lol the corona version got me
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It better use the gif of one guy pointing at the giant mushroom while the other guy has his arms out like : "What are you gonna do"!!!How is there not a Dark Souls one yet?
It's funny, but can feel a bit awkward when you wonder whether the person in the original video really died. Because it certainly looks like it in some cases.
Also what's the source for the funeral ?
They are professional pallbearer dancers in Ghana that people actually hire to make funerals more fun and send their loved ones with style.
My grandma died yesterday, so I don't want to seem like a heartless monster sending these to my friends, but this is the funniest shit ever.
Do you have a video of your grandmother kicking the bucket so you can meme her into eternity?
My deepest condolences man.
This songs gonna be in my head all week
My friend from Spain has been sending these to me for a while now. He even made a cover of the song and his gf dancing to it lol
I set this as my ringtone on my wife's phone. I am going to call her next time she does something stupid.
Song is "Astronomia 2K19 - Radio Edit" in case anyone was wondering.
Song is "Astronomia 2K19 - Radio Edit" in case anyone was wondering.
From here on out, the music is gonna be attached to this wicked meme.
The moment you hear the music, it's gonna have you rolling in the aisles...
The music makes this worse.It's kind of just the "To be continued" meme, but it's still funny.
I want to see the real endings to some of these.
Fuck me man, I flinched too. First time in forever.Cool, my body hasn't atrophied yet to the point where my reflexes don't work.
I've watched every one I can and I'm still dying.I feel so bad for laughing so hard at some of these
holy shit
I think I heard his sternum and ribs dislocate.
Unrelated, but i was really hoping this one would become a meme
saw it without title context and i fucking died
This one made my nuts shrink a little
This one makes me feel weird. I’m gonna assume she’s okay since the vid was put up, unless this was live-streamed
This one makes me feel weird. I’m gonna assume she’s okay since the vid was put up, unless this was live-streamed
If the banana was weak enough to break off in her throat then i'm sure she could clear her airway one way or another.
This one though, i'm about 90% sure this dude died
Parkour got a lot less impressive when they are exposed for having off camera saftey lines.
Parkour got a lot less impressive when they are exposed for having off camera saftey lines.
Those were just random wires he caught I think. They're actually the reason he tripped because they were in his way. I mean maybe there was a safety line too, I didn't spot it thoParkour got a lot less impressive when they are exposed for having off camera saftey lines.