Have they? They couldn't win the Worlds.Ultimately, all of the top Canadian teams can win at the international level when they're playing at their best, so the key is being able to deliver on the big day. So far Jacobs and team have been struggling a bit, but they've more than proven their abilities to pull it off.
I wonder if experience should factor more than simply qualifying for the olympic trials tourney. Would Howard or Martin have the same problem with nerves, composure, or trouble adjusting? There's no replacement for experience.
You gotta consider how other countries are chosing their teams too. Some create an all-star team. Others just pick a team and give them full support for a year. A lot of countries do not have a national tournament to decide the rep. The goal is to win, and sending the best possible representatives to win.
It's like Canada is too good and that makes chosing the rep an incredibly difficult decision when there are so many teams that could. Having one tournament to decide is almost a cop out for that decision.