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Thirteen adult men and five boys arrested in gangrape of an 11 year old.

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"Where were they when this girl was seen wandering at all hours with no supervision and pretending to be much older?" Cleveland resident Kisha Williams told the Chronicle.

What the fuck kind of idiot logic is this? Why does it matter that she was pretending to be older(aren't all kids like this by the way)? And what difference does it make that she was wandering around late at night? Is rape okay after a certain time?


Those fuckers should spend the rest of their lives rotting in prison.
I don't support the death penalty, even for scum like this, but I won't pretend I don't agree with the general sentiments coming from people calling for executions.
LyleLanley said:
What the fuck kind of idiot logic is this? Why does it matter that she was pretending to be older(aren't all kids like this by the way)? And what difference does it make that she was wandering around late at night? Is rape okay after a certain time?
I could be wrong, but I think that quote was a criticism of the parents, not of the girl.
The_Technomancer said:
How the fuck would you even consider blaming the victim in this case? Let me guess, she was "drunk and dressed provocatively" ...oh wait...
most likely what they're probably saying.

I'm playing Kanye's "So Appalled" in honor of this thread, the assailants and parents of the assailants, and some of the absolutely horrible posts in it.
LyleLanley said:
What the fuck kind of idiot logic is this? Why does it matter that she was pretending to be older(aren't all kids like this by the way)? And what difference does it make that she was wandering around late at night? Is rape okay after a certain time?

Obviously not. It's pretty fucking obvious that rape is a despicable, unwarranted act but parents should still look after their fucking kids.

If I have a kid I'm going to let him/her play in the street at night. Abduction is wrong, nothing justifies it, yet my kid should be free to play in the street all night if she wants to!

Bad things happen to good people. Prevent it, not lament it!


KingK said:
Those fuckers should spend the rest of their lives rotting in prison.
I don't support the death penalty, even for scum like this, but I won't pretend I don't agree with the general sentiments coming from people calling for executions.

Dude, it costs money to keep assholes like this alive. Taxpayer money. Until they find a way for prisoners to pay their own way to stay alive, they need to kill people like this.


CrankyJay said:
Dude, it costs money to keep assholes like this alive. Taxpayer money. Until they find a way for prisoners to pay their own way to stay alive, they need to kill people like this.

And most studies show that it costs even more money to put them on death row.
reading up on this case, found out these animals knew the girl was 11 years old. where is al sharpton and all these other clowns calling for justice for this little girl.


B.K. said:
Execute them. There's no reason for people like that to exist.

By them, are we referring to both the rapists and their parents as well as all the assholes harassing the raped girl and her family? Because I'd execute them all, if I had the power.
Lain said:
By them, are we referring to both the rapists and their parents as well as all the assholes harassing the raped girl and her family? Because I'd execute them all, if I had the power.

Thank god you never will.

Rapists, I could understand in a fit of hyperbole.
Shocked, hurt, denial-ridden parents as well as general, unconnected fucking weirdos?


KingK said:
And most studies show that it costs even more money to put them on death row.

Yeah, that's because of our shitty appeals process. Seriously...and I'm generalizing here...so I'm not talking about this case, but if there is clear cut evidence that someone did something and they get the death penalty, it should be straight to death. Not months on death row, no appeals, etc. Talking video proof etc.

Rad Agast

Lain said:
By them, are we referring to both the rapists and their parents as well as all the assholes harassing the raped girl and her family? Because I'd execute them all, if I had the power.

Why stop there? might as well nuke the whole city.


Dreams-Visions said:
most likely what they're probably saying.

I'm playing Kanye's "So Appalled" in honor of this thread, the assailants and parents of the assailants, and some of the absolutely horrible posts in it.
I just flew to the last page, my B sense told me too. Seems it was correct in warning me.

Anyway, typical SMH wtf response. From my home city too, lame. They basically done.
Apple Sauce said:
Thank god you never will.

Rapists, I could understand in a fit of hyperbole.
Shocked, hurt, denial-ridden parents as well as general, unconnected fucking weirdos?
There is no fit of hyperbole that can justify wholesale slaughter of people, even if they have committed terrible things.
One of the suspects is named Devo?


I'm guessing whoever named him didn't know what the word "Devo" meant.

wiki said:
The name "Devo" comes "from their concept of 'de-evolution' - the idea that instead of continuing to evolve, mankind has actually begun to regress, as evidenced by the dysfunction and herd mentality of American society."

Huh...kinda prescient, if this suspect took part in this crime.


CrankyJay said:
Yeah, that's because of our shitty appeals process. Seriously...and I'm generalizing here...so I'm not talking about this case, but if there is clear cut evidence that someone did something and they get the death penalty, it should be straight to death. Not months on death row, no appeals, etc. Talking video proof etc.

Idk man, the problem with making it "easier" to execute people is you risk even more wrongfully convicted people getting executed. I don't want to derail this thread into a death penalty debate though, so I'll stop. I'm sure you've heard the arguments against it before and I don't expect to change you're mind. We can at least both agree that these sick fucks are awful beings that deserve severe punishment.


Apple Sauce said:
Thank god you never will.

Rapists, I could understand in a fit of hyperbole.
Shocked, hurt, denial-ridden parents as well as general, unconnected fucking weirdos?

Hey, I don't go for world domination to dictate how people will meet their end simply because it's too much work and I'm lazy as fuck.

Justice will hopefully be served and the fuckers will rot in prison, but that doesn't change the fact that people like the families and friends of those rapists who make such comments enrage me enough that I don't really care about their well being anymore.

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Unconfirmed Member
Sutton Dagger said:
I don't understand the mentality of the attacker's relatives. If my Brother, or Father etc raped an 11 year old girl (and there was video evidence of them committing the crime), they would be fucken dead to me, in-fact I would be the first one to beat them down.
fucking this. I would castrate a family member if they did this to an 11 year old. jesus. Although, what the other poster said about denial is true as well.
My mom actually ran away from home when she lived in Cleveland Texas 40 years ago. She wasn't raped so I'm assuming that area has gone downhill since then


"Where were they when this girl was seen wandering at all hours with no supervision and pretending to be much older?" Cleveland resident Kisha Williams told the Chronicle.

WTF? How the hell a 11 years old can pretend to be 18+? Just in case Mr. Kisha Williams doesn't know, it is still illegal to gang rape someone even if they are older than 18.

GAF is sponsored by anti-depression drug company confirmed?


My favorite part of these threads is:

1. Shanadeus' tireless efforts to promote the idea that this type of savage behavior can be "educated away"; that the desire to commit this kind of atrocity can be wiped out by a few lectures and classroom discussions. Or, failing that, that we should eventually take to the laboratory and design ourselves a model human free of such violent tendencies, since humans are God after all and our technological advancements are the panacea humanity so clearly needs to get out of this primitive phase.

2. The mindbending moral equivalency of those who are equally disgusted by an angry thought or expression as they are to the act of gangrape by thirteen men and five teens on an 11 year old girl. Seriously. On one hand you have 18 people raping an 11 year old. On the other hand you have people who are repulsed by that and who express the emotions the story causes them to feel. And then you have some dumb fucking tool who tries to somehow make those two things equally disgusting and terrible. I'm far more disgusted by the mentality that can so minimize the gangrape of a child or who treats an emotional expression as gravely as said gangrape, than I am by someone saying the perpetrators should be killed/stoned/tortured/etc.

These two things are all I can look forward to in these threads that never seem to stop popping up.


Satyamdas said:
My favorite part of these threads is:

1: Shanadeus' tireless efforts to promote the idea that this type of savage behavior can be "educated away"; that the desire to commit this kind of atrocity can be wiped out by a few lectures and classroom discussions. Or, failing that, we should eventually take to the laboratory and design ourselves a model human free of such violent tendencies, since humans are God after all and our technological advancements are the panacea humanity so clearly needs to get out of this primitive phase.

2. The mindbending moral equivalency of those who are equally disgusted by an angry thought or expression as they are to the act of gangrape by thirteen men and five teens on an 11 year old girl. Seriously. On one hand you have 18 people raping an 11 year old. On the other hand you have people who are repulsed by that and who express the emotions the story causes them to feel. And then you have some dumb fucking tool who tries to somehow make those two things equally disgusting and terrible. I'm far more disgusted by the mentality that can so minimize the gangrape of a child or who treats an emotional expression as gravely as said gangrape, than I am by someone saying the perpetrators should be killed/stoned/tortured/etc.

These two things are all I can look forward to in these threads that never seem to stop popping up.

Yeah that had me going "huh?" too. Go figure, Gaf likes to turn the table's even when it doesn't make sense?
Satyamdas said:
My favorite part of these threads is:

1. Shanadeus' tireless efforts to promote the idea that this type of savage behavior can be "educated away"; that the desire to commit this kind of atrocity can be wiped out by a few lectures and classroom discussions. Or, failing that, that we should eventually take to the laboratory and design ourselves a model human free of such violent tendencies, since humans are God after all and our technological advancements are the panacea humanity so clearly needs to get out of this primitive phase.

2. The mindbending moral equivalency of those who are equally disgusted by an angry thought or expression as they are to the act of gangrape by thirteen men and five teens on an 11 year old girl. Seriously. On one hand you have 18 people raping an 11 year old. On the other hand you have people who are repulsed by that and who express the emotions the story causes them to feel. And then you have some dumb fucking tool who tries to somehow make those two things equally disgusting and terrible. I'm far more disgusted by the mentality that can so minimize the gangrape of a child or who treats an emotional expression as gravely as said gangrape, than I am by someone saying the perpetrators should be killed/stoned/tortured/etc.

These two things are all I can look forward to in these threads that never seem to stop popping up.
Here you are again, with strange opinions that make no sense. It's pretty disturbing that people respond to something like this by saying we should commit an equally barbaric act as some sort of equivalent revenge. That disgusts me just as much. I don't really care if that offends you.


Well, I can see some similarity. Obviously, what we have here is just people writing on a forum. It's very possible that they don't literally mean what they write. And even if they do, they're just words; if they were in a position to really take action, would they? Not necessarily. It's easy to talk shit, but much harder to really act.

BUT, if you put all that aside and suppose that at least some of the people both mean what they say ("screw the trial, rape them and then hang them," etc.) AND this is really something they would enact if they had the power, then that is also very disturbing. There's already a system in place for this sort of thing. They are fully aware of it but they don't care. Their emotional response is so great that they would ignore what they know are society's rules on this situation and violently enact their desires upon others. That's very disturbing to me. Somebody shouldn't trample over the rule of law that they are very well aware of because they're being made irrational by their emotions. Control your brutal baser instincts.


ZephyrFate said:
Here you are again, with strange opinions that make no sense. It's pretty disturbing that people respond to something like this by saying we should commit an equally barbaric act as some sort of equivalent revenge. That disgusts me just as much. I don't really care if that offends you.
I really don't care what disgusts you, and nothing you can say will offend me in the slightest.

So with that out of the way, I'm fine with you thinking you are some enlightened being who is above us bloodthirsty peasants because we wish harm to come to those who would gangrape an 11 year old. Enjoy your ivory tower. :)
Satyamdas said:
I really don't care what disgusts you, and nothing you can say will offend me in the slightest.

So with that out of the way, I'm fine with you thinking you are some enlightened being who is above us bloodthirsty peasants because we wish harm to come to those who would gangrape an 11 year old. Enjoy your ivory tower. :)
Ah, yes, because I'm declaring some sort of superiority, of course. You read my words so clearly. Bloodthirst is just as barbaric as gangrape, both lead to no good and never have, never will.


ZephyrFate said:
Ah, yes, because I'm declaring some sort of superiority, of course. You read my words so clearly. Bloodthirst is just as barbaric as gangrape, both lead to no good and never have, never will.
Except one is deserved and the other is not.
The Take Out Bandit said:
Just because we're the dominant domesticated animal doesn't make us special. :|
ZephyrFate said:
Yet, at the end of the day, they very much are.
Sorry, I didn't mean to make less of other life forms.
I just posted what came to my head after reading the OP.
Satyamdas said:
Except one is deserved and the other is not.
The fact that you think bloodthirst is deserved in any action speaks more towards your nostalgia for more barbaric times than anything else.


ZephyrFate said:
The fact that you think bloodthirst is deserved in any action speaks more towards your nostalgia for more barbaric times than anything else.
How can I have nostalgia for something I've never experienced? I wasn't around during feudal China or the Ottoman Empire.

And you really think there is no action possible, no level of depraved sadistic harm, for which violent retribution is acceptable? Nothing at all, ever, in the history of mankind, has merited an aggressive reaction? I don't think even you believe that.
ZephyrFate said:
The fact that you think bloodthirst is deserved in any action speaks more towards your nostalgia for more barbaric times than anything else.
You know. You're right. It is. So the hell what.

Execute them. Only way to be sure.


Satyamdas said:
Except one is deserved and the other is not.
The feelings of rage, disgust, and hated are understandable, but cries for immediate execution are not something a peaceful society should condone. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, as the (relatively) old chestnut goes.
GoldenEye 007 said:
You know. You're right. It is. So the hell what.

Execute them. Only way to be sure.
The idea of just killing people without due process is a fucking dangerous precedent to have.


send them to an island and let them rot in hell. parachute them down. out in nowhere with no food or anything. many days from reaching society. radar watches implanted chip in brain if any ones figures a way to leave. what ever chaos happens happens. we don't report none of it.
Satyamdas said:
My favorite part of these threads is:

1. Shanadeus' tireless efforts to promote the idea that this type of savage behavior can be "educated away"; that the desire to commit this kind of atrocity can be wiped out by a few lectures and classroom discussions. Or, failing that, that we should eventually take to the laboratory and design ourselves a model human free of such violent tendencies, since humans are God after all and our technological advancements are the panacea humanity so clearly needs to get out of this primitive phase.

2. The mindbending moral equivalency of those who are equally disgusted by an angry thought or expression as they are to the act of gangrape by thirteen men and five teens on an 11 year old girl. Seriously. On one hand you have 18 people raping an 11 year old. On the other hand you have people who are repulsed by that and who express the emotions the story causes them to feel. And then you have some dumb fucking tool who tries to somehow make those two things equally disgusting and terrible. I'm far more disgusted by the mentality that can so minimize the gangrape of a child or who treats an emotional expression as gravely as said gangrape, than I am by someone saying the perpetrators should be killed/stoned/tortured/etc.

These two things are all I can look forward to in these threads that never seem to stop popping up.
How about the people saying that condoning the rape and torture of a fellow human being is fucked up? Where does that fit in your carefully constructed scale of repulsion?
Satyamdas said:
Yeah get out, Zephyr wants to share his society with the cool guys in the OP, not us wacky bloodthirsty savages!!
Yeah, this doesn't make any sense and you fucking know it. If I ever said that I wanted to share my society with these fucks I would tell you so, but you're putting words in my mouth, as per usual.

Prison is there for a reason.

KO Hobo: Who cares I mean they obviously deserve barbaric revenge because that's a-okay in the year 2011


GoldenEye 007 said:
Nope. You're not the boss of me!

Edit: And who the hell said without due process?
It was at least implied by a few other people in the thread and I kind of tacked it onto my comments about your post, thought it wasn't aimed specifically at you. Sorry about that.

I stand by my position though. Mob "justice" gives absolute authority over another person's life to the crowd, while the death penalty gives it to the government. The latter is less likely to overreact or convict an innocent person, but frankly I don't trust either enough to give them the power to take someone's life.


Orayn said:
The feelings of rage, disgust, and hated are understandable, but cries for immediate execution are not something a peaceful society should condone. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, as the (relatively) old chestnut goes.
But they are only cries. And since our system of justice does not carry out immediate (or even delayed) executions, then what is the harm in voicing your outrage in the most plain way possible?

If you start hearing Supreme Court justices opining in GAF threads about how they want to see the perps fry, then we have something to worry about. Private citizens typing a few angry words of disgust at this type of story should not even be a blip on any rational person's radar.

KO Traveling Hobo said:
How about the people saying that condoning the rape and torture of a fellow human being is fucked up? Where does that fit in your carefully constructed scale of repulsion?
I say I don't give a shit if you think it's fucked up. You are still dealing with nothing more than words. Harmless words that have been spewed due to an astonishingly depraved and very harmful act. Actions speak louder than words.

Have you ever noticed that these type of outburts from posters only occur in threads like this where the story is unbelievably heinous, and that their ire is directed squarely at people who have committed the most terrible acts possible??

If these same posters were going around recommending torture and rape as punishment for everyone who didn't like GTA4 as much as they did, or who doesn't like The Social Network, your point would hold more weight. As it is, you are rushing to the defense of pieces of shit who through their own actions have shown that they are not deserving of even the most basic common courtesies, and as such I honestly don't give a fuck what you think about posters who call for their blood.


Satyamdas said:
But they are only cries. And since our system of justice does not carry out immediate (or even delayed) executions, then what is the harm in voicing your outrage in the most plain way possible?
It's not "wrong," per se, I just find it repugnant and am disturbed by people who defend the notion of immediate mob justice. Granted, there hasn't been too much of that in this thread.
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