talking head
underwear model? pics.
Mama Smurf said:^ Fucking models! For those of us who don't rate ourselves 10/10, walking up to hot girls you randomly see in the street works...0% of the time.
At least that's my experience. It's no shock, if some stunning gal walked up to me in the street and started talking, of course I'd respond well. But if someone I don't think is good looking does...well I'd be pretty much trying to end the conversation at every opportunity.
robertsan21 said:if you go up to a girl with confidence she will act diffrently with you than she would if you looked all nervouse and shit!
it´s all about confidence if you have it they will feel it and women loves confidence in a man!
Mama Smurf said:I do go up with confidence.
Face it man, it's about the looks. If a hot girl comes up to me and asks the stupidest thing possible (let's say we're outside McDonald's and she asks me where McDonald's is) and seems all nervous, I'm still going to respond really well to her.
However, if this girl:
does exactly the same thing, she's going to get a quick "Ermm, there" while I point at McDonald's and try to get away before she can ask me anything else.
Mama Smurf said:^ Fucking models! For those of us who don't rate ourselves 10/10, walking up to hot girls you randomly see in the street works...0% of the time.
At least that's my experience. It's no shock, if some stunning gal walked up to me in the street and started talking, of course I'd respond well. But if someone I don't think is good looking does...well I'd be pretty much trying to end the conversation at every opportunity.
Mama Smurf said:I do go up with confidence.
Face it man, it's about the looks. If a hot girl comes up to me and asks the stupidest thing possible (let's say we're outside McDonald's and she asks me where McDonald's is) and seems all nervous, I'm still going to respond really well to her.
However, if this girl:
does exactly the same thing, she's going to get a quick "Ermm, there" while I point at McDonald's and try to get away before she can ask me anything else.