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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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I admit I just typed "terrible left-wing liberal memes" into GIS

The missile and Cruz one are funny because of how ridiculous they are. But the war one is confusing. Should there be a decimal point in the $1735 billion, or should it be $173 trillion?


The missile and Cruz one are funny because of how ridiculous they are. But the war one is confusing. Should there be a decimal point in the $1735 billion, or should it be $173 trillion?

No idea if the number is right, or how they even came up with it, but I don't see anything confusing about 1735 billions


This was my latest email forward from my rabidly Obama hating father:


​How good it is that he is so well-versed on American History. Don't they teach that in the muslim schools?​

You may recall that a few weeks ago, President Obama spoke of three former Presidents making prisoner swaps at the end of wars that took place on their watch,
"much like this swap" he said convincingly.

CNN carried this quote, "This is what happens at the end of wars." President Barack Obama boasted Tuesday when he was asked about swapping American Army Sgt.
Deserter for five vicious Taliban terrorists. "That was true for George Washington...That was true for Abraham Lincoln and that was true for FDR. That’s been true of
every combat situation, that at some point, you make sure that you try to get your folks back...And that’s the right thing to do.


That statement blatantly demonstrates that the most powerful man in the World and two term President of the United States lacks even a grade school level of knowledge
of American History; specifically, history as it relates to three of our most famous presidents and it demonstrates again that we have essentially elected a foreigner who has
no understanding of the very country that he reigns supreme over.

Then again, he was educated at an Ivy League school so you can't expect too much.

What's wrong with his statements?

Let's keep it simple-- EVERYTHING is wrong!

1. George Washington did not become president until six years after the Revolutionary War ended in 1783. By 1789 there were no longer any prisoners for him to exchange.

2. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in mid-April of 1865. The Civil War ended the following month. He was still dead at that time. No deals were made to exchange prisoners
after the war. All prisoners were simply freed.

3. FDR died of a stroke before the end of WWII. Like Lincoln, he stayed dead after the war so he couldn't do what this jerk says he did. You'll recall that Harry S. Truman made
the decision to drop two nuclear bombs on Japan, ending World War II. He made no deals for prisoners. We went in and released them when necessary.

4. None of the Presidents that Obama noted were in office at the ends of those wars, making it impossible for them to make any sort of prisoner swaps, let alone the 5 for 1, plus unspecified cash, for a deserter and traitor by our "57 States" president.

5. It should be pointed out that countless deserters and traitors were shot or hung during all three of the aforementioned wars.

What amazes one even more than the ignorance of the President is that he has managed to surround himself with a staff that is just as clueless?... or willing, as the media are, to
cover for his dumb, lying rhetoric and behavior!

P.S. Obama mentioned while being interviewed on Super Bowl Sunday while in the Whitehouse kitchen,
that George Washington drank beer in the White House when he was president .

George Washington never lived in the White House; it wasn't built yet when he was president.


This was my latest email forward from my rabidly Obama hating father:

I love stuff like this; howe many people FWD'ing these along new any of the "grade school level" facts off the top of their head before receiving the e-mail?

Look at me demonstrating knowledge by forwarding an e-mail!! I'm so superior!


Pardon me for not be so versed in the history of the U.S., but are any of those claims true (besides the derogatory "Muslim Obama")

Not sure about FDR, but Washington and Lincoln both oversaw prisoner exchanges, though not necessarily at the "end" of the wars.


That's not a Tomahawk, its a RGM-84, an anti-ship missile, Harpoon, fired out of a Mk 141 shipboard launcher.

If you want to be taken seriously, do the research.

So not only is it ridiculous, its factually wrong as well.

I can't think of any image macro for any cause I've ever seen on Facebook that was not either A) 100% opinion, or B) Factually wrong or distorted in some respect.

The Confederate flag debate brought out a lot of plain-wrong facts on both sides of the aisle, but with my crowd I saw the liberal versions and not the conservative ones posted here.


The second dude is salty as fuck he doesn't own a business.

Trust me, he doesn't, and he doesn't have that much of an education. These are all 40-50 year old "Lake Life" types who never leave their rural countryside.

2000 miles away, a kid from high school posted this warning:


Why are anti-Obamas so obsessed with not being labeled "racist"?


Trust me, he doesn't, and he doesn't have that much of an education. These are all 40-50 year old "Lake Life" types who never leave their rural countryside.

2000 miles away, a kid from high school posted this warning:


Why are anti-Obamas so obsessed with not being labeled "racist"?

Because social stigma is the worst possible fate they can imagine.


Trust me, he doesn't, and he doesn't have that much of an education. These are all 40-50 year old "Lake Life" types who never leave their rural countryside.

2000 miles away, a kid from high school posted this warning:


Why are anti-Obamas so obsessed with not being labeled "racist"?
Being labeled a racist is worse than saying racist shit to people like them. Funny thing is, liberals tend to bring up more legitimate criticisms of Obama than they ever do.


Because social stigma is the worst possible fate they can imagine.

I guess when your society shares your values, morals, and sister then it's okay.

Being labeled a racist is worse than saying racist shit to people like them. Funny thing is, liberals tend to bring up more legitimate criticisms of Obama than they ever do.

I just love how being labeled a racist is worse than being labeled a traitor for defying their president.

Because I remember during Bush's regime that people posted on Myspace the whole "if you don't support the president, then you're a traitor". Those same people talk down to Obama.


Trust me, he doesn't, and he doesn't have that much of an education. These are all 40-50 year old "Lake Life" types who never leave their rural countryside.

2000 miles away, a kid from high school posted this warning:


Why are anti-Obamas so obsessed with not being labeled "racist"?

If they didn't make it about race, people would realize there's literally no reasoning behind another world war. Or the two different fonts.
Trust me, he doesn't, and he doesn't have that much of an education. These are all 40-50 year old "Lake Life" types who never leave their rural countryside.

2000 miles away, a kid from high school posted this warning:


Why are anti-Obamas so obsessed with not being labeled "racist"?
Once you call a person a racist, they can't really get away with saying blatantly racist things in public anymore. What will we give up to be "politically correct"? At what cost?


Just got this one replied to me while I was calmly debating facts on minimum wage. It seems to always come down to name calling from the right when they feel threatened.

Stephen Limbaugh calling liberals using long factual arguments stupid if you don't want to give this tripe clicks:

Didn't even know that fat fuck had a son.


Just got this one replied to me while I was calmly debating facts on minimum wage. It seems to always come down to name calling from the right when they feel threatened.

Stephen Limbaugh calling liberals using long factual arguments stupid if you don't want to give this tripe clicks:

Didn't even know that fat fuck had a son.

Those pants are hideous.

As are his mannerisms.


The Autumn Wind
Just got this one replied to me while I was calmly debating facts on minimum wage. It seems to always come down to name calling from the right when they feel threatened.

Stephen Limbaugh calling liberals using long factual arguments stupid if you don't want to give this tripe clicks:

Didn't even know that fat fuck had a son.
This is satire, right? It has to be.


It's interesting how different things are in the US compared to Brazil, where I live. The bullshit comes most from the left-wing people. Of course, you always see some religious posts against gay marriage and stuff like that, but nothing blatant racist or full of hate.

However, on the left side, lots of people supporting socialist governments and stuff like that, people denying the current crisis we're on, etc.

Well, at least on my Facebook feed. The worst thing I saw shared by a friend of mine was a post wishing for a military government.


It's interesting how different things are in the US compared to Brazil, where I live. The bullshit comes most from the left-wing people. Of course, you always see some religious posts against gay marriage and stuff like that, but nothing blatant racist or full of hate.

However, on the left side, lots of people supporting socialist governments and stuff like that, people denying the current crisis we're on, etc.

Well, at least on my Facebook feed. The worst thing I saw shared by a friend of mine was a post wishing for a military government.

Could you share some and, if it doesn't bother you, translate them for us?
I am very curious :)


just went through the whole thread... wow... just wow.
I can't believe I'm living on the same planet as those people...
And there I was thinking that our right-wing idiots are bad... I guess bigotry comes in different flavours.

Not all of them, but theres indeed a fair ammount of liberal and left leaning anti-vaxxers, along with anti-GMO, flat Earth advocates, alternative medicine......

I guess that differs by country. from what I've seen, most of the eso crap seems to be leftist from the outside, but once you dig deep enough, you'll find a brown core.
there is a pretty awesome documentary for german-speaking folk called "die Mondverschwörung", I can't recommend it enough if you want to see the most ridiculous people on earth. There should also be a subbed version somewhere.


Could you share some and, if it doesn't bother you, translate them for us?
I am very curious :)
In my feed I get more tweets saying how everyone that isn't happy with the current government are bitter middle-class persons that hate the poor, people denying the current crisis, etc.

Sometimes you get stuff like this:


But I'm at work at the moment, so I'll try to find better examples later.


I think the ones i hate the most are the ones that use my country (Switzerland) as some kind of propaganda and excuse to say "SEE ? OUR IDEAS TOTALLY WORK !" while spewing nonsensical or outright lies, like how we supposedly all have guns (we don't), or how great it is that we close our border (woefully ignorant of how things actually work here and the divide between east and west and major to smaller cantons) or how we're the freeest market in the world and how cool it is while ignoring the fact that our strong franc is effectively fucking us up the read end and it will sooner or later bite us really really bad
Ugh...just saw my aunt "liked" this.

I've heard you say you "identify as a woman". But I find that highly unlikely and insulting. You see, Mr. Jenner, there is more to being a woman than beautiful gowns and fake boobs. There is more to being a woman than makeup and pretty hair. This is something we mothers begin teaching our young daughters at an early age.

As a woman of nearly 50 years, I can tell you what it is truly like to be a woman. You may be able to understand or even empathize, but you are definitely NOT able to "identify". For instance, you will never know what it is like to wake up every 28 days with searing stomach pain so bad it doubles you over, yet still trot off to work or school as though everything is fine. You will never know what it is like to have your car break down on the side of the road and when a couple men stop to help your prayer is that their intentions are good because there is no way on earth you have the ability to physically hang let alone overpower them. You have no idea what it is like to long to have a child only to have your third miscarriage, yet still manage to be able to share in the joy of all the other young mothers in your life. You will never know what it's like to get pregnant, gain 40 lbs (1/3 your total body weight), hurl all morning long for 4 months straight, yet still care for your other two toddlers, and not drive your husband to the brink. You will never know what it is like to give birth to a 10 lb. baby boy with absolutely no medication!!! You will never know what it is like at the age of 50 to be walking down the streets of Phoenix and popping in the Dairy Queen for a cool refreshing treat only to be gripped at that moment with your fourth hot flash of the day.

I have, in my life, met many women who have been widowed. For me to walk up to them and say I identify with them would be ludicrous. Like I said earlier, I can empathize with them, but I cannot identify myself as one of them because I don't know what that is like - I can only imagine. And let's not even talk about women who have worked through their double mastectomy.

No, Mr. Jenner there is more to being a woman than you could ever experience or even imagine. And lesson #1 for all true women is this - botox injections, plastic surgeries, designer clothing, and public approval is NOT what makes a woman. A real woman is one who in spite of the stretch marks, age spots, dirt under her nails and tired eyes, and even with 1/2 plastic photoshopped supermodels as her competition, she has carried herself in such a way that her family, husband, and children, see her real beauty and find her far more valuable than rubies or diamonds and they rise up and call her blessed.

Mr. Jenner you are a privileged white male living in the U.S.A. In fact, you are so free and so privileged, you can even spend your massive amounts of money to change your outward appearance to whatever you wish. That is NOT something most woman around the globe are free to do even if they wanted. MOST women in our world don't even have access to a high school education. So, Mr. Jenner, I find your claim to identify as "a woman" disingenuous, uneducated, and honestly - quite offensive.


In my feed I get more tweets saying how everyone that isn't happy with the current government are bitter middle-class persons that hate the poor, people denying the current crisis, etc.

Sometimes you get stuff like this:


But I'm at work at the moment, so I'll try to find better examples later.

That's actually pretty cool. Typical housewife imagery, instead she's thinking about a revolution.


So my half-brother's half-sister is the type of parrot those and the views of those around her, without really thinking about said views herself. While my half-brother is a reasonable enough Republican (as in 'not fucking crazy extremist right-wing', at least on Facebook), and only really posts stuff about veterans, she goes off the deep end and posts some shitty stuff. This is in between the posts of "OMG LIKE THIS NOW AND YOU'LL GET $100!!!!" and Minion posts.

Animals can forage for food? In most places in the US "foraging for food" means eating squirrels. It's not feasible in most places. I guess cutting food stamps make sense... in an ideal world where food wasn't super expensive.

I wonder how she'd feel if she found out I used food stamps when my 35-hr job wasn't paying me enough to eat and pay the bills.

Actually, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure she uses food stamps? :/

That's not how these things work. Also millions =/= trillions.

I agree that tax evasion is shitty though.

I... what???


I know a lot of the other posts are a lost worse, but it's all I got after I unfollowed the people on the feed that were acting shitty about gay marriage :p

(sorry if some of this has been posted already)
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