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This Friday - Fahrenheit 9/11

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You'll laugh! You'll cry! You'll demand Michael Moore's head on a plate, then watch "The Passion of the Christ" again!

...now if it doesn't get beaten out by "White Chicks," that'll be a miracle.

So who's watching it?


Got my ticket for the 10 pm showing at Midtown Art Cinema purchased. Being as 6/25 is also my 27th Bday, I'm gathering a posse of friends the size of the Mongol Hordes of yore to see it with me. I'm even thinking about getting a ticket for a guest of honor:



Raoul Duke said:
Got my ticket for the 10 pm showing at Midtown Art Cinema purchased. Being as 6/25 is also my 27th Bday, I'm gathering a posse of friends the size of the Mongol Hordes of yore to see it with me. I'm even thinking about getting a ticket for a guest of honor:

Suerte = 6/23
Matlock = 6/24
Triumph = 6/25



It's a limited-limited release. Meaning it will open in a number of cities, and then, in a week (or two?) it will open up in more cities. I'm not sure when it will be a total wide release.


Matlock said:
Suerte = 6/23
Matlock = 6/24
Triumph = 6/25

Fuckin A! One of my best buds from college is 6/26, and our other best bud's mum is 6/27. Also, my friend Clementine is 6/28. Frickin WEIRD.


hmm so many good movies out...dont know what to see and when. still havent seen the following: shrek 2, harry potter 3, the terminal, or dodgeball. still want to see white chics and fahrenheit 911.


Raoul Duke said:
Fuckin A! One of my best buds from college is 6/26, and our other best bud's mum is 6/27. Also, my friend Clementine is 6/28. Frickin WEIRD.

A lot of my relatives are born in sequential date like that, it's odd. :p


Unconfirmed Member
I wonder if we will get a directors cut DVD with updated 9-11 commission info (Bin Laden family flight info) and including the newly re-percolated torture scandal?

I will probably catch this movie as soon as I can get a matinee.


AssMan said:
Will this movie change the political opinions of voters?

Sure, if they're idiots. I figure most ppl can make up their own minds, meaning you already either hate Bush or hate Kerry less. Personally, I think this movie will just be a big liberal circle-jerk, no more.


Queen of Denmark
I'll be there this Friday.

I was going to pre-purchase my tickets, but then I can't do the student discount. How likely do you think it is that it'll sell out? Personally, I kind of doubted it, but with Howard Stern and MoveOn.org pushing it I'm getting nervous.


"Edge stole Big Ben's helmet"
I'll finally be home come this friday, and I live near Pittsburgh too so maybe I'll check it out. The Destinta in North Versailles is the closest to me probably, so that's probably going to be the winner. I really don't like Moore very much and "Dude, Where's my Country" really tended to piss me off, but I want to see this movie. I want to see why Bill O'Reilly, another jackass, decided that it equated Moore with Goebbels.


I will be passing on this and seeing the Notebook with the Boytoy....

i did get a laugh though when I read that the Farenheit 451 author wanted him to change the name...interesting...
Originally Posted by AssMan
Will this movie change the political opinions of voters?
I think the thing most people are missing is that the only people who want to see this movie are people who already have a negative opinion of Bush's administration. Here and there, people whose viewpoints differ from Moore's will show up at theaters, but their presence will hardly make an impact on the viability of Bush's chances of a second term.

Also realize that most people in the United States don't care enough about the issue to drag themselves, in most cases, a long distance to -- once again, in most cases -- an overpriced theater where the only movies shown are of the independent and foreign sort. What you're getting with Fahrenheit 9/11 is a film that's preaching to the choir, and won't do much more.

And if initial opinions of the movie are anything to go by, that small group of Bush supporters who plan on seeing the movie will not care for what Moore has to say, as many of his points have been shot down a long time ago; we're getting a film version of events many have already heard.

So no, it won't. No matter how much Moore wishes it will change things, it won't.


Unconfirmed Member
mjq jazz bar said:
I think the thing most people are missing is that the only people who want to see this movie are people who already have a negative opinion of Bush's administration. Here and there, people whose viewpoints differ from Moore's will show up at theaters, but their presence will hardly make an impact on the viability of Bush's chances of a second term.

Also realize that most people in the United States don't care enough about the issue to drag themselves, in most cases, a long distance to -- once again, in most cases -- an overpriced theater where the only movies shown are of the independent and foreign sort. What you're getting with Fahrenheit 9/11 is a film that's preaching to the choir, and won't do much more.

And if initial opinions of the movie are anything to go by, that small group of Bush supporters who plan on seeing the movie will not care for what Moore has to say, as many of his points have been shot down a long time ago; we're getting a film version of events many have already heard.

So no, it won't. No matter how much Moore wishes it will change things, it won't.

Umm did you mean to quote someone else? Because my post had nothing to do with this. It was a joke about directors cuts, and a statement that I plan on seeing the film.

I certainly agree that the main audience will be those already disenchanted with the current administration, and I also doubt it is going to "change" too many minds. But that is not to say that it can't convince people into engage in more discource, or even get a few "apathetics" to vote.

so umm yeah...


I'll be there opening night, hopefully with a reasonably diverse political cross-section of my friends. Afterwards we can argue about the flick and get into fights in the parking lot. It'll be great!



Unconfirmed Member
mjq jazz bar said:

Yeah, I did mean to.

Sorry about that.

lol, thats okay, no problem.

I was like "I understand people are going to read into what I post but this is ridiculous!"

carry on.


I desperately want to see it tonight, but I made plans before I found out that it was going to have ultra-limited openings today.
Wow wow wow.

Saw it today in NYC at 12:30. The rest of the days shows were already sold out by the time we got to the theatre.

You know, it's a surprisingly restrained piece of work for Moore. Yes, there are antics and of course the film is made through the lense of his perspective. However, Bush and co. do a wonderful job of displaying their utter lack of care for the average American throughout.

I don't want to spoil too much, but I did in fact cry (as did most of the theatre), laugh and feel totally outraged. I think this movie could really sway swing voters. Moore smartly clipped it from being too extreme. This is a movie designed with a decidedly populist slant.

For those of us that are already anti-Bush, this film could inspire activism to ensure that he's out after this election. I spent my afternoon outlining a plan for a benefit rock show/ dance party to help the effort to vote the installed president out of office.


There was a preview screening in Toronto with Moore giving a talk, and I've seens ads for it in a theatre in Missisauaga. So I'm thinking that it'll be a pretty wide release in Canada.


Matlock said:
Suerte = 6/23
Matlock = 6/24
Triumph = 6/25

Add me to that list with 6/22!

edit: Just saw Bob White's reply with the same date. You'll pay for this Whitey... oh, you'll pay.
I saw parts of Bowling for Columbine and couldn't help but be annoyed at the manipulation of facts in it, so no, I will not be seeing this movie. I'm thinking about going to see either Dodgeball or the Terminal (most likely Dodgeball).
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