Finally did it this afternoon, must have taken me 3 hours of retries. Looking forward to doing it again on 101% Hard.Its actually very doable. The biggest barrier for me was that.Kahkooh-regah on the epilogue on hard.
Finally did it this afternoon, must have taken me 3 hours of retries. Looking forward to doing it again on 101% Hard.Its actually very doable. The biggest barrier for me was that.Kahkooh-regah on the epilogue on hard.
Finally did it this afternoon, must have taken me 3 hours of retries. Looking forward to doing it again on 101% Hard.
Don't want to dp so will just edit.
Does anyone knows if you can hit this panel with Wonder Green?
It's similar to the ones ahead, but I could never hit that one.
You knew someone was going to do it eventually...
Pure Platinum for 009-C on 101% difficulty. Massive end game spoilers:
Skip to 9:40 for the part we all wanted to see.
You knew someone was going to do it eventually...
Pure Platinum for 009-C on 101% difficulty. Massive end game spoilers:
Skip to 9:40 for the part we all wanted to see.
Immorta's Unite Big is broke as shit I told you
You knew someone was going to do it eventually...
Pure Platinum for 009-C on 101% difficulty. Massive end game spoilers:
Skip to 9:40 for the part we all wanted to see.
I said WOW.
As far as killing enemies goes, yes it's completely ridiculous. Certain chapters let you easily farm the required amount of points necessary for Pure Platinum and once you reach it you can just blast through EVERYTHING using Unite Big Immorta. Alot of times though it's not in your best interest to kill stuff too quickly because the combo requirements are pretty strict and just spamming Unite Big will get you a big fat Bronze on combo.
It's not entirely game breaking in terms of ranks but you have to question why they made it so powerful and so easy to just spam.
Eh I don't know. I think it's this game's Kilgore Glitch
Thing is that you're completely invincible during it. So it pretty much trivializes Boss PPs
Obviously it doesn't work on stuff it kills too quickly, but chances are if that's your issue you probably don't need to be using Unite Big Immorta for that section. (Stuff like Dough-Goo encounters)
You knew someone was going to do it eventually...
Pure Platinum for 009-C on 101% difficulty. Massive end game spoilers:
Skip to 9:40 for the part we all wanted to see.
Thanks! ^^
can't find the wonder babe (no. 50), anyone can help?
How far from the start?
Epilogue, after breaking through the bus carriage door, backtrack and he should be on the floor.
After everyone regroups you'll have a mission on the roof. After it finishes, missiles destroy the roof, so drop down. There's a door to the next cab that you need to break to get through. After you break it, recruit all the citizens there but do not exit the cab to the roof. Go back to the first cab to the left where you fell in and Wonder Babe is on the floor. He's really tiny so just make a big circle and it should catch him.
Need a little help. Mission 7
I'm inside Vorkken's body and Chewgi just joined me. There's a part where we have to whip into a hook but it keeps disappearing whenever I'm near it.
You knew someone was going to do it eventually...
Pure Platinum for 009-C on 101% difficulty. Massive end game spoilers:
Skip to 9:40 for the part we all wanted to see.
As far as I know nothing. The bottle cap for the last secret character only requires regular platinum ranks and I already unlocked all of the secret characters a while ago. I'm just doing this because I want to.
You knew someone was going to do it eventually...
Pure Platinum for 009-C on 101% difficulty. Massive end game spoilers:
Skip to 9:40 for the part we all wanted to see.
What else can I say about this game? Its fun, creative, hilarious, silly, crazy, dramatic, campy, and everything good about a video game from Platinum Games. It is really a terrible shame that this game isnt selling well due to the fact that Nintendo, even though they had an entire Nintendo Direct about it, didnt have that many commercials or ads for it, which is just a crime. We need to strengthen the sales of this game and show that there is interest for games like this. It is easily one of the most unique and memorable games of this year. It is one of my top 10 games of 2013. Even if you dont own a Wii U, you need to buy this game.
Anyone else have trouble unlocking 101% hard? Places say that all you need to do is complete every operation on Hard, which I've done (every square on the results page is filled, including epilogue and prologue) but it hasn't unlocked for some reason. Does every secret mission have to be completed as well?
I'm slowing down a little bit since I unlocked everything but I was left wondering what the hell I was going to follow this game up with.
Decided to go back to Sin and Punishment 2, played it a bunch when it came out but never got SUPER hardcore into it. Man, that game looks amazing on Wii U, perfect game to play after 101. Any new Wii U owners who loved 101 should consider checking it out, absolutely incredible, I'm figuring out new things like countering Boss attacks with melee and that kind of stuff. So satisfying!
Same type of feeling you get from 101, experiment and you'll be surprised at what you can actually pull off. So much depth, so many layers, well thought out scoring system.... One of the best rail shooters ever.
Oddly enough, I've been thinking about S&P2 a lot since beating W101. Probably time to pop that one in. Admittedly I never got beyond easy mode.I'm slowing down a little bit since I unlocked everything but I was left wondering what the hell I was going to follow this game up with.
Decided to go back to Sin and Punishment 2, played it a bunch when it came out but never got SUPER hardcore into it. Man, that game looks amazing on Wii U, perfect game to play after 101. Any new Wii U owners who loved 101 should consider checking it out, absolutely incredible, I'm figuring out new things like countering Boss attacks with melee and that kind of stuff. So satisfying!
Same type of feeling you get from 101, experiment and you'll be surprised at what you can actually pull off. So much depth, so many layers, well thought out scoring system.... One of the best rail shooters ever. review: 9/10
Are these reviews being added to the metacritic average? Game needs to be in the 80s.
And I am only 2 bottlecaps away, but I I will be too busy monday and tuesday to finish it. So cloooose.
Yeah, I'm planning to cool off with Pokémon lol.You guys playing S&P2 right after 101 are nuts. I don't think I'll be able to jump right in to another action game immediately after 101.
It is doomed to have the same fate as God Hand.Yeah, the fact that this game has an average below 80 just doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever considering how good it is.
Just finished 6-B got to love when you getbrings back memories ofoptionsgradius
Finished the game and started over in hard because, OMG so awesome.
After finishing it, gotta askWhich one is better, Wonderful Forever, or Wonderful Platinum?
Do it! It felt so satisfying when in 101% hard I couldDodge all of the punches instantaneously. It felt so natural. The special requirment in the 101 one made me last around 15 minutes (cause I suck at getting those stars in the platinum one) before realizing you couldn't also get hit on that one, I laughed.
But man that feeling of accomplishment and improvement, feels good.
Did you beat the operations in Hard in order? If you didn't its likely that all you have to do is to complete the 009C or the epilogue again and it should unlock.
There's a special requirement for that one? Is it just to obtain a plat or just to complete it?
Yeah it felt good to succeed but I felt too burnt out to do the other one straight away. I'm just starting the run on the highest difficulty so I'll end up doing it soon enough.
That could be it. I think I did the prologue last.
Congrats on getting all the bottlecaps!