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This is simply unreal... (about girls)

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Heh, I've already said that I'm not 100 % sure if she's joking with me or not, but it feels like she really is serious. And no, I haven't met her offline. Before you jump to any conclusions, I have years of experience from meeting other girls from the net, and I feel I'm good at judging who people really are even by chatting with them for a longer period of time. I've never been wrong so far. And as I said, I've been talking to this girl for over a year, not only over the net but also through phone.

And yeah, it probably won't live up to my fantasies if it does happen, but I don't mind trying!
I am swedish and let me tell you something about swedish girls, most of them are horny like us men and alot of them would not have a problem with being with 2 girls at the same time.
swedish girls are very outgoing with it comes to sex and they are not afraid of it as many other european girls are.

I am a model and in my line of work i meet alot of sexy girls from all over the world and so far swedish girls have been the best choice to share your bed with!

i have often had sex with 2 girls at the same time, the thing with girls are that they will do anything to make you happy.
i meet alot of girls that dont argue or get mad at you if you tell them that you want to have sex with 2 girls at the same time,they just want to please you.
now i know for a fact that girls like me and think i am sexy, and i have experienced that they will do anything just so i would want to stay with them longer.

in Kiriku´s case i dont know maybe she is only messing with him.
internet is not a good place to pick up chicks, go out and mingle abit with them at night clubs or just walk up to a hot girl you see passing you on the street or something.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
^ Fucking models! For those of us who don't rate ourselves 10/10, walking up to hot girls you randomly see in the street works...0% of the time.

At least that's my experience. It's no shock, if some stunning gal walked up to me in the street and started talking, of course I'd respond well. But if someone I don't think is good looking does...well I'd be pretty much trying to end the conversation at every opportunity.
Mama Smurf said:
^ Fucking models! For those of us who don't rate ourselves 10/10, walking up to hot girls you randomly see in the street works...0% of the time.

At least that's my experience. It's no shock, if some stunning gal walked up to me in the street and started talking, of course I'd respond well. But if someone I don't think is good looking does...well I'd be pretty much trying to end the conversation at every opportunity.

if you go up to a girl with confidence she will act diffrently with you than she would if you looked all nervouse and shit!

it´s all about confidence if you have it they will feel it and women loves confidence in a man!


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I thought this thread was going to be about some crazy insight you had about girls. Instead I find it's just about what you dream of doing with girls. Disappointing.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
robertsan21 said:
if you go up to a girl with confidence she will act diffrently with you than she would if you looked all nervouse and shit!

it´s all about confidence if you have it they will feel it and women loves confidence in a man!

I do go up with confidence.

Face it man, it's about the looks. If a hot girl comes up to me and asks the stupidest thing possible (let's say we're outside McDonald's and she asks me where McDonald's is) and seems all nervous, I'm still going to respond really well to her.

However, if this girl:


does exactly the same thing, she's going to get a quick "Ermm, there" while I point at McDonald's and try to get away before she can ask me anything else.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Mama Smurf said:
I do go up with confidence.

Face it man, it's about the looks. If a hot girl comes up to me and asks the stupidest thing possible (let's say we're outside McDonald's and she asks me where McDonald's is) and seems all nervous, I'm still going to respond really well to her.

However, if this girl:


does exactly the same thing, she's going to get a quick "Ermm, there" while I point at McDonald's and try to get away before she can ask me anything else.

These things are true, sadly I have found myself treating more attractive women better. I don't treat the less attractive ones horribly or something, but I've caught myself going that extra mile for a "burner". I'm so ashamed... :(


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
only on this fucking forum could multiple people downplay the joy of sex with two women. I think some of you all think too much... I'm married to a bisexual woman and it's been like buying a car that makes it's own gas.


Mama Smurf said:
^ Fucking models! For those of us who don't rate ourselves 10/10, walking up to hot girls you randomly see in the street works...0% of the time.

At least that's my experience. It's no shock, if some stunning gal walked up to me in the street and started talking, of course I'd respond well. But if someone I don't think is good looking does...well I'd be pretty much trying to end the conversation at every opportunity.

That would be true if girls had the same brain as us......thankfully they don't
Mama Smurf said:
I do go up with confidence.

Face it man, it's about the looks. If a hot girl comes up to me and asks the stupidest thing possible (let's say we're outside McDonald's and she asks me where McDonald's is) and seems all nervous, I'm still going to respond really well to her.

However, if this girl:


does exactly the same thing, she's going to get a quick "Ermm, there" while I point at McDonald's and try to get away before she can ask me anything else.

haha yeah well i guess looks do help alot, but if they girl treats you bad without you even saying anything bad to her then she is not worth it in the first place!

but i guess you have to choose a girl in your league!
i mean if you are a playing ball in the 8 division you cant take on a 1st divison team and expekt to win!

i guess its up to the person himself to know what league he is playing ball in adn then try to master it, but even underdogs wins against the big teams sometimes :)

so i say aim for the top everytime


I'm going to be contrarian here and put $5 on Kiriku to seal the deal on this one. He's Swedish, and if memory serves, he's not a bad-looking guy. The only wild card is whether or not the GIRL is on the level...but given the cultural differences, it's not beyond the realm of possibility.

So, yeah, as The Shadow pointed out: Webcam is a MUST for your friends at GA, and don't forget to interrupt the foreplay to post in the Off-Topic Forum to ask for advice!


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
just incase this does happen, make sure you buy some baskin robbins whipped cream. It will come in handy:)
Why would a girl, who's apparently very attractive, who apparently would have no problem finding guys anywhere she goes, be talking to you online and offering you all these things despite having never met you? Why would you have continued this farce for a _year_, apparently knowing each other quite well, yet never so much as meet to have coffee?

My prediction is that there's something seriously wrong with how she looks and this is how she gets attention from guys.

Ask her if she'd be willing to go on a webcam. If she's full of shit, the excuses will start piling on.


make sure to jack off before the whole thing starts, and uh, wear two condoms. i think i covered the important things, any other comments/advise guys?
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