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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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My favorite ones are always the "Liberals get offended too easily," but when people call out conservatives as racist/sexist/xenophobic/homophobic/etc. they get offended.


The Autumn Wind
My favorite ones are always the "Liberals get offended too easily," but when people call out conservatives as racist/sexist/xenophobic/homophobic/etc. they get offended.
Conservatives make a living out of being offended. Hell, it's practically a campaign tactic for them. Just look at Trump.

Velcro Fly

my dad is posting some of this dumb shit now

he knows better too and that is the sad part

it's like he has to score points with his idiot friends on facebook
My favorite ones are always the "Liberals get offended too easily," but when people call out conservatives as racist/sexist/xenophobic/homophobic/etc. they get offended.

I know some people on the right that are constantly losing their minds over dumb shit, then turning around and accusing people of being too easily offended. "Outrage culture" and all that.

They're basically incapable of dealing with people who disagree with them, so they frame the disagreement itself as being problematic. "I can't believe you dirty liberals don't support my racism, grow thicker skin!"

Velcro Fly

I feel like making one of these dumb pictures and seeing how long it takes for it to show up on someone's feed and reposted. i feel like that is a good experiment to run.


I feel like making one of these dumb pictures and seeing how long it takes for it to show up on someone's feed and reposted. i feel like that is a good experiment to run.

Don't forget to compress it to hell, and back to give it that truly authentic feel. Make me have a lot of trouble reading it through all the large amounts of artifacts lol.
I saw a large "hand made" sign in someone's yard today that said "Christians and Jews wake up, Obama is Muslim." It was complete with devil horns and a tail on the O in Obama. I pointed out to my wife as prefacebook right wing posts.

Pics bro pics.

I like to start my day off with a good laugh and that sounds like an 9/10 on the lol scale


The Autumn Wind
Don't forget to compress it to hell, and back to give it that truly authentic feel. Make me have a lot of trouble reading it through all the large amounts of artifacts lol.
Also be sure to have several spelling/grammar errors.



I keep seeing Caitlyn Jenner mentioned in these posts.

I don't blame people for hating on the spectacle she has created for herself. However, I think that in the bigger picture, people will become less uncomfortable with the idea of transgendered people over time. So no, she's not a hero, but a symbolic figurehead that will make the world a little less hostile for those who feel like they were born as the wrong gender.

As a teacher, I can tell you that our kids are taught that soldiers, cops, doctors and other professions are heroes because of what they do. So it's not as though we've suddenly stopped giving soldiers recognition for heroism. It does take courage to be something you know most people will dislike.

Hard-working women have received and will continue to receive props for raising kids. As a matter of fact, that's practically the only thing you can point to that women have always been given credit for over the last 100 years. Women were never made to feel shame for working hard, but instead they were told that their place was in the home. Transgendered people have been told that their place isn't anywhere, and this is a problem that needs to be addressed.
Blah, every time I see the point of "you want burger flippers to be paid more than American heroes!" I get disgusted. No, I want everyone to be paid more. I'm not interested in dehumanizing a group of workers in order to try and keep marginalized people down.
Ehh, the "we don't get paid that much, and we're soldiers" reasoning doesn't make snese, but paying all fast food employees $15/hr is still a terrible idea haha.
Ehh, the "we don't get paid that much, and we're soldiers" reasoning doesn't make snese, but paying all fast food employees $15/hr is still a terrible idea haha.

But we're at that point where it's necessary. Job opportunities are reduced, and at what point are fast food workers paid enough? Inflation will keep rising, so I think that any job should make sure to rise with it. Plus, fast food is a valuable job and is super soul-sucking.


This thread makes me want to just combust.

These people aren't just a niche.

NONE OF IT IS BASED ON FACTS OR REALITY!!!! its all just echo chambers of bullshit.
But we're at that point where it's necessary. Job opportunities are reduced, and at what point are fast food workers paid enough? Inflation will keep rising, so I think that any job should make sure to rise with it. Plus, fast food is a valuable job and is super soul-sucking.
No, it's not necessary to raise it to $15/hr. That's ridiculous haha. Maybe years and years down the line since as you said, inflation will keep rising. I also wouldn't consider it a valuable job (having worked in fast food, you're a completely expendable employee, even at the manager level. They'll just find someone knew easily) although it may become more valuable when stores have to fire most of their employees to compensate for higher salaries. But then it would also become more soul-sucking for those few employees who have to do a lot more work. I guess it could also become less valuable if stores compensated for ridiculously higher wages by raising the price of the food to ridiculous levels, because then less people would bother going to that fast food place.


This is one I have seen posted by a few people too many the last few days:


Typically it includes commentary like "Wow. She lays it right out. Finally!" or "She's not afraid to say what everyone else is already thinking!"

Anyway I find it completely ridiculous and here was my response:

"This opinion piece is all sorts of fail.

First of all, the other social and political issues mentioned at the beginning of her rant are not mutually exclusive nor is their focus detrimental to the issue she discussed. Just because certain topics are in the headlines does not mean that others are being ignored. To present them as such was a sad attempt at minimizing those issues without really bolstering her argument.

To say that she doesn't care if the attacker is attached to ISIS, Al-Qaeda, or the Hamas is rather daft, especially when in subsequent discussion she proposes we take military action. Who exactly are we attacking? Who are we going to drop bombs on? Radical Islam is an ideal that has no borders or boundaries.

She also uses the term Muslim (oh no, he's a Muslim!) in a derogatory manner forgetting that not all followers of Islam are radical extremists. It's irresponsible and ignorant.

This was the action of one man doing heinous things. Act of terror, sure. But to try to simplify things and propose a solution as she has is just plain stupid. Things are a just little bit more complicated than she's leading her audience to believe."

This video is all over FB. Rant is breathtakingly stupid


That video is just her essentially beating around the bush and saying that the reason Obama won't come out and say it was radical Islam is because Obama himself is a Muslim terrorist. On a no name news organization no less(seriously, what the hell is this, some really obscure cable channel or something?).


This is one I have seen posted by a few people too many the last few days:


Typically it includes commentary like "Wow. She lays it right out. Finally!" or "She's not afraid to say what everyone else is already thinking!"

Saw this posted the other day on my feed and my damned eyes almost rolled out of my head.

It's basically "I don't want to hear about social issues. I want to hear about what Muslims we can bomb next. SOMEONE TELL ME!"
I just find it interesting right now.
Can't one just find something interesting and see where it leads him?

I have friends who, for some inexplicable reason, will defend the confederate battle flag to their death because their great grandpappy's great grandpappy fought for the south. Like, admitting that the flag represents hatred and oppression, and the confederacy was on the wrong side of history somehow means they're peeing on their ancestor's grave.

I want to tell them (and have, at least a certain variation of it) "You know what? You have no idea what type of person your ancestor was, what beliefs he held, but you know what else? It doesn't matter. Both the honorable and the evil alike have fought together on the wrong side of history. The side they were on doesn't always define who they were, merely where they lived, and that's just life. Your ancestor doesn't make that flag right."
Don't have an image, but one idiot from my high school was writing off Donald Trump giving out a personal number on one of his speeches because he's a celeb and that's what they do. Another idiot chimed in that Trump would be great because terrorism is on the rise.

I don't even know anymore.
No, it's not necessary to raise it to $15/hr. That's ridiculous haha. Maybe years and years down the line since as you said, inflation will keep rising. I also wouldn't consider it a valuable job (having worked in fast food, you're a completely expendable employee, even at the manager level. They'll just find someone knew easily) although it may become more valuable when stores have to fire most of their employees to compensate for higher salaries. But then it would also become more soul-sucking for those few employees who have to do a lot more work. I guess it could also become less valuable if stores compensated for ridiculously higher wages by raising the price of the food to ridiculous levels, because then less people would bother going to that fast food place.

We are in a society where much of the new jobs are in food service, and as such it's the only option for a lot of people who aren't just pimple-faced rugrats. When do we eventually decide when it's okay for it to be $15/hr? As it stands, if minimum wage rose with inflation - rose to address the needs of minimum wag workers - it would be at $30. Which, hey, would be pretty ridiculous. But $15 is a far cry from that.

As for expendibility, that's not what I meant by value; I meant that the position of a food service employee is valuable, not the individual who serves it.

Regardless, we need to start thinking about allowing prices to rise and wages to rise. Low wages and low prices are less economically healthy than higher prices and higher wages.
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