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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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Funny thing is, liberals tend to bring up more legitimate criticisms of Obama than they ever do.
We saw his election as a sign that maybe our people were growing up.

That we could finally start putting our painful history behind us. They just flipped the fuck out that a black guy got true power.

We had to be the voice of reason and meted criticism. Because reason left a good chunk of our countrymen/women behind.
Aw, guys, quite pokin' fun at good simple small town folk.

So..they admit it!! "America: As bad as mooselems!"


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Aw, guys, quite pokin' fun at good simple small town folk.

So they are agreeing that right-wing gunizens Americans = ISIS?

I see.

just saw this one come through:

um, hmm...


time to take my meds
I got like 12 people reposting this allen west speech on my fb timeline. Didn't this guy get kicked out of the army, said hes never faced racism because he was always "respectful, and hired by fox news?


So my half-brother's half-sister is the type of parrot those and the views of those around her, without really thinking about said views herself. While my half-brother is a reasonable enough Republican (as in 'not fucking crazy extremist right-wing', at least on Facebook), and only really posts stuff about veterans, she goes off the deep end and posts some shitty stuff. This is in between the posts of "OMG LIKE THIS NOW AND YOU'LL GET $100!!!!" and Minion posts.

Animals can forage for food? In most places in the US "foraging for food" means eating squirrels. It's not feasible in most places. I guess cutting food stamps make sense... in an ideal world where food wasn't super expensive.

I wonder how she'd feel if she found out I used food stamps when my 35-hr job wasn't paying me enough to eat and pay the bills.

Actually, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure she uses food stamps? :/

That's not how these things work. Also millions =/= trillions.

I agree that tax evasion is shitty though.

I... what???


I know a lot of the other posts are a lost worse, but it's all I got after I unfollowed the people on the feed that were acting shitty about gay marriage :p

(sorry if some of this has been posted already)

I think Jake Jacobs need to take a Xanax or fifty and calm down.


Git er dun! Did he say that?

Have no idea. Hope not though, apparently that dude is really smart, and his dumb redneck hick thing is a big act.

I don't think it was serious, because everyone was loling it and treating it as a big joke. Still, it's fucked up, even commented "that's fucked up...".


Some people in this thread have been asking for stupid leftwing memes. Well, good news everyone! Just google "Israel memes" and you get both stupid leftwing and rightwing memes!









Not sure which:



What amazes me about all of these is just how utterly fucking witless they are. Are these people meant to be the competition? Fuck that, I'll look for someone with actual cognitive ability thanks.


That's actually pretty cool. Typical housewife imagery, instead she's thinking about a revolution.
I don't think there's any typical housewife imagery on the picture. But even if there is, I don't think communism is a great idea of a revolution.

And in the comments of the picture you see a lot "she's thinking about the power in the hands of the workers!" and stuff like that.


I don't think there's any typical housewife imagery on the picture. But even if there is, I don't think communism is a great idea of a revolution.

And in the comments of the picture you see a lot "she's thinking about the power in the hands of the workers!" and stuff like that.

You seem pretty sheltered for a Brazilian if that is shocking to you. In Europe, this is common left-wing fare, and that's not a defense of Stalinism. Power to workers is not a shocking statement.


I don't think there's any typical housewife imagery on the picture. But even if there is, I don't think communism is a great idea of a revolution.

And in the comments of the picture you see a lot "she's thinking about the power in the hands of the workers!" and stuff like that.

You seem pretty sheltered for a Brazilian if that is shocking to you. In Europe, this is common left-wing fare, and that's not a defense of Stalinism. Power to workers is not a shocking statement.

pretty much... the difference between "power to the workers communism" and (let's call it) "real life communism" is pretty huge. If people ask for a communist revolution, I'm pretty sure they don't mean the stalin kind. (and the picture makes that pretty clear actually... - although hammer and sickle are kinda tainted as a symbol)
Some people in this thread have been asking for stupid leftwing memes. Well, good news everyone! Just google "Israel memes" and you get both stupid leftwing and rightwing memes!









Not sure which:


I don't think political cartoons should be considered the same as facebook memes. They're legitimate acts of political voice, predominantly signed by an individual as a personal view of a current situation.


I don't think political cartoons should be considered the same as facebook memes. They're legitimate acts of political voice, predominantly signed by an individual as a personal view of a current situation.

Apart from being signed they're not that different, you could switch any of those drawings for a picture and get the same message. The only reason these opinions are given the space to become political cartoons in the first place is because the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is so polarized that what are quite frankly rather ridiculously extreme opinions are more accepted.

I chose those images because they're equally bad: both of the cartoons with the cities shooting rockets at each other are silly because they vastly exaggerate either side. I shouldn't have to explain why directly comparing Israel to the Third Reich is offensively stupid or why painting IDF soldiers as gleeful child killers is idiotic. Neither should I have to point out that Hamas doesn't hide behind women and children or use them as shields in the way those cartoons claim or why that's both malicious and moronic. I also avoided the ones that are even worse because I don't want to spread that kind of racist hatred.

Facebook memes, as simple as they are, are also legitimate acts of political voice and are directly used by the people sharing them as an expression of their individual view of a current situation. The reason we mock them is because of the content, not the medium.


pretty much... the difference between "power to the workers communism" and (let's call it) "real life communism" is pretty huge. If people ask for a communist revolution, I'm pretty sure they don't mean the stalin kind. (and the picture makes that pretty clear actually... - although hammer and sickle are kinda tainted as a symbol)

It continually amazes me how so many people think there can only ever one kind of communism. I guess stalin really did wipe trotsky from the records.


I had to recently unfriend a person because they were a cluster-fuck of sexism, racism, and homophobia all in one. I had no idea because someone I knew originally told me their friend wants to follow my Facebook because they really liked my artwork, so I thought nothing of it but then I saw a post from them that was really racist and it all unfolded from there. This guy was an older biker dude who is also white and has a handlebar mustache, so basically a caricature of the republican stereotype...and he lives in Canada....

I try to call out people that post ignorant things on facebook, but this guy was just too much, it was literally every post was something shitty and hateful.


It continually amazes me how so many people think there can only ever one kind of communism. I guess stalin really did wipe trotsky from the records.

What would a contemporary communist revolution even look like though? If you don't take power in a violent revolution, impose a dictatorship of the proletariat, transfer power of industry to the workers and forcefully redistribute capitalist property, does it even qualify as communism? Because all of those things are kind of central to the ideology and goes back both to Trotsky and all the way to Marx.
Some people in this thread have been asking for stupid leftwing memes. Well, good news everyone! Just google "Israel memes" and you get both stupid leftwing and rightwing memes!









Not sure which:

What's really funny is that both sides complain about the same thing, that the other side barrages them with bombs/rockets and no one cares until there's a minor retaliation. It's almost like the truth is somewhere in the middle!

I say almost because it's mostly Israel


Ugh...just saw my aunt "liked" this.

Talk about cis-privilege.

As a woman of nearly 50 years, I can tell you what it is truly like to be a woman. You may be able to understand or even empathize, but you are definitely NOT able to "identify". For instance, you will never know what it is like to wake up every 28 days with searing stomach pain so bad it doubles you over, yet still trot off to work or school as though everything is fine. You will never know what it is like to have your car break down on the side of the road and when a couple men stop to help your prayer is that their intentions are good because there is no way on earth you have the ability to physically hang let alone overpower them. You have no idea what it is like to long to have a child only to have your third miscarriage, yet still manage to be able to share in the joy of all the other young mothers in your life. You will never know what it's like to get pregnant, gain 40 lbs (1/3 your total body weight), hurl all morning long for 4 months straight, yet still care for your other two toddlers, and not drive your husband to the brink. You will never know what it is like to give birth to a 10 lb. baby boy with absolutely no medication!!! You will never know what it is like at the age of 50 to be walking down the streets of Phoenix and popping in the Dairy Queen for a cool refreshing treat only to be gripped at that moment with your fourth hot flash of the day.

This part makes me sad because a lot of trans-women want this and are envious of cis-women because of it. The bold hurts me the most because it's the very things that keeps me up and crying at night. I want to have the ability to give birth, I want the experience of being able to be a biological mother, all the pain and joy, but I can't and it hurts me to the point where I just want to die sometimes. I feel so neutered and empty.


What would a contemporary communist revolution even look like though? If you don't take power in a violent revolution, impose a dictatorship of the proletariat, transfer power of industry to the workers and forcefully redistribute capitalist property, does it even qualify as communism? Because all of those things are kind of central to the ideology and goes back both to Trotsky and all the way to Marx.

What certainly isn't required is the relentless bureaucracy, the almost right-wing hierarchical nature of the soviet establishment, and the rampant suppression of self-expression. Oh and mass murder is usually superfluous.

Marx himself had no problem peaceful reformation of the capitalist system when he saw that some monarchies were giving way to democracy. So that throws the violent revolution part out the window. He even said to his son-in-law, a devoted revolutionary "If that is Marxism, then i am not a Marxist."

I don't even identify as a communist, but when people try to reduce it to authoritarian Stalinist bullshit it just feels gross and it really speaks for the state of political discourse in the west.


You seem pretty sheltered for a Brazilian if that is shocking to you. In Europe, this is common left-wing fare, and that's not a defense of Stalinism. Power to workers is not a shocking statement.
It's not shocking, it's pretty common in Brazil. The current government is left-winged. And I know what, theoretically, "power to the worker" means, but it's pretty hard to see things positively considering our current situation and past socialist/communist experiences throughout the world, but I don't want to start a discussion about this in this thread.


It's interesting how different things are in the US compared to Brazil, where I live. The bullshit comes most from the left-wing people.


Well, at least on my Facebook feed. The worst thing I saw shared by a friend of mine was a post wishing for a military government.

I think you're confused. The military intervention BS comes from conservative lunatics.


Wasn't America also founded on the principle of the separation of church and state?

They are people who run for profit wedding chapels. It's akin to running a business in Vegas that marries people.

Yes technically you are "ordained," but while working at your for-profit chapel you aren't working for the religious organization.

These businesses can declare themselves to be religious institutions, but that changes how they can run their business as well.


I think you're confused. The military intervention BS comes from conservative lunatics.
Oops, a sentence is missing in that post, sorry. I meant that the worse I saw from right-winged people was the military intervention thing, and most of the awful stuff is from the left-wing. I know military is conservative, and I really don't want another military dictatorship here.
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