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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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The Autumn Wind
Already posted, but I like how their solution is not to treat the elderly better, but to treat prisoners worse. It's the same logic as this:


Ignoring the obvious factual errors, why not fight for better pay for soldiers along with everyone else? Why is it that instead of trying to raise the standards for everyone, the right would rather just let everyone suffer? "Our troops get paid like shit, so should you!"

Worst logic ever.

What the absolute FUCK?

How did Obama in ANY way bring the world close to WWIII? The same president who has avoided war like a fucking plague? That got a deal with IRAN?

THAT President?

Apparently it's because he's not engaging Putin and the aggressive Russians enough. Then again, Eisenhower also avoided war, and he's praised for it.

not even slightly

When the rainbow lights came on, people demanded that the White House also be red, white, and blue for the 4th of July, and they didn't, thus showing Obama acting un-American while only pushing his liberal agenda.

Who are we at war with...?

The entire religion of Islam?

Saw this shit earlier today:

The comic itself is insulting. It's always Linus that's supposed to be the overtly-smart one, and Charlie Brown's shirt isn't colored in. It reminds me of these random images on Facebook that feature Looney Tunes...even though they have nothing to do with the message on the image.

Registered citizens of a single religion, that doesn't sound familiar at all...but I guess only liberals can be accused of being Nazis.

Somewhat unrelated, but I've seen this one around. Is there any truth to this?


Those Liberal Race-baiters are just reporting white on black stuff to incite a race war so Obummer can declare martial and sharia law, stop elections and crown himself Eternal God-Emperor of the United Kingdom of Obama

Fresh from FB:


Some of these are just to painful to read. I don't have a Facebook account because there's no way I could deal with this ignorance, stupidity, and hate.


The comic itself is insulting. It's always Linus that's supposed to be the overtly-smart one, and Charlie Brown's shirt isn't colored in. It reminds me of these random images on Facebook that feature Looney Tunes...even though they have nothing to do with the message on the image.

I seriously despise images of that nature.

"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for all Americans" That quote sadly no longer has any meaning because of the way most people seem to be these days. :|


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Those Liberal Race-baiters are just reporting white on black stuff to incite a race war so Obummer can declare martial and sharia law, stop elections and crown himself Eternal God-Emperor of the United Kingdom of Obama

Fresh from FB:

Did anyone ever attack Tebow for being religious? I could be wrong, but from what I read, nobody on the left gave a shit about his "Tebowing" aside from MAYBE seeming a bit goofy at the absolute worst.
Did anyone ever attack Tebow for being religious? I could be wrong, but from what I read, nobody on the left gave a shit about his "Tebowing" aside from MAYBE seeming a bit goofy at the absolute worst.

I mean, probably? A myriad of eye-rolls, if anything(Guilty. Sorry) but it doesn't make such a comparison any less pathetic, and insulting.


Those Liberal Race-baiters are just reporting white on black stuff to incite a race war so Obummer can declare martial and sharia law, stop elections and crown himself Eternal God-Emperor of the United Kingdom of Obama

Fresh from FB:

LOL, I have like 20 of this one on my FB


I've hidden everyone who posts any of this kind of shit on Facebook, but my dad sends me email forwards every so often, presumably to try and "open my eyes," or whatever, but this was the latest. I added the text from the email:

This is a good one! Bet someone gets to be a millionaire selling these!

What I would like to know is where you get one of the coffee cups.
I think Putin has it about right. I almost fell off my chair when I read his quote.

"Negotiating with Obama is like playing chess with a pigeon."
"The pigeon knocks over all the pieces, shits on the board and then struts around like it won the game."

~Vladimir Putin

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
There's a customer at my work who wears these in shirt-form, like everyday.

Honestly, he's a nice guy so it reminds you how a lot of folks post these gross things and are "normal" otherwise, which is a shame. I've never brought up politics to him, but I try to avoid him because it's awkward as hell. He just does it to get a rise out of folks and I'm not gonna give it to him.


The Autumn Wind
There's a customer at my work who wears these in shirt-form, like everyday.

Honestly, he's a nice guy so it reminds you how a lot of folks post these gross things and are "normal" otherwise, which is a shame. I've never brought up politics to him, but I try to avoid him because it's awkward as hell. He just does it to get a rise out of folks and I'm not gonna give it to him.
One of mother's neighbors has a shirt that says "Impeach the nigger." He's a seemingly normal person until politics come up, then he's pretty fucking awful.
Those Liberal Race-baiters are just reporting white on black stuff to incite a race war so Obummer can declare martial and sharia law, stop elections and crown himself Eternal God-Emperor of the United Kingdom of Obama

Fresh from FB:

The persecution complex is real and I can't help but cackle.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Those Liberal Race-baiters are just reporting white on black stuff to incite a race war so Obummer can declare martial and sharia law, stop elections and crown himself Eternal God-Emperor of the United Kingdom of Obama

Fresh from FB:

Michael Berry is that kid in school who was so desperate for attention he tried to fart during class but shit himself instead.


Those Liberal Race-baiters are just reporting white on black stuff to incite a race war so Obummer can declare martial and sharia law, stop elections and crown himself Eternal God-Emperor of the United Kingdom of Obama

Fresh from FB:
>open your mind if you don't
How ironic.
Did anyone ever attack Tebow for being religious? I could be wrong, but from what I read, nobody on the left gave a shit about his "Tebowing" aside from MAYBE seeming a bit goofy at the absolute worst.

Now that I think about it, he was penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct IIRC.
You can block content from certain sites from appearing in your feed and I do everytime, whichever party it is leaning toward, unless it is genuinely amusing.


I'm friends with a lot of expats in Korea and seeing this shit from a distance is embarrassing.

It honestly makes me embarrassed to be an American, even more so since I'm in the air force.
Already posted, but I like how their solution is not to treat the elderly better, but to treat prisoners worse. It's the same logic as this:


Ignoring the obvious factual errors, why not fight for better pay for soldiers along with everyone else? Why is it that instead of trying to raise the standards for everyone, the right would rather just let everyone suffer? "Our troops get paid like shit, so should you!"

Worst logic ever.

Gah, I politely pointed that out to a Marine buddy of mine who just ignored me and 'liked' all of the "FUCK YEAH" replies from his other buddies. Whatchagonnado...


The Autumn Wind
Has a celebrity or artist that's been used for one of these images ever come out and said, "Hey, fuck you, don't associate me with your shit."?
I unfollowed my uncle ages ago because of stuff like this. Looked up his profile today out of curiosity and saw 15-20 images from this thread.

How saddening.


They don't bother me; I think most of them are pretty funny. You just have to shake your head and let it go. Don't let it get you all up in arms.
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