The Lunch Legend
GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Do you want to be an alpha male ? There is lots of guys who (think) they are, and they are miserable inside, so think carefully about this.
Now, there is nothing wrong to raise your masculinity of course, that's the only way to feel authentic, and you'll never succeed in life if you don't take care of that anyway (succeeding in general, I'm not only talking about work or women).
It is simple to be an "alpha" male, but it requires a lot of courage and to be brutally honest with yourself,
You simply need these "skills":
Confidence (where you are in life, about your insecurities/scars, your future perspective, your self worth)
This has a lot to do with your self-esteem, once you take care of your self-esteem, confidence skyrocket almost instantly, because now you know you can do whatever the fuck you want if you take proper actions.
Concerning women, the only way to be confident around them, is first to take care of your self-esteem/confidence level, then to start meeting more and more women, you'll realize that you're way more attractive than you think you are (if that's a problem for you, but I'm talking to everyone here).
Humor/Playfulness (being able to make people laugh, to be able to laugh at yourself, being in a good and goofy mood)
but you need to be confident to have the balls to say your jokes (cause when you start, it won't work most of the time). It is useful for everything in life, and a very masculine guy is almost always very funny, it's the mark of leaders.
Detachment (Women aren't your priority, you have a goal in life, you don't need anyone or anything to make you feel complete)
This one is tricky, because almost no guy have this. A lot of them fake it, but to be able to really be detached, you either need to be a sociopath, or to be on the spiritual path (consciously or not). Assholes aren't really detached, they just fear to be vulnerable, and thus stop the interaction with women when they sense emotions could be involved.
Edginess - adventurous, challenging
Do you often take new habits ? Do you go out on special occasions to challenge yourself ? Do you do stupid stuff that makes no sense, just because it could be fun ? Well, if you don't, that's something to embody, not only it is fun, but without this attitude there is no way you can feel masculine, men can't just live without new goals, we're built to create and step outside our comfort zone.
Intimate and dirty sex
Pretty obvious, if as a man, you can't fuck like a beast, how could you even consider yourself as a male ?
You don't necessarily need to fuck hundreds of women, not even 10, just learn to fuck properly and to be dominant (just be careful to not transform yourself into an asshole, outside of sex).
Practice tantric masturbation (you'll have such an advantage over so many guys, and it boost your confidence and energy level), learn why preliminaries are so important to them and then do it correctly (every time, even if she told you she just wants your dick), learn why they like to be dominated and how to do it properly, learn to control yourself (see tantric masturbation), learn how to make them squirt.
I would start to build your confidence level with a spiritual practice, then all the other skills will be way easier to get.