If it was anyone else as leader i believe this country would be more soundly fucked much like the us
You honestly think Canada handled COVID better than the US?
I really don't see how, our gov't went from blunder to blunder through the whole thing.
1) we initially rejected the idea of shutting down the borders because it was perceived as racist
2) we parroted the WHO baloney that it was not a serious issue, that it wasn't easily transmissible
3) we gave away our stockpiles back to China no less, even though it was them was the end source of all this shit
4) our gov't told us that masks don't work and weren't necessary
5) we then told people that masks were necessary and that the economy needed to shut down for more than a month and people needed to isolate
6) we then decided that it was perfectly fine to go protest with BLM with thousands of people on a topic that had next to no relevance in Canada
7) our fearless idiot leader decided it was a perfect opportunity to tell people that large gatherings were a bad idea but yet was happy to bow and kneel like a coward at a BLM rally
8) Truedope told people that they should not travel, should not visit family or friends yet was more than happy to commute back and forth to his cottage with his family showing again that he was fine with "rules for thee but not for mee"
There are many other instances of how Canada handled poorly, followed the WHO propaganda and hired a moron as a our public health officer who gave mixed messages and towed China's line like a good useful idiot.