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The Worst Events in Comic Book History

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Okay, maybe in a combined DC/Marvel list it's not for consideration.

I found most of the side material boring. Glorified What ifs.
A good chunk of those have been brought into the 616 line: Black Bolt's Quiet Room and the general dynamic of the Inhumans (Attilan Rising; Ultimate Mjolnir (currently relevant in Unworthy Thor); Miles Morales and his cast (Ultimate End was effectively the bridge from 1610 to 616); Old Man Logan; Gwenpool; Singularity formed A-Force

Or you have stuff like Web Warriors, X-Men '92, and Renew Your Vows that all got their own series.

I liked the Battleworld stuff because it felt like the universe was fully immersing itself. That's the beauty of Marvel and DC; you aren't simply reading a series, your reading a whole universe. Granted DC did the same thing with Convergence, and was better executed due to it actually coming out on schedule so it didn't draw out for an extra month or two.
15. One More Day
14. Secret Wars 2
13.Infinite Crisis
12.Secert Invasion
11.Maximum Carnage
10.Civil War 2
9. The Amalgam Universe
8.Captian America Reborn
7 DC VS Marvel comics
4.The Clone Saga
3.Superior Spider man
2 Death of Superman
1. Onslaught



No AXIS, no Identity Crisis.

Superior Spider-Man and Amalgam shouldn't be on the list at all.


damn, what a mixed bag of a list

secret wars 2/invasion/cap reborn/etc are just forgettable

maximum canrage, onslaught & the like were 90s cheese...i get why many don't revisit them, but again, no real damage done there (i mean, heroes reborn was gonna happen anyway, at least we got some mark waid out of it)

dc vs marvel was a marketing gimmick, of course bone claw wolvy beat lobo off panel and other dumb stuff (like bats taking cap, kinda) because popularity

ill defend clone saga till the day i die - new villains, tasteful death of aunt may, some really interesting stuff goes down i thought, before about timebomb or so when it all went to shit

one more day and ultimatum are perfect candidates because the wounds from garbage like that still exist

superior spider-man doesn't belong on here at all, full stop

i hope you're not implying AOA was anything shy of a classic

Literally off the top of my head ten good events (I'll stop when I've reached 10):
- Secret Wars 2015
- Final Crisis
- Sinestro Corps War
- Mutant Massacre
- Fall of the Mutants
- Infinity Gauntlet
- Annihilation
- Annihilation Conquest
- Messiah Complex
- Spider Island

Some might be limited crossovers rather than linewide, but I consider all of them events.

this strikes me as a pretty good list, though i still gotta read spider island (ive faith in slott though)

I'm going to read the Onslaught omnibus soon. I'm expecting pure 90s craziness

please believe, that's what you're gonna get

Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
Maybe because its so fresh in my mind but I thought Civil War 2 was pointless as hell, and coming off of Battleworld or whatever the hell that was called, which was also missing something special.

I think I liked AvsX.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Superior Spidey and Secret Wars 2 lolwhut?

and Onslaught is way too high because it started hot, the lead up to the reveal was amazing. That list doesnt have the actual worst event ever which was Axis, and im a x-men fanboy.
Shit list. While some of the stuff belongs on a worst of list, some doesn't, like Superior Spider-Man.

Superior is one of those things that sounds stupid as hell on paper or describing it to someone, but was awesome because of the execution. It should not have been as fun as it was.
Side bonus: it gave us Superior Foes of Spider-Man.

And the Onslaught event was pretty shitty, but I did like the build up to it at least.

And throwing Amalgam on the list? Fuck 'em. That was just stupid, silly fun, and wasn't meant to be anything else.


Why the f*ck is Superior Spider-man on this worst list? That sh*t was awesome and shows how to reboot/make huge changes to a character without resetting the Universe.

One More Day should be top 3 at least but i dont really think it counts as a comicbook event.

Amalgam was great. Dark Claw, baby!

Superb*tch Prime going over the top towards the end soured me on Infinite Crisis towards but the build-up to it was great (and seeing Bart Allen wearing the red suit was amazing!).

The Onslaught crossover while indeed terrible was a business decision due to Marvel teetering on bankruptcy (for the nth time). I believe this was when they have this co-partnership with Wildstorm and have them write non-mutant and non-spidey heroes (which Onslaught shunted to a pocket dimension away from the regular Marvel U).

Joker's Last Laugh was probably the worst event i've ever had the misfortune of reading. I dont know why they didnt include it (and OWAW). How the heck did the Joker gas affected alien and magical entities? And that bait and switch at the end! Complete effing waste of time.


The fun as hell Amalgam and just plain great Superior Spider-Man (not even an "event," just a storyline) get on and the legendarily putrid Onslaught bullshit doesn't? No Deathmate, even? C'mon, son.

Edit: Whoops, the replies here made me think Onslaught wasn't on the list, but now I see it is correctly at #1.

Still, Amalgam and Superior shouldn't be there. Plenty of terrible X-Men crossovers to go around. And seriously, Deathmate. Fuckin' Deathmate.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
The fun as hell Amalgam and just plain great Superior Spider-Man (not even an "event," just a storyline) get on and the legendarily putrid Onslaught bullshit doesn't? No Deathmate, even? C'mon, son.

Onslaught is 1 tho


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
One More Day too low.

Also, I thought people liked Secret Wars 2?

They're talking about Secret Wars 2, not Hickman Secret Wars.

No one likes Secret Wars 2.


Literally off the top of my head ten good events (I'll stop when I've reached 10):
- Secret Wars 2015
- Final Crisis
- Sinestro Corps War
- Mutant Massacre
- Fall of the Mutants
- Infinity Gauntlet
- Annihilation
- Annihilation Conquest
- Messiah Complex
- Spider Island

Some might be limited crossovers rather than linewide, but I consider all of them events.

I suspect these choices are controversial, but I think my favorite events are DC One Million and Zero Hour.

DC One Million basically has just the right amount of Morrison craziness without feeling too self-indulgent (although most of the non-core 1,000,000 issues aren't the greatest).

I'm guessing most people don't like Zero Hour, but I personally found it the most coherent of all the Crisis series, and the post-Zero Hour, pre-IC DCU was basically the heyday of my comic buying. I also appreciate how the villain of the piece has an understandable and defensible position for doing what he was doing (unlike the villains of the other Crisis events who seem to just want to destroy everything), even if a lot of people hated the reveal.

In addition, I feel like most of the 0 issues that came out of it were solid, and it helps that it led to the so-called Archie Legion, which I absolutely loved.


Surely it's the time when Batman revealed his literally pissed himself in the incredibly awful Kevin Smith retelling of Year One?
How could anyone think Superior Spider Man was bad in any way. Doc Ock is the greatest comic book character of all time. That whole book was phenomenal start to finish.


how in the hell is one more day below maximum carnage? maximum carnage at least had some redeeming qualities in that it was batshit insane

also superior spider man anywhere on that list is a joke, especially as high as it is. that was a fantastic run. introduced anna maria too who is awesome. obviously the author is a huge dolt. seriously though that run explored some really cool stuff in regards to what's at the core of spider man.


I hated everything about Superior Spider-Man....especially the cringe-worthy dialogue.

Flashpoint was good, Captain America Reborn was good, Infinite Crisis was average....shouldn't really be on the list.

Where is AXIS?

But this is the worst event ever I've ever read:


It's the definition of pointless.
Bit of a mixed list. The fact that the writer actually likes the first Civil War (which was pretty much garbage) tells you a lot about his tastes. The lack of Identity Crisis and Cry For Justice is also fairly notable.

Interesting how he includes The Death of Superman due to how the event contributed to the terrible practices at the time and eventually to the industry crash. Granted, the Death and Return of Superman was bad for quality reasons as well - Superman getting killed by some dumb monster who came out of nowhere, for starters, but there's the spectacular garbage fire that was the "Reign of the Supermen" - because God forbid you introduce a mystery of "who is actually Superman" and make it so it's none of the candidates presented, a predictable and stupid twist. Oh, and it gave Clark that stupid fucking mullet that nobody liked. That being said, the one silver lining ended up being the introduction of John Henry Irons as Steel, who was a pretty cool character and someone even Supes himself considered deserving of the 'S' emblem, and the teenage Superboy got better when he stopped being Totally Radical.
These two are by far the best Marvel events imo. Secret Wars is apparently pretty good too. You shouldn't force yourself to read that stuff. Just pick and chose the books and characters that look interesting to you and follow the writers you like. There are hundreds of Marvel books worth checking out but their events are rarely worth it. Better to bypass them entirely.

Go to comicgaf and such and find recommendations. For comics a lot of time is better to ignore brand or character loyalty

Definitely gonna do that at some point but right I'm just going through a reading order from comicbookherald. I don't really know much about a lot of the characters so it's a good way to work out which ones I like and dislike.

I can see myself ignoring everything that happens on Earth and just following the cosmic shit because that's been the best stuff I've read so far.

Yes, she's also annoying. And has about 6 different personalities, depending on who's writing.

She doesn't seem to have any point other than being hot, which means that she doesn't stand out at all in the comic book world.

Wood Man

Some of those events I liked. Didn't know Maximum Carnage was unpopular. Then again it's been 20 years since I read it. But as a kid trying to locate and collect all the issues it was a pain.

I was fully expecting to see Ultimatum on that list. I was so hyped for it since I was a huge Ultimate Universe fan and we finally get a major crossover event. I was totally disappointed after I read it. WTF was up with the Blob eating Wasp?


Some of those events I liked. Didn't know Maximum Carnage was unpopular. Then again it's been 20 years since I read it. But as a kid trying to locate and collect all the issues it was a pain.

I was fully expecting to see Ultimatum on that list. I was so hyped for it since I was a huge Ultimate Universe fan and we finally get a major crossover event. I was totally disappointed after I read it. WTF was up with the Blob eating Wasp?
Didn't Jeph Loeb write it shortly after his son died? I get the sense he was in a dark place.


I hated everything about Superior Spider-Man....especially the cringe-worthy dialogue.

Flashpoint was good, Captain America Reborn was good, Infinite Crisis was average....shouldn't really be on the list.

Where is AXIS?

But this is the worst event ever I've ever read:


It's the definition of pointless.

Nah dog


Changed everyone powers, until the writers decided to ignore it


Millennium was goofy, and produced a team of non-entities called the New Guardians, none of whom exist anymore, with the exception of Florionic Man, who is actually a bat-shit insane villain.

Oh yeah, later the spirits told the team they sucked, and someone else was going to be the Chosen, and then continuity rebooted and the whole mess was sucked into limbo.

Civil War 2 has been singularly crappy. Every time I think Marvel can't do a worse job at a crossover, they top themselves. Not only was the premise dumb, but in the end it all came down to nothing. And, again, they can't seem to get the books out in a sensible time, so you're reading post-event books sometimes months before you read the final event book.

At least Warren Ellis got a six issue Karnak series out of it.
Rebirth is probably the only DC reboot event that doesn't suck.

Crisis on Infinite Earths (the main story, not the Red Sky Tie Ins and the fairly confused reboot that followed (they obviously hadn't decided how exactly the reboot would work until a while after the last issue)) was actually fairly impressive. It looks worse from a modern perspective because the Crisis Crossover, kill off a bunch of D-Listers and a fairly significant character or two has been done to death since, but if you read it deliberately ignoring that, it's actually good.
The fact that Avengers 200 isn't on this list proves it's some bullshit. Also Superior spiderman and Flashpoint don't need to be on it at all.
Millennium was goofy, and produced a team of non-entities called the New Guardians, none of whom exist anymore, with the exception of Florionic Man, who is actually a bat-shit insane villain.

Oh yeah, later the spirits told the team they sucked, and someone else was going to be the Chosen, and then continuity rebooted and the whole mess was sucked into limbo.

Civil War 2 has been singularly crappy. Every time I think Marvel can't do a worse job at a crossover, they top themselves. Not only was the premise dumb, but in the end it all came down to nothing. And, again, they can't seem to get the books out in a sensible time, so you're reading post-event books sometimes months before you read the final event book.

At least Warren Ellis got a six issue Karnak series out of it.
That took him over a year to finish for some reason


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
This is like the worst internet list ever....ever....95% of it could be on the list of the best events....has to be a troll
Flashpoint, Superior, and Death of Superman don't belong here. Death of Superman is one of the most iconic issues in all of comics, and it led to a pretty good after-event, the Return series. Flashpoint is probably the best alternate grim universe next to Age of Apocalypse.

Superior Spiderman sounded awful on paper but was pulled off in all the right ways. What a great series, and Spider-Ock was a legitimately great anti-hero.

Infinite Crisis is known for its big moments, but the entire thing is a clusterfuck of epic proportions and it utterly ruins Batman. Marvel vs DC and Amalgam was rushed garbage. Maximum Carnage at least gave us a fun videogame series, but it (and the Clone Saga) represent almost everything wrong with 90s comics crossover bloat. Carnage is notable in that even with a superpowered serial killer on the loose in public in NYC, the only heroes to step up besides Spiderman and Venom are...Captain America, Cloak, Dagger, Firestar, and...Deathlok? You can't base this story in NYC and have it make sense. At least Clonage had the commons sense to move to a remote area for a good chunk of the fuckery, but it still managed to regress Peter's character quite a bit so that Ben could shine.

One more day is the worst character assassination of a major character in the history of the medium, so there's that. It's the Montreal screwjob of american cape books. Should almost certainly be #1.

I'm reading through the major events now, and Fear Itself was probably the most boring one I've read recently. AvX was fun. I liked Civil War 2.

Currently reading the DC 1 Million omnibus and some of the tie-in issues are horrible. Young Justice and Legionnaires tie-ins....ugh.

I'm going to read the Onslaught omnibus soon. I'm expecting pure 90s craziness

Onslaught is so powerful that he creates a star out of pure psychic energy, but he still loses to a single Incredible Hulk right hook. It's fantastically goofy but fun. The buildup is amazing though, especially the bits with Jean Grey.
Didn't know there was so many Infinite Crisis haters. There's a lot of lesser DC events I would have picked over it.

I thought IC was incredible in it's lead up stories and mini series. The main book was a bit chaotic but it tied in nicely with COIE and led to 52, one of the best DC books ever.

I mean there's War of the Gods, Invasion, Armaggeddon 2001, Last Day, mother fucking bloodlines...
15. One More Day
14. Secret Wars 2
13.Infinite Crisis
12.Secert Invasion
11.Maximum Carnage
10.Civil War 2
9. The Amalgam Universe
8.Captian America Reborn
7 DC VS Marvel comics
4.The Clone Saga
3.Superior Spider man
2 Death of Superman
1. Onslaught



Uh, Onslaught was bad, but the Heroes Reborn shit that followed was 100 times worse.THAT is the worst event in comics history.




Didn't know there was so many Infinite Crisis haters. There's a lot of lesser DC events I would have picked over it.

I thought IC was incredible in it's lead up stories and mini series. The main book was a bit chaotic but it tied in nicely with COIE and led to 52, one of the best DC books ever.

I mean there's War of the Gods, Invasion, Armaggeddon 2001, Last Day, mother fucking bloodlines...
I will not stand for Bloodlines slander
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