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This Friday - Fahrenheit 9/11

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Prospero said:
(And the framing of the troops in Iraq as callous and bloodthirsty worked against his message.)
I don't get why people keep thinking he's showing them as bloodthirsty, I think he's just showing some of them as naive. (Are we talking about the "music selection" scenes?) I thought the "treatment" of the soldiers was very human.
Horunda said:
You don't get to see subtitles of what they're saying until the people say something like "Why are you here? What are you doing? He's innocent!" but you don't get to see the subtitles of the army people who are probably saying something like "We're looking for terrorists."
I'm sure they're saying, "We're looking for terrorists," or something to that effect... But I don't see that as making the situation any less traumatizing for the family.


Looking at that chart amazes me. Having the smallest amount of theaters and toppling White Chicks. Jeez.

Even with an R rating...Wow. If F911 wins tonight on Saturday, the weekend is theirs--which will be quite a miracle...and quite alot of Bush to sweat about.

Anyways, the line outside my theater in Queens, NY went right out the door after my 7PM showing had finished. There were only about 5 showings of the movie during the day, and this was the only theater in my immediate area that carried F911 (which is odd, cause I have like 7 theaters around me)


Unconfirmed Member
Wow, color me impressed. I stand corrected when I said F911 would have a cold chance in hell of hitting number 1 even when reaching its theoretical max because of screen disparity. If white chicks wasn't going to do it I thought Dodgeball would have.

Can anybody tell me what the percentages then estimates are respectively on box office mojo. I can't figure out what the percentage is (and how F911 managed 1000%+ when everything else was around ≤100) But I am assuming the next number is theater averages.

Edit: Nevermind i found the key on the page.


Banjo Tango said:
I don't get why people keep thinking he's showing them as bloodthirsty, I think he's just showing some of them as naive. (Are we talking about the "music selection" scenes?) I thought the "treatment" of the soldiers was very human.

Later on, in the second half, the film changes its tack toward the soldiers. But the music selection bit is clearly designed to remind the viewer of the war movie cliche in which outmatched American soldiers select inappropriate music to go into combat (the best example is the Ride of the Valkyries sequence in Apocalypse Now). And he had to ask leading questions in order to get that footage as well.

With respect to how well it's doing--when I went to see it last night, the theater was a madhouse. I thought that we were overdoing it to get tickets a day in advance, but it turned out that everyone else who got in had done the same, and was camping out for seats. Every show was sold out. Good on Michael Moore.


some of these responses really kind of sadden (and disturb) me but it's good that so many people are at least watching the movie.

if nothing else, the one thing everyone should consider on walking out is their reaction to the dead and grieving - foreign and american. was there a difference in your reaction to the iraqi dead vs the american dead? what did you think of and how did you react to the iraqi woman who had lost 3 of her relatives vs the american woman who had lost one? did you feel sympathy toward either one? both? just one?

people are excusing the film as an op-ed piece, but the difference between moore's film and a true op-ed piece is that moore's documentary format inherently includes documents, factual artifacts (evidence as it were), that are the crux of his argument but are important even apart from it. if you ignore the facts these documents are evidence of, you've really gotten nothing from the film. i would ask everyone to consider these documents especially, even if you don't agree with moore, and to try to clear your mind of the truly propagandic notions ("saddam was a brutal dictator who oppressed his own people" may be true, but this statement really tells you very little about iraq over the last ten years. it's a necessarily propagandic statement designed to lead to a certain conclusion, and quite frankly it doesn't tend to be supported by concrete evidence (that might cause to flesh out the statement and reach other conclusions) when stated) you may have when you consider them


Still haven't gotten a chance to see the movie, and I doubt I will seeing as how it's only playing at the shitty theater here in town. I don't even really care for Michael Moore, but this movie has gotten so much buzz I want to see it now.

I seriously doubt this film will change my vote, or anyone else's really. But I'm sure Michael Moore will give himself credit if Kerry wins. ;)


Matlock said:
Most notably, the fact the Criterion Name has a value of $20 on top of the movie at hand.

Yes, but you get a damn fine edition for your money. At any rate, may I suggest rental, or perhaps interlibrary loan?



Unconfirmed Member
FnordChan said:
Yes, but you get a damn fine edition for your money. At any rate, may I suggest rental, or perhaps interlibrary loan?

Yeah Hearts and Minds isn't exaclty something you are going to want to bust out and watch on some sunday afternoon with a brew in hand, like say the criterion collection of The Rock.

The movie is powerful, a must see imo, but I don't see the need to own it unless you are a history buff etc.

*sitting around with friends*
"Hey! do you guys wanna watch Hearts and Minds?" o_o


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
I really doubt this movie actually changes anyone's mind. Most Bush supporters are pretty staunch. What it may do, however, is convince people who don't usually vote to participate this time.

Demigod Mac

Minotauro said:
I really doubt this movie actually changes anyone's mind. Most Bush supporters are pretty staunch. What it may do, however, is convince people who don't usually vote to participate this time.

That, and swing voters who haven't decided for whom they will vote.

Word of mouth and people reciting facts from the film will undoubtedly have an effect, as well.
Minotauro said:
I really doubt this movie actually changes anyone's mind. Most Bush supporters are pretty staunch. What it may do, however, is convince people who don't usually vote to participate this time.

Hopefully that's all we'll need. Even with the relative lack of interest before all the hubbub, the rebublicans had to fudge Florida to win the election. Few more demo turnout would have sealed it for Gore.


I don't think it was the Republicans that wanted to flub Florida. Al Gore wanted a selective recount of the state, only counties where he could pick up votes, Republicans wanted either no recount or the whole state recounted. When the whole state was recounted after the election, Bush won. Who wanted to flub Florida? Al Gore wanted to flub Florida. He lost and he's become unhinged. We were much better off without him. The economy never would have recovered if Al Gore was the President. *shivers*


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
---- said:
I don't think it was the Republicans that wanted to flub Florida. Al Gore wanted a selective recount of the state, only counties where he could pick up votes, Republicans wanted either no recount or the whole state recounted. When the whole state was recounted after the election, Bush won. Who wanted to flub Florida? Al Gore wanted to flub Florida. He lost and he's become unhinged. We were much better off without him. The economy never would have recovered if Al Gore was the President. *shivers*

Sorry, but there is far more too it.


Pattergen said:
I'd love to change the world - Ten years after



I enjoyed the film. Not as good as Columbine though.

I don't think it will change people's minds much. It was like the entire democratic party went to see it and it felt like a political rally. People went because of political affiliation or because it was a hot topic in the news. It was insanely crowded where I went and people cheered when the movie started up.


Junior Member
Hournda said:
Secondly, the bad things. He did take a lot of cheap shots at George Bush and the Republicans which unless you're a real anti-Bush guy are kind of a turn off. I mean if you had a camera on you 24 hours a day I'm sure you'd do a ton of goofy things that would get caught on camera. The editing in the Iraq segments was kind of shady. The movie seems to imply that Iraq wasn't run by a brutal dictator who oppressed his own people. Another scene that stuck out was the one where they raided the house and the editors of the movie made selective use of subtitles. You don't get to see subtitles of what they're saying until the people say something like "Why are you here? What are you doing? He's innocent!" but you don't get to see the subtitles of the army people who are probably saying something like "We're looking for terrorists."

But overall I thought it was entertaining and effective propaganda. The movie also seemed to work as a case study on how "money makes the world go round" and "it's not what you know, but who you know." And if you take a step back and look at the movie from the perspective of someone who never heard of the US, you get a rather scary picture of a militaristic society attempting to create an empire in order to keep the elites of the country in power.

But the main flaw in the film is that it basically comes to the conclusion that George Bush is an incompetant, corrupt and immoral man only looking out for himself and his friends as he is also simultaneously the leader of the free world. I doubt that's true and that's the propagandistic nature of the film, but it is still a very effective film that at least brings all this to the table.

To the scene where they invaded the house: Isn't that one of the main points of the movie? We are in another country for suspect reasons (which is a huge point often overlooked in the name of terrorism), occupying the country, invading people's privacy. Moore does a great job getting points across. What the hell would we do if somebody did that to us? We get all pissy when our own police come into our house without reason. Yet we are in Iraq, for quite a few wrong reasons, looking for terrorists. If the police in the US come into your house, find drugs and lock you in jail but failed to get a search warrant or had no reasonable suspicion that you had drugs, they would throw out the case. And it would be the right thing to do. Now, we are in Iraq, for what now is the wrong reason. Our search warrant (WMD) was based on bad info, beriddled with bias and suspect info (the CIA even believed that). And now, in the name of terrorism, we are still waging a war. Shouldn't we follow our the same rules?

Oh, and I don't see it as a flaw as bringing to light, some of the President's misteps, biases and incompetencies. And I would think propaganda is based on falsehoods. When somebody starts to debunk the major points of the movie (bush has plenty of influences that might color his decisions), then it can be called propagands./end rant

I just saw the movie and thought it was great. Eyeopening is what I really think about it. As a film, Moore's personal goals sometimes overshadow what can be described as a better device: Letting other people talk. The best part about this film and Bowling for Columbine is when he lets other people talk and allows me to make my own judgements. Every heartbreaking or comedic or awe/shocking moment is exclusively when others are speaking, not Moore. There are plenty of them, particularly when Bush speaks. It's like you couldn't make this up and have a better effect.

'Fool me once, shame on......uh......shame on.....uh....me....*long pause*don't fool me again.' Words could not describe my emotions then. And to wrap the film up with that quote by Bush, while showing pictures of Bush Sr. and Jr. of course highlights the political slant of Moore but you would be ignoring the main point of the film. We've been duped on the highest order with consequences too often ignored. I give no credit to any person that participates in terrorism. But we are only providing fuel to the fire by invading Iraq with fabricated or vague information.

This movie provides a great alternate version of the incomprehensible motives of our leader. It does a great job of portraying the events of the past few years and as a documentary, shows those same viewpoints from different perspectives. Over the past month, I've seen two great documentaries: Bowling for Columbine and the one about the Rosenburgs. At the end of the one on the Rosenburgs, the director makes a comment how her documentary was about taking control of her life and history; one that was previously marred by shame and charges of treason had been successfully altered by her documentary and search into her family's past into a future of pride, strength and dignity. Well, Moore kinda succeeded, to me, in turning the story around. I would love to see any real debunking of his facts. Only because I hope the movie stands up against the onslaught that is sure to come.

Great movie and I recommend it. Also, 'Heir To An Execution', the movie on the Rosenburg's was great to. It's on HBO nowawdays.
i saw it last night and enjoyed it. Sure its biased, but it gets the point across. The interesting thing will be how popular this movie will be, because if its big, it could have a pretty big effect on the election. I took my younger brother, who knows jack shit about politics. He knew nothing going in, hell when i asked him if he wanted to go see the "movie about Bush" he was like "There's a movie about Bush?". And he came out of the theatre saying "THERE IS NO WAY WE CAN RE-ELECT THAT FUCKER."

i gotta say, the most disturbing part of hte movie for me had to be the beginning, about the 2000 election and the florida bullshit. The way Moore presented that was awesome, it was all ominous and shit, and when all those black representatives went to speak before the house, but couldn't be heard because not one senator would back them up, i was freaked.


You now belong to FMT.
Ninja Scooter said:
The way Moore presented that was awesome, it was all ominous and shit, and when all those black representatives went to speak before the house, but couldn't be heard because not one senator would back them up, i was freaked.

I honestly wanted to be in that room when that was going on..... it just sent chills up my spine and had me balling my fist, it was like they were helpless and everyone knew and wanted to do nothing about it.......


Just got home from seeing it. I did enjoy it but the way Moore tied certain facts together was a little too convenient and bordering on being conspiracy theories more than anything else. The most powerful moments of the film was definitely the Iraq footage. I got a little choked up when they were showing that one woman who kept calling for God to help them. How can you not feel for someone like that, especially when they said that they've had to attend 5 funerals in a short amount of time.

I felt that the depiction of the armed forces was fair. I didn't think they showed them to be blood thirsty at all, with the exception of a few scenes that likely showed a certain minority of the troops. On the whole they were shown as human beings who were frightened, some of whom had no idea what they were even fighting for.

I didn't have a problem with the marine recruitment scene either. Their actions are right there in front of our eyes, as are their tactics.

I think I enjoyed Bowling for Columbine a little more than this, but Fahrenheit 9/11 was still pretty well done. Like I said, I had a few problems with Moore's conspiracy theory filmmaking, especially the first hour or so, but once the film switched over to Iraq, it was truly powerful stuff. He also showed the other side of the story by talking to some of the parents of the troops.

Like Bowling for Columbine, I may not have always agreed with the methods he used to get his message accross, but the point is that he DID get it accross: this is a needless war and Bush is a grade-A moron.


rollin' in the gutter
I just caught the late night showing of the movie and it was all that i expected. One of my favorite parts was when Moore showed Colin Powell speaking in early 2000 about how Iraq did not pose a threat, and how Iraq had no capability of attacking neighboring countries. Then Moore goes on to show Bush and the gang only a year later going on and on how Iraq has WMDs and is a threat to everyone. Such bullshit. I really hope this pushes americans to open their eyes about Bush and allows them to realize he cannot lead our country for another four years, or god knows what will happen...


i seen the movie tonight

a great film, i think everyone should check it out

before the this movie was released, i had been planning for the first time in my life to vote in the presidential election. after seeing the film, i'm going to vote, there is no way Dubya should be in office for a second term.
Absolutely fucking brilliant movie. Wow. MM's best work yet and I loved his earlier 3 films.

The movie was great getting all of the big Bush Co. deceptions on tape. From Rummy shaking hands with Hussein in 83 to the Powell and Rice contradictions of statements from 2000 to 2002 on Hussein. Perfect.

The troop coverage was about 50/50. The whole thing with the music was disgusting, as was the footage of "He touched his dick" part with the guy laughing...unbelievable that people "Support our troops" no matter what. Morons. The good troops were the ones who could think and weren't shown breaking laws...the one who asked for rummy's resignation and the one who "won't go back to kill other poor people."

I was crying when the lady was screaming about her family being killed and how America should be attacked(this illustrates that the war on Iraq has made America LESS safe as we've created another ten thousand bin ladens) and when the lady from Michigan read her son's letter...spine tingling.

The whole 1984 part was brilliant and really that is what we have become. Bush co have put fear into everyone that no one can stand up against them on anything. They have also rewrote the history books(as seen with Condi and Colin). And they have made peace war. This really has turned into 1984.

The best footage that I had never seen before was with the patriot act and the spy in the peace group. WOW. Unbelievable and just not right.

This movie just makes me sad though. I got some laughs in there but you won't leave very happy. And now who do I turn to? Kerry? hell no. Cobb? he wants kerry to win. Socialists? They can't even make the ballot. It seems Nader is the only place to put my protest vote.

And every fucking senator in 2000 should be shot. What a bunch of pieces of shit.

Great movie...everyone should go see it. Michael Moore's best film yet.
If some of you don't like Bush but don't care for Kerry either, I just ask that you don't vote for Bush.

"I hate Bush but I hate Kerry too so I'll vote for Bush again" is total BS answer. Just don't vote if you don't like anyone! Stay home that day. Don't hand the vote to Bush "just because".
vote for a 3rd party candidate that matches your values and is serious about winning(not the green party obviously).

Anyone who votes for Bush is a moron. Anyone who votes for Kerry is desperate and well a moron too.

This election is going to blow. Please let Ralph in the debates.
ErasureAcer said:
vote for a 3rd party candidate that matches your values and is serious about winning(not the green party obviously).

Anyone who votes for Bush is a moron. Anyone who votes for Kerry is desperate and well a moron too.

This election is going to blow. Please let Ralph in the debates.

But what's voting for Nader going to achieve? He's not going to get elected, there's 0% chance of that happening. And your vote really won't be heard until after the election when either the Republicans or Democrats are complaining to the people who voted for him for costing their guy the election.


Actually Shog, after long and careful consideration, I think I'm going to vote for Bush this November.

Do I agree with the man? No. Hell, I think he's a machismo crazed, half-bright man child with serious issues of trying to impress his Daddy. But here's why he needs to win: If Bush is re-elected, I firmly believe that his Administration will keep doing such horrible, illegal things that they will eventually cross the line and the American People will demand action. And then the whole house of cards will come tumbling down. Dubya isn't Nixon, who knew he was crooked and hated. Dubya will never resign the Presidency. He will be impeached, tried and thrown in jail with the rest of his criminal gang of treasury looters and Constitution defilers. And this will sound the death knell of the idiotic, evil and corrupt Republican Party for good. And then in 2008 hopefully someone worth electing will run.

So yeah. Bush in 2004!
Nader can win...people just have to vote for him. And when it all comes down to it, I really don't care if my candidate wins or not. I take politics personally...I vote for who deserves my vote and who is serious about their stances. That's why I support Dennis Kucinich. He isn't afraid to cave into popular opinion like Edwards, Dean or Kerry. Nader is the closest thing to Kucinich I have left in the General Election.

We're fucked if Kerry wins and we're really fucked if Bush wins again. If Nader wins we might actually stand a chance at surviving this hell whole. But Nader won't win if no one votes for him. I'd rather put my conscience at ease and vote for the best candidate, as well as putting my faith in mankind to also elect the best candidate...in this case, Ralph Nader. Cuz we all know Kooch is going to get a spot in his administration. How bout Secretary of Defense? Yes, that'd be perfect.


This might be a close election im thinking. If once again Bush wins without popular vote, I see riots and crazyness. Remember last time when there were all those protests? Well this times there would be protest fueled with a lot more hate. Itd be the revolution Titor predicted ;)


Raoul Duke said:
Actually Shog, after long and careful consideration, I think I'm going to vote for Bush this November.

Do I agree with the man? No. Hell, I think he's a machismo crazed, half-bright man child with serious issues of trying to impress his Daddy. But here's why he needs to win: If Bush is re-elected, I firmly believe that his Administration will keep doing such horrible, illegal things that they will eventually cross the line and the American People will demand action. And then the whole house of cards will come tumbling down. Dubya isn't Nixon, who knew he was crooked and hated. Dubya will never resign the Presidency. He will be impeached, tried and thrown in jail with the rest of his criminal gang of treasury looters and Constitution defilers. And this will sound the death knell of the idiotic, evil and corrupt Republican Party for good. And then in 2008 hopefully someone worth electing will run.

So yeah. Bush in 2004!
oh triumph, you so crazy!
Raoul Duke said:
Actually Shog, after long and careful consideration, I think I'm going to vote for Bush this November.

Do I agree with the man? No. Hell, I think he's a machismo crazed, half-bright man child with serious issues of trying to impress his Daddy. But here's why he needs to win: If Bush is re-elected, I firmly believe that his Administration will keep doing such horrible, illegal things that they will eventually cross the line and the American People will demand action. And then the whole house of cards will come tumbling down. Dubya isn't Nixon, who knew he was crooked and hated. Dubya will never resign the Presidency. He will be impeached, tried and thrown in jail with the rest of his criminal gang of treasury looters and Constitution defilers. And this will sound the death knell of the idiotic, evil and corrupt Republican Party for good. And then in 2008 hopefully someone worth electing will run.

So yeah. Bush in 2004!

Fuck it. Do what you want. I'm moving back to Vancouver BC. *orders umbrella online*


I pissed. I'm going to go see Fahrenheit 9/11 today, and the movie theater that I usually go to is not playing it. And that theater is....Magic Johnson Theaters. But they aren't short on the "White Chicks" showings, however; they have a whopping 16 showings for today alone.

Do they think that all African-Americans aren't interested in politics and are apathetic toward the seriousness of the world around them??


Here are the projections (and not actual figures) for Sunday (coming from Box Office Mojo) which show Fahrenheit 9-11 just beyond White Chicks with $21,800,000 (against $19,600,000) and first for its opening week end.


jiggle said:
Anyone know what was the song played during the "mission accomplish" ship scene?

It's the theme song to "The Greatest American Hero" (it's also the tune to the song on George's answering machine message on Seinfeld).


The theme song from Greatest American Hero is not only a brilliant choice because of the obvious sarcasm, but also because it has the line "It should've been somebody else!" :p


deadlifter said:
I just caught the late night showing of the movie and it was all that i expected. One of my favorite parts was when Moore showed Colin Powell speaking in early 2000 about how Iraq did not pose a threat, and how Iraq had no capability of attacking neighboring countries. Then Moore goes on to show Bush and the gang only a year later going on and on how Iraq has WMDs and is a threat to everyone. Such bullshit. I really hope this pushes americans to open their eyes about Bush and allows them to realize he cannot lead our country for another four years, or god knows what will happen...

if i remember correctly b4 the iraq war...i think late 2002 powell was on some BET show talking about politics with city youth. he answered some question about iraq and said something about how if sadam simply allowed the UN to do its job/and or showed all his weapons and admitted to the violations we would leave iraq alone and not have to go to war. then all of a sudden when that WMDs shit didnt hold up and the war was imminent all we started to hear was "OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM". i swear that was such an insult and phony i felt cause just months b4 powell publicly stated we would have nothing to do with iraq if sadam did the following.....but now we going in to resque the iraqi people? total bs. this administration doesnt give a shit about the iraqi people....claiming they would leave sadam in power and now use his abuses against his own people to further thier own agenda.
effzee said:
then all of a sudden when that WMDs shit didnt hold up and the war was imminent all we started to hear was "OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM".

What's ironic is that we actually brought the terrorist into Iraq. What presence Al Qaeda had in Iraq prior to the war was severely limited (if any at all). Now, Iraq is being overrun by car bombings and beheadings of innocent civilians from terrorist. I just read in the news that even people from the "real" Iragi Rebellion such as Al Sadr and Fallujah militants are upset about the recent bombings and killing of innocent Iraqi civilians. They basically told the terrorist they don't need nor want any outside help. They see Al Qaeda and other foreign terrorist groups as undermining their cause.

So it's strange and sad. Iraq had a cruel dictator a year ago, but now have mass instability with rebels allowed to take control of entire cities and the country overall has become a breeding ground for terrorist. I guess you can call it freedom, but I think "OPERATION IRAQI ANARCHY" would have been a more accurate slogan.

As for the movie (SPOILERS BELOW), I saw it last night. It had some flaws, but I thought it was good overall. I had no idea the Bush family were so connected to the Saudis. It's almost scary. Also, it made me sick to see Bush appoint all his oil buddies to government positions in Afghanistan.

Some of the editing I didn't like. Anytime Moore flipped quickly back and forth to different Bush comments to connect them (like the Al Qaeda/Iraq segment), I thought he was pushing it. The film was at its best when it would just let the footage play all the way out. Also, I think the whole Florida election segment should have been left out. Considering how complex that whole issue is, his quick summery, which only told a tiny part of the story seemed tacked on to the movie. Though it was interesting to see how not one black house member could get a Senator to support them. However, (even being black myself) I thought this scene was lacking any depth because the film didn't properly explain/prove how blacks were disenfranchised in the Florida election. I'm sorry, showing one black guy looking confused at a ballot doesn't cut it. I was expecting something more concrete. Also, I would have liked to have seen some facts and figures from those Independent groups who tallied the votes and had Gore winning Florida. It would have made that portion of the film much stronger. Instead it just came off as a pure editorial piece. You either agree with it or not, it doesn't give you any new information or insight.

I thought the Iraq segment was good. At first I thought it was going to paint too negative picture of the soldiers, but then as the movie went on it showed all the different sides of the soldiers. And I REALLY liked how it made it painfully clear how it's the middle/lower income people who are having to sacrifice their blood for our freedom. The Rich and Powerful just consider them as pawns to further their own cause. When it's time for the rich and powerful to enlist their kids for war, they run with their tails between their legs. They're basically saying, "Your kids are worth being maimed and killed for Iraqi freedom, but not mine!"

There should be a law that says Congress can't authorize a war unless 2/3 of them enlist their kids for active duty. I bet you we'd be a pacifist isolationist country for the next 200 - 300 years...


Holy SHIT! That was a tremendously great movie.

I will recommend this movie to every single person I know. Bush must NOT be allowed to hijack another election and serve as our corrupt leader ever again.

I'm glad I was accompanied with a remarkably intelligent and "with it" audience; there were resounding applauses in the beginning, middle, and at the end of the film.

That movie is an eye-opener for all of the blind sheep who faithfully worship Bush.

...and Britney Spears is a fuckin dumbass.


RiZ III said:
Just came back from seeing it. Really well done and powerful.

Thought the most power scene was
where the Iraqi lady wascrying out for God after losing 5 people :(

That made me think about the source of terrorism. It's not suprising that that type of mother could support a son or daughter who wanted to threaten America.


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
That made me think about the source of terrorism. It's not suprising that that type of mother could support a son or daughter who wanted to threaten America.

Did that pearl of wisdom hurt when you pulled it out of your ass?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Raoul Duke said:
Actually Shog, after long and careful consideration, I think I'm going to vote for Bush this November.

Do I agree with the man? No. Hell, I think he's a machismo crazed, half-bright man child with serious issues of trying to impress his Daddy. But here's why he needs to win: If Bush is re-elected, I firmly believe that his Administration will keep doing such horrible, illegal things that they will eventually cross the line and the American People will demand action. And then the whole house of cards will come tumbling down. Dubya isn't Nixon, who knew he was crooked and hated. Dubya will never resign the Presidency. He will be impeached, tried and thrown in jail with the rest of his criminal gang of treasury looters and Constitution defilers. And this will sound the death knell of the idiotic, evil and corrupt Republican Party for good. And then in 2008 hopefully someone worth electing will run.

So yeah. Bush in 2004!
I sometimes fantasize about that kind of thing happening. But I seriously doubt it will, so I wouldn't count on it.

I just came back from the movie.....great work by the way, although some of it was manipulative.....and while, aside from some of the Saudi-Bush connection stuff, the movie only reinforced what I already knew and felt, it really made me more emotional about it, and firmed my hatred of the satanic Bush administration. Sure, nothing is black and white, and purely objectively speaking I'm sure there are things here and there that Bush gets too much flack for and areas where he should get the benefit of the doubt but doesn't. But, the issues revolving around this election are ones that transcend mere policy differences between the two (main) candidates -- unless you have your head up your ass or somehow financially benefit from Bush being in office, you have no fucking excuse to vote for the evil, conniving, deceptive criminal that is George W. Bush and his cronies. I cannot fathom how anyone can want this man in office, let alone respect him. I mean, what is it with you Bush supporters? Do you gag at the mere thought of a Democrat occupying the White House? Do you just not give a shit about how our President runs the country as long as he believes in "the Almighty"? I'm not much of a Kerry fan, but shit, I'd vote for an empty box of Cornflakes if I thought it would get Bush kicked out of office.

It's time to restore honor to the White House: Vote Kerry 2004.

There should be a law that says Congress can't authorize a war unless 2/3 of them enlist their kids for active duty. I bet you we'd be a pacifist isolationist country for the next 200 - 300 years...
Sucks if you're an anti-war Senator's son, then.
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