Orayn said:
The feelings of rage, disgust, and hated are understandable, but cries for immediate execution are not something a peaceful society should condone. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, as the (relatively) old chestnut goes.
But they are only cries. And since our system of justice does not carry out immediate (or even delayed) executions, then what is the harm in voicing your outrage in the most plain way possible?
If you start hearing Supreme Court justices opining in GAF threads about how they want to see the perps fry, then we have something to worry about. Private citizens typing a few angry words of disgust at this type of story should not even be a blip on any rational person's radar.
KO Traveling Hobo said:
How about the people saying that condoning the rape and torture of a fellow human being is fucked up? Where does that fit in your carefully constructed scale of repulsion?
I say I don't give a shit if you think it's fucked up. You are still dealing with nothing more than words. Harmless words that have been spewed due to an astonishingly depraved and very harmful
act. Actions speak louder than words.
Have you ever noticed that these type of outburts from posters only occur in threads like this where the story is unbelievably heinous, and that their ire is directed squarely at people who have committed the most terrible acts possible??
If these same posters were going around recommending torture and rape as punishment for everyone who didn't like GTA4 as much as they did, or who doesn't like The Social Network, your point would hold more weight. As it is, you are rushing to the defense of pieces of shit who through their own actions have shown that they are not deserving of even the most basic common courtesies, and as such I honestly don't give a fuck what you think about posters who call for their blood.