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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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Just saw this popping up in my newsfeed and I had to headdesk. What a stupid fucking line of thought. All gay men totally want to have sex with teen boys, and all straight men totally want to bone teen girls?
Man. To attach your name to this. I know one thing. People better keep their teenaged daughters away from this fucking pedophile..holy shit.


Somewhat related, but I try not to talk about politics. Being the only left wing guy in a family full of right wingers it's just not worth it. Everything I say, especially things that to me make sense (and to most of us I would assume) is openly mocked. They're the types to laugh at "oh hork hork, equal rites for negros, hork hork let's make it a law" and then they all laugh together like fucking Joe Pesci and Ray Liotta.

So today we were being friendly and I mentioned the lion thing to my sister in law. Just neutrally explained the story but I did mention the Kimmel joke about how he was now the most hated man in the country who doesn't sell pudding pops.

"Oh, so you want him to do life in prison and let's just let all the drug dealers free to go, hm?" and then long, long laughter at my expense. It was seriously a normal conversation and she assumed a) I want him to go to prison and b) I am pro-drugs. Which is funny because had she got to know me, she'd know that I grew up with hunters and have continuously, even on this forum, defended trophy hunting.

I just wish we could seperate politics and normal conversation some time, but I think it's becoming harder. It's getting to the point where I feel like if I say "I'm going to pick up some nuggets for the kid" I'm going to have someone poke their head in the room and go "OH BUT MICHELLE OBAMA WON'T LET YOU DO THAT AND YOU VOTED FOR HER".


Somewhat related, but I try not to talk about politics. Being the only left wing guy in a family full of right wingers it's just not worth it. Everything I say, especially things that to me make sense (and to most of us I would assume) is openly mocked. They're the types to laugh at "oh hork hork, equal rites for negros, hork hork let's make it a law" and then they all laugh together like fucking Joe Pesci and Ray Liotta.

So today we were being friendly and I mentioned the lion thing to my sister in law. Just neutrally explained the story but I did mention the Kimmel joke about how he was now the most hated man in the country who doesn't sell pudding pops.

"Oh, so you want him to do life in prison and let's just let all the drug dealers free to go, hm?" and then long, long laughter at my expense. It was seriously a normal conversation and she assumed a) I want him to go to prison and b) I am pro-drugs. Which is funny because had she got to know me, she'd know that I grew up with hunters and have continuously, even on this forum, defended trophy hunting.

I just wish we could seperate politics and normal conversation some time, but I think it's becoming harder. It's getting to the point where I feel like if I say "I'm going to pick up some nuggets for the kid" I'm going to have someone poke their head in the room and go "OH BUT MICHELLE OBAMA WON'T LET YOU DO THAT AND YOU VOTED FOR HER".

This is exactly why I think god everyday that we live in FL and my racist, culture-warrior in-laws live in NY. They're the type who bring politics into nearly every convo.


This is exactly why I think god everyday that we live in FL and my racist, culture-warrior in-laws live in NY. They're the type who bring politics into nearly every convo.

I'm the opposite, though. I'm IN Florida with the in-law racist culture warriors. My non-political (mostly) family live back home in MN.


It's quite sad that the British right couldn't hope to be half as insane as the American right. Mostly because it makes them more palatable to the masses who don't realise they're being fucked. At least in America you only vote Republican if you're a frothing self-deluded troglodyte.


I'm the opposite, though. I'm IN Florida with the in-law racist culture warriors. My non-political (mostly) family live back home in MN.

Yeah, but do they babysit the kids for free? Because that would be totally awesome.

I mean, look at the bright side 😂

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Somewhat related, but I try not to talk about politics. Being the only left wing guy in a family full of right wingers it's just not worth it. Everything I say, especially things that to me make sense (and to most of us I would assume) is openly mocked. They're the types to laugh at "oh hork hork, equal rites for negros, hork hork let's make it a law" and then they all laugh together like fucking Joe Pesci and Ray Liotta.

So today we were being friendly and I mentioned the lion thing to my sister in law. Just neutrally explained the story but I did mention the Kimmel joke about how he was now the most hated man in the country who doesn't sell pudding pops.

"Oh, so you want him to do life in prison and let's just let all the drug dealers free to go, hm?" and then long, long laughter at my expense. It was seriously a normal conversation and she assumed a) I want him to go to prison and b) I am pro-drugs. Which is funny because had she got to know me, she'd know that I grew up with hunters and have continuously, even on this forum, defended trophy hunting.

I just wish we could seperate politics and normal conversation some time, but I think it's becoming harder. It's getting to the point where I feel like if I say "I'm going to pick up some nuggets for the kid" I'm going to have someone poke their head in the room and go "OH BUT MICHELLE OBAMA WON'T LET YOU DO THAT AND YOU VOTED FOR HER".

I bet they listen to a lot of talk radio because this is pretty much how every conservative acts on there. Just building one fallacy-ridden strawman after another and knocking them down with glee, all while lamenting the fact that more liberal sheeple aren't as smart, sensible and handsome as they are.

Just saw this popping up in my newsfeed and I had to headdesk. What a stupid fucking line of thought. All gay men totally want to have sex with teen boys, and all straight men totally want to bone teen girls?
I like how all that post does is emphasize how flawed that reasoning really is. It's just saying that all men are pedophiles, not just gay men.


I'd be in the dick
Lately I've seen a lot of these talking about social issues that just turn around to the military for no understandable reason. One was about people protesting police shootings of "criminals" but no one protesting about terrorists fighting soldiers. It's such a strange turnaround that has no direct bearing on what the initial topic was. It just screams, "BUT THE TROOPS," whenever people start standing up for something. None of these people even promote stuff like proper treatment for PTSD and vets once they return, it's all about glorifying the fighting they're doing now.
Even if we ignore the whole party flip, it is just a stupid argument to begin with. I mean, what is the point? Are they trying to suggest that black people should vote for the Republican party because of what it did 150 years ago? Or that the Republican party has the black communities best interest at heart and use the Civil War, Reconstruction and the KKK as an example?

If its the former, then that is just idiotic. People should vote for the person and party that best advocates for their own interest and the best interest of the nation. If it is the later, then that is pretty telling that they have to use events that happened 150 years ago as an example where the Republican party's actions clearly benefited black people then that is pretty telling.

The point is that they want people to stop seeing them as a party of racists, when the real party of racists has been the Democrats all this time, but everyone drink the librul Kool-Aid and thinks Republicans are racists just because Democrats said so.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Lately I've seen a lot of these talking about social issues that just turn around to the military for no understandable reason. One was about people protesting police shootings of "criminals" but no one protesting about terrorists fighting soldiers. It's such a strange turnaround that has no direct bearing on what the initial topic was. It just screams, "BUT THE TROOPS," whenever people start standing up for something. None of these people even promote stuff like proper treatment for PTSD and vets once they return, it's all about glorifying the fighting they're doing now.

Upset about Cecil?




I think the logistics of pictures like this are hilarious. First of all, someone has to come up with the idea. Not only does this person have the idea, he thinks it is so grand that he MUST share it with the world. Not with just any ol' words mind you, but via a visual medium. So he has to scour his house for two plugs. Do you think there were other plugs, but he picked these two because they were the best? Or were these just the first two he found? Then he has to take a picture, probably via his phone. He then puts the plug next to the socket and takes another picture. The second one looks to have some sort of instagram filter on it, so he has to think about which filter best suits the theme of the image. Also do you think there were multiple pictures? Like his hands were shaking and one turned out blurry, so he had to delete a few of them. Or maybe he took three and was racking his brain trying to figure out which one was the best. Then he has to upload them to his computer so he can add the X and check mark. Did this take multiple tries? Finally, after all is said and done, he tweets it out. All those steps just to show that you hate someone.


Three separate people attacked my mom on FB because she posted something about Cecil but not about abortion. They basically said "so you get up in arms when a lion is killed, but not millions of babies".

She ended up deleting the post. I just laughed.


Lesbian sex often involves sticking certain things into holes too.

Such a wide world of knowledge out there for these people, just waiting to be discovered.


Three separate people attacked my mom on FB because she posted something about Cecil but not about abortion. They basically said "so you get up in arms when a lion is killed, but not millions of babies".

She ended up deleting the post. I just laughed.

I do not get this. I seriously don't. Quite a few pieces out there with articles/videos about Cecil/ lions someone just has to put a comment at the end talking about babies, which is totally unrelated to wildlife issues. It's like you're meant to choose sides, and can't possibly care about more than one thing. Do you care about lions/wildlife or babies? Pick a side!

It comes across as though they were all working on some big expose about babies, but it never made the headlines as Cecil went and got himself killed instead, and that buried the news about the babies as if Cecil was the only news able to be reported, and they're all burnt because they think people can only have one issue to care about at a time, and they're raging as they just can't understand how people can care about the wider world.


I bet they listen to a lot of talk radio because this is pretty much how every conservative acts on there. Just building one fallacy-ridden strawman after another and knocking them down with glee, all while lamenting the fact that more liberal sheeple aren't as smart, sensible and handsome as they are.

This is pretty much it.

And it spreads. "My dad heard on Rush that...so I feel..."
So, can I be in favor of gay marriage and LGBT people in general but also be pro-life as in I believe that killing an unborn baby (or fetus, I don't care) means murder?

American politics are so goddamn black and white it's not even funny. You're either a gun loving, pro life, religious, semi racist, metric system-hatin' nut or you're everything I just said but opposite. It's almost as if there's no middle ground since everything is so "right or left", republican or democrat, blue or red, liberal or conservative.

American right wingers put to shame any civilized nation's right wing. Mexican conservatives have more in common with democracts than they do with republicans and out left would be pointed and screamed at by Americans for being communist in comparison.


Are they redefining the word baby? I thought they were against redefining words.
We had that in a thread invovling abortion here on GAF, where the terminology used by some people slowly shifted from "fetus" to "baby" and even "child". It's either a not so subtle attempt at emotional manipulation or just astounding ignorance of biology.

And it's even more prevalent in other discussions that involve a far less educated audience.


The Autumn Wind
If there's one thing I've learned from these pictures and comments made by right-wingers, it's that they seem to think people/Obama are only capable of doing or being concerned with one thing at a time.

Projection, perhaps?
If there's one thing I've learned from these pictures and comments made by right-wingers, it's that they seem to think people/Obama are only capable of doing or being concerned with one thing at a time.

Projection, perhaps?

I always that attitude a bit strange 'Why are we legalising gay marriage when we should be focusing on the economy?". I think governments are large enough that they can cope with more than one thing at a time.
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