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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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Almost forgot to post this one. I love/hate this thread. It's not even like any of the right wing stuff that I see shared really is even good. Like I could kind of understand if it had a point but it's all just garbage that makes no sense.
...why is it Will Ferrell from Anchorman


Any Germans here? Are their groups in Germany that have this same argument with the Nazi flag? "It's celebrating our German cultural heritage, it's not racist!"

While I have seen some groups that wear the Nazi flag or at least the not-buddhist version of swastika patches, I have never heard someone saying it isn't racist. But there are probably some idiots that say it is cultural heritage.




WHY ARE YOU RALLYING IN SUPPORT OF THE CONFEDERACY?! You're literally calling yourselves REBEL riders. And I feel really bad for those children.

Almost forgot to post this one. I love/hate this thread. It's not even like any of the right wing stuff that I see shared really is even good. Like I could kind of understand if it had a point but it's all just garbage that makes no sense.
I don't think the person who made this saw Anchorman.
I bet if a cop shot and killed one of them for no reason it would turn violent, too.

not wishing violence on anyone. just making a point.


The latest trend I've seen is people liking confederate flag posts that claim Facebook wouldn't allow them to upload a picture of the confederate flag.
This is just like the last week or so from one aunt:

This is going to be my only post in here, but:

Good christ. The stupidity in the first part is amazing. Yes, because a bunch of rednecks in the back woods of South Carolina built that fence around Daytona, not maybe a motorsports safety company in say, California?


This whisper is also a special kind of stupid.

I try not to tell anyone who is all gungho about the confederate flag and flying it about the Nazi flag because I never want to invoke Godwin's law...
Swastikas always shut them up in my experience.


This will be my only post in this thread but I'd figure I get it off my chest somewhere. My brother shared this on his FB wall about two weeks ago after the Supreme Court ruling on marriage.

Only other 4 people plus his wife liked it and there no comments. I shook my head in disgust when I saw it.


That unintentional blacked out word is viciously in case it isn't clear.

If he ever lurks/reads this thread because he knows I post on GAF, I still love you man and will always be there for the girls. However, as you know, political views is where we will always disagree on because you've changed significantly in the past couple of years.
Any Germans here? Are their groups in Germany that have this same argument with the Nazi flag? "It's celebrating our German cultural heritage, it's not racist!"

No. But this argument also wouldn't make any sense at all because the nazi flag was only used for a few years. It didn't exist before Hitler. Its really only representative of the 12 years of nazi germany. While some nazis are denying the holocaust(which requires tremendous stupidity if you actually live in germany, have ancestors who witnessed or even commited it and can visit the concentration camps where it happened) they aren't denying the inherent racism of nazism.

But you see some right wingers using the old german flag, the one of the German Reich.
This one: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5d/Reichsdienstflagge_1933-1935.svg

As far as I know the NPD(todays nazi party) uses it sometimes, too.
Other than the confederate flag the german reich flag itself is not represenative of any particularly bad things, but if you use it today you'll still be labelled a nazi because its mostly used by nazis today. But they don't use it because it stands for something they particularly like, but because they can't use the nazi germany flag and they don't want to use the actual german flag because they don't recognize the Federal Republic of Germany. (There are multiple right wing conspiracy theories about how germany isn't a souvereign country and still under ally control and the german government is not really in charge. )


Any Germans here? Are their groups in Germany that have this same argument with the Nazi flag? "It's celebrating our German cultural heritage, it's not racist!"
At least there is no big group in particular that has media attention, that uses the Nazi flag.
Outside of school books and cultural stuff like movies the Nazi flag is not allowed to shown in public.

But the argument of cultural heritage is sometimes used to justify some right wing believes or in Neo-Nazi groups.



It is "Totally Evil", in uppercase, like if it were the name of a super-gangster from a cartoon :)


I rarely go to Facebook and I saw my best childhood friend from Arkansas have a confederate flag in his profile and said this:

Since when did America become a country of victims? Everything offends everyone it seems. It's the newest trend. Grow up people. If you don't like it, don't look at it, don't buy it, don't support it, don't represent it. At the same time, don't misrepresent you're opposition for something it isn't. The mass public = bunch of sissies. "You hurt my feelings." Suck it up, buttercup. This world isn't all about you. Stop being so sensitive.

His dad and dad were good friends and his dad had lived in Arab countries. You would think his son be more understanding.

Ironically he shows another video about protesters burning an American flag. Strange how racist support a flag that warred against the US but then get upset when someone burns an American flag. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to show all the pics he posted.


The Autumn Wind
I've noticed a lot of people bringing up the burning the flag comparison. I'm guessing this is something Fox News told them to be upset about?


I've noticed a lot of people bringing up the burning the flag comparison. I'm guessing this is something Fox News told them to be upset about?
They don't understand the right for private citizens to do shit like that (as abhorrent as it may be), and a public entity prominently displaying a flag belonging to traitors and a symbol for racism.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I'm pretty sure the only amendment they know is the "muh guns!" amendment

Only amendment? More like the only part of the Constitution.
Lately the very idea of separation of powers has been under assault because SCOTUS made some decisions some people don't like.


Only amendment? More like the only part of the Constitution.
Lately the very idea of separation of powers has been under assault because SCOTUS made some decisions some people don't like.
Those durn activist judges! Who do they think they are, passing judgment and jiggery-pokery and whatnot?
I rarely go to Facebook and I saw my best childhood friend from Arkansas have a confederate flag in his profile and said this:

His dad and dad were good friends and his dad had lived in Arab countries. You would think his son be more understanding.

Ironically he shows another video about protesters burning an American flag. Strange how racist support a flag that warred against the US but then get upset when someone burns an American flag. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to show all the pics he posted.
The real irony - I don't know if this applies to your friend - is that these are the types that get upset about things like gay marriage.

Respect my right to be a bigot, damn it! I'm being oppressed!


My super right-winged father follows a page on Facebook called "Barack Obama's Dead Fly". It kinda got to the point where I had to unfollow him. Considering that's not the only type of post he reblogs >_> But yeah, if I had a dollar for every political page I've blocked because of shit I didn't feel like seeing everyday on my feed, well... I'd be pretty damn rich right about now.


I'm pretty fortunate to not have these types of posts on my feed. I can't even scroll through an entire page of this thread without feeling angry or sad. I don't even know how you guys do it.


Seeing all these posts reminds me of how much I hate living in the South. Doesn't help I also come from a family of Conservative Right-Winged Republicans at least on my dad's side.


Seeing all these posts reminds me of how much I hate living in the South. Doesn't help I also come from a family of Conservative Right-Winged Republicans at least on my dad's side.

It ain't just the south, man. It's rural vs city. I see all of this shit from family and others up here in Wisconsin. People outside Madison or Milwaukee are pretty much spot on a lot of southern stereotypes, just without the accent.


I kind of miss seeing what people in my distant past are up to on Facebook but I also don't have to read their stupid rants anymore.

I HIGHLY doubt car washes drug test their employees... but ok guy who shared this pic

Man, these anti-food stamps people, acting like they're paying hundreds of dollars of their money towards it annually, when in reality it's more like $30 and that's when you're already earning a relatively healthy income. It's such a pathetic mentality to have.


Man, these anti-food stamps people, acting like they're paying hundreds of dollars of their money towards it annually, when in reality it's more like $30 and that's when you're already earning a relatively healthy income. It's such a pathetic mentality to have.

Also drug testing wastes more money than it saves.

Also would you rather the streets be littered with addicts needing help? So you can feel better about working your garbage job? Such a shit attitude.
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