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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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People with the 1950s nostalgia (even if they weren't around then) always ignore the economic side of the era where a family could be raised on a single person's salary, taxes were higher, especially on the rich and large corporations.

That's kind of funny, might post that one to see what happens.
I seriously despise images of that nature.

"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for all Americans" That quote sadly no longer has any meaning because of the way most people seem to be these days. :|
Stone Cold would hit a stunner on whoever made this image.

Most likely, people who posted/shared it would probably get pretty angry if they knew Austin was pro-gay marriage and at the very least agnostic.


So this is being shared and commented upon on my feed.

It links to this article.

Nevermind that the ESB has been lit up in green to commemorate the end of Ramadan since at least 2007, using conservative media as a source.

The comments for that article are just gold. The crazies comment that it's a disgrace, treason, impeach Obama, the other usual stuff. A few brave souls point out that he obviously didn't have anything to do with it. Crazies go mental: "If it wasn't Obama who was it quiz kid?" WHO WAS IT?!

Yes, who indeed. Surely not the owners. They're red blooded american capitalists who surely know the supposed evil of Islam. Has to to be Obama. Always Obama. If it rains on your wedding, Obama ordered it.
The comments for that article are just gold. The crazies comment that it's a disgrace, treason, impeach Obama, the other usual stuff. A few brave souls point out that he obviously didn't have anything to do with it. Crazies go mental: "If it wasn't Obama who was it quiz kid?" WHO WAS IT?!

Yes, who indeed. Surely not the owners. They're red blooded american capitalists who surely know the supposed evil of Islam. Has to to be Obama. Always Obama. If it rains on your wedding, Obama ordered it.

At this point, my facebook friends are so far gone. It surely isn't all of them, but it seems like the ones that share nonsense like the above share nothing but nonsense like the above.

I mean, take at least 30 seconds to fact check it. I try to keep my Facebook presence apolitical, but sometimes, I'll reply and tell them to do precisely that. If it's true, there's bound to be a plethora of non-partisan, independent sources.


The Autumn Wind
At this point, my facebook friends are so far gone. It surely isn't all of them, but it seems like the ones that share nonsense like the above share nothing but nonsense like the above.

I mean, take at least 30 seconds to fact check it. I try to keep my Facebook presence apolitical, but sometimes, I'll reply and tell them to do precisely that. If it's true, there's bound to be a plethora of non-partisan, independent sources.
Sure, like the librul media isn't lying to all of us under Odumbo's orders.
That Which is Easier to Believe pic.

I'm done.

Someone thought they were making a legitimate point with that. I imagine they looked at it afterwards and thought it was a job well done.

I...I just can't.
It's perverse now? That sailor just kissed a random woman...but he's military, so I guess that makes it OK.

Video of huge convoy of semi-trucks, which apparently means the government is stocking up for some crisis, like a natural disaster...or an EMP from Iran.

That was what I was gonna say, haha. They're basically yearning for the days when you could literally sexually assault a woman and become an American icon for it.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
They'd actually have a point, if it were possible to actually avoid products made in China or, well, choose where the oil for your car comes from... -_-
Isn't some American work slave labor...? I mean, you're expected to work long hours with little rewards, no chance for upward mobility and if you don't do as you are told, chances are you're not gonna make it very long.

No. Everything you say after your question might indeed be sadly true for many in the workforce, but that is in no way equivalent to being actual slave labor. It's not even fitting for hyperbole.

Rebel Leader


Who ever made this, Do they not know how hard it is to buy stuff not made in another country?

Most of it comes from here. 73% of our consumed oil in 2014 was domestic. Of the imported oil, Canada was responsible for 37% of it, then Saudi Arabia at 13% and Mexico at 9%. Persian Gulf countries totaled 20% of the import number (so basically roughly 5.4% of total consumption).

Source: http://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.cfm?id=727&t=6

So 73% of our oil comes from an oppressive regime

I want to believe this is satire. It reads like an Onion/Clickhole title. But sadly it probably is serious.

It's not like that's the only version of that article on my timeline, either. There's another from a site called "youngcons.com." Each time I see something shared from there, I think to myself "how fitting, they at least identify themselves right there in the name." (cons)
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