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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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Already posted?

Answer: because certain politicians want to take away your Social Security...

This doesn't make sense to me. Doesn't everyone in the US have a social security card? So wouldn't any who has held a job "worked for it?" And if they worked, wouldn't that proxy mean they worked for welfare as well? o_O

Yeah people can't seem to grasp the concept that people pay taxes most of their lives and thus pay into the "welfare state." No one is on welfare forever.


Tears in the rain
Here it is

Construction cones are in the way.

Christiaiis and Jews. Wae up. Obama muslin.


Christiaiis and Jews. Wae up. Obama muslin.

I had wrote the following yesterday
I saw a large "hand made" sign in someone's yard today that said "Christians and Jews wake up, Obama is Muslim." It was complete with devil horns and a tail on the O in Obama. I pointed out to my wife as prefacebook right wing posts.

I couldn't get a good picture.


and welfare aswell

Well what I mean is that they have to use different narratives. With Welfare they've created the welfare queen narrative to try and take that away. "You're supporting others!" With Social Security that wouldn't work at all, because white people get social security! So, instead they say it's running out of money! Oh no, it must go...


The amount of fucking Islamophobia and Muslimophobia is fucking disgusting. This example was from a long time ago. Of course I absolutely called out the bitch that posted this and she proceeded to call me a "Keyboard warrior hippie"


For a bonus, this was a winner from the string of comments that followed:

First of all if you are still talking about the Zimmerman case, he did not shoot him out of the blue, Martin was a useless thug who attacked George, and ending up with a buffet of lead. So a kid with his pants down to his ankles and a hoodie attacked someone? Makes sense to me I see it on the news all the time.

But anyway, the reason I posted here was because someone shared this garbage (guy that shares confederate flag shit all the time):


I bit and watched the video, exactly what I expected: "The enemy is Islam, terrorists on our own soil, blah blah blah rabble rabble racist garbage."

It's quite fucking disgusting and I make sure to call these assholes out every time I see it.

I'd rather not give them the clicks, but if you want to see the video here's a link: http://video.lauraingraham.com/She-...l&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer

Unfortunately I couldn't find it on YouTube anywhere.



With all this talk about the Confederate flag being racist or The civil war being fought over slavery, I have a few questions... First question: If the civil war was fought over slavery, why didn't Abe Lincoln free the slaves in the north until 1863, when he issued emancipation proclamation??? The war started in 1861... It looks like to me he would have freed northern slaves in 1861 if that's what the war was about... Truth is the war was about states rights, tarrifs, taxes, etc... The War began losing popularity and old Abe looked around trying to find public support for the war effort... He saw this radical group called abolitionists who had many political backers... He thought to himself "if I free the slaves, I can get the support of these people and hopefully win the war"... It worked, but it was totally a political move... Second question: Why weren't we taught in school about black confederate soldiers??? I'm not talking about servants who went to war with the elite few, I'm talking about free black men who volunteered for the confederacy!!! They lived in the South, their homeland was being attacked just like the white Southerner... The same taxes on agricultural products were being imposed on them, so they volunteered to fight a corrupt government... Years after the war had ended, these proud black confederates attended Confederate Reunions, Proudly posed with confederate battle flags, or wore ribbons and medals adorned with their beloved flag!!! They fought, bled and died under the same flags their descendants now claim stand for hate, and they did so under their own free will!!! Third Question: why were we taught in school that slaves were black and slave owners were white??? There were wealthy blacks who owned slaves and, in fact, THE FIRST SLAVE OWNER IN THE UNITED STATES WAS ANTHONY JOHNSON, A BLACK VIRGINIAN!!! - You don't believe me, check it out for yourself... do some research, THINK FOR YOURSELF!!! Stop believing lies which have been spoon fed to you by liberal media... Open a book, find the truth yourself!!! Ok, I'm done ranting... Enjoy the photos of history... History that you were taught never happened... ����

Oh boy
The amount of fucking Islamophobia and Muslimophobia is fucking disgusting. This example was from a long time ago. Of course I absolutely called out the bitch that posted this and she proceeded to call me a "Keyboard warrior hippie"


For a bonus, this was a winner from the string of comments that followed:

But anyway, the reason I posted here was because someone shared this garbage (guy that shares confederate flag shit all the time):


I bit and watched the video, exactly what I expected: "The enemy is Islam, terrorists on our own soil, blah blah blah rabble rabble racist garbage."

It's quite fucking disgusting and I make sure to call these assholes out every time I see it.

I'd rather not give them the clicks, but if you want to see the video here's a link: http://video.lauraingraham.com/She-...l&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer

Unfortunately I couldn't find it on YouTube anywhere.

The background video. Omg the background video xD.


The amount of fucking Islamophobia and Muslimophobia is fucking disgusting. This example was from a long time ago. Of course I absolutely called out the bitch that posted this and she proceeded to call me a "Keyboard warrior hippie"


For a bonus, this was a winner from the string of comments that followed:

But anyway, the reason I posted here was because someone shared this garbage (guy that shares confederate flag shit all the time):


I bit and watched the video, exactly what I expected: "The enemy is Islam, terrorists on our own soil, blah blah blah rabble rabble racist garbage."

It's quite fucking disgusting and I make sure to call these assholes out every time I see it.

I'd rather not give them the clicks, but if you want to see the video here's a link: http://video.lauraingraham.com/She-...l&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer

Unfortunately I couldn't find it on YouTube anywhere.

Blonde? Has something to say? All American?

A new Fox News anchor is born!
the pics in this thread remind me a awful lot of certain bumperstickers some brainfucked racist yokels use to "pimp" their rides




I saw also tons of "bomb their ass, take their gas" stickers in fl...
what the fuck

"bomb mecca" and the horrible saying beneath can't be legal, right?
I mean, that's basicly a call for mass murder



I bit and watched the video, exactly what I expected: "The enemy is Islam, terrorists on our own soil, blah blah blah rabble rabble racist garbage."

It's quite fucking disgusting and I make sure to call these assholes out every time I see it.

I'd rather not give them the clicks, but if you want to see the video here's a link: http://video.lauraingraham.com/She-...l&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer

Unfortunately I couldn't find it on YouTube anywhere.


The right-wing will flock to her and place her on a pedestal now.

We are witnessing the birth of Ann Coulter 2.0.

Fucker's from Colorado too. A state that's not even close to the South geographically nor existed until after the Civil War.

Also, some people just have no clue what freedom of speech is.

So we are still riding the "Confederate flag is teh evil. And everybody who has one is a racist" wave here?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
So we are still riding the "Confederate flag is teh evil. And everybody who has one is a racist" wave here?

It's not always racism. Sometimes it's just "Keep your socialized medicine out of my Medicare."-level ignorance.
So we are still riding the "Confederate flag is teh evil. And everybody who has one is a racist" wave here?

To put it simply, if you proudly fly a confederate flag there are literally only two options.

1. You're an idiot that doesn't understand the history surrounding it.

2. You're a racist.

Heritage is a bullshit nonanswer. Civil disobedience is another, when you have plenty of other symbols to use that aren't completely mired in pure racist ideology.

So... I guess the answer in my case is yes. An idiot or racist. Pick your poision.


To put it simply, if you proudly fly a confederate flag there are literally only two options.

1. You're an idiot that doesn't understand the history surrounding it.

2. You're a racist.

Heritage is a bullshit nonanswer. Civil disobedience is another, when you have plenty of other symbols to use that aren't completely mired in pure racist ideology.

So... I guess the answer in my case is yes. An idiot or racist. Pick your poision.

Aren't most of them racists AND idiots?


So we are still riding the "Confederate flag is teh evil. And everybody who has one is a racist" wave here?
Please tell me you aren't serious right now. For what it represents and is associated with, it might as well be a Swastika. Like another poster that responded to you said, anyone that flies it is either racist, ignorant, or both.
We are in a society where much of the new jobs are in food service, and as such it's the only option for a lot of people who aren't just pimple-faced rugrats. When do we eventually decide when it's okay for it to be $15/hr? As it stands, if minimum wage rose with inflation - rose to address the needs of minimum wag workers - it would be at $30. Which, hey, would be pretty ridiculous. But $15 is a far cry from that.

As for expendibility, that's not what I meant by value; I meant that the position of a food service employee is valuable, not the individual who serves it.

Regardless, we need to start thinking about allowing prices to rise and wages to rise. Low wages and low prices are less economically healthy than higher prices and higher wages.
The position of a food service employee is not valuable at all, because anyone can do it with very little training. Hell, even smartphones can take the place of cashiers and the like now with apps like GrubHub (obviously it's not perfect right now, but that's a job that can easily become computerized soon). $15/hr is more or less doubling what we have now, jumping to that any time in the near future would not go well for anyone and would simply result in more people being fired by companies, which I don't think is what you want to happen. And I don't see why you would want all wages and prices to increase, the people at the bottom of the ladder would still be at the bottom of the ladder lol, and now they would have a more expensive cost of life because everyone's getting paid more. How would having a high price high wage economy be good by the way? First thought is that it would simply bring down the price of the dollar on international markets. People asking for an increase of that scale have no understanding of how the economy actually works if they're seriously asking for minimum wage to double.

Don't get me wrong, it's a nice dream but uh... One that's not gonna happen. And you kind of come across as a stupid person when you protest for something like that. I remember how everyone I knew in work and school was making fun of the protesters when they were on campus. I even heard customers in the store telling their friends why it was a bad idea when they brought it up haha, and they weren't very nice about it. Just look at any thread about McDonald's losing profits and you'll see tons of people complaining about high prices, and you want them to increase even more?? Goodbye McDonalds.

I guess it could work if you forced executives to take pay cuts or something and forced them to use that extra money to pay their employees, but that's a whole new can of worms.


never left the stone age
To put it simply, if you proudly fly a confederate flag there are literally only two options.

1. You're an idiot that doesn't understand the history surrounding it.

2. You're a racist.

Heritage is a bullshit nonanswer. Civil disobedience is another, when you have plenty of other symbols to use that aren't completely mired in pure racist ideology.

So... I guess the answer in my case is yes. An idiot or racist. Pick your poision.

It's so fucking stupid. If you're proud of where you live raise your fucking state flag :lol

Edit: looking at them, Oregon is the true winner, I wish Sweden had a beaver flag too.
Saw this shared today, along with that rant video.

The funny thing is that the nazi flag has been used as a comparison to the Confederate Flag a lot lately.

So we are still riding the "Confederate flag is teh evil. And everybody who has one is a racist" wave here?
Well, obviously haha. Or an idiot I guess. Pretty sure the whole nation is, as well as the media, government, history books, all that jazz.

To put it simply, if you proudly fly a confederate flag there are literally only two options.

1. You're an idiot that doesn't understand the history surrounding it.

2. You're a racist.

Heritage is a bullshit nonanswer. Civil disobedience is another, when you have plenty of other symbols to use that aren't completely mired in pure racist ideology.

So... I guess the answer in my case is yes. An idiot or racist. Pick your poision.
And in the case of Pennsylvanians who fly it (there are a lot), both! They can't even go for heritage.

It's so fucking stupid. If you're proud of where you live raise your fucking state flag :lol

Edit: looking at them, Oregon is the true winner, I wish Sweden had a beaver flag too.
I would say the best is easily Texas (who can take advantage of your advice) or New Mexico.
This thread is amazing.

I'd love to see some British centric ones, although I'm lucky that I've deleted most of the idiots who appeared on my feed.

A common one is Muslims banning Christmas in towns where there's a significant population.

Always fun when I dispute it by saying that I actually lived in the area, and they had a bigger public Christmas tree than the town they're sitting in.


Ah herr herr herr!!!!!! Derp! Dem dang ol bumper stickers bout Obungler really made my day! Herr herr herr!!!! Dadgum no good monkey muslim tryina ruin Murica! Gonna have ta pry em OUTTA MY COLD DEAD HANDS am I right? Derp! Fuckin DUH! I love Toby Keith! But I don't mean in a gay way! DERR!!!!!!

Fuck I should make right-wing YouTube videos and cash in. This garbage writes itself. I'd probably get a C&D from Fox News telling me not to horde in on their business.


But anyway, the reason I posted here was because someone shared this garbage (guy that shares confederate flag shit all the time):


I bit and watched the video, exactly what I expected: "The enemy is Islam, terrorists on our own soil, blah blah blah rabble rabble racist garbage."

I posted this just a page or two back with a couple replies from others.


Ah herr herr herr!!!!!! Derp! Dem dang ol bumper stickers bout Obungler really made my day! Herr herr herr!!!! Dadgum no good monkey muslim tryina ruin Murica! Gonna have ta pry em OUTTA MY COLD DEAD HANDS am I right? Derp! Fuckin DUH! I love Toby Keith! But I don't mean in a gay way! DERR!!!!!!

Fuck I should make right-wing YouTube videos and cash in. This garbage writes itself. I'd probably get a C&D from Fox News telling me not to horde in on their business.

I dun care who ya are dat's funny rite dere.

git errr dunnnnn!


Ah herr herr herr!!!!!! Derp! Dem dang ol bumper stickers bout Obungler really made my day! Herr herr herr!!!! Dadgum no good monkey muslim tryina ruin Murica! Gonna have ta pry em OUTTA MY COLD DEAD HANDS am I right? Derp! Fuckin DUH! I love Toby Keith! But I don't mean in a gay way! DERR!!!!!!

Fuck I should make right-wing YouTube videos and cash in. This garbage writes itself. I'd probably get a C&D from Fox News telling me not to horde in on their business.

One Big Ass Mistake America

(I actually saw this printed on the back of a truck). It's always a truck...
But anyway, the reason I posted here was because someone shared this garbage (guy that shares confederate flag shit all the time):


I bit and watched the video, exactly what I expected: "The enemy is Islam, terrorists on our own soil, blah blah blah rabble rabble racist garbage."

It's quite fucking disgusting and I make sure to call these assholes out every time I see it.

I'd rather not give them the clicks, but if you want to see the video here's a link: http://video.lauraingraham.com/She-...l&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer

Unfortunately I couldn't find it on YouTube anywhere.

I saw some broad post this on FB, she's a self-described libertarian but is a fan of both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.



I hate labels. They make everyone fight with each other over nonsense instead of focusing in on real issues and using common sense. Both ends of the political spectrum can be equally as annoying.
I hate labels. They make everyone fight with each other over nonsense instead of focusing in on real issues and using common sense. Both ends of the political spectrum can be equally as annoying.
Yes, calling someone a racist distracts from the real issue of a person saying racist things.
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