Gold Member

The r/XboxSeriesX and r/XboxOne subreddits, the biggest Xbox subreddits on reddit will be 'shutting down', these subreddits have millions of members each, the announcement was made today.
The decision was requested by Major Nelson & Microsoft (one year ago) as a request for consolidation:
We'd first like to extend a very sincere thank you to each of you who visit and participate with us. Today we are announcing some important changes to the overall structure of these communities. [...] we've heard time and again about frustrations with how the Xbox communities on Reddit are structured. Via mod mail, comment, and even from Xbox team members directly.
- r/XboxOne will be sunset and archived.
- r/XboxSeriesX will be sunset and archived.
Instead, they will be moving towards a single focused subreddit, called r/Xbox:
Users are not happy:
This is a really shitty and stupid idea
Why? So much explanation and it doesn't make sense. Dumbest action ever?!.
This is a bad idea and it will cripple the Xbox reddit community
MS not only closes studios but also subreddits? How long before we get merged into MicrosoftGaming?
What a genuinely terrible decision
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