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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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It is ironic that the people that are so often on the right side of power divides are completely blind to the cultural and class prejudice that makes shitting on southerners socially acceptable.

To be clear, I'm gay and have no love for the Confederate Flag, but you have to realize that making fun of rednecks is definitely Punching Down, not Punching Up.

I'd imagine for Black Americans it's punching up and they shouldn't feel bad about it. After all, America at large has been punching down on them since the inception of your country (not that my country is any better, but this isn't about my country).



I'm pretty sure Jesus is a prominent figure in Islam.


There is a lot of salt in this thread, these are some salty pictures.

I do wish I could be as classy as the people who fly racist flags to celebrate a heritage of hate that they're not even a part of.

Fuck their culture of ignorance and hatred. You're an idiot if you support that flag, plain and simple. Straight up the wrong side of history. Come on, now.

Anyone who flies the confederate flag is a racist.

Their culture supports racism, homophobia, and bigotry.


How could someone practice openness towards those who believe in racism and bigotry? I'm genuinely looking for an explanation.

You're no better then the people who say all Muslims are terrorists. It's not hard to go on the internet and find racist idiotic pictures and comments, but to take that small sample and paint an entire culture as that is wrong.

200,000 confederate soldiers didn't join the Army and die just because they hated black people. There were fighting for their livelihood, and their families. So some people really do fly the flag in remembrance of their ancestors who died fighting for what they believed in.

The confederate flag is not the same as the Nazi flag. People who participated in the holocaust were charged as war criminals and executed. The soldiers in the Confederacy were not.

The only thing you're doing by stigmatizing the flag is empowering the people who want to use it as a hate symbol.
You're no better then the people who say all Muslims are terrorists. It's not hard to go on the internet and find racist idiotic pictures and comments, but to take that small sample and paint an entire culture as that is wrong.

200,000 confederate soldiers didn't join the Army and die just because they hated black people. There were fighting for their livelihood, and their families. So some people really do fly the flag in remembrance of their ancestors who died fighting for what they believed in.

The confederate flag is not the same as the Nazi flag. People who participated in the holocaust were charged as war criminals and executed. The soldiers in the Confederacy were not.

The only thing you're doing by stigmatizing the flag is empowering the people who want to use it as a hate symbol.
The flag was stigmitized when it was created as a symbol for a group that wanted to enslave black people, and then again when it was used for the first time in a century by Southern states in an attempt to protest against the Civil Rights Movement. The fact that they weren't tried as war criminals doesn't change what the Confederacy represented or what the flag has been used to represent for its entire history. Even if all of those soldiers weren't racist, they were fighting for a racist cause. If you think the fact that your great great granddaddy was one of the few non-racists fighting for a racist cause gives you the right to fly a symbol of hate free of scorn... you're an idiot. And it certainly shouldn't be flown over a government institution that is supposed to represent all of its people, most of which see the symbol as an embarrassing symbol of hate.

The flag has literally always been used as a symbol of racism and hate. If you didn't use it that way, you weren't using it in the way it was intended to be used. At best, you're delusional. At worst, you're a racist. One of my best friends is the descendant of a Confederate war hero, and he realizes that there are better ways to honor his ancestors than to insult all those around him by proudly flying a symbol of hate.
So if the people in the Confederacy were executed and the people in the Nazi Party were not, by your logic it should be enough to say that the Nazis weren't evil and the Confederates were.

We decided to not execute Confederate soldiers because it made it easier to regain control over the southern states, not because the US wanted to be nice.
So if the people in the Confederacy were executed and the people in the Nazi Party were not, by your logic it should be enough to say that the Nazis weren't evil and the Confederates were.

We decided to not execute Confederate soldiers because it made it easier to regain control over the southern states, not because the US wanted to be nice.
That part actually sounded like something you'd see in one of these pictures haha.

(Over picture of the green Empire State Building) "We go to war with Iraq. Obama orders this. "

(Over a picture of the Confederate flag) "Lincoln officially pardons all soldiers after the Civil War? Banned."


You're no better then the people who say all Muslims are terrorists. It's not hard to go on the internet and find racist idiotic pictures and comments, but to take that small sample and paint an entire culture as that is wrong.

200,000 confederate soldiers didn't join the Army and die just because they hated black people. There were fighting for their livelihood, and their families. So some people really do fly the flag in remembrance of their ancestors who died fighting for what they believed in.

The confederate flag is not the same as the Nazi flag. People who participated in the holocaust were charged as war criminals and executed. The soldiers in the Confederacy were not.

The only thing you're doing by stigmatizing the flag is empowering the people who want to use it as a hate symbol.

It is absolutely a symbol of hatred.



Those are the countries you want to compare the US to?

I am pretty sure I saw that one and I love it.. because my first thought was, so you're saying we should be like these countries. All of which who you listed most people say are not good governments. And you're using them as an example of why we should act like them? I'm pretty sure those are all countries the right says they hate and think are evil.. and yet you're now using them as examples of how we do wrong...


It is just so funny how whoever came up with that one didn't even think about what he really was implying there.
You're no better then the people who say all Muslims are terrorists. It's not hard to go on the internet and find racist idiotic pictures and comments, but to take that small sample and paint an entire culture as that is wrong.

200,000 confederate soldiers didn't join the Army and die just because they hated black people. There were fighting for their livelihood, and their families. So some people really do fly the flag in remembrance of their ancestors who died fighting for what they believed in.

The confederate flag is not the same as the Nazi flag. People who participated in the holocaust were charged as war criminals and executed. The soldiers in the Confederacy were not.

The only thing you're doing by stigmatizing the flag is empowering the people who want to use it as a hate symbol.

The real Confederate flag (not the battle flag everyone says was the national flag) was literally designed to represent the superiority of the white race.

How is that not a hate symbol?

And more to the point: the one that's flown today started being flown in Southern states to protest desegregation and was/is flown by the KKK.

Again, how is that not a hate symbol?
That part actually sounded like something you'd see in one of these pictures haha.

(Over picture of the green Empire State Building) "We go to war with Iraq. Obama orders this. "

(Over a picture of the Confederate flag) "Lincoln officially pardons all soldiers after the Civil War? Banned."

We should totally make images like this and try to get them trending, see how many people take the bait lol
I am pretty sure I saw that one and I love it.. because my first thought was, so you're saying we should be like these countries. All of which who you listed most people say are not good governments. And you're using them as an example of why we should act like them? I'm pretty sure those are all countries the right says they hate and think are evil.. and yet you're now using them as examples of how we do wrong...


It is just so funny how whoever came up with that one didn't even think about what he really was implying there.
I hear North Korea's economy is going great.

We should totally make images like this and try to get them trending, see how many people take the bait lol
I have half a mind to. It doesn't even need to look nice haha. The only problem is you'd have to post it somewhere on Facebook, and if that ever got traced back to me in like a grad school interview I might as well just quit, don't think they'd buy the explanation lol.
The confederate flag is not the same as the Nazi flag. People who participated in the holocaust were charged as war criminals and executed. The soldiers in the Confederacy were not.

This reminds me. Were any slave owners actually prosecuted for past crimes after slavery was made illegal? I don't think I've ever heard of that. Seems like a grave injustice.


Anyone want to do awful left-wing FB pics?

Oh I have a friend with this is ones is rather terrible.


- "But... why do you need permission to move around your own planet?"

- "I never thought about it, in earth they don't teach us to think, only to obey."


This reminds me. Were any slave owners actually prosecuted for past crimes after slavery was made illegal? I don't think I've ever heard of that. Seems like a grave injustice.

It wasn't a past crime. It was legal. If you do something and then it's made illegal, it's not retroactively illegal.
If I recall, there were plans to compensate slaves by either giving them slave owners' land or forcing the slave owners to compensate them, but Johnson stood in opposition to that when he succeeded Lincoln. I may not be getting this super right though, but Johnson was definitely a shitlord



- "But... why do you need permission to move around your own planet?"

- "I never thought about it, in earth they don't teach us to think, only to obey."

Eh, as flawed as the premise in this is, it doesn't get nearly a rise out of me as do those right-wing ones which spew hatred.

Unless it's a left-wing anti-vax thing, ugh.
The only thing you're doing by stigmatizing the flag is empowering the people who want to use it as a hate symbol.

That flag was flown long ago. Before either of us were born.

Do you think it's possible to change the swastika into anything other than a symbol of hate? Knowing everything attached to it?

There's at least as much blood, over a much longer period of time, attached to the confederate battleflag, as there is the swastika. Some are racist, some are just idiots that don't understand that reality.

It's impossible to turn those symbols into anything else today. They are symbols of hate and oppression.
Eh, as flawed as the premise in this is, it doesn't get nearly a rise out of me as do those right-wing ones which spew hatred.

Unless it's a left-wing anti-vax thing, ugh.
Wait, are anti-vaxxers left wing? I never really thought about it, but I always lump them in with global warming deniers and creationists.


Wait, are anti-vaxxers left wing? I never really thought about it, but I always lump them in with global warming deniers and creationists.

Me too, but there are some left-wing groups concerned with the "naturalness" of vaccines and question the injection of substances into their kids.


Wait, are anti-vaxxers left wing? I never really thought about it, but I always lump them in with global warming deniers and creationists.

Not all of them, but theres indeed a fair ammount of liberal and left leaning anti-vaxxers, along with anti-GMO, flat Earth advocates, alternative medicine......
Not all of them, but theres indeed a fair ammount of liberal and left leaning anti-vaxxers, along with anti-GMO, flat Earth advocates, alternative medicine......

Me too, but there are some left-wing groups concerned with the "naturalness" of vaccines and question the injection of substances into their kids.

Ahh that makes sense. I guess not understanding science doesn't have political boundaries.

El Odio

Wait, are anti-vaxxers left wing? I never really thought about it, but I always lump them in with global warming deniers and creationists.
Most of the times I see people on fb arguing about why people need to wake up and accept that our scientists are lying to us and the like it comes from liberals.


The flag was stigmitized when it was created as a symbol for a group that wanted to enslave black people, and then again when it was used for the first time in a century by Southern states in an attempt to protest against the Civil Rights Movement. The fact that they weren't tried as war criminals doesn't change what the Confederacy represented or what the flag has been used to represent for its entire history. Even if all of those soldiers weren't racist, they were fighting for a racist cause. If you think the fact that your great great granddaddy was one of the few non-racists fighting for a racist cause gives you the right to fly a symbol of hate free of scorn... you're an idiot. And it certainly shouldn't be flown over a government institution that is supposed to represent all of its people, most of which see the symbol as an embarrassing symbol of hate.

The flag has literally always been used as a symbol of racism and hate. If you didn't use it that way, you weren't using it in the way it was intended to be used. At best, you're delusional. At worst, you're a racist. One of my best friends is the descendant of a Confederate war hero, and he realizes that there are better ways to honor his ancestors than to insult all those around him by proudly flying a symbol of hate.

You said exactly what i was thinking. If your group represents an intolerant thing and you just go along with it your no better than they are.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Every four years I remember I'm in the same media market as NH, usually watching Jeopardy with the family. The culture shock from the republican pre primary ads is something else entirely.


The last one is interesting. Is this true?
Of course not:
The United States government alone spent over five times that on welfare programs in 2012, yet poverty persists even among American citizens. And there are about 3.5 billion people in poverty, worldwide, so even without any overhead, dividing $135 billion between them would net them less than $39 each.

So did they just pull the $135 billion figure out of their asses? Maybe, but I suspect it’s rooted in the controversial claim from The End of Poverty, that if wealthy countries increased their combined foreign aid budgets to between between $135 and $195 billion for an entire decade AND allocated the money perfectly, then the most extreme global poverty (defined as those living on less than $1 per day,) could be eliminated by 2025.

Why the creator of the graphic thought that a slight chance of eliminating a tiny fraction of global poverty for much more than $135 billion means that it is certain that all global poverty could be eradicated for just $135 billion, I don’t know.
Even if it's not true, I can't exactly hate the idea of "we could put more money to fighting poverty than fighting people". It's definitely on a different level than comparing gay people to Nazis!
Wait, are anti-vaxxers left wing? I never really thought about it, but I always lump them in with global warming deniers and creationists.

As much as they wouldn't admit it, they have something in common in whatever it is in the brain that makes so many buy into conspiracy theories, it's just one they can both agree on.


Ending poverty is not a matter of money but a state of mind for people. If nations truly wanted to end poverty it would just end. We don't want to end poverty since it's the machine that keeps us wealthy folks wealthy and our cheap crap cheap.

Rebel Leader

Ending poverty is not a matter of money but a state of mind for people. If nations truly wanted to end poverty it would just end. We don't want to end poverty since it's the machine that keeps us wealthy folks wealthy and our cheap crap cheap.

This machine of yours will betray you one day like it has countless times before.


Poet Centuriate
You're no better then the people who say all Muslims are terrorists. It's not hard to go on the internet and find racist idiotic pictures and comments, but to take that small sample and paint an entire culture as that is wrong.

200,000 confederate soldiers didn't join the Army and die just because they hated black people. There were fighting for their livelihood, and their families. So some people really do fly the flag in remembrance of their ancestors who died fighting for what they believed in.

The confederate flag is not the same as the Nazi flag. People who participated in the holocaust were charged as war criminals and executed. The soldiers in the Confederacy were not.

The only thing you're doing by stigmatizing the flag is empowering the people who want to use it as a hate symbol.

There's so much wrong here. The most hilarious thing is that as you try to envoke the spirit of the poor, nonslave owning common Confederate soldiers, you fail to remember all the common Germans who were simply fighting for their homeland and had no active part in the Holocaust yet still fought for, tacitly supported, and indirectly benefitted from the racist regime and practices of the Third Reich. Sound familiar? They certainly don't get to fly that swastika-emblazened banner to remember their war dead and vets. Why should the Confederacy?

The Confederate flag is exactly the same as the Nazi flag and should be treated with the same distain and revulsion.


There's so much wrong here. The most hilarious thing is that as you try to envoke the spirit of the poor, nonslave owning common Confederate soldiers, you fail to remember all the common Germans who were simply fighting for their homeland and had no active part in the Holocaust yet still fought for, tacitly supported, and indirectly benefitted from the racist regime and practices of the Third Reich. Sound familiar? They certainly don't get to fly that swastika-emblazened banner to remember their war dead and vets. Why should the Confederacy?

The Confederate flag is exactly the same as the Nazi flag and should be treated with the same distain and revulsion.

Just wanting to add that even if we're talking of the Confederate battle flag instead of the Confederate flag, it doesn't change anything as I'm pretty sure no one gets to fly the flag of the wehrmarcht to commemorate their vets either without the association to the racist history linked to it.
So battleflag or not it makes no difference for anyone at all, we all know what that means.
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