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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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There are a lot of individuals getting up on their soapboxes lately. Some make sense, some have no idea what they are talking about. The effect of that is they tend to wrangle up a whole bunch of sheeple, get them all riled up and everyone starts fighting about nonsense instead of real information because most don't put any effort into learning what they are fighting about. It's getting grating, especially as of late.

Read some actual facts. Also, trying looking past our narrow field of view for a moment to understand other perspectives before grabbing a pitchfork, you know? For example, The whole flag debate. It's turned into a crusade for so many, most of which had no fucking clue of what they were talking about. It literally takes, what, 10 minutes to learn about it's history? Next thing you know "Obama is taking away all our freedoms" because companies are choosing not to associate themselves with it anymore. It's just dumb. One side is screaming heritage and then idiots from the other side are ripping flags off peoples houses and cars. I'm just saying idiots represent both sides and tempers start to flare when we hyper focus on all the BS created out of it. Which is what happens every.single.time.

Yes, the ultra conservative, bible thumping facebook post brigade is grating at best. I agree. But when it comes to actually making some sort of meaningful change to our country or even at a grassroots level in our hometowns, not a single fuck is given by most people. They'd rather spend time fighting over hurt feelings instead. THAT is the sad truth.
Saw this gem this morning:


Poor Carter. Why does the right hate him so much?

That is not how rankings work.

Is this even truthful? Who would vote for nondescript presidents like Garfield over Obama?


Saw this gem this morning:


Poor Carter. Why does the right hate him so much?
Any list that doesn't have Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan as the bottom two is wrong to begin with. And seriously why is Reagan so idolized? There was that GAF thread recently that brought up how his administration was responsible for many damages done to the US that are still felt today.


Saw this gem this morning:


Poor Carter. Why does the right hate him so much?

I also enjoy that they can't count, Obama is only the 43rd President. Grover Clevland had two seperate terms, aka why Obamas 44th presidency, but only 43 presidents overall.

I can also name at least 38 presidents worse then Obama, Reagan and GW Bush to start the list. Lol


I'm not even sure to be honest considering I've seen vehicles with one large sticker that completely covers the back glass.

That and you can have vans and busses pretty much completely without any back window at all.

It does depend on the state, I think, but I think for a lot of states as long as you have mirrors that work, it's fine.

Some states might have laws though that the sticker has to be see through from the inside. You can get vinyl, which that truck has, which you can see through one way but not really the other.


But anyway, the reason I posted here was because someone shared this garbage (guy that shares confederate flag shit all the time):


I bit and watched the video, exactly what I expected: "The enemy is Islam, terrorists on our own soil, blah blah blah rabble rabble racist garbage."

It's quite fucking disgusting and I make sure to call these assholes out every time I see it.

I'd rather not give them the clicks, but if you want to see the video here's a link: http://video.lauraingraham.com/She-...l&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer

Unfortunately I couldn't find it on YouTube anywhere.
People I know have been linking this video for days now. Look, I agree that Obama and the White House should have immediately commemorated the soldiers that were killed, waiting to do so was certainly a mistake. But the video is just an average rant about Islam with so many assumptions.

She seems to imply that Islam itself is the problem. She states that the problem is here in the US but her solution is to bomb the shit out of the Middle East. More war, more violence, giving ISIS exactly what they want. Spend billions of dollars trying to kill an ideology when we already know such a thing isn't possible. In fact, a hasty retaliation is only going to cause more retaliation from the other side over here.

What would their plan be then? Take note of and track every Muslim in the US like Hitler did with the Jews in Germany? Hell, I'm pretty sure I've heard such a thing legitimately suggested before.
The position of a food service employee is not valuable at all, because anyone can do it with very little training. Hell, even smartphones can take the place of cashiers and the like now with apps like GrubHub (obviously it's not perfect right now, but that's a job that can easily become computerized soon). $15/hr is more or less doubling what we have now, jumping to that any time in the near future would not go well for anyone and would simply result in more people being fired by companies, which I don't think is what you want to happen. And I don't see why you would want all wages and prices to increase, the people at the bottom of the ladder would still be at the bottom of the ladder lol, and now they would have a more expensive cost of life because everyone's getting paid more. How would having a high price high wage economy be good by the way? First thought is that it would simply bring down the price of the dollar on international markets. People asking for an increase of that scale have no understanding of how the economy actually works if they're seriously asking for minimum wage to double.

Don't get me wrong, it's a nice dream but uh... One that's not gonna happen. And you kind of come across as a stupid person when you protest for something like that. I remember how everyone I knew in work and school was making fun of the protesters when they were on campus. I even heard customers in the store telling their friends why it was a bad idea when they brought it up haha, and they weren't very nice about it. Just look at any thread about McDonald's losing profits and you'll see tons of people complaining about high prices, and you want them to increase even more?? Goodbye McDonalds.

I guess it could work if you forced executives to take pay cuts or something and forced them to use that extra money to pay their employees, but that's a whole new can of worms.

If you give people money, they have more options than if you just give them stuff. And yes, there could be a scenario where wages increase and companies lay people off (even though statistically states with higher minimum wages have better economies), I imagine that it wouldn't be as simple as raising the minimum wage and letting them go at it - especially not after all of that controversy of the banks getting bailouts only to give themselves bonuses and fire the people who work for them. Because let's be frank - the idea that a flat minimum wage is bad for companies and encourages them to layoff employees is a pretty common one in a lot of circles.

As for the protests, of course people think that - it's a vicious, worsening cycle of disrespect from customers and employees to one another, brought on by there being some significant dick-measuring contest being a part of earning. It's not enough to earn, you also have to earn more. Almost like half of the value is earning, and the other half is superiority. And that's what opponents of minimum wage increases want - they talk about burger-flippers getting paid more than soldiers, they put all sorts of rhetoric in front of that, with the ultimate goal being to get people against minimum wage by basically setting up a bogeyman.

(also if fast food workers are treated well they do their jobs a lot better)

(also also we should be working in opposition to the idea that companies should be able to lay people off in order to not pay as many people $15/hr; I mean isn't that EB Games thread a testament to "we can replace you in five minutes, so please continue to work unpaid hours"?)
If you give people money, they have more options than if you just give them stuff. And yes, there could be a scenario where wages increase and companies lay people off (even though statistically states with higher minimum wages have better economies), I imagine that it wouldn't be as simple as raising the minimum wage and letting them go at it - especially not after all of that controversy of the banks getting bailouts only to give themselves bonuses and fire the people who work for them. Because let's be frank - the idea that a flat minimum wage is bad for companies and encourages them to layoff employees is a pretty common one in a lot of circles.

As for the protests, of course people think that - it's a vicious, worsening cycle of disrespect from customers and employees to one another, brought on by there being some significant dick-measuring contest being a part of earning. It's not enough to earn, you also have to earn more. Almost like half of the value is earning, and the other half is superiority. And that's what opponents of minimum wage increases want - they talk about burger-flippers getting paid more than soldiers, they put all sorts of rhetoric in front of that, with the ultimate goal being to get people against minimum wage by basically setting up a bogeyman.

(also if fast food workers are treated well they do their jobs a lot better)

(also also we should be working in opposition to the idea that companies should be able to lay people off in order to not pay as many people $15/hr; I mean isn't that EB Games thread a testament to "we can replace you in five minutes, so please continue to work unpaid hours"?)
I'm not sure what your last few paragraphs are trying to get across, but having worked in fast food I can assure you that my job was completely expendable haha. It could easily be completely computerized within a few years, but probably won't because you'd hear people in those jobs speaking out against it too much.

And they thing is that the scenarios that you're saying could happen are guaranteed to happen if the minimum wage was suddenly doubled. To think otherwise is just idiotic, which is why those protestors receive so much scorn; they show they have as much knowledge of the economy as anti-vaxxers or creationists have of science lol. Raising minimum wage is certainly something that should happen, and maybe years from now it can get up to $15 as I said, but you can't just make money appear out of nowhere. It would be nice, but it's completely delusional to expect that to happen.

I agree that those pictures are stupid however, it ignores the real reason of why those minimum wage protests are misguided.

Velcro Fly

The 5 days is fairly irritating tho, and I'm pretty liberal. That one is a legitimate gripe and that is a decision that Obama actually is responsible to make.

You are falling into the trap of politicizing a terrorist attack. It's just something to bash Obama about. If it wasn't this it would have been something else.
I'm not sure what your last few paragraphs are trying to get across, but having worked in fast food I can assure you that my job was completely expendable haha. It could easily be completely computerized within a few years, but probably won't because you'd hear people in those jobs speaking out against it too much.

And they thing is that the scenarios that you're saying could happen are guaranteed to happen if the minimum wage was suddenly doubled. To think otherwise is just idiotic, which is why those protestors receive so much scorn; they show they have as much knowledge of the economy as anti-vaxxers or creationists have of science lol. Raising minimum wage is certainly something that should happen, and maybe years from now it can get up to $15 as I said, but you can't just make money appear out of nowhere. It would be nice, but it's completely delusional to expect that to happen.

Low prices on products are more helpful to companies, which is in part why wages stay low. But low prices are not as good for customers as higher wages are. It's not even better for the economy.

But seriously, what's going to change in 10 years? Who is trying to make something come out of nothing? What's happening is that the same people who tried to raise the federal minimum wage are continuing a long effort of raising the minimum wage. It's not a new thing, it's an old thing with traction.

Plus, we're only doubling the minimum wage because companies worked to prevent the wage from rising for years in the first place. If we were gradually increasing it - as we once did - we wouldn't have the scenario that you're describing. It's a problem that was created in the first place by the people/entities that seem to be holding people's jobs hostage. Minimum wage protesters SHOULD protest, because it brings to light this fact, that minimum wage just stopped growing all of a sudden. Just think of the protest as Sanders if you like - it won't win, but I'll be damned if it doesn't bring the conversation of minimum wage further into the public consciousness.
Low prices on products are more helpful to companies, which is in part why wages stay low. But low prices are not as good for customers as higher wages are. It's not even better for the economy.

But seriously, what's going to change in 10 years? Who is trying to make something come out of nothing? What's happening is that the same people who tried to raise the federal minimum wage are continuing a long effort of raising the minimum wage. It's not a new thing, it's an old thing with traction.

Plus, we're only doubling the minimum wage because companies worked to prevent the wage from rising for years in the first place. If we were gradually increasing it - as we once did - we wouldn't have the scenario that you're describing. It's a problem that was created in the first place by the people/entities that seem to be holding people's jobs hostage.
Low prices are much better for the customer than high wages are. High wages don't affect the customer in any way, other than the fact that they increase prices of the food, which drives customers away haha. It's not good for the economy either, because if you raise minimum wage you also increase the standard of living. The main result is now just all the numbers are higher.

The 10 years thing simply shows that these changes have to happen over a long period of time. People might not care if the price of food slowly increases over time, but you'll certainly notice if the price of all the McDonald's meals goes up to $10.

And they're failing on the awareness front too. Since the increase they're asking for is so ignorantly ridiculous, they're actually alienating more people than they're informing. People aren't thinking "you know, maybe the minimum wage should increase!", they're thinking "wow, those idiots have no idea what they're talking about". In my experience, it's doing the opposite of what you're suggesting.
Low prices are much better for the customer than high wages are. High wages don't affect the customer in any way, other than the fact that they increase prices of the food, which drives customers away haha. It's not good for the economy either, because if you raise minimum wage you also increase the standard of living. The main result is now just all the numbers are higher.

The 10 years thing simply shows that these changes have to happen over a long period of time. People might not care if the price of food slowly increases over time, but you'll certainly notice if the price of all the McDonald's meals goes up to $10.

Will we gradually see wages increase? Because unless I'm mistaken, you think we need to ease into $15 rather than barreling into it. That's fine, but we're having no luck doing that either. Entities that have proven capable at preventing a gradual wage increase would never allow it. Do you think Wal Mart wants higher wages than $7.25 it it can help it?

(also people ask for $15 because that's how you negotiate, you ask for more than you want/expect so that their counter-offer - if there is one - is to your liking :v)
Will we gradually see wages increase? Because unless I'm mistaken, you think we need to ease into $15 rather than barreling into it. That's fine, but we're having no luck doing that either. Entities that have proven capable at preventing a gradual wage increase would never allow it. Do you think Wal Mart wants higher wages than $7.25 it it can help it?

(also people ask for $15 because that's how you negotiate, you ask for more than you want/expect so that their counter-offer - if there is one - is to your liking :v)
Hmm, that last part makes sense haha. That's a fair point, never thought of it that way!
Hmm, that last part makes sense haha. That's a fair point.

And we gotta be careful that we don't let the idea of "should X be paid the same as Y?" control the discussion (which is a fair point in certain ways - jobs that require more skill and work should be paid more), because there are a lot of jobs that would benefit from the wage increase. Wage increases in this economic climate are never going to be easy or comfortable, but to be frank, turmoil might be necessary, at least for a while. It's just depressing that fixing a problem caused by businesses will cause the businesses to make new problems, haha.


Why didn't we lower the flag for those people murdered in Charleston?

Because they were civilians. Typically the flag is only lowered for military, police, or government deaths.

It doesn't really have anything to do with being a terrorist attack or not.


Because they were civilians. Typically the flag is only lowered for military, police, or government deaths.

It doesn't really have anything to do with being a terrorist attack or not.

But we don't lower it for every military death that happens overseas or while on duty.
Because they were civilians. Typically the flag is only lowered for military, police, or government deaths.

It doesn't really have anything to do with being a terrorist attack or not.

Wouldn't Charleston fall under national tragedy?

Isn't the flag lowered to half mast for those?


Wouldn't Charleston fall under national tragedy?

Isn't the flag lowered to half mast for those?

Was it lowered for Sandy Hook or Virginia Tech or any of the other ones? I honestly don't remember. Typically civilian national tragedies aren't honored that way. Its a case by case basis I know that much.
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