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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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So this is being shared and commented upon on my feed.


It links to this article.

Nevermind that the ESB has been lit up in green to commemorate the end of Ramadan since at least 2007, using conservative media as a source.

The way the headline reads, it sounds like Obama was ordered by someone to put the lights up himself.


So this is being shared and commented upon on my feed.


It links to this article

I want to believe this is satire. It reads like an Onion/Clickhole title. But sadly it probably is serious.

I was looking at the website's disclaimer to see if they are indeed a satire webpage.
Instead I found heir mission statement, which is better than any satire could be:

"The Conservative Post exists to spread freedom of information, conservative values, and truth to the public through various media forms. We are an organization committed to upholding the Second Amendment right of the Freedom of Speech and make every effort to lend to our readers—and Americans everywhere—strength, compassion, and honor. We welcome input and engagement from you, our online community, in mutual respect and courage to face our America, together."
(emphasis mine)
I was looking at the website's disclaimer to see if they are indeed a satire webpage.
Instead I found heir mission statement, which is better than any satire could be:

"The Conservative Post exists to spread freedom of information, conservative values, and truth to the public through various media forms. We are an organization committed to upholding the Second Amendment right of the Freedom of Speech and make every effort to lend to our readers—and Americans everywhere—strength, compassion, and honor. We welcome input and engagement from you, our online community, in mutual respect and courage to face our America, together."
(emphasis mine)

I just

I mean, I don't even



I couldn't stop laughing for half a minute.
Also the unneeded extra "the" before freedom of speech is making me laugh a lot for some reason too.
I was looking at the website's disclaimer to see if they are indeed a satire webpage.
Instead I found heir mission statement, which is better than any satire could be:

"The Conservative Post exists to spread freedom of information, conservative values, and truth to the public through various media forms. We are an organization committed to upholding the Second Amendment right of the Freedom of Speech and make every effort to lend to our readers—and Americans everywhere—strength, compassion, and honor. We welcome input and engagement from you, our online community, in mutual respect and courage to face our America, together."
(emphasis mine)

That's because the right to bear arms is their number one, regardless of order.


I was looking at the website's disclaimer to see if they are indeed a satire webpage.
Instead I found heir mission statement, which is better than any satire could be:

"The Conservative Post exists to spread freedom of information, conservative values, and truth to the public through various media forms. We are an organization committed to upholding the Second Amendment right of the Freedom of Speech and make every effort to lend to our readers—and Americans everywhere—strength, compassion, and honor. We welcome input and engagement from you, our online community, in mutual respect and courage to face our America, together."
(emphasis mine)

I love conservative blogs. They are always unintentionally hilarious.


Poet Centuriate

This guy and his "call to arms" video. There should be a thread if there isn't.

'This isn't a call to be violent but I'm totally gonna murder people unlawfully because I think I'm still in the army and that makes it right.'

Jesus Christ. Dude had a screw loose. He's gonna seriously hurt someone. I laughed so hard when he wasn't a conspiracy theorist though lol.

What's with that big ass four leaf clover button on his shirt?
I really wanna take people that post these "snarky" pics, and put them in a room with the extreme social-justice warriors on tumblr, and just watch what unfolds.
You can block content from certain sites from appearing in your feed and I do everytime, whichever party it is leaning toward, unless it is genuinely amusing.

Thanks for this. I knew you could block people's post, but I didn't know you can specify certain sites they share. I have a co-worker, he's a cool guy, but ever since he got married earlier this year, he goes overboard with praying and "God is great" photos which was driving me nuts.

Anyway, not an image, but my young half brother posted this on Facebook today

To the idiots who get on my case over my Bruce Jenner comment... SHUT UP. He is male and he will never be classified as woman, no matter how many changes he makes. To say he is a woman is a INSULT to everything that a woman is. Am I a feminist? NO. Don't compare me to the radicals who run rampant through my country, they're a sickness. The point I am making is this, man and woman are as God created them. You cannot change that. You are not God. It is, was, and always will be the way he has ordained. Disagree? Fine. But do not DARE to drape your petty rags of perversion over the white hot steel of truth. You'll burn yourself.

Sigh. This was a follow-up to a post where he just said "It's BRUCE, not Caitlyn. DEAL WITH IT."

As you can probably guess we were raised in completely different environments (we only met for the first time a few years ago)

Rebel Leader

I was looking at the website's disclaimer to see if they are indeed a satire webpage.
Instead I found heir mission statement, which is better than any satire could be:

"The Conservative Post exists to spread freedom of information, conservative values, and truth to the public through various media forms. We are an organization committed to upholding the Second Amendment right of the Freedom of Speech and make every effort to lend to our readers—and Americans everywhere—strength, compassion, and honor. We welcome input and engagement from you, our online community, in mutual respect and courage to face our America, together."
(emphasis mine)



Never thought I'd see one of these in my own facebook timeline...


I usually curate my FB friends well to avoid nonsense like this. So this showing up on my feed today was a surprise to me.
Blah, every time I see the point of "you want burger flippers to be paid more than American heroes!" I get disgusted. No, I want everyone to be paid more. I'm not interested in dehumanizing a group of workers in order to try and keep marginalized people down.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I have a rich uncle and aunt who my immediate family is a bit closer too, my dad's sister married in and they've been married for years. They've had children, and I'm fairly close with their son and daughter (my cousins), my cousin pushed for me to follow him on Twitter, so I do, but I was kind of aware before following that him and his family have strong right beliefs, and yup, I see him retweeting stuff like this sometimes.

(going to keep out his name as I do care for him, and he's young still, he's 14 right now, but still...)


He retweeted the image above as well.



My military friends will gladly brag about how much their pay + housing stipend, Etc. adds up to then suddenly they are making less than minimum wage once that debate came up.

Not to mention all their health and child care 100% covered, and tax free shopping.

Not to mention none of my friends have ever seen any combat or even done anything in support of combat.
I'm sorry...

Who's been disarmed?

I'm so sick of this pro-gun hysteria. It's like a fucking cult. Just constantly. "THEY"RE TAKING OUR GUNZ!!11111!!!" without any basis in reality.


Debatable if this one is "right wing" or not, but regardless it reads just like a right wing pic.


Can't forget the crappy JPG compression was there when I saw it on FB too.
Debatable if this one is "right wing" or not, but regardless it reads just like a right wing pic.


Can't forget the crappy JPG compression was there when I saw it on FB too.

No harm in mentioning it; if Michelle is a liberal, then she absolutely needs to be called out. It feels like people are more willing to separate this behaviour from liberalism.


No harm in mentioning it; if Michelle is a liberal, then she absolutely needs to be called out. It feels like people are more willing to separate this behaviour from liberalism.

Yeah, the only reason I mentioned the right wing thing is just because this thread is called "Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share".

Of course I called out the person that shared this garbage and now they have resorted to the "lol get a hobby" schtick.

Rebel Leader

If those "burger flipping" people make more wouldn't the people that come back home from the military to "flip burgers" also make more?

I'm fucking sick of "flipping burgers".

Yeah, the only reason I mentioned the right wing thing is just because this thread is called "Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share".

Of course I called out the person that shared this garbage and now they have resorted to the "lol get a hobby" schtick.

It's fine. this thread has had posts from both sides to try to do the impossible.. "balance the thread" =p
Yeah, the only reason I mentioned the right wing thing is just because this thread is called "Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share".

Of course I called out the person that shared this garbage and now they have resorted to the "lol get a hobby" schtick.

Oh of course, I get you. :p And of course the person who shared it doesn't want to actually think about why their views are problematic.


I thought I did a pretty good job of pruning my facebook feed but I guess not.

Just found this post from one of my recently added coworkers:


Edit: And another from a coworker at one of my first jobs:

Edit2: HAHAHAHAHA. He literally also posted the tig bittied pic + story.


This is one I have seen posted by a few people too many the last few days:


Typically it includes commentary like "Wow. She lays it right out. Finally!" or "She's not afraid to say what everyone else is already thinking!"

Anyway I find it completely ridiculous and here was my response:

"This opinion piece is all sorts of fail.

First of all, the other social and political issues mentioned at the beginning of her rant are not mutually exclusive nor is their focus detrimental to the issue she discussed. Just because certain topics are in the headlines does not mean that others are being ignored. To present them as such was a sad attempt at minimizing those issues without really bolstering her argument.

To say that she doesn't care if the attacker is attached to ISIS, Al-Qaeda, or the Hamas is rather daft, especially when in subsequent discussion she proposes we take military action. Who exactly are we attacking? Who are we going to drop bombs on? Radical Islam is an ideal that has no borders or boundaries.

She also uses the term Muslim (oh no, he's a Muslim!) in a derogatory manner forgetting that not all followers of Islam are radical extremists. It's irresponsible and ignorant.

This was the action of one man doing heinous things. Act of terror, sure. But to try to simplify things and propose a solution as she has is just plain stupid. Things are a just little bit more complicated than she's leading her audience to believe."
saw this posted by a libertarian friend. I don't know if he actually is libertarian though.


A taste:

It’s almost over. My colleague from Holland and I decided in my garden last night, America has been ultimately isolated from most of the rest of the world now. Barack Obama and a few well placed neocons have managed to accomplish what empires could not. We’re betrayed from within, the world is truly sick and tired of American hegemony and bullying, and a new star is rising to the East, a familiar one by now.

When Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a press conference at the BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summits in Ufa the other day, I noticed a familiar smile. Not that I am the Putin analyst mind you, but a visibly tired leader could not hide the unmistakable signs he’d won a substantial victory. Aligned with two thirds of the world’s people now, Russians are at the center of the world stage, not New Yorkers or California’s in crowd. The heads of 15 countries from three continents met in Ulfa to announce their individual and collective coming out, out from underneath the shadow of the United States’ business interests.
- See more at: http://www.phillip-butler.com/putin-isolates-america-with-obamas-help/#sthash.Ee8grDTv.dpuf

did some research into this phillip butler guy. Dude has a big hard on for Putin and Russia.

Dude even defends Russia in regards to the MH17 tragedy.


This is one I have seen posted by a few people too many the last few days:


Typically it includes commentary like "Wow. She lays it right out. Finally!" or "She's not afraid to say what everyone else is already thinking!"

Anyway I find it completely ridiculous and here was my response:

"This opinion piece is all sorts of fail.

First of all, the other social and political issues mentioned at the beginning of her rant are not mutually exclusive nor is their focus detrimental to the issue she discussed. Just because certain topics are in the headlines does not mean that others are being ignored. To present them as such was a sad attempt at minimizing those issues without really bolstering her argument.

To say that she doesn't care if the attacker is attached to ISIS, Al-Qaeda, or the Hamas is rather daft, especially when in subsequent discussion she proposes we take military action. Who exactly are we attacking? Who are we going to drop bombs on? Radical Islam is an ideal that has no borders or boundaries.

She also uses the term Muslim (oh no, he's a Muslim!) in a derogatory manner forgetting that not all followers of Islam are radical extremists. It's irresponsible and ignorant.

This was the action of one man doing heinous things. Act of terror, sure. But to try to simplify things and propose a solution as she has is just plain stupid. Things are a just little bit more complicated than she's leading her audience to believe."

I saw that same video and had the same reaction. "Who are we supposed to bomb that is going to stop this guy?"

Fucker's from Colorado too. A state that's not even close to the South geographically nor existed until after the Civil War.

Also, some people just have no clue what freedom of speech is.



Do people actually read these stories somewhere, or simply make them up while creating these images?

It's just hyperbolic propaganda that people mindlessly share without looking up any context to it. As shown by the other images in the rest of this thread! 8D


I saw a large "hand made" sign in someone's yard today that said "Christians and Jews wake up, Obama is Muslim." It was complete with devil horns and a tail on the O in Obama. I pointed out to my wife as prefacebook right wing posts.
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