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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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They basically said "so you get up in arms when a lion is killed, but not millions of babies".

My dad said the same thing.
The nuts in America have no common sense. They call for punishment of a hunter who legally shot a lion, yet they are silent on the murder of millions of children by Planned Parenthood.

Zimbabwe citizens don't give a crap about this lion.


Just who Is That Guy Next To Jane as she said:
"Nothing would give me more pleasure than to shoot down an American fighter plane"
Just who is that guy standing next to "Hanoi Jane" Fonda at an anti-war protest rally back in the 70's?
Golly Gee, Why, it is none other than our very own Secretary of State, the "honorable" Comrade John Kerry.
Now ain't that just SPECIAL!!!
Just wanted to refresh your memory... are we supposed to trust him now with an Iranian Nuclear Agreement?


Isn't there a pretty big difference between murder and suicide? I know I'm trying to make sense of a Rand quote, but still.


Unconfirmed Member
This shit is so damn toxic because people will eat it up, and has the potential to have some serious ramifications to the individuals who are in actual need of the help.
Cowboy Ronnie's "welfare queen" lie persists today like three decades later. Ugh.


Notice use of the word 'axed', no one actually types it out that way even if they do pronounce it like that sometimes, but that one little peppering of ebonics subconsciously make you now think of a black person abusing welfare


Professional Schmuck

I love this because clearly the person writing this fake post:

1. thinks section 8 is something awesome;

2. thinks having children for welfare purposes is something people with reasonable agency do;

3. thinks welfare, section 8, foodstamps, extra babies are all things that this woman's partner would be so proud of that they'd want to get married;

4. thinks that people in the context of all of the above are worried about pre-nups.

I mean really, way to out yourself as a racist, sexist pig. Good lord.
I got called a misogynist by a Libertarian for saying Ayn Rand was a hack at philosophy. Which made me laugh because that same person was pro-life (see: anti-women's choice) and had a history of victim blaming women who have been sexually assaulted.

Must have been tough for them to reconcile with Ayn Rand's staunch pro-choice views.
How does the religious right that loves Rand reconcile with the fact that she's an atheist, and atheism is a central part of objectivism to the point of everybody that isn't atheist deserving death?
People smarter then I can discuss the political failings on display here.

But why in the fuck is every single image so fucking compressed? The fonts, the background images, it's just so bad. I know "needs moar jpeg" is a thing and it's hilarious, but holy fuck is it that difficult to keep a clean image?

"I really want to let other people know what I'm thinking, but I don't give enough of a shit to do more then post a garbage image."


I'm going to sound ignorant, but what's wrong with Ayn Rand? I don't know a ton about her honestly, so all these posts are making me curious. She was super libertarian, right?


People smarter then I can discuss the political failings on display here.

But why in the fuck is every single image so fucking compressed? The fonts, the background images, it's just so bad. I know "needs moar jpeg" is a thing and it's hilarious, but holy fuck is it that difficult to keep a clean image?

"I really want to let other people know what I'm thinking, but I don't give enough of a shit to do more then post a garbage image."

The fact it's an image in the first place suggests these people lack the attention span to look at anything that isn't smacking them in the fucking face with what it's trying to say. So in that respect they have a lot in common with your average meme-spouting shitstain on reddit.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I'm going to sound ignorant, but what's wrong with Ayn Rand? I don't know a ton about her honestly, so all these posts are making me curious. She was super libertarian, right?

Yes no sort of. Actual libertarians will argue about the degrees to which her philosophy of objectivisim fits within it. Objectivisim is basically just batshit selfishness erected into some kind of philosophy. Many libertarians aren't actually selfish (or, okay, they are but at least they don't think of themselves that way), they just believe that in their system more people would be better off. Ayn Rand literally believed that people with poor lives were inferior leeches and that selfishness was a virtue


Yes no sort of. Actual libertarians will argue about the degrees to which her philosophy of objectivisim fits within it. Objectivisim is basically just batshit selfishness erected into some kind of philosophy. Many libertarians aren't actually selfish (or, okay, they are but at least they don't think of themselves that way), they just believe that in their system more people would be better off. Ayn Rand literally believed that people with poor lives were inferior leeches and that selfishness was a virtue

She also can't write books
I'm going to sound ignorant, but what's wrong with Ayn Rand? I don't know a ton about her honestly, so all these posts are making me curious. She was super libertarian, right?

Part of the problem is that her stance is incredibly divisive to both sides, but she says enough things that make both sides happy that they think she's one of the greatest philosophers of the modern era. She says she's pro-choice, which should make conservatives unhappy, but for some reason they ignore that because she says positive things about capitalism. She was also an atheist, didn't care for Regan, and says Native Americans didn't deserve to claim this land was theirs just because they lived here like "savages."

On top of that, her books aren't very good.


this guy I know that goes to harvard posted this on FB



Im still trying to find the link factor, I mean considering this thread I always accept absurd connections but I dont get the Dentist----> Lion----> Fetus killing thing. And yes, im aware of the Lion that got shot.


well not really...yet

Because there haven't already been 1000 congressional committees and findings on Benghazi.
How fucking trash is your life that you sit down to make this picture.

I wanna meet the degenerates who sit at home still and still talk about Benghazi as if it's some fucking mystery.


Another Gem:

I'm getting real tempted to delete my Facebook account because these are the only thing I see when I log in these days. Considering 9/10 people I'm friends with on FB are Christian, I feel like they're posting these to make themselves feel perfect which is hilariously hypocritical.
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