've already stumbled across two pieces of it. I'll Google where to find the map so I can at least have a little adventure getting the other pieces. I'm just tired of Geralt looking so goofy in cutscenes with my mishmash of armor - I wanna look like a goddamn Witcher!


Ok thanks. I've already stumbled across two pieces of it. I'll Google where to find the map so I can at least have a little adventure getting the other pieces. I'm just tired of Geralt looking so goofy in cutscenes with my mishmash of armor - I wanna look like a goddamn Witcher!

merchants are selling maps for witcher gear.


Anybody else kinda disappointed that Ciri
never really finds a romance interest of her own?

There's a huge tease about it but nope...

I don't think Ciri wants anything to do with love anymore. (Book and game spoilers)
Pretty much everyone she was ever romantically interested in died in a horrible way. In the game that one guy died right after (if you choose so) kissing Ciri, the first guy Ciri kissed died while he was kissing her and Ciri's long-term girlfriend and all of their friends were brutally murdered right before Ciri's eyes.


I don't think Ciri wants anything to do with love anymore. (Book and game spoilers)
Pretty much everyone she was ever romantically interested in died in a horrible way. In the game that one guy died right after (if you choose so) kissing Ciri, the first guy Ciri kissed died while he was kissing her and Ciri's long-term girlfriend and all of their friends were brutally murdered right before Ciri's eyes.

There was that knight in the end of the book though. Like a sign that things can get better there.


So around what level should I expect to be by the end of all the DLC? I finished Hearts of Stone and am decently going through the quests in Blood and Wine and I'm level 42. I believe there are level 48 (I think?), so is that a good estimate? Seems like quite a bit of XP to get there.


you will love skellige. dont wait, you can always come back to novigrad anyway.

You're right I absolutely love Skellige right now. The entire opening questline with
stealing the mask, the king stuff, and Yennefer
was amazing. The music and scenery in Skellige are SO much better than Novigrad. I can't believe they made me spend that much time running around a giant city. It was cool at first but Novigrad has so far been the worst part of the game for me, it felt like such a slog.

Instead of immediately progressing the main story after that I decided to
help the king(s). I went to an island with the ice giant and man that place is eerie. Also I love any quest that lets me interact with trolls, they're hilarious. Especially the first Radovid assasination questline where the trolls want boots and learned to curse, they called me a "sockcuck". Too good.

Also I just barely crossed the 40hr threshold. This game is long! I think I've owned it since July, whenever GoG had their summer sale. I only get to play it a few hours per week.

Anyone else get a random audio bug that makes the music volume skyrocket after completing a quest? Sometimes I'll finish a quest and then enter into a cutscene or something and the music seems 2x louder than the dialogue. I'm on PC GoG version.
Finally went to Skellige last night. Wew lad, that sex scene with
was a lot more... revealing than I expected.

But seriously, the Skellige quest line is great so far. CDPR continues to impress me with every new area.

I can't believe they made me spend that much time running around a giant city.

Lol, if you just did the main quest part it doesn't even take that long. I did a good amount of sidequesting in Novigrad and it ended up growing on me. There's a lot of good stories in there.


But seriously, the Skellige quest line is great so far. CDPR continues to impress me with every new area.

Lol, if you just did the main quest part it doesn't even take that long. I did a good amount of sidequesting in Novigrad and it ended up growing on me. There's a lot of good stories in there.

The stories are pretty good, but Novigrad feels like a drag for me too. Did a lot of side quests and now just saving up to go to Skellige. Can't wait what is in store for me.


For some reason Steam Cloud didn't stored my latest saves and I was like in the middle of Blood and Wine, dammit.

I think I'll just start Blood and Wine from scratch. How well is the game balanced that way? I lost all of my itens, witcher armors, etc. Can I get good gear in the expansion alone?

Also, is the later half of the expansion worth the effort of starting over? I was enjoying up until then, but to start over... I'm sad. :(


For some reason Steam Cloud didn't stored my latest saves and I was like in the middle of Blood and Wine, dammit.

I think I'll just start Blood and Wine from scratch. How well is the game balanced that way? I lost all of my itens, witcher armors, etc. Can I get good gear in the expansion alone?

Also, is the later half of the expansion worth the effort of starting over? I was enjoying up until then, but to start over... I'm sad. :(

Yes to both questions.
Armor - you can get (IMO) the best one - manticore.
Plus I think, highest tier armors do not require previous level to craft (or at least wolf school armor I think). So you will surely be able to equip something good.
And the expansion is 100% good enough to justify starting over.


Bought the GOTY edition on PS4 after selling the standard one, to own the two expansions on a physical support. Since the saves aren't compatible, I launched Hearts of Stone as a standalone game, at level 32 and with an appropriate equipment, but I lost all my Gwent cards. Is there a way to make the saves compatible ? I really want to enjoy Gwent through the DLCs, and have not the motivation to collect them once again.
That fight is so good. I thought it was the end of the game, but it just keeps going after that.

No kidding!

Last night I fought Imlerith. The actual fight was really annoying because my controls kept acting up, but this was slightly redeemed with the ending cutscene, where Geralt


I also did the King Radovid quest and decided to
assassinate his punk ass. Well, actually it was Philippa Eilhart who did the honors, in ruthless fashion
. #NastyWoman.


Damn, I didn't realize NG+ was patched when Blood and Wine came out. I was expecting to steamroll the beginning of the game at level 51, only to find out it's all scaled. Oops.


I've just encountered a repeatable bug, Geralt is stuck walking. After the Kaer Mhorn situation it forces the character to walk and then my character will not run, is stuck walking permanently. And he's not overburderned I removed all his items. Really annoying I was hoping to complete it.


I wan't to buy this for the PS4. My question is:

If I buy the original release instead of the GOTY, will I still get alle the improvements (interface etc.) & patches that are included in the GOTY?
Not talking about the additional content DLC and 2 expansion packs. I have no interest for them, just want to play the main story, not 100 hours more of the same (I know they are very good but main story is enough for me).

ARGH, I hate it when this game spoils stuff from the last book (which hasn't been translated into English yet). Geralt just mentioned that he killed
. Fuck!
I wan't to buy this for the PS4. My question is:

If I buy the original release instead of the GOTY, will I still get alle the improvements (interface etc.) & patches that are included in the GOTY?
Not talking about the additional content DLC and 2 expansion packs. I have no interest for them, just want to play the main story, not 100 hours more of the same (I know they are very good but main story is enough for me).


Yes, you get all the improvement. The free DLC as well.


ARGH, I hate it when this game spoils stuff from the last book (which hasn't been translated into English yet). Geralt just mentioned that he killed
. Fuck!

The fan translations are great and make a good substitute in the meantime.
Welp I just beat The Witcher 3. Clocked in at 76 hours.

When it comes to storytelling, voice acting, and sheer quality of the quests, it's one of the best games I've ever played. You can tell the CDPR devs really put their hearts into this game.

When it comes to gameplay - specifically controls and combat mechanics - it's sadly mediocre... especially since Dark Souls 3 was the game I played before this. FromSoft is just on another level when it comes to action RPG gameplay, and I fear very few games will satisfy me now that I've been introduced to the Souls series.

As for my endings, I got:
Ciri becomes a Witcher
Geralt and Yennefer live happily ever after
Nilfgaard wins the war and Emhyr var Emreis brutally crushes the traitors at home
Skellige prospers under Cerys an Craite's rule

I'm happy with all of those. Yay!

The fan translations are great and make a good substitute in the meantime.

ouch:( make sure you read fan translation ASAP!

I tried reading the first couple chapters of the fan translation. They did a good enough job of translating, but the writing just isn't there. The official translations, and the audiobook narration in particular, give so much more life to the story. I'll wait. Unfortunately this game has spoiled some major plot elements, but there's still plenty I don't know. I did see in a YouTube comment that the final book does not
have a happy ending
, so that's gonna be interesting...


Im playing PC Goty version now, and im getting the level up and quest progress sounds in the middle of cutscenes, ruining the mood of the game, this was not an issue on PS4, the game waits after the cutscenes ends to give you the upfates on quests and level progress.

Anyone knows a fix to this? thanks.


Gold Member
Make sure you play both expansions. In some ways they are even better than the main game. The ending of Blood & Wine... :'(

do you mean
anna's death
or the final scene with geralt/regis? i got the "bad" ending and went back to change it. i nearly started crying at the end though. i'm gonna miss these games so much. i really can't wait to replay them.


I've just bought this in the Xbox Black Friday sale as it's so cheap.

I've never played a Witcher game before. I've never played an "epic rpg" game before. In fact, I usually avoid games like this that are huge in length. I feel like I've definitely made a mistake buying it, and yet.. I want to try it. I feel like I'm missing out by not trying it. It looks gorgeous and fun, and I want to go on a big adventure.

If any of you want to offer some beginners advice for a total NOOB, then I'll be most grateful, but don't worry if you don't have the time.

I don't know when I'm going to get started on it, hopefully some time this week.
I've just bought this in the Xbox Black Friday sale as it's so cheap.

I've never played a Witcher game before. I've never played an "epic rpg" game before. In fact, I usually avoid games like this that are huge in length. I feel like I've definitely made a mistake buying it, and yet.. I want to try it. I feel like I'm missing out by not trying it. It looks gorgeous and fun, and I want to go on a big adventure.

If any of you want to offer some beginners advice for a total NOOB, then I'll be most grateful, but don't worry if you don't have the time.

I don't know when I'm going to get started on it, hopefully some time this week.
If you don't like "huge" games, you can just follow the main quest. Those are the ones that give you the most exp, so you won't fall behind. Apart from the main ones there are side quests, some of which are related to main story and some that aren't. This is a short guide, which introduces the world and main features of the game. If you want to know something in particular feel free to ask :D


Thank you very much for that guide, it looks most helpful! I'll be sure to come back to this thread once I've started and I'm in tears.


Hey, enjoying my time relatively early, level 5 - are there any obvious armor sets or weapons I should go for in this first phase of the game? If I download the free DLC are any of the sets there something I can find and make use of this early?
Hey, enjoying my time relatively early, level 5 - are there any obvious armor sets or weapons I should go for in this first phase of the game? If I download the free DLC are any of the sets there something I can find and make use of this early?
The best armors are the Witcher sets; there's one you can get in White Orchard iirc, called Viper. You should be able to find maps to get it from merchants.


Gold Member
Hey, enjoying my time relatively early, level 5 - are there any obvious armor sets or weapons I should go for in this first phase of the game? If I download the free DLC are any of the sets there something I can find and make use of this early?

get the Serpentine swords in white orchard. the free DLC gives you the Temerian armor set you can get from the merchant in White Orchard. that's always my gear set up at the start of the game.

to be honest most of the armor/swords in the game are junk so stick to witcher sets. get whatever one you like the look off or what suits your build.

my last playthrough i had:

Kaer Morhen armor/Witcher swords until "Lilac & Gooseberries" > Temerian armor/Serpentine swords until "Disturbance" > Wolven armor/swords until "Open Sesame"/"Whatsoever a Man Soweth" in Hearts of Stone expansion > Viper armor/swords until "Be It Ever so Humble" in Blood & Wine expansion.

the only gear i had to eventually ditch was the Temerian/Serpentine set because you get those pretty much at the beginning of the game and you don't get the Wolven set until something like lvl 20-25 which for me was about 80 or so hours into the game. also, i was going to return to the Wolven set in Blood in Wine but it was way too expensive so stuck with Viper.
So just picked the complete edition after having to give up my normal game right after Hearts of Stone came out.

I might be remembering wrong but man this game looks better than before. Now I had my old game when they added the Stash Chests and fixed the weight of items. Any big changes since then? Not looking for the whole list but some major points.

About to go for the very first Griffin fight and already noticing nice little changes.


Any of you played through this more than once? I'm considering another playthrough but afraid I'll get bored and bounce off. Anything you did to keep things interesting?


get the Serpentine swords in white orchard. the free DLC gives you the Temerian armor set you can get from the merchant in White Orchard. that's always my gear set up at the start of the game.

to be honest most of the armor/swords in the game are junk so stick to witcher sets. get whatever one you like the look off or what suits your build.

my last playthrough i had:

Kaer Morhen armor/Witcher swords until "Lilac & Gooseberries" > Temerian armor/Serpentine swords until "Disturbance" > Wolven armor/swords until "Open Sesame"/"Whatsoever a Man Soweth" in Hearts of Stone expansion > Viper armor/swords until "Be It Ever so Humble" in Blood & Wine expansion.

the only gear i had to eventually ditch was the Temerian/Serpentine set because you get those pretty much at the beginning of the game and you don't get the Wolven set until something like lvl 20-25 which for me was about 80 or so hours into the game. also, i was going to return to the Wolven set in Blood in Wine but it was way too expensive so stuck with Viper.

Thanks. I stumbled into the cave quest with Keira at level 3 and a little unprepared in terms of equipment and consumables so I just barely made it out alive.


Gold Member
Any of you played through this more than once? I'm considering another playthrough but afraid I'll get bored and bounce off. Anything you did to keep things interesting?

you can make a lot of difference choices. apart from the few choices were you get a countdown timer the rest aren't made obvious to you. it's designed so that you can't easily go back and change them. if you want to a particular ending you'd need to find out the exact point of the game the choice is and what to say.

my first playthrough i
killed Keira, destroyed the tree, kids were sacrificed, the baron was alive, anna lives, helped triss escort the mages out of novigrad, sara moves in with johnny, whoreson lives, hjalmar rules skellige, romances Triss, and got the ending where Ciri becomes a witcher, radovid lives.

second playthrough i
kept Keria alive, saved the tree, the kids lived, the baron committed suicide, anna dies (i think), helped triss with the mages, sara doesn't meet johnny and lives with Tilly, whoreson lives, Cerys rule Skellige, romanced Yennefer, and got the ending where Ciri becomes a witcher, radovid dies, and sided with Roche.

there are a lot of other smaller choices and that's just the base game.


you can make a lot of difference choices. apart from the few choices were you get a countdown timer the rest aren't made obvious to you. it's designed so that you can't easily go back and change them. if you want to a particular ending you'd need to find out the exact point of the game the choice is and what to say.

my first playthrough i
killed Keira, destroyed the tree, kids were sacrificed, the baron was alive, anna lives, helped triss escort the mages out of novigrad, sara moves in with johnny, whoreson lives, hjalmar rules skellige, romances Triss, and got the ending where Ciri becomes a witcher, radovid lives.

second playthrough i
kept Keria alive, saved the tree, the kids lived, the baron committed suicide, anna dies (i think), helped triss with the mages, sara doesn't meet johnny and lives with Tilly, whoreson lives, Cerys rule Skellige, romanced Yennefer, and got the ending where Ciri becomes a witcher, radovid dies, and sided with Roche.

there are a lot of other smaller choices and that's just the base game.

You let
Whoreson live twice?
What's wrong with you!


Just got this last night, amazing so far. Just wondering if the DLC armor sets were included in the 18GB update I downloaded? If yes, where do I find the armor? Thanks!
Just got this last night, amazing so far. Just wondering if the DLC armor sets were included in the 18GB update I downloaded? If yes, where do I find the armor? Thanks!
Just started seriously playing this last night, and as much as I like Skyrim, this is everything I wish an open world fantasy RPG like Skyrim could be. The grim medieval fantasy, the satisfying combat and tactical use of magic, the great creature designs. the sprawling landscapes and lively settlements, the great writing and voice acting

Grabbed Hearts of Stone and Blood & Wine today since they're currently on sale on PSN

And now I want more open world RPGs with defined characters. It's so much more engrossing than playing a create-a-character blank slate


Just made one of my first ever mods, fixes what was (in my opinion) one of the most annoying and disruptive visual bugs in the game.

You can download it here if you don't like buggy water.

Have you reported this bug to CDPR? Haven't seen it before, though I haven't spent much time in Novigrad since they remade the water universally.


I just bought The Witcher 3 on PS4 along with both expansion packs(installed them both).

My question is, as a first time player, how will I know what part of the game I'm playing? I would like to complete the main game first, then each subsequent DLC expansion. But there doesn't seem to be a differentiation in the menu's.

I've never played a Witcher game before, and don't want to become overwhelmed right away.


I just bought The Witcher 3 on PS4 along with both expansion packs(installed them both).

My question is, as a first time player, how will I know what part of the game I'm playing? I would like to complete the main game first, then each subsequent DLC expansion. But there doesn't seem to be a differentiation in the menu's.

I've never played a Witcher game before, and don't want to become overwhelmed right away.

you can't walk right into the DLC .

the first DLC " Hearts of stone unlocks once you reach Velen but has a suggested level of 33 . it even has a Giant Banner on that quest telling you it is for the DLC .

The second DLC unlocks Once you finish the main story in Novigrad .

in both Cases the Game gives a nice pop up once they unlock too so you wont miss them .
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