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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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A chairman of the North Carolina republican party recently posted this on twitter.


...Hillary is not the most photogenic candidate, is she?

But yeah, ridiculous statement.
So much wrong here...but the biggest offense is proclaiming it "Best Joke Ever."


This came from one of my closer friends, too. Never posted a single pic like this 'til she started dating some uber Tea Party dude.

I thought this one was kinda funny, in the "take nothing serious" type of political joke. Like the one about Bush jumping out of the plane with the boy scout's backpack.


So much wrong here...but the biggest offense is proclaiming it "Best Joke Ever."


This came from one of my closer friends, too. Never posted a single pic like this 'til she started dating some uber Tea Party dude.

This is an old joke. Really old. You just substitute Obama for whichever politician or figure you're making your point about. Or even changing the line to the man asking "Where's my clock?", which I believe was the original variation.

That said, it's a funny joke.


This is an old joke. Really old. You just substitute Obama for whichever politician or figure you're making your point about. Or even changing the line to the man asking "Where's my clock?", which I believe was the original variation.

That just makes it even more repulsive to take a joke that was originally self-deprecating and using it purely to talk shit about people you don't like. Because God forbid you have any self-awareness of your own. Or originality.


That just makes it even more repulsive to take a joke that was originally self-deprecating and using it purely to shit talk people you don't like. Because God forbid you have any self-awareness of your own. Or originality.

I suppose. For what it's worth, that happens all the time with jokes. They're generally repurposed for whatever current situation can be shoehorned into them. I've actually seen a version of this joke replacing Obama with Bush as well, probably around the same time this first started showing up online in 2007/2008. In fact I think I heard that version first considering a lot of my friends at he time reviled Bush.


I think you're just intolerant. Left-wing isn't the answer for everyone and as a non-american, I thought freedom to express what you think and to be accepted without someone thinking you're a retard was the reason the country was created in the first place.

EDIT: Of course, you're free to make fun of others too, like so many pointed out.


I think you're just intolerant. Left-wing isn't the answer for everyone and as a non-american, I thought freedom to express what you think and to be accepted without someone thinking you're a retard was the reason the country was created in the first place.
You're free to believe what you want. That doesn't mean you're free from getting joked about on the Internet.


I think you're just intolerant. Left-wing isn't the answer for everyone and as a non-american, I thought freedom to express what you think and to be accepted without someone thinking you're a retard was the reason the country was created in the first place.

I think I just filled out my Bingo card
I think you're just intolerant. Left-wing isn't the answer for everyone and as a non-american, I thought freedom to express what you think and to be accepted without someone thinking you're a retard was the reason the country was created in the first place.
People are free to say what they think, but are also free to point out when someone says something they think it's dumb or uninformed. It works both ways.


I think you're just intolerant. Left-wing isn't the answer for everyone and as a non-american, I thought freedom to express what you think and to be accepted without someone thinking you're a retard was the reason the country was created in the first place.

So, let's take this line of thinking away from immediate political matters and use an extreme example to see how it holds up to pressure testing.

Let's imagine I believe all Asian people are holograms, created by a master race which uses these holograms as a spying tool. As such, Asian people can be killed or imprisoned without warning, as they are not real people and do not deserve normal human rights. In fact, one can argue it is our duty to eliminate these holographic spying tools, if my original premise is correct.

Should my opinion be accepted? Should it be free from ridicule and derision? Perhaps you say yes; in which case, I very strongly disagree. But more likely, you say no; that idea is preposterous and absurd, and does not deserve respect. And with that, I agree with you.

So the question we have to ask, then, is how absurd and preposterous an idea has to be before it deserves derision and ridicule. Biblical creationism is pretty darn absurd; does it deserve ridicule? What about birthers who believe Obama is a secret Kenyan? What about someone who believes the earth isn't getting warmer when manifest evidence suggests it is? Where does one draw the line on what one is allowed to ridicule -- how absurd does a position have to be before derision is allowed?

Please note that these are not intended to be rhetorical or mocking questions; I'm honestly asking. It's possible that the only difference between me and you is that we draw the line in slightly different places on how absurd an idea has to be before people can openly mock it.


So, let's take this line of thinking away from immediate political matters and use an extreme example to see how it holds up to pressure testing.

Let's imagine I believe all Asian people are holograms, created by a master race which uses these holograms as a spying tool. As such, Asian people can be killed or imprisoned without warning, as they are not real people and do not deserve normal human rights. In fact, one can argue it is our duty to eliminate these holographic spying tools, if my original premise is correct.

Should my opinion be accepted? Should it be free from ridicule and derision? Perhaps you say yes; in which case, I very strongly disagree. But more likely, you say no; that idea is preposterous and absurd, and does not deserve respect. And with that, I agree with you.

So the question we have to ask, then, is how absurd and preposterous an idea has to be before it deserves derision and ridicule. Biblical creationism is pretty darn absurd; does it deserve ridicule? What about birthers who believe Obama is a secret Kenyan? What about someone who believes the earth isn't getting warmer when manifest evidence suggests it is? Where does one draw the line on what one is allowed to ridicule -- how absurd does a position have to be before derision is allowed?

Please note that these are not intended to be rhetorical or mocking questions; I'm honestly asking. It's possible that the only difference between me and you is that we draw the line in slightly different places on how absurd an idea has to be before people can openly mock it.

You are right. I don't consider those posts that ridiculous in many ways. Don't misunderstand me, I am not republican. In fact, I don't agree with most things the right-wing says. But I have heard far more ridiculous things from some people, while most of these are, well, pretty normal in a right-wing point of view. Maybe that's why I don't see them as target of mockery. So you are right in saying everyone draws the line in different places.

Some valid points here that will let me see things in different ways, thank you.
...Hillary is not the most photogenic candidate, is she?

But yeah, ridiculous statement.

How many public photos are there of Hillary from the past 25 years? Several thousand? It's easy to cherry pick until you find the least flattering ones. There's bad photos of every public figure out there.


You are right. I don't consider those posts that ridiculous in many ways. Don't misunderstand me, I am not republican. In fact, I don't agree with most things the right-wing says. But I have heard far more ridiculous things from some people, while most of these are, well, pretty normal in a right-wing point of view. Maybe that's why I don't see them as target of mockery. So you are right in saying everyone draws the line in different places.

Some valid points here that will let me see things in different ways, thank you.
Which of these images do you find pretty normal?


Neither is a case of freedom of speach, if that's what you want to imply.

Kind of is, especially when one demands that people "respect" their opinion, which is just a coded way of saying "shut up i'm right." Either that or "if you disagree you have to be super nice and basically hand your balls over to me because i don't like it when people change my mind."


So much wrong here...but the biggest offense is proclaiming it "Best Joke Ever."


This came from one of my closer friends, too. Never posted a single pic like this 'til she started dating some uber Tea Party dude.

Wasn't the original about wanking? And the persons whose clock was used as a fan was the person you tell the joke too.


Point taken. Just saying that a little respect from both sides wouldn't hurt.

None of the dumb, hurtful, bigoted pictures I've seen in this thread is deserving of respect nor should it be shielded from ridicule.

Freedom of speech is not a one-way street.
I just deleted a friend on facebook for posting disgusting Planned Parenthood related images, one was comparing them to the holocaust. I wish I saved them, I don't know if he deleted them or I just can't view them. The sad thing is he was president of our college social sciences club.


I don't have any social media stuff except for my public google account, which I mostly ignore. But I'm trying to imagine being on facebook and seeing this stuff pop up on my wall from a family member. I guess I would block or unfollow them or whatever you do. If they ask why I'd tell them the truth: that the pictures they post are embarrassing. Like if you post a picture of two horses fucking I might actually find it a bit left-field and get a chuckle, and coming from a friend it's only moreso, but I don't want it under my public alias on the internet because alot of people are going to see it who don't understand.

And yes a comparison of Hillary Clinton and Hitler is somewhat similar to a picture of two horses fucking. It's just lol wtf.


Tears in the rain

Just saw this popping up in my newsfeed and I had to headdesk. What a stupid fucking line of thought. All gay men totally want to have sex with teen boys, and all straight men totally want to bone teen girls?


I saw on Facebook last night someone posted an image of Bruce Jenner on the box of Wheaties and then Caitlyn Jenner on a box of Fruit Loops.

I was disgusted and reported the post.



Just saw this popping up in my newsfeed and I had to headdesk. What a stupid fucking line of thought. All gay men totally want to have sex with teen boys, and all straight men totally want to bone teen girls?
Every man that likes that on Facebook should be added to the sex offenders list as a precaution.

No I'm not being serious.
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