First thought on the film ending was, "dude, where did the $6m go?" A couple of days in Flint, then in Washington...and um... that's the only primary source material that seems to be in the whole film. Maybe the military hospital was filmed for the movie rather than library footage I didn't take enough notice and he may have spent some dollars to get the material from Iraq but really there is nothing of note to this film. I'd seen 80% of the pre-Iraq footage before and I'd have probably seen most of the second half with access to al-Jazerra.
The first ten minutes were a waste and his thoughts better summed up by his Oscar speech on the 2000 election. He just comes over as a whiner, thought he was against the democrats in 2000 anyhow? Very similar is the way he goes on about the goings on in the eighties, he's still very bitter about the success of the west in defeating communism. To disregard the realpolitik that was instrumental in the world not being blown up eight times over, if the USSR and US decided to press the red button, is the usual crap from the left.
Bush came over as a good guy, if Moore can only stick a couple of bumblings on him and nowt new it just goes to show the liberal media have dried up the well on that character assassination attempt. The 42% of time on holiday... if you take away weekends it goes down to 13%, that still excludes "working holidays", it'd be nice to see a comparison with previous presidents. Moore would never do such a thing of course.
Enjoyed the concentration on attacking Saudi Arabia, pity it was just a rehash of his last book and there is no smoking gun, like a rich Texan oil family and a rich Saudi oil family have connections, well, duh.
The brief mention of the Afghanistan operation was the most ridiculous and fictional part of the movie. Second most stupid was the ridiculing of the "coalition of the willing", no mention of the second, fourth and sixth biggest economies in the world supporting Bush just banana republics and Romania (whose residents would surely be offended by the comparison). Moroccan monkeys was one of five times I laughed in the couple of hours.
The faux patriotism was embarrassing on Moore's part, he was paying lip-service to that poor woman who lost her son when she talked about her love for the country. The dogmatic, binary, orthodox marxism rang utterly hollow in his attempts to paint a picture of "them" and "us".
Statistically there should be 2 or 2.5 congressmen with children in Iraq? Moore's end tenet saying only 1 is in Iraq, failing to mention others who are in other theatres was a very weak end to a mediocre piece of insidious polemic propaganda.