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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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What do people think of these liberal images on Facebook?


Oh man, those people who can't just admit that they hate the ice bucket challenge for being a fad so they have to go on about how it's wasting water or how "ALS is a scam and you've all been fooled" instead of admitting a popular fad has actually done some good in the world.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Poverty image: I want to know where they're getting the $178 billion figure from, and how we're defining "eliminating poverty".
The first one is kind of pie-in-the-sky idealism (which I still appreciate) but I don't see how any of these are offensive or awful, like the myriad of conservative ones we've seen.
The numbers are questionable and it's idealistic. I do like the general sentiment that the large military budget (which throughout history is actually a small percentage of GDP/taxes) could be used to help people. There's a similar one for the cost of college.

Eidan said:
America/Africa: I think it's unfair.
The water bucket one is shallow and dumb, but the others are relatively benign.
I do think it's partially unfair but not shallow and dumb. We do take for granted that safe water is in abundance here (for now) compared to other regions, like you would find in Africa. That said, the purpose of the ice bucket challenge is to simulate the experience of ALS. Also, the US is not inherently responsible for the conditions in other countries (well, maybe for countries we helped destabilize), just like that we're not responsible to be the world police.

EDIT: Also what MrBadger said above, it has done good.

I posted these on Facebook. I just removed the poverty one because it was poor judgement.

Insert something about military also getting paid shit as an excuse to keep things sucky for everyone here
That one is abhorrent.


What are people who claim to be "in the middle" even in the middle of? Do you not pick sides on any issue? Seems like a convenient way of just saying "I'm above it all on every issue," without having to take a stand on anything.

The "in the middle" (or "independent") people I know seem like conservatives who don't want to call themselves Republicans. But maybe that's not the case for most who self-identify as such.

I think you are misinterpreting what people mean by in the middle. It doesn't mean they don't have strong views on individual issues. Usually it means they have several strong views that are from separate parties so they can't really support either. It's like people being pro life and anti death penalty. They don't really fit either party so they become independents.

And then there are people like me that are independents because both parties are right wing and full of shit.
What do people think of these liberal images on Facebook?

1. Seems inaccurate. I'd like to know where they got the number for eliminating poverty.

2. People overreacting to the Ice Bucket Challenge and ignoring all the money raised because of it. Also, I'm sure the people posting it waste their fair share of water.

3. What's wrong with this one? I completely agree with him. Why should anyone working a full-time job live in poverty? This is a major issue with our nation and it needs to be addressed.


That hasn't been going too well. :p

Not to dive deep into this, but I think soldiers are underpaid. Stories of family members having to line up to get food seems unpatriotic. There are most assuredly long term benefits, but considering substantial funds go toward PMCs who are no more effective and often cause controversy, I don't think it's enough. I'm anti-war and against the idea of "support the troops" no matter what, by-the-way.
No, no, I agree on that point. I'm just saying it's a stupid comparison.
VA healthcare is a clusterfuck, for sure. But most stuff under TRICARE, while sometimes annoying is usually decent enough.
Oh man, those people who can't just admit that they hate the ice bucket challenge for being a fad so they have to go on about how it's wasting water or how "ALS is a scam and you've all been fooled" instead of admitting a popular fad has actually done some good in the world.

Why can't it be both? It has done good, but people doing it in California are wasting water in the middle of a drought.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
One key distinction needs to be made in the "both sidez saem!" argument that will inevitably show-up: the crazies in the Democratic Party have nowhere near the power that the crazies have in the Republican Party.

So when I see liberal images that make me eyeroll or do a sarcastic "peace, hippy!" dance, I'm comforted in knowing that these don't have a significant hold in steering our politics. When I see conservative images that make me wince, it's almost always a stronger negative reaction simply based on the idea that many of these images reflect mainstream "thought" in the GOP.

I am reminded of criticism that the Daily Show, being "leftist" only goes after conservative subjects. In reality they can be counted on to hit up the liberal freakshow as well - it's just that the lunatic left is being outpaced by the right as a major force. There's more of a fringe right wing buffet to peruse.
Man...a lot of these conservative FB images and memes are quite ridiculous, and also a bit alien to me.
I live in California, I'm black, I'm queer, most of my FB friends are young adults, a good number of these young adults are PoC, a few are queer, the few over-30 adults in my friends list are liberal, and the other adults are family members (also liberal).
My FB is completely devoid of awful right-wing pics and memes.

Tbqh...I actually don't see a lot of political junk on my feed in general.


Why can't it be both? It has done good, but people doing it in California are wasting water in the middle of a drought.

Oh yeah, fair enough in that circumstance. I was talking about people in places with no water shortage pointing out how little clean water Africa has in an attempt to make people feel bad about themselves for participating. Like in the picture I quoted.


As long as it's not outright hostile or racist (or any of that shit), I do not have a problem with people having different opinions than me. Hell, I even like it, just hearing things you like all the time is very dangerous.

I need my health care (born with cystical fibrosis) and my mom is an immigrant - but people must be entitled to their opinions about it anyway. That's what makes democracy great.


Aftershock LA
That is repulsive. Really? Do some people really lack basic common sense?

A close friend of mine posted this on her feed. She's my age (35), and she's often posting incredibly ignorant stuff like this and like some of the other examples posted in this thread. To be honest, I just ignore her posts, as trying to engage in a rational conversation with her is met with nothing. She grew up in a pretty privileged home, so she's never had to utilize public services like this, so she just assumes that 99% of the people using those systems are abusing them, and are like animals.

I find the underlying implication of that image (that poor people needing help to not starve to death, are akin to animals in a zoo), incredibly offensive and disgusting. Sure, it probably stems from the fact that in my youth and adulthood, I had to rely on services like that to not die or end up homeless while I got back on my feet. As I stated earlier in this thread, the help was only a few hundred bucks (I think the maximum me and my wife got from food stamps and cash relief was $400. Basically $200 in Food Stamps, and if we qualified, $200 in actual cash aid. Most of the time, we didn't qualify for cash aid).

Another aspect of welfare services that seem to get ignored, is that here in Los Angeles, at least, it's mandatory that you participate in various "work for hire" programs in order to keep receiving benefits. These programs vary, but they range from things like attending "classes" to help you improve your resume writing skills and interview skills, to doing work in offices. I've had to stuff envelopes and do all sorts of little tasks, while also sending out resumes and looking for full time work while I was getting food stamps and cash relief. My wife had to as well, or else she wouldn't be entitled to her side of the benefits. This image of the fat, overweight (probably minority) mother, sitting on her ass, watching soaps, eating filet mignon, gabbing away on her iPhone 5, while twerling the keys to her Mercedes Benz around her diamond studded ring finger, all the while collecting dat phat gov'ment check, is wildly inaccurate. They do make you put in work for your benefits, and the moment you stop attending those classes (and I'm talking missing one or two classes tops), they will cut off your benefits really quickly.

The whole point of those services is to help you get on your feet. Some people do, and they get off the service (like myself). Others don't, and as long as they keep attending the work for hire programs, they'll get to stay on the program. And some people try to game the system, but as has been stated before, that percentage is incredibly small.



Just saw this on FB, shared by someone I formerly respected but has been losing more and more respect with every thing like this they share. This reads like one of those 4Chan FB post parodies.
Just saw this gem recently.

What was this about, anyway? Is it about us giving some old F-16s to Egypt as part of an aid package?

Edit: I just got this long-winded one from my mom, about how muslims are bad people trying to take over America because of the Barbary wars from the early 1800s.

Most Americans are unaware of the fact that over two hundred years ago, the United States had declared war on Islam, and Thomas Jefferson led the charge!

At the height of the eighteenth century, Muslim pirates were the terror of the Mediterranean and a large area of the North Atlantic. They attacked every ship in sight, and held the crews for exorbitant ransoms. Those taken hostage were subjected to barbaric treatment and wrote heart breaking letters home, begging their government and family members to pay whatever their Mohammedan captors demanded. These extortionists of the high seas represented the Islamic nations of Tripoli, Tunis, Morocco, and Algiers – collectively referred to as the Barbary Coast – and presented a dangerous and unprovoked threat to the new American Republic.

Before the Revolutionary War, U.S. merchant ships had been under the protection of Great Britain. When the U.S. declared its independence and entered into war, the ships of the United States were protected by France. However, once the war was won, America had to protect its own fleets. Thus, the birth of the U.S. Navy. Beginning in1784, seventeen years before he would become president, Thomas Jefferson became America’s Minister to France. That same year, the U.S. Congress sought to appease its Muslim adversaries by following in the footsteps of European nations who paid bribes to the Barbary States, rather than engaging them in war. In July of 1785, Algerian pirates captured American ships, and the Dey of Algiers demanded an unheard-of ransom of $60,000. It was a plain and simple case of extortion, and Thomas Jefferson was vehemently opposed to any further payments. Instead, he proposed to Congress the formation of a coalition of allied nations who together could force the Islamic states into peace. A disinterested Congress decided to pay the ransom. In 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams met with Tripoli’s ambassador to Great Britain to ask by what right his nation attacked American ships and enslaved American citizens, and why Muslims held so much hostility towards America, a nation with which they had no previous contacts. The two future presidents reported that Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja had answered that Islam "was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Quran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise."

Despite of this stunning admission of premeditated violence on non-Muslim nations, as well as the objections of many notable American leaders, including George Washington, who warned that caving in was both wrong and would only further embolden the enemy, f or the following fifteen years, the American government paid the Muslims millions of dollars for the safe passage of American ships or the return of American hostages. The payments in ransom and tribute amounted to over twenty percent of the United States government annual revenues in 1800.

Jefferson was disgusted. Shortly after his being sworn in as the third President of the United States in 1801, the Pasha of Tripoli sent him a note demanding the immediate payment of $225,000 plus $25,000 a year for every year forthcoming. That changed everything.

Jefferson let the Pasha know, in no uncertain terms, what he could do with his demand. The Pasha responded by cutting down the flagpole at the American consulate and declared war on the United States. Tunis, Morocco, and Algiers immediately followed suit. Jefferson, until now, had been against America raising a naval force for anything beyond coastal defense, but having watched his nation be cowed by Islamic thuggery for long enough, decided that is was finally time to meet force with force.

He dispatched a squadron of frigates to the Mediterranean and taught the Muslim nations of the Barbary Coast a lesson he hoped they would never forget. Congress authorized Jefferson to empower U.S. ships to seize all vessels and goods of the Pasha of Tripoli and to “cause to be done all other acts of precaution or hostility as the state of war would justify”.

When Algiers and Tunis, who were both accustomed to American cowardice and acquiescence, saw the newly independent United States had both the will and the might to strike back, they quickly abandoned their allegiance to Tripoli. The war with Tripoli lasted for four more years, and raged up again in 1815. The bravery of the U.S. Marine Corps in these wars led to the line “to the shores of Tripoli” in the Marine Hymn, and they would forever be known as “leathernecks” for the leather collars of their uniforms, designed to prevent their heads from being cut off by the Muslim scimitars when boarding enemy ships.

Islam, and what its Barbary followers justified doing in the name of their prophet and their god, disturbed Jefferson quite deeply. America had a tradition of religious tolerance, the fact that Jefferson, himself, had co-authored the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, but fundamentalist Islam was like no other religion the world had ever seen. A religion based on supremacism, whose holy book not only condoned but mandated violence against unbelievers was unacceptable to him. His greatest fear was that someday this brand of Islam would return and pose an even greater threat to the United States.

This should bother every American. That the Islams have brought about women-only classes and swimming times at taxpayer-funded universities and public pools; that Christians, Jews, and Hindus have been banned from serving on juries where Muslim defendants are being judged, Piggy banks and Porky Pig tissue dispensers have been banned from workplaces because they offend Islamist sensibilities. Ice cream has been discontinued at certain Burger King locations because the picture on the wrapper looks similar to the Arabic script for Allah, public schools are pulling pork from their menus, on and on in the news papers….

It’s death by a thousand cuts, or inch-by-inch as some refer to it, and most Americans have no idea that this battle is being waged every day across America. By not fighting back, by allowing groups to obfuscate what is really happening, and not insisting that the Islamists adapt to our own culture, the United States is cutting its own throat with a politically correct knife, and helping to further the Islamists agenda. Sadly, it appears that today’s America would rather be politically correct than victorious.

Any doubts, just Google Thomas Jefferson vs the Muslim World

It was headed with this bright little tid-bit too:

That was very interesting history! Had never read this before, but your closing comments are totally correct. Why are we (Americans) allowing the blood-thirsty Muslims [haha holy shit what???] to change everything to what they want instead of them changing to our customs. Doesn't make sense to me that we just change everything for them. It's REALLY TIME FOR AMERICANS TO WAKE UP AND TAKE BACK THEIR COUNTRY.

Edit: I reminded my mom that during the time that the pirates were stealing a few ships half the world away, England was burning down the white house. She hasn't responded yet. :(


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Just saw this on FB, shared by someone I formerly respected but has been losing more and more respect with every thing like this they share. This reads like one of those 4Chan FB post parodies.




Just saw this on FB, shared by someone I formerly respected but has been losing more and more respect with every thing like this they share. This reads like one of those 4Chan FB post parodies.

The funniest part about this is the implication that God of all people can be "too busy" to do something.


I am an independent moderate (as I have been labelled by friends, web sites, and other sources). I do quite enjoy the rantings and posts of conservative/right wingers way more than liberal/left wingers.


I am an independent moderate (as I have been labelled by friends, web sites, and other sources). I do quite enjoy the rantings and posts of conservative/right wingers way more than liberal/left wingers.

They're definitely way more insane and paranoid for the most part. I can't even get mad at them, they are mostly just entertaining.


They're definitely way more insane and paranoid for the most part. I can't even get mad at them, they are mostly just entertaining.

I do feel like right wingers tend to be a little more crazy but I do find them to be more agreeable than the left wing. However, at the end of the day I guess I agree with none and sit in the middle of the fence.
Just saw this gem recently.

Recently? The Muslim Brotherhood were tossed out of office and effectively banned months ago.

And the reason is the Camp David Accords that brought peace between Israel & Egypt . . . do these people want Egypt to become an enemy of Israel again?
Have to deal with this a lot since I live in Texas I normally ignore it except a few that really get malicious or beyond ridiculous, one being a picture of a quran in outhouse being used as toilet paper, and anything that is about "Straight Pride" I unfriend those people immediately, other than that it's normally just gun rights stuff.
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