0G M3mbeR
If this guy was there, everything would have been alright.
http://www.robclaw.com/pimp beaten by karate master0-1953.wmv
http://www.robclaw.com/pimp beaten by karate master0-1953.wmv
ghostface said:I agree that the dude giving the beating should be jailed, but the girl, she deserves to get publicly hung. Society would be better off.
And some of the people in this thread (i.e. the ones saying the white guy was asking for it) are a new kind of retarded.
olimario said:Acting tough is for people who are pussies in intense situations. I don't have to act tough to BE tough.
f_elz said:
DCharlie said:i witnessed the reverse of this.
a guy and his girlfriend cut into a very long taxi line outside Chelmsford station in Essex.
He turned to everyone in the (very) sizable queue and said, "if anyone has the balls to try and stop me getting in the next cab, then fucking bring it"
10 seconds later, he's on the floor in a heap with 5 guys booting the shit out of him.
Everyone else in the queue just laughed and clapped.
Totally pwned.
However, that's in the UK, in the US you are infinitely more likely to get shot, and in this situation i would have done absolutely nothing - getting shot over something that's nothing to do with me is just not worth it and i'm sure that'll have went through everyones minds.
olimario said:I'm not a racist... I just play one on O.A.
duderon said:There's no such thing as "playing" a racist.
olimario said:There isn't? Greekboy can play a woman, Sera can play somebody (s)he's not, but I can't play a racist on another forum? Bullshit. I'm a long shot from being a racist.
olimario said:I'm not a racist... I just play one on O.A.
olimario said:There isn't? Greekboy can play a woman, Sera can play somebody (s)he's not, but I can't play a racist on another forum? Bullshit. I'm a long shot from being a racist.
duderon said:You're so far off oli. When you start doing that shit, it starts to get into your everyday thinking, your languange, and how you present yourself. If it hasn't now, it will. Racism is not a role to play, it's a faulty character trait.
olimario said:I am a non-racist with non-racist thinking 99% of a day. 1% of that day I play something that I am not. The majority of that day my thinking, my language, and how I present myself is non-racist... By your logic, won't that dominate?
Aniston 'played' Rachael on Friends for what? 8 years? Just because she saturated herself with that persona doesn't mean she turned into it.
olimario said:I am a non-racist with non-racist thinking 99% of a day. 1% of that day I play something that I am not. The majority of that day my thinking, my language, and how I present myself is non-racist... By your logic, won't that dominate?
Aniston 'played' Rachael on Friends for what? 8 years? Just because she saturated herself with that persona doesn't mean she turned into it.
duderon said:You're hopeless and i guess i can't explain this to you, but i'll try one more time. Racism is not a role you can play and no the majority of your thinking does not have to be racist. That 1% can grow into something more significant. Why even start in the first place? Just to "fit in" at OA is not a good answer.
marsomega said:I may not be much, not even close to take a guy like that down. But I will tell you one thing. The first thing I thought of when watching it was,
"Why the fuck is this pizza owner coward not calling a cop and grabing some chlorine and giving him a nice douser straight to the face".
Hell, throw a bubbling red hot pizza right fresh from the oven onto his face. The melting cheeses and toppings will be nicely attach itself to his face scarring this worthless stupid fuck and then proceed to beat him with the hot pizza pan holder you used to remove it from the oven. (Should be nice and hot too.)
I don't care what anyone says, those are the biggest cowards I've seen. I mean, scared shit less, why didn't they just walk out and call the cops from their car or what not?
One of my co workers said something to some woman (probably trying to get her number), 3 min later some big dude comes in the store and starts swining. The dude was fucking huge man. The only thing I could do was try to get in between him and the coworker and tell him to calm down. He eventually backed off while I was trying to keep him from coming to the back where the co worker was now.
Im just glad that he didnt direct his attack onto me when I stepped in
But yeah, what the hells up with none stepping in. You dont have to go in there swingng. just try to calm the dude down.
KiNeSiS said:Olimario what Black people have you ever associated with?!?
It doesn't matter if you're "playing a part." It WILL have an effect on you. If you swear all the time, it has an effect on you. If you play GTA all the time, it has an effect on you. And your counterargument of "it's only 1% of the time" doesn't hold water. First of all, I'm sure you spend more time than that on the board, secondly, a little bit of this kind of thing goes a long way.
Duck of Death said:WTF @ Oli's tag!? How long has it been that?
Duck of Death said:WTF at that thread.....
Anyway, I have to provide some defense for Oli in this thread. I've seen several replies saying "OMG if you pretend to be racist then JOO WILL BECOME A RACIST!!," and I don't see how that makes any sense. It seems clear that Oli is just having fun with it (what you think of THAT is a different story), so I think he is secure enough to differentiate between performance and reality.
Whatever, this thread is weird.
Willco said:Who cares if Olimario is a racist.
Sp3eD said:If this guy was there, everything would have been alright.
http://www.robclaw.com/pimp beaten by karate master0-1953.wmv
Willco said:Who cares if Olimario is a racist. I'm the one who's an obnoxious twat first and foremost, AND I crave attention.
Lil' Dice said:Oli is an extremely shallow human being. You can't seriously think he'd wouldn't eventually fall victim to what he perpetuates online?
olimario said:You can say you don't like what you see of me, but don't say I'm a shallow human being without seeing more.
demi said:Dude, we saw your schlong. We saw enough.
Cyan said:So no, he's not going to turn into a racist. It's much more subtle than that, but the bottom line is that it's harmful to himself to act that way. Especially if it's to fit in.
olimario said:Who are you to call me shallow? Who are any of you to draw any sort of conclusions about me? You see so little of my life and so little of how I interact with people. It's like drawing a conclusion about a piece of art after only seeing 1/1000th of it.
You can say you don't like what you see of me, but don't say I'm a shallow human being without seeing more.
olimario said:Who are you to call me shallow? Who are any of you to draw any sort of conclusions about me? You see so little of my life and so little of how I interact with people. It's like drawing a conclusion about a piece of art after only seeing 1/1000th of it.
You can say you don't like what you see of me, but don't say I'm a shallow human being without seeing more.
Olimario's Greatest Hits said:I Wish I Was Black Sometimes
Sometimes I wish I could be a black man and lead an uninhibited life. I could act on every impulse and not have a conscience bugging me about my actions.
The lack of a soul must result in a much easier life. No worrying about the results in eternity the actions in the life will result in.
border said:Olimario isn't racist. He has even said that he wishes he were black.
DMczaf said:WTF?
KiNeSiS said:But I feel that we as human beings that look down to the animal kingdom shouldn't because.
We truly are animals we build ourselves to be something we aren't.
People suppress there instincts, What you don't use you lose.
olimario said:He must be my slave because there is no WAY that OLIMARIO could be friends with an african american!
olimario said:Why are you all so eager to make me a racist?
olimario said:There isn't? Greekboy can play a woman, Sera can play somebody (s)he's not, but I can't play a racist on another forum? Bullshit. I'm a long shot from being a racist.?
KiNeSiS said:" Do you think the laws of science forbid OliMario the ability to seminate a S.H.I.T. like Sereshita?"
whytemyke said:Sarcasm.
I'm surprised nobody has called attention to this shit yet:
If you want to really challenge your beliefs in this area, read The Politics by Aristotle. Anyways, if you're defending the guy who did the beating because of primal instincts, then he really doesn't belong in civillized society. That is the one thing that separates man from animal... our ability to reason (as some would argue, anyways.) We form into groups for the common good of all (Locke), and if, because you're unable to ignore your primal urges to play the barbarian, you cannot refrain from acting in a civillized manner, then you do not belong in a civillized atmosphere. Hence I believe a four year stint in jail is fairly justified.
I didn't think that at first, but after watching the video, I do believe the guy could have gotten his message across with one punch. However, he obviously had malicious intent to keep hitting even after his adrenaline was gone, pulling the guy back into the store and hitting him til he put him on the floor. Bye bye for a few years. See ya.
Boogie said:Damn it's painful trying to read Kinesis.