The XXII Sochi Winter Olympic Games / Ski And Skate Against Hate

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Lolo Jones is out of medal contention right now as well. Why did the sprinters get signed on to the bobsled team? Don't follow the sport at all but is this a common occurrence?
Unsure how common it is but it makes sense given that sprinters possess very similar abilities to those required to be the back of the sled.

I do know that Herschel Walker (an NFL running back at the time) went to the 1992 Winter Olympics in bobsled.


Lolo Jones is out of medal contention right now as well. Why did the sprinters get signed on to the bobsled team? Don't follow the sport at all but is this a common occurrence?

The brakeman/woman's job on a sled team is basically to sprint as fast as they can for 4 seconds to get the sled moving, so recruiting athletes who already train to do just that is a pretty obvious thing to do.
Favorites: Norway, US, Finland and Sweden

Hoping it ends in that order too. The US won the last world championship in Val Di Fiemme, and maybe an Olympic medal could boost the popularity just a little in the US. Sweden has gotten more than enough medals in XC so far as far as I am concerned.
I want the Scottish women to win just because their skill relative to their youth is so impressive, but both teams are great. This should have been the gold medal match.

Wait a second. Another US female bobsledder (Lauryn Williams) has competed as a sprinter in the Summer Olympics, won a gold medal, and is in place to win gold here (hasn't only like one other person, Clara Hughes (CAN), medaled in both?) and all we are hearing about is Lolo Jones? Jesus.

It's especially rough because Williams has a great story, is fun, personable, and bright on camera, and is gorgeous. I like Jones a lot, but NBC has been trying to make her a megastar for years now.


Sweden are well deserving of medals, particularly the men and Kalla. But winning gold on both relays? FUCK. THAT.
I must admit that in light of the two relay golds, I would not be super sad if we didn't take a single cross ski medal for the rest of the olympics, so there's something to your "enough is enough" thought.

On the other hand.. :p There's no such thing as too much of a good thing in these contexts. E.g. I never heard any norwegian complain during the Holmenkollen World Championships in 2011 - and reasonably so. So I'll take whatever else we can get during these Olympics as an added extra. :)


And with that bronze medal Sweden's performance in these Olympics has now placed us third on the list of most cross-country medals in a single Olympics (Soviet Union are first apparently, followed by Norway in Salt Lake City). Still a good chance for a few more!


Damn, the Germans failing left and right... We should cut funding for almost everything except luge and use that money to lobby the comitee for more luge medals.


Thanks dear Finnish neighbors for that bronze medal. Way to tackle the germans! :-D

Hope some of that gold rubs off on the finnish hockey team now so they beat Russia!
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