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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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It ain't just the south, man. It's rural vs city. I see all of this shit from family and others up here in Wisconsin. People outside Madison or Milwaukee are pretty much spot on a lot of southern stereotypes, just without the accent.

Yeah I figured as much. I just hear it a lot down here, especially with you know... the whole Confederate flag ordeal, and whatnot.


Also drug testing wastes more money than it saves.

That picture is one of the biggest things someone can post to set me off into a rage. I once got into an argument with someone, though, and they literally did not fucking care that it would cost them MORE to drug test than not. They would still do it, on principle. I was baffled.

I also tried explaining to my aunt and dad that food stamps being characterized as you paying for someone else is completely and utterly stupid. I posted the average time on Food Stamps and that some states limit the amount of time on them. Then I posted a link to average lifespan and subtracted the first 18 years of life and demonstrated that even if you were on food stamps the maximum amount of time, you're literally paying into the program for like 10x that. They literally didn't understand it and just fought back with "uh... some people cheat the system!"


Because Obama is shooting a gun that he personally confiscated from a disabled Vietnam veteran while he was attending church.
Also the sunglasses were made in Kenya.

Seriously: wasn't that picture even criticized as pandering to the gun crowd.
IIRC it was released by the Whit House itself.
How can somebody try to turn the narrative on its head?

Now now. People sharing that kinda stuff probably read the constitution like they read the bible, is all.
Good one :)
It makes me wonder how strong the echo chamber is for some of these folks that lets them think that some of this nasty shit is in any way logical.


The Autumn Wind
Seriously: wasn't that picture even criticized as pandering to the gun crowd.
IIRC it was released by the Whit House itself.
How can somebody try to turn the narrative on its head?
The people these image macros appeal to don't let facts get in the way of anything.


Right? Who do they think is paying for that drug testing?

I think they're ok with it. A lot of them come across as spiteful. Lazy drug addicts should be punished, even if punishment costs more than solving the problem in the first place.


The people these image macros appeal to don't let facts get in the way of anything.

Nowadays I don't even respond with my own words to them. I just post a link to something that refutes the whole thing. There seems to be an epidemic of idiots posting about how there's laws against burning the flag, so I just post a wikipedia link to Texas v Johnson.

Someone the other day posted some baffling thing about Hillary Clinton being fired for ethics, and I had to dig up a snopes article for that. I don't get it. If I feel the need to be outraged on something, I fucking look it up at least a little bit before sharing the shit.

I think they're ok with it. A lot of them come across as spiteful. Lazy drug addicts should be punished, even if punishment costs more than solving the problem in the first place.

That picture is one of the biggest things someone can post to set me off into a rage. I once got into an argument with someone, though, and they literally did not fucking care that it would cost them MORE to drug test than not. They would still do it, on principle. I was baffled.

I also tried explaining to my aunt and dad that food stamps being characterized as you paying for someone else is completely and utterly stupid. I posted the average time on Food Stamps and that some states limit the amount of time on them. Then I posted a link to average lifespan and subtracted the first 18 years of life and demonstrated that even if you were on food stamps the maximum amount of time, you're literally paying into the program for like 10x that. They literally didn't understand it and just fought back with "uh... some people cheat the system!"

These people live on a philosophy of broad strokes, and paranoia. They generalize as much as humanly possible; no insight, no legitimate statistics, just active disdain at those they deem lesser, in just about any capacity.
My Father ladies and gentlemen. All today. I need to not read his wall anymore.
I don't get the young people in debt thing. Is the idea the reason so many young people are poor is taxes? huh

I'm also pretty baffled by all the "If we have to take down the Confederate Flag, you should be put in jail for burning the American flag" posts. I just don't even know why they paired them up.


My Father ladies and gentlemen. All today. I need to not read his wall anymore.

Sounds like your father, and mine would get along.

Here are some of his posts.







Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Any Germans here? Are their groups in Germany that have this same argument with the Nazi flag? "It's celebrating our German cultural heritage, it's not racist!"

Yeah. Those groups are called "Nazis" ;)

Really though, no. No sane person over here brandishes a swastika, be it "cultural heritage" or otherwise. Hell, even open right-wing political party posters are ripped off faster than you can say "Isn't that racist?".



So everyone complaining about the Confederate flag are the ones on government assistance? Not the ones who are actually FLYING it on their trailer?

Also, this girl is from fucking Minnesota. She has never left the state.
It amuses me that they don't seem to realize that Jack Nicholson is a lifelong Irish Democrat and a friend of the Clintons and Tony Blair.
It amuses me that they don't seem to realize that Jack Nicholson is a lifelong Irish Democrat and a friend of the Clintons and Tony Blair.
Maybe he's supposed to be the person getting welfare checks then. But he's a movie star so that doesn't make sense either...


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Only amendment? More like the only part of the Constitution.
Lately the very idea of separation of powers has been under assault because SCOTUS made some decisions some people don't like.

Well, that's not fox news that raised that, though - it's Justice Roberts.

This one's pretty clever imo. I can see it being met with a standing ovation if told be a televangelist.

Insinuating god is not omnipotent going well? @_@


The American far Right is pretty baffling. Like, crazy-tier. At least from what I've seen. I don't have to put up with much of that though, I mainly get crazy extreme Left stuff. Why can't people just chill.


These pics are amazing. The sad part is, no amount of debate, logic, or reasoning will turn any of these people around. The level of willful and/or malicious ignorance that is apparent in all of these pics is startling. The racist coming out party that followed Obama's election is still going strong unfortunately.

Out of all the posts in this thread, THIS is the thing that infuriated me the most.

Black Privilege is being able to have BET. When we want to do a White Entertainment Channel, we are called racist.

Black Privilege is being able to have a black student union on campus. My white student union was rejected.

It's so unfair!


The Autumn Wind
I'm at my moms for the weekend, and Fox News was on, as it always is. Donald Trump was being discussed and I mentioned how entertaining the whole situation was and how ridiculous it was that he was topping the Republican polls. My mother's husband said he'd make a great president and people will vote for him because they're tired of "what's happening to this country." So I replied, "Yeah, racist people." His face got all red and he screamed "I'm not a racist!"

At that point I just told him good luck with Trump's brilliant plan to get Mexico to pay for and build a wall. And how a guy with multiple bankruptcies and failed marriages will obviously make a great commander-in-chief. He didn't have anything to say to that. Felt good, man.

Black Privilege is being able to have BET. When we want to do a White Entertainment Channel, we are called racist.

Black Privilege is being able to have a black student union on campus. My white student union was rejected.

It's so unfair!
Feels appropriate:



Man, these anti-food stamps people, acting like they're paying hundreds of dollars of their money towards it annually, when in reality it's more like $30 and that's when you're already earning a relatively healthy income. It's such a pathetic mentality to have.

Not only that, many people who are on food stamps do so because they are down on their luck for a short time. For instance, if a guy worked 20 years and was laid off, then collected food stamps for a year... he paid into the program already and is just getting back what he put in before.

This only applies to people who do not, and have never... ever worked which is the extreme and not the norm.
I like that Mario Kart analogy a lot lol. I must say though, as a white man I'm sick of just getting coins all the time. I keep getting more than I need and it's just pointless. Thanks, Nintendo. Where's my blue shell?
Not only that, many people who are on food stamps do so because they are down on their luck for a short time. For instance, if a guy worked 20 years and was laid off, then collected food stamps for a year... he paid into the program already and is just getting back what he put in before.

This only applies to people who do not, and have never... ever worked which is the extreme and not the norm.
Yep, exactly.

This only applies to people who do not, and have never... ever worked which is the extreme and not the norm.

Yes, that is incredibly rare, and one reason why I couldn't give a fuck. It's not like these people living it up lavishly on everyone else's dime, not even close, it's still just scraping by.

If you don't work, I have no interest in seeing you starve, or on the street, and I'm certainly not gonna go after you at the expense of everyone else. It's practically pennies a day, and yet these conservatives can't stop trying to fuck with people. (but trillions on a war, or hundreds of billions on defense and international assistance, that's just a wonderful thing)


Man, just the idea of some nut jamming away on MS Paint or some meme-creator on his computer to illustrate stupid opinions tickles me, especially that Confederate Flag vs. minority empowerment movements, and the black privilege one.

JPEG artifacts drive home the point.
I mean, are people HONESTY surprised that the confederate flag might have a bit of a stigma attached to it? If you genuinely are not a racist, hateful person, why would you choose that flag to rally behind and associate yourself with?
I mean, are people HONESTY surprised that the confederate flag might have a bit of a stigma attached to it? If you genuinely are not a racist, hateful person, why would you choose that flag to rally behind and associate yourself with?
because it's their heritage and represents good ol' southern pride!!!

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