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The Worst Events in Comic Book History

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Considering how loose their definition of "event" is, I'd say Tangent Comics or Godwheel deserve places on the list over Amalgam and Superior.


Axis not on there
Age of Ultron not on there
Battle of the Atom not on there.

That list is fucking basura.

Edit: Original Sin gets special mention for retroactively ruining a man who fights and fucks like a devil
Dumb list. SpOck was great. Secret Wars 2 was an enjoyable ride with some pretty epic moments. Onslaught was okay but nowhere near the worst.

No mention of Sixis, Civil War 2 should be higher etc..
This list doesn't have:

The Crossing

Oh shit. I forgot about that one. It was hands down the most reviled thing in Avengers history for old school fans. The whole thing about how Iron Man had secretly been an evil murderer for all of Marvel continuity and needed to be replaced with Teen Tony was so bad that they went back and did deep-scrub retcons of every element of this story in Heroes Reborn & Avengers Forever.


You've yet to even gaze into the true depths of despair.

Godfuckingdammit. At least tell me there is some good stuff too.

It's so weird because I started off with Annihilation and Annihilation Conquest because I wanted to get into the marvel stuff before GOTG hit the cinemas and I really enjoyed those.

Then I went back and started reading more stuff and so much of it has been ropey. Civil War had its moments but was ultimately a bit disappointing, One More Day was AWFUL and given the movie is in the works I was curious to see what Ms. Marvel was like.

Am I missing something or is Carol Danvers just completely boring?


What a horrible list. Infinite Crisis, Flashpoint and Superior Spider-Man shouldn't be any wear near the worst.

Hell, even Death of Superman is somewhat redeemed by the stuff that came after.
Godfuckingdammit. At least tell me there is some good stuff too.

It's so weird because I started off with Annihilation and Annihilation Conquest because I wanted to get into the marvel stuff before GOTG hit the cinemas and I really enjoyed those.

Then I went back and started reading more stuff and so much of it has been ropey. Civil War had its moments but was ultimately a bit disappointing, One More Day was AWFUL and given the movie is in the works I was curious to see what Ms. Marvel was like.

Am I missing something or is Carol Danvers just completely boring?

These two are by far the best Marvel events imo. Secret Wars is apparently pretty good too. You shouldn't force yourself to read that stuff. Just pick and chose the books and characters that look interesting to you and follow the writers you like. There are hundreds of Marvel books worth checking out but their events are rarely worth it. Better to bypass them entirely.


Godfuckingdammit. At least tell me there is some good stuff too.

It's so weird because I started off with Annihilation and Annihilation Conquest because I wanted to get into the marvel stuff before GOTG hit the cinemas and I really enjoyed those.

Then I went back and started reading more stuff and so much of it has been ropey. Civil War had its moments but was ultimately a bit disappointing, One More Day was AWFUL and given the movie is in the works I was curious to see what Ms. Marvel was like.

Am I missing something or is Carol Danvers just completely boring?

Go to comicgaf and such and find recommendations. For comics a lot of time is better to ignore brand or character loyalty


I have never been offended by comics before I read Ultimatum. Like what the fuck, let's drown everyone and make Strange's head explode. The end of the Ultimate universe was horrible too.
Please put Fear Itself and Axis in the garbage bin and the writer for disrespecting Superior Spider-Man.
Dishonorable mentions: the trial of jean grey, black vortex, the only good thing those bland things brought was shipping Quill and Kitty.
According to the results of this list, literally any storyline involving a major status change is noteworthy. Even if it isn't technically an event.

For an actual event, Age of Ultron wasn't great. Extraordinarily boring.


Considering how loose their definition of "event" is, I'd say Tangent Comics or Godwheel deserve places on the list over Amalgam and Superior.

Yea thats the thing, given their very loose interpretation of "event" makes me really question half of those pics. Infinite Crisis was not bad, it gave us batshit crazy Super Boy which ended up being the gift that kept on giving. Superior Spider-Man was pretty good once people gave it a chance and a nice change. Flashpoint while it led into a questionable reboot was an entertaining event on its own.

They have stories like that in their list but leave out some real shit shows like Shadowland and how many god awful recent X-men events. Click bait list is click bait.
I lived through Secret Wars 2 and I assure you that it went over pretty damn well at the time. I was surprised to see it on the list TBH.


Superior Spider-Man wasn't an event, but it was trash. Maybe if it only lasted 6 months instead of 18 and Slott wasn't constantly drooling over his own bad idea, something could have been salvaged from it. Worse ideas have been made into better comics.

But the absolute worst for my money is Ultimatum. The event so bad, it irreparably damaged an imprint enjoying significant success. It's crazy to think that this was printed and put on shelves. That Marvel actually charged money for the opportunity to read this. That senior management were comfortable associating this with the Marvel brand. Ultimatum is inexcusable.


Secret Invasion doesn't belong there.
The only good part of Secret Invasion was Spider-Man and Iron Fist lampshading Uatu the Watcher. Granted, that moment alone makes it better than the majority of this list, but Secret Invasion is not a good event.
Final Crisis was at least interesting. Morrison just went a little too crazy that time.

Too crazy Morrison would be if, like, he submitted The Filth or something for the script. Final Crisis the event as a whole is amazing. Anybody who has honestly read all the way through to its proper conclusion on Legion of 3 Worlds and can tell me it's bad should be summarily ejected from comicdom.


This shit is what superhero comics exist for.

Oh yeah, that reminds me, Countdown should be on that list. It was meandering and dreadful, and another reason Final Crisis was good was because the Batman subplot kind of redeemed it.

Secret Invasion doesn't belong there.

It belongs there twice. I have a hard time recalling something else that had so much buildup for so little payoff.


Literally off the top of my head ten good events (I'll stop when I've reached 10):
- Secret Wars 2015
- Final Crisis
- Sinestro Corps War
- Mutant Massacre
- Fall of the Mutants
- Infinity Gauntlet
- Annihilation
- Annihilation Conquest
- Messiah Complex
- Spider Island

Some might be limited crossovers rather than linewide, but I consider all of them events.

I love all the Annihilation stuff. Reading everything leading up to the Thanos Imperative was my first real taste of Cosmic Marvel.

Sinestro Corps War also was pretty damn cool. That shit went hard.
When I was a kid I kept hearing all of this hype about how they were going to kill off Superman. I can't remember all the details now, but some dude basically got him in a headlock and just killed him. It was super weak, and then the worst part was that he came back as multiple people or something. One of them definitely had a jean jacket.


One More Day should be number 1.

It is the ultimate personification of the conceit that no matter how many years are spent developing a popular comic book character forward, things will eventually be undone and rebooted because Status Quo must be upheld no matter what.

Marriages will crumble, dead characters will come back to life, villains who turn good will turn into villains again, and don't even get started with the children of superheroes (won't somebody THINK of the children!?).

And the excuse is almost always "but we can't alienate the new fans!".

To put into perspective, Dragon Ball is one of the most popular manga (and anime) in the whole world. It's a long-running series that started with its protagonist as a young boy and ended (at first) with him being a grandfather.

And they've never had to reboot it. Not once.

Yeah, One More Day is pure tripe. Joe Quesada sucks.


Superior Spiderman being in this list automatically invalidates it. Who didn't laugh at 'Fuck you MJ, I can just re-live all our trysts in my mind!' with Peter going 'DOOOOCCCCC' in the background.
Literally off the top of my head ten good events (I'll stop when I've reached 10):
- Secret Wars 2015
- Final Crisis
- Sinestro Corps War
- Mutant Massacre
- Fall of the Mutants
- Infinity Gauntlet
- Annihilation
- Annihilation Conquest
- Messiah Complex
- Spider Island

Some might be limited crossovers rather than linewide, but I consider all of them events.

Sinestro Corps War was more limited to GL books. It's an event, but I'm not sure I'd consider it a multi-crossover event book. Still it's great.
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