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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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Maybe it's Khomeini.

Yeah, that's Khomeini allright.


Not that he had anything to do with the treaty discussions... on account of being dead since 1989.

The current Ayatollah, confusingly named Khamenei, looks somewhat similar but with one distinct difference - he always wears glasses. Guess the cartoonist got confused.


For the record he didn't have anything to do with the talks either.

EDIT: Let me reword that: as Supreme Ruler of Iran the Ayatollah is obviously involved, what I'm trying to say is that he hasn't involved himself directly. Iran was represented by a negotiation team that the Ayatollah was not part of so he would never have met Kerry. I know that the image is symbolic but it just drives home how wrong it is even further.
I have a question guys

It seems all the Americans hate Republicans, so how they always have so many votes in the elections? Even the last presidential election (Romney vs Obama) was so close

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I have a question guys

It seems all the Americans hate Republicans, so how they always have so many votes in the elections? Even the last presidential election (Romney vs Obama) was so close

Where'd you get that idea?

If anything, judging by my day-to-day interactions with folks it seems everyone is a Republican but me.
I have a question guys

It seems all the Americans hate Republicans, so how they always have so many votes in the elections? Even the last presidential election (Romney vs Obama) was so close
"All the Americans" is pretty inaccurate. This country is roughly split 50/50 with a handful of swing voters. Although right now the Democrats have a slight advantage over the Republicans which allows them to win presidential elections comfortably even if it's still close.

The only Republican to win the popular vote in the past six presidential elections was George Bush in his re-election campaign. Al Gore got more votes in 2000 but the way our system is set up places more importance on how individual states vote so Bush won anyway.


Where'd you get that idea?

If anything, judging by my day-to-day interactions with folks it seems everyone is a Republican but me.

It's not just America either. I've noticed this at school as well as with the recent election in Britain. People love the right for some reason. It's really sunk my hope for humanity.

That seems like a feminist post.

If by feminist you mean the horrible Germaine Greer kind, then of course.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Maybe we should just be glad that he didn't go one step further and confuse the Ayatollah for Sean Connery.


"Sean Connery is right!"

I love that method of making a joke,

Colbert did it frequently.


"Because you need me, Springfield. Your guilty conscience may move you to vote Democratic, but deep down you long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king. That's why I did this, to save you from yourselves. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a city to run."

- Sideshow Bob


So let me get this Straight. A man gets Breast Implants....shaves his Adams apple down....puts on women's clothing....makeup etc......And maybe in the future Chops off his penis....And That's Called Courage.

she is a former Notre Dame basketball player. Iraq War Veteran AND Purple Heart Recipient.
She enlisted in the Army after the September 11th Attacks. She lost her arm in a grenade attack.
She went back to school to get her Masters Degree in Counseling.
THE ARTHUR ASHE COURAGE AWARD was meant for someone Just like this Amazing Woman.
Not for Bruce Jenner. What a Disgrace.

It's kind of funny watching people lose their shit on Facebook over Cailtyn Jenner.


"All the Americans" is pretty inaccurate. This country is roughly split 50/50 with a handful of swing voters. Although right now the Democrats have a slight advantage over the Republicans which allows them to win presidential elections comfortably even if it's still close. [...]

maybe something like a 3rd and 4th party could help? you know... like in a real democracy where there are usually way more than just 2 choices, which, in the USes case are basically the same choice anyway :p Just a weaker flavour of the same thing

I guess it's to late for that now? Although it still seems incredibly weird to me every time I see or read something about US politics..
It's kind of funny watching people lose their shit on Facebook over Cailtyn Jenner.

Why can't these folks get their capitalization correct?

Also there's no need for that many ellipses. There simply isn't.

All these right-wing rants follow the same pattern. You can usually take a look at the shape of a paragraph and deduce it's content at first glance before even reading it.
So we are still riding the "Confederate flag is teh evil. And everybody who has one is a racist" wave here?
I've got a few so-offensive-it's-almost-cool "pickaninny" adverts, but I won't even display them ironically. I think if you're flying the Rebel Flag at this very moment, even though you've surely gotten the memo that doing so is considered by many to be racist, then yeah, you're a racist.

Where'd you get that idea?

If anything, judging by my day-to-day interactions with folks it seems everyone is a Republican but me.
I'm always amazed that my stoner high-school friends became the republicans, and the straight-laced ones are the liberals.

Sushi Nao

I'm always amazed that my stoner high-school friends became the republicans, and the straight-laced ones are the liberals.

Best thing about this kind of conservatism is that it sounds correct, you have a lot of people telling you you're right, and nobody has to think too hard. No wonder it appeals
maybe something like a 3rd and 4th party could help? you know... like in a real democracy where there are usually way more than just 2 choices, which, in the USes case are basically the same choice anyway :p Just a weaker flavour of the same thing

I guess it's to late for that now? Although it still seems incredibly weird to me every time I see or read something about US politics..

More viable parties would definitely be a great thing.

But the argument that both parties are the same doesn't hold up. One party is egalitarian. The other is hellbent on oppressing as many minorities as possible to appeal to their zealous base. One party is for affordable widespread healthcare coverage and social benefits. The other is for bootstraps. One party has presidents who appoint the likes of scum of the earth Antonin Scalia to the Supreme Court. The other has presidents who appoint people like Ruth Bader Ginsburg. And given our political gridlock, SCOTUS appointments are more important than ever before. There are definitely key differences.
This thread is making me glad I don't have any of these types in my friends list. There were a handful at one time, but I purged them all by the end of Obama's first term.


The Autumn Wind
What's the old saying? A republican is just a democrat that was robbed and a democrat is just a republican that went to jail.
I've never heard this. The one I always hear is if you're a Republican, you've got no heart, and if you're a Democrat, you've got no brain.
My Facebook is currently blowing up because someone posted about a pro-Rebel Flag rally being held in my hometown. I've written to the corporate office of the national chain business allowing it to be held on their property, so I can't wait to see the fallout when permission gets rescinded.
It's interesting how different things are in the US compared to Brazil, where I live. The bullshit comes most from the left-wing people. Of course, you always see some religious posts against gay marriage and stuff like that, but nothing blatant racist or full of hate.

However, on the left side, lots of people supporting socialist governments and stuff like that, people denying the current crisis we're on, etc.

Well, at least on my Facebook feed. The worst thing I saw shared by a friend of mine was a post wishing for a military government.

That's completely wrong and untrue. The right wingers in Brazil are completely deranged and out of their minds, they are the ones promoting a coup and taking the current government by force by the military. Brazil, like so many other countries are in great danger of the neo liberal conservative agenda that just measure progress by how much corporations make and not the welfare of society as a whole.

And don't get me started on all the evangelical insanity.


I have a question guys

It seems all the Americans hate Republicans, so how they always have so many votes in the elections? Even the last presidential election (Romney vs Obama) was so close

People on the Internet are young and lean to the left so it may seem like that. However, a LARGE number of working Americans dont follow politics at all, work long hours every week, and only vote Republican because they want the most from their paychecks. It's frustrating for them because they grew up thinking you have to make sacrifices and put in the work to achieve financial reward, so they look down on people who don't want to put in the work, depend on welfare, etc and don't want to pay taxes to support them. It's extremely short sighted but that's pretty much the extent of their involvement in politics. They just want to work and spend time with their family, be able to buy a Lakehouse etc.

OK this might be the greatest thing I've ever seen
Some people in this thread have been asking for stupid leftwing memes. Well, good news everyone! Just google "Israel memes" and you get both stupid leftwing and rightwing memes!









Not sure which:


To be honest, I would share the first three. I got first-hand account from someone who lived there for a year, and what he told me was infuriating.


To be honest, I would share the first three. I got first-hand account from someone who lived there for a year, and what he told me was infuriating.

I live there too and trust me the Israelis tend to control people on a whim. People who think it is crazy left wing memes should read the latest UN report. It lays out the scale of destruction that happen to Gaza.


Apart from being signed they're not that different, you could switch any of those drawings for a picture and get the same message. The only reason these opinions are given the space to become political cartoons in the first place is because the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is so polarized that what are quite frankly rather ridiculously extreme opinions are more accepted.

I chose those images because they're equally bad: both of the cartoons with the cities shooting rockets at each other are silly because they vastly exaggerate either side. I shouldn't have to explain why directly comparing Israel to the Third Reich is offensively stupid or why painting IDF soldiers as gleeful child killers is idiotic. Neither should I have to point out that Hamas doesn't hide behind women and children or use them as shields in the way those cartoons claim or why that's both malicious and moronic. I also avoided the ones that are even worse because I don't want to spread that kind of racist hatred.

Facebook memes, as simple as they are, are also legitimate acts of political voice and are directly used by the people sharing them as an expression of their individual view of a current situation. The reason we mock them is because of the content, not the medium.

I agree here to an extent. People should read the last UN report which sheds light on what happened.


Just wondering:
Why is there a need fort such a place?
Liberal, conservative, whatever, wouldn't it just be an echo chamber?

Not really. Both liberal and conservative are very broad words, so the exact nature is likely to be contentious. As well as the methods.


Wasn't Hasan Harnett the first black chairman of the GOP?

Which also makes it curious that somebody felt the need to crop out his avatar.


I can't believe people fall for this shit.

I guess when I was growing up there were still shitheels like Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms still around.

But now that pretty much all those Democrats->Dixiecrats->Republicans are now dead, it is much easier to fool the idiots with this garbage.

Even if we ignore the whole party flip, it is just a stupid argument to begin with. I mean, what is the point? Are they trying to suggest that black people should vote for the Republican party because of what it did 150 years ago? Or that the Republican party has the black communities best interest at heart and use the Civil War, Reconstruction and the KKK as an example?

If its the former, then that is just idiotic. People should vote for the person and party that best advocates for their own interest and the best interest of the nation. If it is the later, then that is pretty telling that they have to use events that happened 150 years ago as an example where the Republican party's actions clearly benefited black people then that is pretty telling.
So much wrong here...but the biggest offense is proclaiming it "Best Joke Ever."


This came from one of my closer friends, too. Never posted a single pic like this 'til she started dating some uber Tea Party dude.


So much wrong here...but the biggest offense is proclaiming it "Best Joke Ever."


This came from one of my closer friends, too. Never posted a single pic like this 'til she started dating some uber Tea Party dude.

Second biggest is claiming Mother Theresa never told a lie.

Also i misread that as "where's Obama's cock?" and i thought "oh jesus they've discovered fanfiction"
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